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Heaven Here On Earth

Page 5

by Carole Mortimer

  Ryan knew the drugging movement of his mouth on hers was supposed to be an insult, and yet her response was involuntary. She seemed to have no control over her body, curving her slender frame against him, her arms moving up about his neck.

  The tip of his tongue probed the edge of her mouth, their response to each other was all the more intense because of their deep anger. But anger was soon replaced with passion, a passion that seemed explosive as Grant’s mouth fused with hers once again, his hands moving in fevered exploration over her slender curves, pushing aside her robe to place a hand possessively over her taut breast.

  ‘Grant!’ She pulled back with a gasp.

  For a moment his eyes gleamed down at her like black coals, and then he was kissing her again, devouring her with his lips, uncaring of the fact that he despised her, that they had only met that afternoon.

  Ryan had never known such sensation. Her skin seemed to burn where he touched her, her senses reeling from the sensuality of his probing mouth.

  Their hearts beat a loud tattoo of uncontrolled passion, and Ryan gasped as she felt Grant probing the neckline of her nightgown, feeling the beat of her heart for himself, his fingers erotic against her hardened nipple.

  No man had ever touched her this intimately, not even Alan, whom she had loved so much, and it was finally shock at her wanton behaviour that made her pull back.

  To her shame Grant was looking down at her with cool green eyes, the arousal of his body in complete contrast to the disgust she could read in his expression. ‘Enough?’ he drawled insultingly.

  Ryan swallowed hard, her lips swollen with passion, realising how easily she had succumbed to his lovemaking. ‘You’re despicable!’ she choked.

  He didn’t dispute the fact. ‘I’m also Mark’s brother. How do you think he would feel about what happened just now?’

  She met the challenge in his eyes with effort. ‘I’ll ask him the next time I speak to him,’ she returned coolly.

  His mouth twisted. ‘I doubt it.’

  ‘No?’ Her brows rose.

  ‘No,’ he scorned mockingly, very sure of himself.

  She gave a haughty inclination of her head. ‘I’ll let you know what he says as soon as I’ve spoken to him.’ She turned to leave the room.

  ‘Ryan!’ He waited as she slowly turned, a tall dominating man who seconds ago had aroused her deliberately, who had intended to humiliate her. ‘Don’t try and cause trouble between Mark and me,’ he advised grimly. ‘You simply aren’t important enough. You’re just the last in a long line of promiscuous young women who briefly held my brother enthralled,’ he dismissed contemptuously. ‘He’ll never marry you,’ he repeated his earlier claim.

  She didn’t answer him—she couldn’t; her emotions were a confusing mixture of anger and pain. She knew she was a little nobody and so not important to the Grant Montgomerys of the world, but she certainly wasn’t promiscuous. It was the last that angered her. Grant thought that because she had responded to him she slept around. But he had responded to her too, so what did that make him!


  Ryan had slept badly, dark circles beneath the blue of her eyes, her cheeks pale. She could remember every moment of being in Grant Montgomery’s arms, and her relief was immense when she got downstairs the next morning to find she had the dining-room to herself; the maid informed her that Grant was working on the estate, and Mandy was out riding.

  She took Ragtag outside and fed him before coming back for her coffee, but ignored the salvers of food, not feeling hungry. Grant had succeeded in humiliating her last night, and somehow she was going to have to act as if nothing had happened between them. Mainly for her own satisfaction, but also because Mandy was an astute young lady, and she wouldn’t fail to notice any strain in the atmosphere between Grant and herself. Mandy’s taunts on top of her brother’s she could do without.

  She called Mark straight after finishing her coffee, using the telephone in the drawing-room so that she shouldn’t be overheard. Luckily he answered almost straight away.

  ‘Ryan!’ he recognised her voice. ‘Anything wrong?’

  ‘You know there is,’ she said tightly. ‘You conniving, irresponsible, thoughtless—’

  ‘Hey, what have I done?’ Puzzlement sharpened his voice.

  ‘You know full well—’

  ‘If I did I wouldn’t be asking,’ he sighed. ‘Although—My big brother hasn’t been picking on you already, has he?’ he asked in an incredulous voice.

  ‘Right first time,’ she said grimly.

  ‘Well, he didn’t waste much time!’


