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Lost and Found: Sara Martin Series

Page 9

by Danelle Helget

  I was awake, sweating, and panting. I looked at my hand. No blood. “Just a dream, just a dream,” I told myself out loud. I got up and grabbed some water, still trying to catch my breath. What the heck was going on with me? I never had bad dreams. I looked at the clock, and it was almost six, so I jumped in the shower and got ready for work.

  I was out the door, coffee in hand, by seven-thirty. I only had two meeting with potential clients. After that I had to wrap up the living will and trust for Red Johannson and check the emails from the past week, so I figured I'd be done by about one.

  First thing I did was go to an associate’s office and get the divorce papers started. Allie said she'd have them ready by Wednesday. That's when I could file them and get a court date for the first hearing.

  I made it through the two interviews. Both went well. I finished up the will and caught a quick lunch, my appetite still not good. After a half hour of returning phone messages and replying to emails, I was out the door. I stopped by my supervisor, Courtney's, office and gave her a quick personal update and my new address. She said sorry. I thanked her, told her I was okay and headed out the door.

  When I got to the apartment, Jake was sitting in the hallway on the floor outside my door. My heart started knocking hard on my chest wall.

  “What do you want?” I asked, in a not-so-friendly manner. My blood pressure had risen again.

  “I just wanted to see your face,” he said very sadly. Part of me wanted to give him a hug and tell him I loved him and missed him. I really wanted to feel his touch. Then I pictured him kissing Lily and the good feeling was gone. I felt like I was going to puke.

  “Jake, the divorce papers will be served to you on Wednesday. If you don't have a lawyer, get one. I don't want to talk. I'm busy. I’m moving to a new place this evening, so if you want anything else grab it now.” I said unlocking the door. He stood and followed me in. I was expecting him to go to a room or closet and grab something he'd forgotten, but instead he grabbed me, pushed me up against the door and started kissing me.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I screamed and shoved him away. “Get out!” Geez, my heart was pounding so hard I could hear my heartbeat in my head.

  “Sara, we need to fix this. We were meant to be together forever. I'm sorry. I want to make this better. I can't live without you,” he said, starting to sob.

  I turned around and opened the door. “Leave now!” I said firmly. “You're wasting your time. We’ll never be together. You slept with my best friend, Jake! And you slept with your best friend's girl! You’re pathetic and ‘I'm sorry' is never going to fix that! Never, Jake, If I ever, for one second doubt that, I’ll just replay the image, in my head, of the two of you on the patio at the cabin and remind myself what a great guy you are.” I stared into his eyes. They were so sad. He didn't know I saw them. I could see defeat in his heart. I hated him so much right now. I couldn't believe he tried to put his lips on me. And yet I was torn between wanting to hit him and wanting a hug. I wanted him to hold me so much right now. I couldn't let him in though, it was so confusing. He started slowly moving to the hallway.

  “Will you at least tell me where you're moving to?” he pleaded.

  “It's none of your concern now . . . goodbye, Jake.” I said quietly and slowly closed the door. Ugh, I can't believe this! I was having a great day, and then he showed up and knocked me back. I heard my phone in my purse. Mark. He asked if I’d heard from Lily, or if I knew if Jake had talked to her. I told him no and he said her mother couldn't get a hold of her, and she hadn't gone to work today. I told him I knew nothing, and that I just saw Jake but there was no mention of her. I disconnected after I told him to keep me updated. I had assumed that she had gone to her mom's to stay these last few days, I wondered where she went. I didn't think she would’ve gone too far, at least not without telling her boss and getting her clothes and other belongings. The only thing she had with her was her purse and car. Whatever. I felt the same way about her as I did about Jake. I hated her and loved her and missed her, but we would never be friends again.

