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Perfect Ruin (Unyielding #2)

Page 4

by Nashoda Rose

  The sound of his footsteps chasing me was one I’d never forget. It was my life flashing before me. The choking reality that he would hurt me. That I may die. I waited for the pain of his knife to take me down. I waited for his body to tackle me to the ground. What I refused to wait for was to become some statistic. Some chick who didn’t run, who didn’t fight.

  He was right behind me.

  Oh, God.

  His steps closed in and I heard his breathing.


  I choked out a scream as his arm hooked my waist.

  “No. Let me go,” I yelled as my legs continued to run even after he’d easily plucked me off the ground.

  His arm tightened as his lips came up against my ear as he drawled, “Now, I respect you.”

  What? Was this guy fucked? I kicked backwards and for once, wished I had on heels as my running shoe hit his knee. He failed to flinch, but he did slide me down his body until I was able to stand again.

  “I don’t give a shit, asshole.” I stomped on his foot as hard as I could then shoved my elbow back into his side, but he held me so close that it had no momentum behind it.

  “I like you. But then I already knew that.”

  “Well, I don’t like you.”

  He laughed. “I don’t want you to. That would be dangerous for us both. Plus, my advantage would slightly diminish if you did.”

  What a bastard.

  With his chest hard against my back, he guided me to the car. He was gentle as he pushed me against the side of it then bent and picked up his phone, which he’d obviously dropped when I ran.

  Water dripped from the device and I bit my lip when I saw the shallow puddle it had landed in.

  He wiped it off on his pants, fiddled with it a second then sighed. He opened up the backing and took out the SIM card then dropped the phone on the ground and smashed it with his heel. The plastic cracked under the force.

  I glanced off to the side. Maybe I could lose him in the woods. I was smaller and—

  “Run again and respect or not, my knife will be the one chasing you next time.” He kicked his busted phone into the bush. “And I never miss my mark.”

  I raised my chin and crossed my arms over my chest. “What do you want with me?” I hesitated then added, “Kai.”

  He grinned when I said his name. It was a slow forming grin as if he was pleased with me. “I don’t want anything from you.” He paused as if waiting for me to do something. I didn’t. “Except your complete cooperation, of course.”

  “Why are you doing this? Why are you threatening my father?”

  “The less you know the better. Keeps you alive.” I swear my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. “And I’d prefer if you lived.”

  “Why? You obviously brought me out here for a reason.”

  “I did.”

  “Are you going to tell me?” Fear catapulted to another level while I waited for him to tell me, or not. Either way it wasn’t good.

  “I’ve been put in a difficult position.” Did I care? Well, I did if it meant he had to kill me. “I wanted to keep you clear of this, but your father has made that impossible.”

  “If he says he needs longer for whatever he is doing for you, then he does. My dad doesn’t lie.”

  “I never claimed he was lying.”

  “Then why not give him more time?”

  He shrugged. “It’s not my call.” Then as if something came to him, a flash of amusement hit his eyes. “Perhaps, you can help him.”

  “Me?” I probably knew enough, but I had no intention of assisting in whatever illegal drug my dad was making. And I was pretty damn certain it was illegal and that was why he’d never mentioned it to me—for years. “I’m not experienced enough.”

  “Oh, I think you are, London.” My breath hitched as he stepped closer so he was a mere arm’s length away. God, he sounded so certain. What pissed me off was that he was right. I’d do anything to help my father. “And if he doesn’t have something ready for us in a week, there will be consequences.”

  I stiffened. “What kind of consequences?”

  “If I told you that, then you’d have time to prepare for the… unpleasantness.”

  Holy shit. What the fuck? Who was this guy? “Will you kill him?” My stomach lurched as I said the words.

  He watched me for a second not saying anything and I held my breath waiting for his answer. “That isn’t my decision to make.”

  I wasn’t so sure about that. Kai seemed like the type of guy who did whatever he wanted.

