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Keeping Cadence

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by Piper J. Drake

  Keeping Cadence

  Piper J. Drake

  Copyright © 2019 by Piper J. Drake

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Any actual places, products, or events mentioned are used in a purely fictitious manner.

  The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book without permission is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), please email Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  Previously published in the Into the Aether anthology under the pseudonym PJ Schnyder.

  For Daddy.

  Just…maybe don’t read the saucy bits.

  Also by Piper J. Drake

  True Heroes series

  Extreme Honor

  Ultimate Courage

  Absolute Trust

  Total Bravery

  Fierce Justice

  * * *

  Safeguard series

  Hidden Impact

  Deadly Testimony

  Contracted Defense

  * * *

  Stand alone titles…

  Siren’s Calling

  Finding His Mark

  Red’s Wolf

  Evie’s Gift


  Dear Reader,

  KEEPING CADENCE is a steampunk romance, first published in 2015 under my previous (now archived) pen name, PJ Schnyder.

  This story has been out of print for quite a few years now. I decided it was about time to put this story back out there for my readers, especially those who enjoy my steampunk adventures.

  I hope you enjoy.


  Piper J. Drake


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8


  About the Author

  Chapter 1


  "Aye, Cap'n." Cadence strode across the main floor of the club and ignored the stares of gentlemen and wealthy merchants at the automated game tables as she passed. They could look all they liked, but none of them appeared interesting enough for her notice, either as a potential tryst or as a potential danger.


  Her captain leaned against the bar along the far wall, indigo skirts pulled up to reveal striped stockings and sleek, black ankle boots with silver buckles and scarlet detailing. One hand rested at her corseted waist and the other held a glass as the steam-driven barkeep filled it. Her pistol sat holstered on her hip, but like Cadence, she'd left the fastener open for a quick draw. Even on the mountain city of Mont Blanc, birthplace of old world mountaineering and bastion of new world steam tech, a gentleman's gaming club wasn't much safer for a lady than a common taproom.

  "We got a job, maybe two." Her captain took a sip from her summer cups liquor, dark eyes sparking with annoyance.

  Cadence came to a stop just outside arm's length and waited.

  Two men stood with her captain, one obviously a gentleman and the other…harder to classify, in a deliciously good-looking kind of way. Yah, Cadence had been too long out of port and too picky to settle for the usual sailor boys.


  The dandy spoke first. "Well, Captain Sharp, the transaction I intend to make will be in New London port a week from today. I'll want your expert on hand to verify the quality of the merchandise."

  Dandy carried two pistols in hidden holsters under his waistcoat but didn't wear it well enough to hide them from Cadence's experienced eye. He might carry other weapons, but none obvious. The way he stood, she didn't think it was likely either. His hair had been slicked back with too much oil and his mouth twisted in a smirk as he didn't bother to hide his assessment of her from head to toe, with a significant delay at chest level.

  No matter. Men caught up in ogling cleavage rarely saw a punch coming their way.

  "Cadence, here, is my weapons officer." Captain Sharp lifted her chin in Cadence's direction. "She'll escort you and your man to inspect the merchandise and oversee transfer to our ship for the voyage. She'll also be the best choice to fill your need for a bodyguard."

  The oily man gave a nervous chuckle. "This strawberry tart? You're putting me on. Based on your airship's reputation, I expected a more impressive crew."

  What was he looking for, a towering brute bulging with muscles? If he'd approached her captain and knew anything about the Airship Vulpes, he'd know the entire senior crew was made up of women.

  Cadence gave her red curls a deliberate twist. "Not the first time I've been called strawberry, but watch who you call a tart. The impression I leave may not be one you'll heal from anytime soon."

  "With all due respect." The other spoke up. Clean cut, dressed in matching coal vest and pants with a tan dress shirt, he had Cadence's attention on the strength of his charisma alone, never mind his golden looks. "My companion and I are simply concerned." He turned to address Cadence's captain. "Your weapons officer is a lady of diminutive size compared to the rougher types frequenting the docks."

  Well-spoken, and Cadence found the lilt in his voice incredibly sexy. She'd forgive him for keeping bad company and maybe give him the chance to talk his way out of a beating.

  Lyrical elocution aside, the man had a point. Cadence was short, truth to tell, but her captain was shorter. Captain Rowena Sharp was also a touch sensitive to commentary on size and of a much more volatile nature. Imagine that.

  Fire torched in Captain Sharp's eyes and she drew herself upright, drawing in a full chest of air and opening her mouth to deliver her response at top volume.

  "Captain!" The screech came from the second-floor gallery wrapping around and overlooking the center gaming room. Their shipmate, Minxy, struggled with a burly man, his hand buried in her hair as he tried to force her back into a bedroom.

  Captain started to draw her pistol. "Let her go!"

  Cadence raised her hand.