  It was time to grab the last few items and get on with life. I loaded up the rest of my stuff, and the trailer was full, which was odd because Jake had taken a ton of furniture, I didn't think I had this much stuff. I ran back up to the room one last time. The place was completely empty. It was bare and sad looking, so plain, so lonely. And now I was crying again. Shoot, there goes my make-up. I slid my back down the wall and lost it for a while. I spent the next fifteen minutes sobbing, crying, and cursing. Then I got up, grabbed my one live plant and my purse and closed the door. I did it slowly, thinking it was like closing a chapter of my life. It felt like a bad dream. I closed my eyes, shook my head violently and opened them, it wasn't. I marched down to the landlord’s office.

  The office was empty when I got there, so I left a note on his desk with my new cell number and the keys. I informed him, that if he hadn't already, to talk to Jake, and get his key from him. I left Jake's number.

  Okay, off to the new place. The trailer was all hooked up, with help of two young, handsome men in the parking lot. I drove to the apartment and met Jamie in the office and got the keys. She helped me with the first load and then gave me a mini-tour/instruction session on all the appliances. Everything looked and smelled great and it was spotless. I followed her to a storage closet that had a huge cart with shelves and huge wheels. She said I could use it to unload. This way I could haul eight to ten big boxes in one trip, instead of one at a time. Woohoo! Nice because it was already three in the afternoon, and I’d like to get the trailer back to Kat's dad today. He had a remodeling business, and I knew he used it a lot.

  Two hours later, the trailer was empty. I had time to drop it off and get back in time to meet the movers. On my way to the Jeep, Kat pulled up in the lot, I told her my plan, and she parked and took my keys and said to go unpack. She'd do it and meet me back here to help in a bit. I thanked her and ran back in the room. What a disaster. I ripped the tape off the first box and started in.

  Kat arrived about forty minutes later, carrying Subway. What a super hero. I loved her. We sat on the floor in the living room and ate, then got back to unpacking. The first furniture delivery came, and two strong men brought in my bedroom set. They unpacked it and set it up. Just as they left, the table and chairs people and the other guys with the living room set arrived. In less than an hour, I'd had dinner and a house full of furniture set up. It was looking good. I loved it. So did Kat. She threatened to move in with me.

  At about nine, Kat left for home, and I went to the bedroom. I had picked up a new comforter and sheet set on Sunday too, so I opened it and threw the sheets in the wash. While I waited, I hooked up the TV, DVD, DVR, and cable. I surprised myself when I turned them all on, and they all worked. I didn't have surround sound, but I could look into that later. I put the sheets in the dryer and went to unpack the bathroom supplies. There was tons of room. The closets all seemed huge, and the drawers looked empty even with my stuff in them. The shoes on the floor looked small, and the hangers were all just a little too far apart.


  I heard my phone ringing, and it took me a while to find my purse in the mess. It was a number that I didn't have programmed in my phone. “Hello?”

  “Hi, Sara, it's Debbie.” Lily's mom.

  “Hey,” I said, my voice dropping.

  “Hi,” she said in a low, slow, voice. “Sara, let me start be saying, I did speak with Mark, and he told me about the affair. I’m so sorry, love. I had no idea this was going on. Lily never told me anything. I’m as shocked as you two. I can't believe this is happening, I'm so disappointed in her. Are you doing okay?”

  “Yeah, best as I can right now, I guess. I have decided to move on with life as quickly as I can and not let them steal another second from me,” I said, trying to sound encouraged.

  “That sounds like a really good plan honey. You're a tough girl. You'll get through this. You're beautiful and sm
art, and I know you’ll make it far in life,” she said. “I got your new number from Mark, who was hesitant to give it to me. Please don't be mad at him, and I promise not to give it to Lily or Jake. That's actually why I'm calling. I can't got a hold of her. She hasn't called me, and her phone seems to be off. Her supervisor called me today and said that she was a no show at work, and no one I've talked to knows where she is. Have you heard from her?” she asked, sounding very concerned.

  “No, I haven't. As far I know, Jake and Mark haven't talked to her either. I assumed she came to stay with you for a while. Honestly, I don't want to talk to her or see her again. I'm really upset about the whole situation.” I said, matter-of-factly.