  I was calling the police the second he let me go. I didn’t care what he threatened me with. He couldn’t get away with this. Whoever he was or whomever he worked for, the police could deal with it and my dad and I could go in protective custody or something.

  The warm breeze played with his dark, thick strands causing them to fall in front of his right eye. He didn’t bother to push them away as his eyes narrowed in on me.

  “I can see your brilliant mind working hard at trying to come up with something, but there is nothing you can do here. If you decide going to the authorities is a wise choice, then by all means. Except know it will snowball into something you and your father won’t like. Consequences, London… and there is nowhere you can hide where you can’t be found.” He sighed. “I’d rather this end nicely for you.”

  My fingernails curled into my blouse so hard I heard a tear. I believed him. I believed every terrifying word out of his mouth. But I had to help my father. He was all I had left. No other family. No close friends since all I did was focus on school. I’d had my nanny, Lila, who lived with us after my mother died until I was eighteen. Lila hadn’t been much of a communicator as her English was poor. But she loved to cook and let me do what I wanted, which was spend time with my head buried in my books. When I was eighteen and started university, she moved back home to Sweden and I never heard from her again.

  “What will help him?” The man had to want something else.


  “Why the hell would you kidnap me only to tell me I can’t do anything? Why bring me out in the middle of nowhere?”

  “I knew the police would’ve been the second call you made after your father. As I said, that is not in your best interest and you needed to be warned of that. Besides, this is not a kidnapping, merely a business meeting.”

  I huffed.

  He laughed, the green in his eyes lightening and a mild wrinkle appearing around them. I was betting he was one of those guys who became better looking with age, if that were possible; he was already very attractive—unfortunately.

  All laughter left his face. “Be careful, London. You are a pawn in a dangerous game that can get you hurt. And when I say hurt, it is beyond anything you’ve ever imagined.”

  “Then why not just kill me now?” I shouted.

  “I told you, I’d prefer if you lived.”

  “What am I supposed to do, damn it?”

  “Nothing. You need to do nothing, London. That’s the point. You mention this to anyone, including your father, this will not end well. I need you to stay as far away from this as you can.” He tossed my car keys to me then said, “I can’t protect you if you don’t follow the rules.”

  Protect me? What was he talking about? And why the hell would he want to protect me?

  He turned, walked to his car, and folded in. Not once did he look back at me. I could’ve had a gun in my car—which I’d never have as it was highly illegal—and shot him in the back, and it was like he didn’t care.

  Regardless, I wasn’t a killer. I’d never held a gun, never threatened anyone, and I never would. My whole life was about studying science in order to help people. To save lives. I volunteered at one of the homeless shelters at least once a week. I’d even gotten to know a few of the less fortunate, those like Ernie who I saw every day near my building.

  There had to be something I could do to help my father. Were they worried he’d not finish whatever he was working
on? Why not give him the two months he required? And what happened when he was done? Would they kill him because they had what they wanted?

  His car started and I had seconds to decide if what I was thinking was a good idea. But it was all I had. God, I knew nothing good could come of what I was about to do, but my dad’s life was at stake and I’d do anything to help him. And despite what Kai said, I think he could make decisions if he chose to.

  The car rolled toward me and I stepped in front of it. I almost dove out of the way when he didn’t stop at first, and then at the last second, he slammed on the brakes. The bumper lightly hit my thighs sending me back a step.

  The front windshield was shaded from the overhanging trees, but I caught a glimpse of his narrowed, piercing green eyes.

  I stepped back as he got out of the car and shut the door—hard.

  I stepped back again as he stalked toward me and didn’t stop until he was inches from me.

  He wasn’t touching me, but it sure as hell felt as if he was. I went to back away a little more when he said, “You want to be brave then be fuckin’ brave. Don’t just piss me off.”

  Jesus. Warmth flooded my cheeks at his harsh words. I swallowed, my throat tight as I tried to get the next words out. “I think you can make the decision to give him more time.”

