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Third Wheel

Page 7

by Lynn Burke

  “God. Reid!” Jessica buried her face in her pillow, her pussy spasming around my cock. I pounded into her heat, her name flying past my lips as my cum filled the condom.

  Jessica collapsed onto the bed beneath me, and I pulled out, rolled, and lay on my back, sucking wind.

  “Good God,” she groaned into the pillow before turning her head toward me. She blew at the strands of hair across her face. “That was incredible.”

  “Mmm.” My ears rang … or was that a phone?


  Jessica sat up, and I reached out a hand to keep her in bed. “Ignore it,” I said, my mind already on round two.

  “Can’t.” She struggled up, batting at my hands. “No one ever calls me this time of night.”

  Goddamnit. I pulled off the condom, gaze glued on Jessica’s round ass as she hurried toward the bedroom door.

  “Hello?” Her voice carried from the kitchen, and anyone with half a brain would know what she’d been up to a few seconds earlier.

  “What?” she nearly shrieked.

  The TV clicked on. “…considered armed and dangerous. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please call the number on the screen below.”

  Fuck. I finished wadding the condom in a tissue from her bed stand and hurried out to the living room.

  Face pale and palm against her mouth, Jessica stared at the TV, the cell phone slipping from her grasp. “Oh, God.”

  I moved close and pulled her against me. She resisted before turning her face upward. Recognition lit in her eyes, and she shrank into me like a child needing protection from the boogie man.

  “Devon?” I asked through gritted teeth, my focus turning toward the black and white mug shot on the screen.

  She nodded against my chest, a choked sob escaping around the hand she held to her mouth.

  “Shh.” I smoothed back her hair and kissed her forehead. “He doesn’t know where you live. You’re safe.”

  “B-But what if he finds us? I don’t even have a gun. Goddamnit!”

  I held Jessica close, my hands in constant motion along her arms and back to help soothe her. “I’m staying the night.”

  “But Skye—”

  “I’ll leave in the morning before she wakes up.”


  “There’s no buts about it, Jessica. I’m not leaving you alone here tonight with that asshole on the loose.”

  She sniffed and shuddered the last of her tears away. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  A half hour later, once I’d made sure all the windows were locked and the door bolted, Jessica and I—fully clothed again—curled up on an old sleeping bag on Skye’s floor. I pulled Jessica’s backside against me and wrapped my arm around her waist. Her strawberry-scented hair tickled my nose, and I leaned closer to kiss the top of her head.

  “Sleep,” I whispered, “I’ll keep you safe.”

  It was some time after Jessica finally relaxed in my arms that my words returned to my mind. I wouldn’t just keep her physically safe … I had every intention of keeping her heart and emotions safe, too. Whether Jessica would like it or not, I’d found a new meaning to the phrase third wheel, and I planned on keeping that title for a long damn time.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Unbelievably, I slept like a baby—as did Skye. I woke with the first beam of sunshine coming through her heavy curtains. Stretching made me very aware of the male body pressed against my back. Far from a morning person, I’d never enjoyed the feel of morning wood against my ass before. The hard length of Reid, though, lit a fire in the soreness between my legs and set my heart to racing.

  As quietly as possible, I slid forward and glanced over my shoulder to find him wide awake. “You need to go before she wakes up.”

  Lips pursed in a thin line, he nodded and rolled off of our makeshift bed.

  We tiptoed from the room, and I shut Skye’s door behind us. Without a word, we went to the living room where Reid pulled on his sandals from our day at the beach.

  “You going to be okay?” he asked, pausing with his hand on the front door knob.

  I nodded but wasn’t so sure.

  “If you need me, please call. I’ll get here as fast as I can.”

  Not trusting my voice, I nodded again.

  He cupped my face in his palm and leaned down to swipe his lips across mine. “I’ll come back tonight if you want me to.”

  “I’d like that,” I whispered, tears clogging my throat.

  “Lock up,” he said, turning to leave me.