  “I know dear, and I'm so sorry to bother you. I just didn't know who else to try. After I talked to Mark, I started getting worried, because I too, would assume she would come here. I don't know what to think. She's a responsible employee, and I’d think if she was going to take some time off, she’d at least let her boss know, and me,” Debbie said.

  “I'm sorry, I don't know anything, just that she knew I found out about them, got in the car and left. I'm sure she's really upset right now. Mark and I are mad, and Jake, I think, must have told her it was a mistake, because he's been trying to fix things with me and asking me to talk. I told him I'm not interested in working it out. I don't know what to tell you. I'm sure she's embarrassed and hurt and maybe just taking some time to herself,” I said.

  “Okay, dear, well thank-you. If you do hear from her, please call me and let me know she's okay,” she begged.

  “Sure, I’ll call you right away if I see her or hear anything,” I promised her.

  Well, I wonder where she took off to. I didn't really care but at the same time I wouldn't wish anything bad on her. As soon as I disconnected, I changed my ring tone. FINALLY!

  I made my bed and climbed in. Very nice! It smelled great, the sheets were like silk, and the mattress was so soft. I slipped in with a smile. I couldn't seem to sleep though, I kept hearing all the strange, new noises and seeing the new shadows on the walls. It was a wonderful apartment. I loved it so much; it just wasn't home yet. And it was lonely.

  I turned on my side and as usual tears started falling. Why? I wasn't even sad right now. It was like my eyes just turned on and off when they felt like it. The problem was that, in my mind, I knew Jake was a jerk and I didn't need him, but my heart wouldn't let him go. And now with Lily missing, it was just too much. I’d like to say I hoped she fell off the face of the earth. In reality I was a little concerned. I just hoped she didn't do anything stupid. I got out of bed and tried her cell phone number. I had no idea what I’d say. Then I remembered mine was a new number. If she answered, I'd just hang up. If she called back, I'd ignore it. I hadn't set up voice mail yet so she wouldn't know it was my number anyway. The call went straight to her voice mail. Oh, well, I tried. I went back to bed. Not my problem. The only thing was, she had been my best friend for so long, I felt a terrible loss, and I really did need to know she was okay. Far away from my life, but okay.

  The next few days flew by. I was officially unpacked and could sleep a little easier. Still a few tears now and then, but I told myself it was a process. I let them come and let them go. Jake got his divorce papers served to him. He had sent tons of emails, all of which I deleted before opening.

  It was the weekend and I was ready to slow down a little. My vacation had been cut short, my life had been turned up-side-down, I'd lost a friend and a husband, and started a new life with a new home. It had been a lot to take, and I hoped this weekend I could just bake cookies, watch movies, and drink some wine in my new apartment, just breathe for a moment and enjoy what was left of summer. The weather was getting cooler each day, and fall was coming fast.

  After a quick store run, I got home and unpacked my bag of cookie ingredients and changed into lounge wear and fluffy socks. I turned the TV on and poured a glass of wine. I was looking forward to a quiet Friday night by myself.

  BUZZZ. Oh, no, who's that? I answered the buzzer. It was Kat. That's fine, she could help me make cookies. Maybe she brought pizza or subway. It was almost five and my stomach was telling me it was supper time. I swung open the door and told Kat to come on in. She was hesitant and smiling.

  “I will, but first we have a surprise for you,” she said, all giddy, like a kid at Christmas. “You're going to love it! We've already decided it's perfect for you!”

  “We?” I asked, excited and nervous, “What is it? Who was it?”

  “Surprise!” she yelled, and pulled my mom from around the corner, who was holding the tiniest, most adorable, cutest, little kitten I had ever seen.

  “Surprise!” yelled Mom, a little quieter, as she gently handed me the cute little creature.

  “Oh, my gosh!” I said in the highest voice I could muster. “It's for me, really? I get to keep it?”

  “Yup, she's all yours! She got her first shots, and we brought a litter box, litter, and kitten chow, but we thought you might want to go “baby” shopping for the rest,” Mom said.

  “Oh, you guys . . . I don't even know what to say. Thank you! Thank you so much! I love her!”