  ‘Oh, Ryan, look I didn’t mean to use you as a scapegoat—’

  ‘But?’ she prompted hardly.

  ‘They’d break Diana,’ he said desperately. ‘Surely you can see that? I only mentioned her to Grant once last month and he was instantly suspicious of her. Until I’m more sure of her myself I’m not willing to expose her to Grant and Mandy. My little sister hero-worships Grant, thinks he can do no wrong, and so she follows his example of putting my girl-friends down. Most of them turn tail and run in the face of their hostility.’

  ‘And me?’

  ‘Ah, now you’re a different matter,’ the smile could be heard in his voice. ‘I’ve never known you to run away from anything, least of all a fight. I knew what Grant and Mandy would think when you arrived, in fact I hoped they would think that.’

  ‘Dare I ask why?’ Ryan put in dryly, feeling as if she were on a roller-coaster that had run away with her.

  ‘Diversion,’ he replied instantly. ‘Diana is stubborn, and once she’s made her mind up no one will change it. But until she does she’s very vulnerable. If she even guessed there might be opposition to us getting married she’d probably stop seeing me right now.’

  How well he knew Diana! She hadn’t realised that under Mark’s lighthearted flirting he had somehow managed to probe the very depth of Diana’s nature. The knowledge reassured her of his sincerity.

  ‘There’s only one problem,’ she frowned. ‘When your brother—’ she couldn’t bring herself to call him Grant!—’when he was warning me off you last night,’ was it only last night that he had kissed her so passionately?—‘he told me you were serious about someone called Diana.’

  ‘Probably the first name he thought of,’ Mark dismissed.

  ‘He also mentioned the names Suzy, Gina, and Jane,’ she mocked.

  ‘He did?’

  ‘Yes, he did,’ she smiled at the grimace that could be heard in his voice, her anger leaving her.

  ‘Trust Grant,’ he muttered. ‘All right, so I did go out with them in the past, but you know that for the past six months I haven’t looked at anyone else but Diana. I’m twenty-four, Ryan, of course there’ve been other girls in my life. And, Grant hasn’t exactly led a blameless life himself!’

  ‘I met his girl-friend last night.’

  ‘Valerie,’ Mark said disgustedly. ‘He likes to interfere in my life where he had no right to, but even so I wouldn’t wish Valerie on him! He can’t seem to see the viper in her.’

  ‘Oh, I wouldn’t go that far—’

  ‘I would,’ he derided. ‘Valerie has it in her mind that she should be the next mistress of Montgomery Hall, and so far Grant hasn’t put up any objections. For once Mandy and I are in agreement, we both think she’s awful.’

  ‘Your brother obviously doesn’t.’

  ‘No. Which isn’t like Grant at all. He can usually see right through people.’

  ‘He definitely thinks he’s seen through me,’ Ryan grimaced. ‘He thinks I’m after your money. Mark, he says you’re going to inherit a lot of money soon,’ she added worriedly.

  ‘In ten months’ time, when I’m twenty-five, he confirmed cheerfully. ‘Or if I marry.’

  ‘Does Diana know?’

  ‘No, if she did she’d certainly finish with me, would think I wanted to marry her just to get my money. And I can assure you I don’t need the money. If
I had I could have married years ago to get it.’


  ‘I’ll tell her before we get married, Ryan,’ he assured her hastily. ‘I just daren’t take the risk right now. You’re going to help me, aren’t you?’ he added pleadingly.

  ‘As a diversion,’ she sighed.

  ‘Well, if they believe you’re my girl-friend they won’t think of interfering here.’

  ‘And why aren’t you here with me?’ she derided.

  ‘I have a project on at the college,’ he said tongue-in-cheek. ‘At least, that’s what I told Grant. Do this for me, please, Ryan, and I’ll let you be chief bridesmaid.’

  ‘You don’t have any say in it,’ she told him with pretended indignation. ‘Diana and I already arranged all that when we were still in ankle-socks!’

  ‘I just turn up on the day, hmm?’

  ‘If she accepts you.’

  ‘So you’ll help me—us—out?’ he said hopefully.