  I did as told, and leaned against the closed door. Although I’d slept the night through, my head ached. Monday. I chewed on the inside of my cheek, trying to decide what to do. I had to work, but I didn’t want to leave Skye at daycare.

  With a glance at the clock, I headed back to the living room for my cell.

  “Hey, Jessica. How are you?” Christine asked upon answering.

  “Scared shitless.”

  “I can imagine. Sorry I called so late, but I figured you’d want to know.”

  “I appreciated the call.” I paced across the living room, gaze darting from the drawn curtains of my living room to the kitchen and front door. “Listen, I’m not coming in today. I can’t leave Skye at daycare all day and—”

  “It’s okay,” Christine said as my tears fell and shook my voice. “I’ll talk to my father and get you some personal time. He knows about the letters, and would probably want you to stay home until Devon is found anyway.”

  More tears coated my cheeks, and I struggled to say thank you.

  “I’ll keep my fingers crossed they get that bastard soon. You stay inside and don’t answer the door for anyone.”

  “I-I won’t,” I somehow managed.

  “Now get some coffee in you and go snuggle with your little bossy-boo.”

  I smiled through my tears and nodded. “M’kay.”


  Reid stayed the next two nights and we kept our hands to ourselves. I couldn’t bear the thought of not having Skye by my side at all times, so we camped out on her floor. By the third morning, my body ached and temples throbbed.

  “Blake will be back from Cancun and on the job site tomorrow, so I’m calling off and taking you down to the police station,” Reid said, lingering at my front door Wednesday morning. “They need to be aware of the threats Devon made on your and Skye’s lives.”

  “They can’t do anything. It’s not like a restraining order will keep him from getting to me if he’s planning on making good on those sick promises of his.”

  The muscle in Reid’s jaw ticked. “I’ll do my own stake out then—every day, all day until that asshole is behind bars again.”

  “I’d rather have you on the floor beside me.”

  “But you won’t let me in until Skye’s sleeping.”

  “I…” I clutched my arms around my stomach, torn, and for a change, without words. While I wanted Reid in my man-free safe zone, I fought the desire for him our one sexual encounter had placed in me. I’d gotten too emotionally wrapped up in him—his touch, his kisses, and our shared orgasm where we’d called out each other’s names. I’d never experienced that kind of closeness with Devon. “I’m sorry,” I mumbled instead of a lame excuse.

  Reid drew me against his body and squeezed tight. “I told you that I won’t hurt her—or you. Now isn’t the best time, but damn it to hell, Jessica, I love you, and leaving you every morning knowing you’re shut up in the dark here tears me up inside. I can’t fucking stand it.” He kissed the top of my head as I tried to process his words. “Please give me a chance. Please.”

  My heart clogged my throat, and I swallowed, desperate for air. “I-I told you I can’t get involved with someone who—”

  He put a finger over my lips. “I told you I quit Elite, Jessica. I called them Saturday night after you finally agreed to go out with me and I went in Monday morning after leaving you to hand in my official resignation. My man whore extra
ordinaire days are over. I want us, Jessica. I’d give anything to be Skye’s and your third wheel.”

  I pulled back enough to look up into his eyes, my mind racing.

  “Unfiltered, please,” he finally said. “Don’t hold back your thoughts now.”

  “I’m falling for you, too, Reid.” A wobbly smile made an appearance on my lips as I clutched at his rumpled t-shirt. “But I’m scared half to death of taking another chance. Of trusting a man with Skye’s heart.”

  A twinkle lit in his eyes. “You do trust me, otherwise you never would have allowed me to spend the last three nights on your daughter’s bedroom floor.”

  I opened my mouth as if to say something, but snapped it shut again. Holy shit, he’s right.

  “You’re already giving me a chance, and you didn’t even realize it.” He kissed my forehead again. “I’ll be back this afternoon, but I’ll wait outside until Skye is in bed. We can talk more after, okay?”

  I nodded, and Reid finally let go of his hold on me. “Lock up,” he said as he had the previous two mornings. “Call me if you need me.”

