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The Red Scot (A Curvy Girls Club Novel Book 1)

Page 5

by Twyla Turner

  Bradyn walked down one side of the gym. Past the Krav Maga, spin, and Zumba classes. He didn’t see any of them there, so he made his way to the other side of the gym, as he pretended to check in on the happenings in his facility. He passed by the karate class and kept going when he didn’t see them there. As he passed by the kickboxing class, his eyes instantly connected with wide, brown eyes. A fearful look crossed her face, just as her friend kicked the bag. The bag smacked Payton in the side of the head and she crumpled to the floor like a deflated bagpipe.

  If it was any other situation, Bradyn probably would’ve doubled over with laughter, it was so comical. But instead, he ran into the class, towards the awkward girl that was surrounded by her friends and a few other concerned people.

  “Alright, everyone. Back up an’ give the lass some room to breathe.” Bradyn said coming forward.

  He wasn’t tongue-tied now, being in his element. Considering his profession, he was around people that got knocked out all the time.

  “Hey, Sam.” He called to the instructor. “Can ye go grab some smelling salts from Mitch? And get some ice while yer at it.”

  “Sure, Bradyn. I’m on it.” Sam said before turning and running out of the room.

  Payton’s friends moved to the side, letting him kneel down next to her. Bradyn slid her up slightly, to rest her head on his lap. He gently stroked the red welt that had risen up on the right side of her face. He was so focused on her that he didn’t see the pleasantly surprised looks and knowing smiles on her friends’ faces as they looked at him and then at each other.

  “Is she gonna be alright? I didn’t think I’d hit the bag that hard.” The tall one cringed.

  “She’ll be fine. She might be a wee bit sore come mornin’ with a throbbin’ heid, but other than that, she’ll be okay.” Bradyn reassured them.

  “So… You’re Bradyn MacTavish, right? The owner of this place and famous MMA fighter?” The redhead asked curiously.

  “Aye, ma’am.” Bradyn nodded.

  “I’m not old enough to be a ma’am.” She scowled at him.

  “Sorry, Miss,” he corrected.

  “So you sure did come to the rescue awfully fast.” The one with the side of her head shaved and bright colors peeking out from underneath spoke up.

  “I…uh…just happened to be walking by when it happened.” Bradyn stammered guiltily.

  She cocked her head to the side and raised a dark eyebrow.

  “We haven’t said anything because this is only our third day here and we didn’t want to draw attention to it if it was nothing. But we’ve noticed you watching her from afar every day we’ve been here. What’s up with that?” The edgy one asked as she crossed her arms awaiting an answer. Her body language told him, she wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  Bradyn cleared his throat uncomfortably, and then glanced around to see if anyone other than the three were listening in. He saw Sam heading back towards them, so he spoke quickly and under his breath.

  “I-I saw her the first day she came here. I’ve been trying to get up the courage to talk to her, but I have a wee bit of a problem talking to lassies I find attractive.” Bradyn admitted.

  He felt heat rise from his neck all the way up to the roots of his hair. He was pretty sure, he hadn’t blushed that hard since he was in high school.

  “Oh, my gosh! You’re so cute!” The redhead clasped her hands together in front of her. “And the accent only adds to it.”

  Sam came over with the smelling salts and a plastic bag filled with ice, wrapped up in a towel.

  “Here ya go, boss.”

  “Thanks, Sam.”

  Bradyn took the salts and was ready to crack it open, but the tall one stopped him.

  “What are your intentions?” She asked.

  “I want to get to know her, but she seems a wee skittish and I’m a wee gruff looking.” Bradyn looked down at Payton in adoration. “She’s the bonniest lass I think I’ve ever seen.”

  “Aww! I think I’m gonna cry!” The redhead said as she blinked rapidly.

  “Okay, so here’s the thing Bradyn.” The rocker chick began. “Payton had a bad experience in college and she’s been terrified of men ever since. Especially, big, muscular men, such as yourself. So it’s gonna take more than saying ‘Hi, I think you’re pretty’ to crack this nut, my friend.”