  She could see that he did need help, knew that if Diana had been subjected to Grant Montgomery’s physical onslaught of last night she would have left here long ago. It wasn’t that Diana was weak, as Mark said, she was very stubborn, but at the moment she didn’t have enough confidence in Mark’s love to withstand the pressure Grant Montgomery could bring to bear.

  ‘All right,’ she decided. ‘But only for these three weeks, then you’ll have to make your own plans.’

  ‘I’m hoping to have at least persuaded Diana to get engaged by then,’ he said with quiet satisfaction. ‘And once I’ve got her to commit herself that far I know she won’t back out.’

  ‘No,’ Ryan acknowledged softly.

  ‘You’ll be all right, won’t you?’ he asked anxiously. ‘I’ll be there myself next weekend, so I’ll give you some moral support then.’

  ‘Thanks! What do I do in the meantime?’

  He gave a husky laugh. ‘Stay out of Grant’s way.’

  ‘I intend to! Just get Diana to agree to marry you soon, I can’t stand the strain.’

  Mark rang off with a laugh, but Ryan sat in the drawing-room for several minutes longer. Staying out of Grant’s way could be easier said than done, especially as he was so against her. But now that she had agreed to help Mark she wouldn’t let him down.


  She went to the studio for a while after her telephone call to Mark, and set up her canvases, just revelling in the wonder of being there, hesitant about starting work, knowing that once she did she would lose all track of time.

  No one had mentioned showing her Paul Gilbert’s paintings, but in the circumstances perhaps that was understandable. She would probably have to wait for Mark’s arrival now.

  She picked up her sketch-pad and went downstairs, collecting Ragtag from the backyard to go for a walk. He didn’t appreciate being woken from his morning siesta, walking dejectedly behind her as she strolled off across the fields.

  ‘You’ll get fat if you don’t have any exercise,’ she warned him. He didn’t look very impressed, his head was still down. ‘Now don’t you go falling out with me too,’ she pleaded teasingly. ‘You’re my only friend here.’

  He appeared in a better mood as she sat down beneath a tree to gaze over the open countryside. She had always believed Yorkshire to be bleak, and yet it was beautiful here, the gorse in full bloom, brightly yellow, the trees budding with the light green leaves of early spring. The sun shone down warmly now that she was out of the wind, and she opened her sketchpad to capture the beauty of the scene before her. There was something exhilarating about being here, lightening her heart.

  Ragtag slept beside her as the morning passed in quiet enjoyment, occasionally opening an eye if any of the sleepy bees that were buzzing about flew too close to him; the bleating of the lambs did not seem to bother him at all.

  It wasn’t until almost lunch-time that Ryan realised she hadn’t given Alan a thought all day. A month ago he had been very important in her life, yet today she hadn’t even thought of him! Maybe it was the peace here, or the situation she found herself in because of Mark—or maybe it was just the memory of demanding lips on her own that put Alan from her mind. She couldn’t seem to stop thinking about Grant Montgomery!

  He had been brutal, deliberately so, and yet she couldn’t get him out of her mind!

  ‘Let’s go, Ragtag.’ She stood up forcefully, her concentration disturbed. ‘Lunch-time,’ she told him encouragingly. ‘And this afternoon,’ she added softly, ‘I’m going to give you a bath. You’re not only dirty, dog, you’re also a little on the smelly side!’

  Ragtag didn’t seem alarmed by the word ‘bath’, so she doubted if he had ever had one before. He didn’t know what a treat he had in store later today!

  Mandy was coming out of the stable as Ryan walked into the yard, and after the way they had parted last night she wasn’t too sure how to greet the other girl.

  Mandy felt no such inhibition; her face was glowing from her ride. ‘Had a good morning?’ she smiled, looking younger and more relaxed today.

  ‘Er—Yes, thank you.’ To say she was surprised—and wary—of the other girl’s friendliness would be an understatement.

  Mandy had worn denims and a checked shirt to go riding, and her cheeks were flushed and her short hair windswept. ‘I was rude to you last night,’ she said softly. ‘I’m sorry.’

  ‘I—Well—That’s all right,’ Ryan stumbled over her words.

  ‘I didn’t mean it either,’ the other girl grimaced. ‘There’s just no comparison between you and Valerie.’

  ‘Thanks—I think,’ Ryan frowned.