  Reid Sullivan said he loved me. Giddiness tickled my stomach, and I bit my lip to keep from giggling. He had even quit Elite because he wanted to be with me. Hope blossomed in my heart as I turned toward the coffee pot, but faded a bit as I opened the grinds container to find it nearly empty.

  Too good to be true rang in my head, same as when Devon had first started coming around. Something bad was bound to happen.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I probably drove Jessica nuts with all of my checking-in text messages to her throughout the day, but I couldn’t get her and Skye off my mind. Imagining Jessica’s fear for both herself and her daughter angered me to the point where I threw a few tools in frustration. God, did I want to punch something. Add in the fact that my craving for Jessica hadn’t nearly been satisfied with our one night in her bed, and I was a short and curly short of going on a rampage.

  My mind and cock craved another taste, but I wasn’t an ass. I wasn’t about to try to have sex with her while her mind fought preoccupation with fear of her ex.

  Then again, perhaps she needed to have her mind taken off reality for a while…

  Four o’clock swung round, and I sent the crews home, intent on getting my ass to Jessica’s parking lot and the spot facing the front of her apartment complex with the perfect view of her second-story windows.

  R: I’m out front

  I wanted to push and ask if I could come up, but I told myself to be patient.

  J: I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you

  R: Now that’s what I want to hear!

  J: Ha ha

  R: How was your day? How’s Skye?

  J: Long and boring. Skye used the big girl potty three times today!

  R: U must think she’s getting too big too quick. My sisters always say that about their kids

  J: *sigh* Yes. Whenever I tell her to slow down she hollers no way!

  R: I’ll bet

  I chuckled, relaxing back into my seat and getting comfortable for a few hours’ worth of sports talk radio. I’d had a whole lot of coffee and not much else throughout the day, and I finally took note of my stomach. Growling beast needed something.

  By seven, I was bored to death, starving, and couldn’t wait any longer.

  R: Do u want anything from the sub shop down the road? I’m about to chew on my leather seats

  J: I have PB&J if you want to save some money

  I grimaced.

  R: Thanks, but I’m so hungry I’ll wipe out an entire loaf of bread

  J: I’m putting Skye to bed now, so I’ll text you once she’s sleeping

  R: K. Brb

  I hopped out of my truck and strode down one block to the sub shop even though dark clouds rolling overhead promised a good downpour. Every second waiting for my large Italian and side of fries felt like an hour, and I tapped my foot, teeth grinding.

  Not soon enough, I started back up the street. The beginning of the storm splattered a few rain drops on my face and shoulders. I climbed back into the cab of my truck and all hell let loose, rain pounding on my windshield and pouring down in wide rivulets.

  I shoved the key back in the ignition and started her up, flicking on the wipers. After stuffing a few fries into my mouth, I turned my attention to Jessica’s window.

  The living room curtain hung askew.


  I tossed my dinner onto the seat and took off through the rain, uncaring my truck still ran. My fingers shook as I punched in Jessica’s four-digit code she’d unknowingly trusted me enough with, and the damn contraption beeped red at me.


  I tried again and got another blip of red.

  “Green you mother fucker!” I pounded in the four digits. Green beeped at me, and I yanked the door open. I started hollering Jessica’s name while sprinting up the stairs two at a time.

  “Jessica!” I pounded on her door. “Jessica!”

  A muffled shriek replied.

  I stepped back, and putting all 230 pounds of myself behind my work boot, kicked at the door. It tore off the top hinge, and another kick flattened it in. Hands fisted and throat closing off in fear and rage, I ran through the kitchen only to pull up short in the living-room entrance.

  Jessica stood on the other side of the couch, wide-eyed and hands clutching the arm wrapped around her neck. A handgun pressed into her temple.

  I lifted my gaze to the asshole who had a death wish. His bloodshot green eyes bore into me, and I wanted to tear the fucker limb from limb. “Let her go, Devon,” I said, surprised at how calm my voice came out.