  “I would never hurt her,” Bradyn said fiercely. His mind briefly went to a dark place and he quickly shook off the heartbreaking thoughts.

  “Good to know,” Royal said, watching him like a hawk.

  “You wouldn’t happen to need a website for your gym, would you? Because that could be your in.” The tall one suggested.

  “Umm…I havena found the time to get one started. But I’ve been meaning to get to it, sooner or later.”

  “Oh, that’s perfect!” The redhead chimed in. “Payton is a web designer and she’s most comfortable around men when she’s talking shop with them. That could be your perfect lead in.”

  “Okay. Thanks. What are yer names?” Bradyn asked curiously.




  “Thank you, all so much. I’ll give it a try.”

  “Just make sure you’re not an asshole or I swear I’ll beat you with my chancla,” Mia growled.

  “I’m not exactly sure what a chancla is, but I’ll be sure ye willna have to use it on me,” Bradyn said quickly.

  “We’ll see.” Mia gave him the steely eye. “Now you can wake her up.”

  Bradyn nodded his head and then cracked open the smelling salt. He waved it under Payton’s nose and she came awake with a gasping breath. She glanced at her friends first in confusion. Then her eyes looked up and they connected with Bradyn’s. She sucked in a huge breath and scrambled away from like he was a leper.

  “Calm down, Payton.” Kennedy soothed. “He came to help.”

  “This is Bradyn MacTavish. He’s the owner of the gym.” Mia added.

  Payton stood up on wobbly legs. Bradyn followed, standing to his full height. In hindsight, he realized he should have continued to kneel, because when he stood, she looked up at him as if he was the beast from Beauty and the Beast. He was used to women fawning over his size. They often said that he made them feel small and enjoyed how he could toss them around in bed like they weighed nothing. So Bradyn had never encountered a woman who was afraid of his size. Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn’t make himself look smaller, even if he tried. And to get to know Payton, he would’ve definitely tried.

  “I-It’s nice to meet ye, Payton.” Bradyn stammered just slightly as he extended his hand.

  Payton blinked down at his hand but didn’t take it. Bradyn squeezed his into a fist and awkwardly dropped it to his side. Royal nudged Payton with her shoulder.

  “Uh, hi.” She practically whispered.

  “Are ye weel?” Bradyn asked in concern but had to rephrase his question when she looked at him in confusion. “Are ye alright?”

  “Oh, I’m fine. My head just hurts a little.”

  “Och! I almost forgot.” Bradyn shook his head. “Here’s some ice fer yer face.”

  Payton hesitantly took the ice. Bradyn’s fingertips just slightly grazed hers and he watched as a shiver ran through her. He hoped it was a good shiver, but he highly doubted it now that he knew she was afraid of men.

  Her fear immediately reminded him of someone who had been dear to his heart. Someone that his heart still ached over their loss. He tried not to think about it most days or he’d become morose. He pushed it to the side now and smiled warmly at Payton.

  “Here ladies, I’d like to give ye four coupons for a free smoothie or shake at the bar.” Bradyn handed the coupons to Kennedy since Payton seemed to have retreated back into her shell. “I hope this incident doesna turn ye off from kickboxing indefinitely. Or maybe ye can try another class.”

  “Thanks, Bradyn. That’s really nice of you. Isn’t it, Pay
ton?” Kennedy tried coaxing the shy woman.

  “Y-Yes. Thank you,” she responded without looking at him.

  “Weel, I-I’ll just leave ye to it,” Bradyn nodded at the four women and strode quickly out of the room.

  He made his way over to the sparring ring to blow off some steam. Going a few rounds with Mitch would help clear his head. Bradyn knew that if he wanted to get close to Payton, it was going to be an uphill battle, with giant rolling boulders thrown in for good measure.

  She’s worth it.

  Chapter Six

  “Payton!” Kennedy scolded. “He was trying to be nice and you totally blew him off.”

  “He’s the guy that scared me to death the other day.” Payton watched him warily through the glass wall as he walked over to the sparring ring. “I don’t know about him. He has a mean look about him.”