  ‘Yes, it was a compliment,’ Mandy laughed. ‘Now you’re wondering why, aren’t you?’ she smiled. ‘Oh, don’t worry, I’m not suddenly turning over a new leaf, I’ll probably be my usual bitchy self later, I just think the remark I made last night was uncalled for. Besides being a little premature?’ She quirked one dark brow.

  Ryan’s expression lightened. ‘It could be,’ she answered noncommittally, remembering her role.

  The other girl shrugged. ‘I can’t blame you for not wanting to confide in me, I wouldn’t want to in the circumstances either. But Grant’s pretty steamed up about it, I can tell.’

  Ryan already knew that, only last night she had witnessed one of the boiling rages Mandy had warned her about. ‘I already guessed that,’ she derided.

  ‘I suppose you did,’ Mandy nodded. ‘Oh well, I’ll see you at lunch. I have to go and get cleaned up.’

  So did Ryan, and she once again left Ragtag outside, finding that he seemed all right outside in the day, as long as he realised she was in the house and so not far away. Ryan had never had someone so totally dependent on her for emotional comfort before, and she liked the feeling. She only hoped Diana wasn’t going to mind a dog about the place when she got back to London, although she was pretty certain she wouldn’t. They both had a liking for animals, and at the children’s home they had never had any, except the communally owned tomcat, who had seemed to spend more time increasing his own species than charming the children.

  She was quite pleased with the sketches she had done this morning, although she was nowhere near starting the painting she had in mind; she wanted to get exactly the right setting before she did that.

  Still, she was hungry now. The Sunday roast had smelt delicious as she walked through the reception area of the house to the stairs, Mandy having already disappeared into her room.

  She was nowhere to be seen now, and Ryan had no idea whether Grant would be joining them for lunch. As she opened the drawing-room door she had her answer. Not only was Grant joining them, but Valerie Chatham was too. The two of them were kissing quite passionately as Ryan looked at them in dismay!


  EVEN as she turned to walk away Grant was raising his head, his eyes narrowing as he saw her in the open doorway. Valerie turned to follow his line of vision, her eyes flashing her dislike as she too saw Ryan.

  ‘Really, Grant,’ she move
d gracefully away from him, smoothing her hair, ‘It’s impossible to get any privacy in this house lately!’

  ‘I’m sure Ryan didn’t mean to interrupt,’ he drawled, looking totally unmoved by the fact that he had just been seen kissing the other woman very passionately indeed, their bodies curved together, their arms about each other.

  It was the first time Ryan had seen him since he had kissed her, since he had treated her so contemptuously, talking to her so cruelly. But she refused to so much as blush, and walked completely into the drawing-room to close the door behind her. ‘Maybe you should put a notice up on the door,’ she said lightly.

  Anger flashed in Grant’s eyes. ‘I didn’t feel it necessary in my own home, ‘he snapped.

  Ryan sat down, looking up at them coolly, glad that she had put on a nice summery skirt and deep blue tee-shirt, although she was aware that it in no way compared with the cut and style of Valerie Chatham’s tailored skirt and silk blouse.

  Having expected her to make some cutting retort to his angry outburst, she could see she had disconcerted him by her silence, meeting his narrow-eyed gaze with a calmness she was far from feeling. But if she were to act this part for Mark she was going to have to start off by standing up to his autocratic brother. Letting him see he could daunt her at the first opportunity wasn’t going to help Mark at all.

  Valerie Chatham seemed to have totally misinterpreted her silence, and gave her a rather catty smile of triumph.

  ‘So what did you do with your morning?’ Grant asked Ryan hardly.

  She shrugged. ‘I went up to the studio, then for a walk. And, of course, I spoke to Mark.’

  He seemed to stiffen. ‘Really?’ he said guardedly.

  ‘Mm,’ she nodded. ‘He sent his love,’ she added mockingly, watching the dark hue colour his lean cheeks.

  ‘Indeed?’ he rasped.

  ‘Yes.’ She was enjoying this, for once feeling as if she had the upper hand with Grant Montgomery. He was desperate to know whether or not she had told Mark he had kissed her, as she had threatened she would. ‘I assured him how welcome you’d all made me feel.’

  His jaw tightened. ‘I’m glad you feel that way.’


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