  “We got her at the Humane Society,” Mom said. “She's six weeks old today. Her mother was killed, hit by a car. They said she's the only one from a litter of five that survived. They nicknamed her Ninja Kitty, because she's a fighter. We thought she'd be a perfect fit for you.”

  “Oh, my gosh, that’s the saddest story. I love her so much already and I just met her,” I said, holding her up to rub my nose on hers. Then I pulled her to my chest and she started purring. She was gorgeous, gray, white, and black striped. Short haired and her eyes were outlined in black. She looked like a little, black-and-gray tiger. I had wanted a cat for so long, but Jake was allergic so we never had one.

  We moved into the living room and played with her for a bit. Then we stuck her in a big purse and took her shopping. I picked her out a new collar, dishes, toys, scratching post and tons of treats. My mom left for home from the pet store.

  “What are you plans for the night?” Kat asked.

  “Cookie baking, wine, and girly movies.”

  “Sounds like a perfect night for you. I have a blind date but wanted to make sure you were okay first,” she said. I thanked her for the kitten and told her to have fun, then drove home.

  While walking up to the building, I saw two familiar faces and a stroller, at my outside buzzer. “Hey, guys,” I said, hauling an oversized purse, a large Petco bag, and a two-foot-tall scratching post, “What are you doing here?”

  “Hey, there,” Kristin said. “We were just out for a walk and thought we'd check to see if you're moved in yet.”

  “Here, let me help you, “ Joey said, grabbing the bag and post.

  “Thanks. Come on in,” I said holding the door.

  We got inside, and I let them check the place out. Of course they loved it. Kristin asked, “What I do you do for a living? How can you afford this palace on you own?”

  I told her I was a lawyer and about the recent events, leaving out the inheritance thing. I introduced them to my kitty, which still needed a name, and offered them both a glass of wine.

  “I can't. I'm nursing.

  “I can't either. We're nursing,” Joey said.

  “He quit drinking while ‘we' were pregnant too,” she added, rolling her eyes. Joey lifted the baby out of the stroller and handed her to me.

  “We made the baby together, we are both the baby's parents, and I think we should both do everything we can together for the baby,” he said more to Kristin then to me. “Dude, it's no big deal. I don't want you to have to miss out on those things alone.”

  I took Marissa and, oh, my gosh, she was so cute. I was cooing at the baby, and they are cooing at the kitty. It was like heaven on earth. Two of the cutest creatures in the whole world right in my new, super cute apartment! I offered other beverages. They said they couldn't stay. They were just out for a walk
and wanted to stop by real quick.

  “We brought you a house warming gift,” Joey said, while digging in a paper bag in the back of the stroller. “We didn't know what you'd need or what your decorating style was so we got you this!” He pulled out a four pack of toilet paper, and we all started laughing.

  “Awe, you guys, you shouldn't have. Thank you.”

  “We also got you this,” he said, handing me a card. I opened it, and there was a twenty dollar gift card to the mall inside. “Sorry it's not much but we wanted to say thank you.”

  “Thank you,” I said. “You really didn't need to, but I love to shop so this is perfect.”

  They packed up the baby, and we agreed to get together again soon. Then it was just me and . . . kitty. I really needed to name her. I set the litter box on the floor, and she used it as soon as I put the litter in. “Good, kitty,” I said and gave her a treat. I called the manager, Jamie, and told her the news. She said she loved kittens, and she would be up in two seconds with the paper work.

  Two seconds later, Jamie was at my door. She handed me the paper and stole the kitten.

  “Here, fill this out,” she said, then added, “the pet deposit fee has already been paid.”

  “My mom?”

  “She called and told me the plan and made sure that it was okay. She took care of the deposit over the phone. If the kitten doesn't destroy the carpet or anything else, the deposit is fully refundable.”

  I filled out all but breed. I wasn't sure on that. Jamie informed me she was a silver tabby. I finished and handed it to her. She left for the office, only after I promised to call her to cat sit whenever I needed it.


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