  He snorted out a sarcastic laugh. “The fuck I will.”

  The sound of Skye’s whimpers from her bedroom filtered through the pulse pounding in my head. “Hurt either of them, and your life is over.”

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” Devon waved his gun at me and yanked Jessica tighter against his chest. “You’re nothing but her latest fuck buddy. She’ll tire of you and toss you out with the morning trash.”

  “Mah!” Skye cried out, twisting my stomach.

  I held my hands up, hoping he’d take the hint. “Let her go, Devon. Let her go, and I’ll let you walk out of here. I won’t even call the cops.”

  “I wasn’t born yesterday, you stupid fuck.”

  “Everyone all right in there?” a male voice asked from behind me.

  I glanced back to find an older gentleman in the doorway and out of sight from the living room, eyeing my boot’s handiwork. “Go back to your apartment. Lock the door.” Call the cops, I wanted to say.

  He glanced up at my hands that I still held high in the air, dipped his head, and held a hand up to his ear to let me know he’d do exactly what I needed him to do.

  I turned back around as Skye cried out for her mother again. Sending up a prayer Jessica’s mini-me wouldn’t figure out how to climb from her crib in the next few minutes, I focused my gaze on her mommy. The skin around her left eye had begun to bruise. A deep growl sounded in my chest as I fought to stay still.

  The hand holding the gun shook, as though Devon had re-found his vice and needed another fix. A live wire, I realized, peering once more into his hazed-over eyes. And, I was going to kill him.

  “Mah!” Little feet thumped on the floor and hurried down the hallway.


  In my periphery, I saw Skye round the corner. Devon’s head jerked toward her, hand and gun unsteadily tipping upward.

  I launched forward and dove over the couch.

  Jessica wrenched herself away at the same time Devon’s head jerked back toward me. He started to point the gun in my direction, but I barreled into him, and we slammed against the wall.

  “Get her out of here!” I hollered at Jessica while grabbing Devon’s wrist and squeezing with every ounce of strength I had.

  The fucker was ripped from prison life dumb bells, but
I outweighed him—and I’d been swinging a hammer for years. He tried kneeing me in the groin, but I threw him down to the floor, smashing his hand with the gun on the floor.

  Devon clocked me in the temple with his free hand, and my grip on his wrist loosened. Fists flew, knees jammed, and I realized the asshole owned some serious strength.

  The vision of Jessica and Skye eating ice cream by the ocean flitted through my mind. I wouldn’t let him beat me. Couldn’t.

  Too late, I realized the gun had somehow gotten between our chests, and I bent back his hand with all I had. Just like in the movies, the gun went off, smoking between us.

  “Reid!” Jessica shrieked.

  For the span of a few heartbeats, I took stock of my body as Devon’s grew slack beneath me. “Stay back there, Jessica! I’m fine!”

  Devon stared up at me and tried to cough as blood spurted from his neck with each beat of his heart.

  I grabbed the gun and clambered up, pistol trained on his head. Not that the fucker would move ever again.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I cracked open an eyelid and glanced around the unfamiliar bedroom. Breathing deep, I became aware of woodsy, vanilla cologne and Skye’s body wash.

  A shudder rippled down through me as the evening before crashed through my mind with blinding speed.

  Devon behind the door I pulled open while thinking Reid had decided to accept my offer of PB&J.

  The fist connecting with my eye.

  My stumble across the kitchen and into the living room where Devon grabbed me from behind and shoved me against the window.

  My yanking on the curtain, desperate to let Reid know…

  Nausea kicked me in the stomach, and I wormed my way out from between Reid and Skye on the massive king-size bed in Reid’s bedroom. His toilet called to me, and I fell on my knees in front of it, breathing deep, eyes clenched shut.

  Reid hadn’t let me leave Skye’s bedroom until after the coroner had removed the body. Yellow markers with numbers had lain strewn around the living room, but it was the pool of blood on the floor that drew my gaze.


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