  He didn’t say anything.

  I swallowed the lump in my throat. “If you’re worried he’ll not finish whatever he is working on for you or he’ll run away, then take me. Insurance until he finishes, then you let us both go.”

  By his widening eyes and lifting brows he appeared surprised, and no matter what I’d just bargained, that pleased me. Then any amount of confidence I had washed away when he laughed. His head tilted back and the husky sound echoed in the isolated woods. Birds scattered from the treetops and I didn’t blame them. I would have liked nothing better than to fly away.

  “What makes you think I want to fuck you? Or that you’re worth it.”

  It was as if he hit me in the stomach with a baseball bat. “God, that’s… that’s not what I meant. I just meant keep me… until he’s done.”

  “I know exactly what you meant,” he drawled with a playful grin.

  Anger blanketed any sensibility I may have had as I raised my hand and slapped him. He didn’t move. Not even a jerk of his head from the impact. But his eyes narrowed and his lips pressed together in a firm line.

  “You’re an asshole. Do you enjoy scaring women? Bringing them out into the woods thinking that they are going to be raped and murdered? You’re disgusting.” I raised my arm to slap him again and he latched onto my wrist before I made contact.

  “Stop pretending to be brave, London. I’m letting you go with a warning when my associates want something very different. Don’t make me regret my decision.”

  My blood rushed through my veins as our gazes locked. “So, you can give him more time if you want?”

  He didn’t say anything, eyes driving into me. I was trying to be brave. God, I’d never been braver than I was right at that moment, but I was still terrified.

  “Don’t hurt my dad. Please. You can have me…” I briefly closed my eyes as I continued, “in any way you want.”

  His grip loosened on my wrist, but he didn’t let me go. “I don’t fuck unwilling women.”

  I stiffened. “I’d be willing. I’m willing.”

  He moved quick as he grabbed me by the shoulders, spun me around and shoved backwards a few steps until my legs hit the bumper and I fell back so I was lying on the hood of the car. I pushed up on my elbows to get up, but that was as far as I managed before he leaned over me, hands on either side of my head.

  “Are you? Because I think you’d say or do anything to protect him. That’s not willing. That’s simply stupid.”

  I was stunned by his words because I saw it in his expression—the desire.

  My palm stung like hell from the slap and yet I wanted to hurt him again. But I doubted this man could ever be hurt.

  “If you give me time, I can get you money instead.” I had a trust fund from my mother, but I’d need a few days to get access to the amount of money he’d want.

  “Don’t need money.”

  “What do you need then? There has to be something.”

  I heard him swear beneath his breath and the frustrating sound didn’t suit him. He shifted his weight to one arm then raised the other so his hand came to my face. I tensed, but didn’t move. He slowly stroked a finger over my parted lips. “Being with me… you don’t know what you’re bargaining.”

  I didn’t, but sleeping with this man was a sacrifice I was willing to make. “I’m fully aware of what I’m bargaining.”

  He paused, watching me—assessing. “I’ll consider it.”

  I breathed frantically in and out as the reality of what I was doing hit me. It was as if I couldn’t find enough air. “And then you won’t hurt him? Even after he gives you what you want?”

  “No. I’ll only hurt you, London.” His tone was laced with amusement, as if he was kidding, but there was truth in what he said. Because what I offered would hurt me. But I’d repair. I’d forget. What I’d never forgive would be walking away and doing nothing.

  “Can you get off me now?”

  He didn’t move.

  I collapsed my elbows to lie flat on the hood of the car then placed my palms on his chest and shoved at the same time as I lifted my knee and tried to nail him in the balls. I failed. “I can’t breathe, damn it. Get off.”

  “You’ve run from me, slapped me, and just attempted to knee me in the balls. I’ve killed for much less. I’m not a nice man, London. It’s best for you to understand that now.”

  I had no doubt that he was ruthless.

  “Hurt me then if that’s what you want.”