  “Unfortunately sweetie, you don’t know how to read men.” Mia began as she guided Payton out of the room and towards the Smoothie & Shake Bar. “The look you probably saw was frustration, not meanness. I wish you could’ve seen the way he looked at you when he was waiting for the smelling salts and ice.”

  “Right?!?!” Royal chimed in. “It was as if he adored you! That had to be the sweetest thing, I think I’ve ever seen. No Payton, I think this is a good one.”

  “I’m already primed and ready to write about this encounter. It would make for a phenomenal story!” Kennedy said giddy with ideas.

  “I don’t think so, guys.” Payton shook her head as she held the ice pack to her face. “I would never be able to defend myself against someone as big as him. I can’t. Let’s not talk about it anymore.”

  The girls looked at her, deflated. Payton knew they were hoping she’d come around. She might be able to with an average guy, but not with some muscle-bound steroid junkie.

  They all focused on getting their free drinks at the bar. Once they had all gotten what they wanted, they turned to head back to the locker room. Payton’s smack down and resulting headache kind of ruined the rest of the workout.

  As they walked past the practice ring, all four pairs of eyes landed on the giant, shirtless redheaded man sparring. He had a tattoo that looked kind of Celtic that decorated his left shoulder and traveled down his arm, stopping just above the elbow. Payton watched as Kennedy, Royal, and Mia all swallowed hard as their eyes bugged out of their heads. Payton didn’t see the appeal. Or at least she tried not to see it. I mean yeah, bodies like that are beautiful. But they can also cause a lot of damage.

  “Maybe one of you should try to talk to him since you all seem so enamored with him. I’m sure your pheromone levels are through the roof right now.” Payton rolled her eyes and started heading towards the locker room.

  Her eyes continued to go back to the large man. She watched as he body slammed his opponent and put him in an almost pretzel-like hold. Payton’s heart picked up the pace as she thought of the way Brett had held her down. And he was just a football player. This guy was a fighter and was trained to take down and hold down an opponent.

  Payton’s palms became clammy. Her breath came in short painful pants. Sweat broke out across her forehead. Her heart raced. She knew she was in the middle of a panic attack. She picked up her pace and virtually sped into the locker room.

  “Payton!” Royal called out in concern. “Are you alright?”

  Payton collapsed on the bench and took deep, slow breaths, as she consciously tried to calm her heart rate.

  “I’m okay,” she breathed. “Just seeing him take down that man, sent me into an attack.”

  They all looked at her sadly. The three women were no strangers to her panic attacks. They’d been there through many and helped calm her several times.

  After Payton calmed herself, they all got their things together. She noticed Mia hurriedly throwing her clothes, water bottle, and towel into her bag.

  “I’ll be right back. Meet you ladies outside.” Mia said quickly and rushed out of the locker room.

  They all looked at each other and shrugged.


  Mia half walked, half ran over to where the big Scotsman was wiping sweat off of his brow in the sparring ring. As he pulled the towel away from his face, his eyes locked with hers and he looked at her warily as if he was expecting bad news.

  “Hey, Bradyn.” Mia greeted and then got down to business. “So here’s the plan. The three of us won’t come with Payton tomorrow, to give you the opportunity to approach her. Ask her if you can hire her to create a website for the gym. And just be yourself. Don’t think of it as asking her out. She’s not ready for that yet, anyway.”

  “Okay, I think I can do that.” Bradyn nodded.

  “Oh! And whatever you do, don’t freak her out by popping up out of nowhere. Or she’ll have a heart attack. You have to approach her like she’s a wounded animal or somethin’. Slowly, with a smile, and a soothing voice.” Mia looked at him sternly. “Got it?”

  “Got it.” Bradyn immediately responded, almost feeling like a he was a soldier being ordered around by a drill sergeant. He still appreciated her help, though. “Thank ye... Mia, is it?”

  “Yes,” she grinned up at him.

  “Thanks, Mia.”