  "I got this, Cap'n." No need to waste good ammunition, especially not when the testosterone-poisoned idiot yanked Minxy around so Captain Sharp didn't have a clear shot.

  Touching a bronze button on the side of her thigh-high boot, Cadence activated the steam-powered tech. The bite of the mechanics in her flesh as they tapped into her biometrics hardly fazed her anymore as she used the boost in both legs to hop the bar top and gain the railing on the second floor. Vaulting the railing, she hit the floor running and closed the distance between her and Minxy's assailant in a heartbeat.

  Seeing her coming, he tossed Minxy into the wall behind him and got his fists up. Cadence grinned. Fool should have tried to shoot her. Tried. She was too fast for the likes of him. It was easy to slip his first punch, letting his fist whisk past her face to the right as she ducked to the outside and buried her right fist in his diaphragm.

  She continued past him, turning to land a solid kidney shot with her left fist. As he arched back in pain, she was already leaping straight up to come over the top with a right elbow across his ugly face, splitting the skin over his eye. Dropping her shoulder, she gave him a solid bump and sent him stumbling, blood trickling down over his eyes and obscuring his vision.

  Perfect. It gave her just enough space to get off a round kick to his head.

  The oaf dropped in his tracks.

bsp; Hadn't even had to draw steel. Never a challenge these days.

  Minxy stepped past her, hauled off and gave the downed man a kick to the groin. "Let's see you try putting your pecker where it ain't wanted anytime soon."

  Cadence tipped her head to the side. "Minxy."


  "Didn't you come up here to bed that?"

  "True enough, and he was right fine for a couple of bounces, then he wanted to poke me in the rear."

  "Ah." The ladies of the senior crew chose who they slept with and under what circumstances. Cadence wasn't about to fault Minxy for putting a stop to shenanigans when they went past her say so. Hell, it'd been a while since any man had the courage to risk Cadence’s temper at all. Good for Minxy.

  "Dammit, Cadence! Get the both of you down here before that bastard wakes up."

  "Aye, Cap'n." She caught Minxy around the waist and boosted them both over the second-story railing to land neatly at Captain Sharp's feet.

  "Well." Their captain looked them over. "You could have taken the stairs on the way down."

  Cadence shrugged.

  "I assume he's not dead."

  "Nah, Cap'n." She rolled her head, popping a few vertebrae in her neck. "He groaned when Minxy kicked him. He'll just be down for a good while yet."

  Her captain sighed. "Minxy, get your arse back to the longboat and make sure it's ready to take air. Cadence, you've made your point. Take blondie here to one of the billiards rooms since he's got about a hundred questions for you and I'll finish up details on the cargo and their passage with us from New London to Paris with our new business associate."

  Nodding, Cadence turned and headed for one of the private rooms without bothering to check to see if the young man followed. She could feel him at her shoulder, caught a whiff of spicy, clean aftershave as he stepped past to open the door for her.

  "Thank you." She wasn't so independent that she didn't appreciate a courtesy. In fact, it was a nice change.

  Proceeding into the room, she turned when she reached the billiards table and hopped up to sit, crossing her legs and turning off the steam tech as she did.

  "Impressive performance, Miss Cadence." The man closed the door and turned to lean back against it, his rangy form relaxed. A lock of gold hair fell across his green eyes, giving him a boyish look. Did he even know how tempting he was? Considering his cocky grin, she was betting he did.

  "You know my name, I haven't heard yours yet."

  Brows lifted and his eyes widened. "My apologies! Jonathan. Jonathan Archer. I'm an inventor, and the gentleman speaking with your captain is my sponsor."

  Her heart rate still raced a bit, the remnants of adrenaline working its way out of her system. She did love a good fight, but it hadn't been nearly enough to take the edge off her restlessness. She and her senior crewmates had been sailing aboard the Vulpes for several weeks with no action aside from sparring with each other and the regular crew. Minxy and she had both come ashore with the captain spoiling for action, either a good tumble or a decent fight. Either would have done. At least Minxy had gotten her tumble.

  "Your movement was superb, graceful even. Other prototypes I've seen successfully increased strength and vertical lift, but impeded range of motion with significant reduction in speed and agility. How did you overcome the drawbacks in design? How long did it take to develop proficiency?" His eyes shone with keen interest, but it was his mouth she watched. Such an articulate man, she wondered if he knew how to use his tongue for other things with similar skill. "Who designed them? Who is your mechanic?"

  So many questions, he made her laugh a little at his enthusiasm.

  "Puppy, are you sure you're old enough to be away from your litter?"

  He blinked. Instead of puffing up with indignation or useless anger, his mouth twisted in a wry grin. "I do look young, freshly shaven, but I assure you I've quite completed my higher level education and apprenticeships."

  "You're a smart one." She tapped her temple. "Could be you finished faster than most."