  He laughed and I felt the rumble in his chest against mine. “You’re extraordinary. And no, I don’t ever want to hurt you….” He paused as if he had all the time in the world. “London.”

  Again, the way he said my name caused a wave of familiarity to filter through me and it wasn’t fear I felt, but protected. How was that even possible?

  My palms pressed into his dress shirt and I felt the hard contours of his muscles beneath the material. But there was far more than his hard muscles under my touch. There were raised lines, like welts or maybe scarring.

  “I’ll never lie to you, London. And I don’t want you to fear me.” His grip lessened when I stopped pushing at his chest, but instead of moving his hand away, his thumb casually stroked back and forth over the cleft in my chin.

  I didn’t understand him. Why did he care? He spoke as if he knew me and I felt…. Why did I feel like everything he said was true? “Well, you’re doing a piss poor job of convincing me of that.”

  He sighed. “Perhaps that is for the best.” He stroked a finger down my cheek.

  I closed my eyes, unable to watch the satisfaction in his eyes when I said the words to try to negotiate the deal. “One night and you give him the two months he needs and promise not to hurt him.”

  “Hardly seems like a fair deal,” he said.

  I looked at him and met his laughing eyes with a glare. “I’m worth it.”

  He grinned. “I’ll be the judge of that.”

  Jesus. What the hell was I thinking? He was toying with me and wasn’t going to accept any deal. “Let me go.” I struggled when he cupped my chin, fingers harsh.

  “Shh, I’m merely teasing.” His grip lessened when I stilled, but his brows were drawn low over his eyes, all amusement gone. “One week. And he’ll get his two months.”

  “And you won’t hurt him.”

  “He won’t be harmed.” He paused, frowning. “But let’s be clear here. This is your choice.”

  Oh, God. How could I be with this man when he was threatening my father? Maybe I should’ve let him drive away. How did I even know anything he said was true? I had nothing except his word.

  But there was something more to Kai. I couldn�
��t put my finger on it, but it was the same feeling I had when I first smelled his cologne while in the closet. “How do I know you’re telling the truth and you won’t kill us both?”

  He leaned forward until his mouth was so close to mine I could taste the scent of him on the tip of my tongue. A scent I recognized from a night I’d nearly died.

  “I’ll always look out for you, braveheart,” he whispered.

  I gasped, eyes widening, fingers tightening in his shirt, heart racing. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. It was him. He’d called me that.

  It was like my mind was on rewind as the memory came whirling back. I’d been lying on the cool damp grass coughing and sucking in fresh gulps of air. My mind a fog, vision even foggier as I struggled to breathe. A shadow of a man leaned over me as he swept my hair away from my face with the tip of his finger. My eyes flitted open for a brief second, but everything was hazy and dark.

  It was him.

  I stared up at Kai, my mouth gaping. “It was you.” He scowled and started to draw back, but my fingers held onto his shirt. “It was you that night. You pulled me from the fire.”

  He grabbed my wrists and clamped down on them so hard I was forced to let his shirt go. He pushed away from me.

  I darted upright. “You called me braveheart. I remember.” The smell of his cologne. The sound of his voice. But it was him calling me braveheart that triggered the connection. “You said…. Oh, my God, you’d said you’d always come for me.” What had he meant? Come for me when? Why?

  My mind spun out of control as the memory continued to replay. The fire was in the house I shared with five other students during my second year of university. It was deemed an accident, faulty wiring in an old house. We all got out in time, except I should’ve been dead. I’d passed out from all the smoke in my bedroom upstairs. All I remember was waking up on the neighbor’s grass with a man on his knees beside me. It was pitch dark and I couldn’t see his face, but I remembered the scent of his cologne mixed with smoke. And then his words when he said, “I’ll always come for you, braveheart.”

  I thought I’d imagined him. The smell. Those words.

  I’d dreamed about those words for months. I’d dreamed about this man—Kai. Holy Jesus.


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