  She smiled and then turned on her heel and hurried out of the building where the girls were waiting. It was an unwritten rule that if they were together, none of them would have to walk a dark parking lot alone. Payton gave Mia a questioning look, but she just ignored it and smiled as they made their way to their cars.

  “See you, ladies, tomorrow,” Payton called out before she got into her Prius.

  “We sure will,” Mia lied with a smirk and then reached for her phone before she started the car.

  She shot a quick text to Royal and Kennedy.


  I told Bradyn none of us would go to the gym,

  so he can talk to Payton in private.

  Text Payton tomorrow & tell her you can’t go.


  Will do!



  Mia hoped that they were doing the right thing in helping their shy and damaged friend. Her gut told her they were. He just better hold up his end of the bargain. You hurt her, big man and I swear I’ll cut you.


  Payton knew something was up the night before when she’d seen Mia talking to the Red Giant (she aptly nicknamed him in her head). She definitely knew something was going on when she received three, perfectly spaced apart text messages throughout the day from her three friends canceling going to the gym that evening.


  Sorry hermana,

  I can’t make it to the gym tonight.

  I have some stupid client crap to deal with.


  Hey sweets!

  Can’t make the gym tonight. Deep into a story.

  Can’t stop now. Love you!


  Hey Payton!

  Can’t make gym 2nite.

  Have 2 stay longer 4 photo shoot.

  Boo!!! 

  Payton would’ve backed out of going herself if she hadn’t set a goal for herself. And when she made plans and/or goals, she always followed through. She was kind of anal like that. Payton knew that she wanted to turn exercise into a habit and that most habits, good or bad, took about a month to become a dedicated routine. And since she was only two weeks into her goal, she couldn’t back out now.

  So reluctantly, Payton went to the gym after work, though she couldn’t shake her bad feeling. As she walked towards the locker room, her eyes nervously scanned the open gym floor. She didn’t see the Red Giant anywhere, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t nearby. She hurried into the locker room and into a vacant bathroom stall to change into her workout clothes. She still wasn’t comfortable enough to get naked in front of a locker room filled with women.

  When Payton crept out of the locker room a few minutes later, her worst nightmare was heading straight towards her with a wide smile sp
read across his face. Oh for the love of Thor! Payton’s eyes darted all around, looking for the fastest escape route. Unfortunately, there weren’t any. Not if she didn’t want to come across as a complete bitch. What the hell! I’m willing to risk it.

  Payton started to turn to head in another direction. Regrettably, per her usual elegance and grace, she stumbled over an imaginary crack, pebble, or God only knew what. Unlucky as she was, Payton’s trajectory as she fell, landed her right in the arms of the Red Giant when he dove forward to catch her. Being a fighter obviously gave him quick reflexes.

  “Are ye alright, lass?” Bradyn’s deep voice penetrated her nerve-endings and Payton shivered. She was starting to wonder if it was still in fear or if it had somehow shifted to desire since the tremors no longer felt unpleasant. Something she knew nothing about.

  “I’m f-fine,” Payton answered and wiggled out of his embrace.

  “How are ye, this evenin’?” The Red Giant said politely, ignoring her rude behavior.

  “Good. I’m going to work out now. Bye.” Payton never looked up from the ground as she quickly dismissed him.

  “Hey…uh…Payton?” Bradyn lightly touched her arm and she wrenched it away. Unable to look at him, she missed the look of hurt that passed over his face. “Yer f-friends mentioned that ye create websites for b-businesses.”

  “Yes.” So that’s what they were up to. If they weren’t my best friends, I’d choke them to death.

  “I…uh…was wondering if ye wouldna mind terribly, doing mine for the gym?” Bradyn asked awkwardly. “I’d hire ye an’ everything. And m-maybe even throw in a month or two f-free membership.”

  “No, sorry. I don’t have enough available time in my schedule to take on any more clients.” Payton lied quickly.

  “Alright. No problem.”

  Payton glanced up at the Red Giant and noticed he wasn’t looking up at her either, finding his feet more interesting. He rubbed the back of his head uncomfortably and she realized they must be a sight to see. Two people having a conversation, while they both looked down at the ground.


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