  "Well, thank you, lady. But I have quite reached my majority and am considered by many in my hometown to be of eligible bachelor status." A devilish twinkle sparked and he gave her a wink. "My youthful appearance does give me a certain advantage with some of the matrons who've a taste for younger men."

  She laughed again. No denying he had a roguish way about him. She liked it. At the same time, it was too obvious he hadn't been out and around much. "And what are you seeking out here in the wide world?"

  "That obvious?" He shook his head. "I've lived a fortunate life, with a certain amount of privilege. But there isn't much application for my inventions in my hometown. When I found a sponsor interested in my work, I took the chance to get out and make an impact on a bigger world."

  "Confident, aren't you?" She had a reluctant admiration for his conviction. Some empty souls floated from port to port as the winds bid them, because they had nowhere else to go.

  "Might I examine the mechanics of your boots?" Jonathan gestured at her crossed legs.

  "And possessed of a singular focus." She nodded her permission, still amused.

  He stepped forward, placing careful hands on her leg at the knee and heel, extending it to full length. His touch sent delicious tingles racing up her limb to the base of her spine.

  "These did slow me down at first." She answered his previous question as he bent to examine her boots at close range. "It took months of hard training to adjust for the added weight. They tap into my biometrics though, make them respond faster."

  "Are these prototypes or were they tested on a previous subject?" Clever fingers found each articulation point and tiny access panel of her boots.

  "As far as I know, I'm the first to wear them."

  "They do seem designed specifically for you. Hard to believe they could fit a person of a different physique."

  "A man, you mean." She lifted her leg a bit higher so he could crane his neck to see the underside of one boot rather than drop to his knees to get under her. Course, she wouldn't have minded that either.

  Still bent over, he tore his attention from her clockworks for a moment to focus on her face. "Well, I suppose another woman of different stature could be considered, but yes, this sort of enhancement is usually tested by men."

  She shrugged. "Timing is everything. I turned out to be the best available subject at the time."

  "Well, you do seem to be in exceedingly good health and much stronger than appearance would originally indicate." He turned his head a fraction, the heat of his breath whispering across the skin along the inside of her thigh. "And incredibly flexible."

  "It comes in handy wearing these." They allowed her to do many things, but range of motion became key. "Muscle-bound clankers don't do well with these kinds of augmentations. They tend to pull muscles and rip tendons when they overreach."

  "Interesting." His touch was gentle but firm and when his fingertips brushed the skin at her thigh, just above the top of the boot, electricity replaced the earlier tingles racing through her. "Pardon my saying so, but your skin is incredibly soft."

  His voice had dropped deeper, sent shivers through her.

  His gaze travelled up to meet hers, holding steady with yet another question. She didn't need words to answer this one. She'd been watching his full lips move with every inquiry, wanting to nip at them. She parted hers in invitation, running the tip of her tongue over her bottom lip as she leaned forward a bit.

  He closed the remaining space between them, pausing a breath away. "You are a singularly fascinating woman, Miss Cadence."

  His mouth closed over hers then, a tender pressure at first, and firmer as his tongue swept in to taste and explore. She returned his kiss, letting their tongues dance, sliding and stroking in sweet tandem. Hypersensitive after the fight, her skin sang under his touch as his hands coasted across her thighs, slipping under her gathered skirts and over the curve of her hips.

  He might look young, but his touch spoke of ex


  She explored too, lifting her hands from the edge of the billiards table to his shoulders, delighted to find them muscled and well-defined. He wasn't bulky, no; his lean frame fit and trim. When he released her mouth to trail a string of hot kisses down her neck, she buried her hands in his golden hair and pulled him close.

  It'd been too long. Still, she paused; kept her head turned away from his just in case. "You're not intimidated at all? After seeing what I can do, some men prefer other company."

  She braced herself for a snide remark or callous insult. Some sign of threatened pride.

  "To be quite honest, I find you a challenge." He nuzzled his face in the hollow of her neck. "I can't resist a challenge."

  Well then, enough of the worry.

  When he pressed his leg against her knees, coaxing her to part them, she did. He gripped her behind then, settling his hips between her legs. Bending her back, he kept her off balance as he alternately nipped and sucked at her neck and shoulder until she caught his gorgeous face in her hands and demanded his mouth. Oh and he gave it to her, deep and searching, feeding at her lips and leaving her breathless.

  He wrapped an arm around her waist, fitting her body against his, the hard ridge of his erection straining against the fabric separating them. He rolled his hips against her once, twice, and she growled at him in frustration. He chuckled in answer, dipping to nuzzle her breasts.

  "Such delicately soft skin. Amazing." He murmured more compliments but she couldn't catch them all, not when his hand tugged at the lacings of her corset at the back. Her shoulder harness and belt made removing the corset impossible, but he loosened it enough to tug the front low and give him access to her breasts. "You have the most perfectly tempting nipples."


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