The Forgetting
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Brooks, Phillips, 217, 218
Buber, Martin, 95
Buddhism, 96
Buschke Selective Reminding Test, 37
Butler, Robert, 135
Cabot, James Elliot, 107–8
Cairns-Smith, A. G., 52
calcium, 34–35, 64
camera lucida, 26
Campbell, Joseph, 238
Canada, 5
cancer, 62, 65–66, 95–96, 134, 135, 164, 176, 236
caregivers, 86–97
Internet support for, 91–97, 121, 142, 223
professional, 29, 66, 88, 92–93, 129
reverse parenting by, 66, 88, 121–22, 126–30
“caregiver’s dementia,” 88, 94
Carlyle, Thomas, 108, 166, 219–20
Catania, Jennifer W., 247
debris around, 21–22, 24–26
place, 230–31
ultrastructure of, 133–34, 143–46
see also neurons
cerebellum, 24
cerebral arteriosclerosis, 73
cerebral cortex, 21, 24, 25, 69, 75, 77–78, 118, 124, 198, 200, 222, 223
cerebral localization, 45–49
cerebral palsy, 41
Charcot, Jean-Martin, 80
Charlotte’s Web (White), 33
Cherokee Indians, 68
child development, 121–30
chromosome 19, 153
chromosome 21, 154
chromosomes, 150, 153
Churchill, Winston, 150
Cicero, 15
Clinton, Bill, 4–5, 40–41, 148
Clock Test, 37
cognitive impairment, 36–37, 117–30, 201, 202, 234, 249–52
Cohn, Robert, 74, 84
cold sores, 69
compassion, 96
competence, 33
comprehension, reduced, 13, 39, 41–42
development of, 125, 198
loss of, 3, 118, 204
concentration camps, 16, 96, 182
Conel, J. L., 124
Confissions (St. Augustine), 231–32
confusion, 12, 19, 33, 34, 115, 196, 216
congestive heart failure, 223
consciousness, 51, 192–94, 202–6
constructional praxis, 36
coronary heart disease, 155
Cree Indians, 68
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, 148–50
Crick, Francis, 50, 183
Curry, Ann, 116
Dachau concentration camp, 16
Darwin, Charles, 166, 180–81
day care, 114
daydreams, 55
“Dear Abby,” 136
death rate, 4, 62, 175–76
degeneration theory, 181–83
de Kooning, Elaine, 196
de Kooning, Willem, 195–206, 248, 252
delirium, 13–14
démence, 15
dementia, 15
dementia praecox, 14
dendrites, 145
denial, 27, 114–16, 147
depression, 38, 88, 95–96
diabetes, 38
diet, 34, 228–29
dignity, human, 94–97, 192–93, 248
Dillman, Rob, 82
diseases, hidden, 163–65, 175
disorientation, 12–13, 19, 36
Distl, R., 247
DNA, 50, 149, 150, 153, 183, 188, 238
dogs, 179
Doody, Rachel, 246
dopamine, 64
dotage, 15, 165
Down’s syndrome, 97
driving, 33, 67, 115
drug abuse, 38
drug companies, 153, 158–59, 185–89, 209–14, 246
Duff, Karen, 151, 186
Ecclesiasticus, Book of, 82–84
education, 229, 250–51
Elan Pharmaceuticals, 158–59, 186–87, 209–14
hidden diseases of, 163–65, 175
mental deterioration of, 15, 163
political influence of, 132, 134, 135–36, 137
population of, 5, 30–31, 65–67, 132, 134, 163–65
electroencephalogram (EEG), 38, 94, 123
electrolytes, 34–35
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 89
Emerson, Edward, 83, 105–6, 107, 108, 216
Emerson, Ellen, 3, 102, 105–6, 107, 218, 230
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1–3, 16–17, 55, 83–84, 101–10, 172, 199, 206, 216–21, 226, 232–33, 238, 249, 252, 254, 255
expression of, 12, 14, 95–97, 118, 121–22, 129–30, 170–71, 202–3, 224
memory and, 125
negative, 12, 13, 118, 121–22, 129–30
Engelhardt, H. Tristram, Jr., 79
engrams, 52, 55
enzymes, 236, 246
“Eos and Tithonus” myth, 166–68
epilepsy, 22, 46, 47
Erasmus, Desiderius, 121, 206
Espinel, Carlos Hugo, 205, 206
Esquirol, Jean Étienne, 15
“Essay on the Shaking Palsy” (Parkinson), 80
estates, 89–91
estrogen replacement therapy, 229
Everett, C. C., 101
evolution, 23, 53, 56–57, 173–75, 180–83
Excavation (de Kooning), 202
executive function skills, 204
exercise, 34, 229
eye movements, 38
eyewitnesses, 56
faces, 59, 230, 238
families, 32, 33, 39, 66, 86–97, 116–17, 120, 223, 224
fatty acids, 229
fatuity, 15
fear, 45–46, 118
feng shui, 251
fetal position, 14
Final Solution, 182
finances, 88–91
Flaherty, Carla, 91–92
flatworms, 49
flies, transgenic, 236
Florentine Codex, 165–66
fluorescent protein tagging, 64
folic acid, 229
Food and Drug Administration, U.S., 141–42
Forbes, John, 108–9
forebrain, 63
formalin, 23, 24
Frankl, Viktor, 16, 95, 96, 224, 234, 248, 249
free association, 53–54
free-radical molecules, 228
Freud, Sigmund, 76–77
Freund House, 28–33, 39–42, 112–16
Friedell, Morris, 94–97, 192–94, 203, 241, 247–52
Friedreich’s ataxia, 14
friends, 40, 87, 114, 116–17, 120
frontal lobes, 119–20, 125, 250
frustration, 113, 115, 195, 199
Galen, 45
Galileo Galilei, 245–46
Garrels, Gary, 198, 199–200, 205
Gaupp, Robert, 76
in Alzheimer’s research, 53, 63, 64, 69–70, 124, 150–55, 178–89, 243–46
“dustbin” of, 175
knock-out technology in, 183–89, 235–39, 243, 246
transgenics in, 151, 178–89, 209–14, 236, 243, 246
see also DNA
genome, 150
germline engineering, 235–39
Geron, 236
gingko, 142
Giuliani, Rudolph, 40
Glaxo Wellcome, 152, 187–89
Glenner, George, 137, 143–46, 149
glial cells, 25
glucose, 21, 35, 38, 123, 211
goal-setting, 204
Gompertz, Benjamin, 172–76
Grant, Ulysses S., 217
Green, Kevin, 56
Gross, Otto, 77
gross motor functions, 221–22
Gulliver’s Travels (Swift), 167–68, 237
habits, 200–2, 203
hallucinations, 13–14, 34, 89, 119
Handbook of Psychiatry (Kraepelin), 75–84
Hardy, John, 152, 210
Hasegawa, Tohru, 247
Haseltine, William, 236–37
Hawaii, 68
yes, Rutherford B., 217
Hayworth, Rita, 136
health insurance, 66, 88
hearing, 125
heart disease, 62, 65–66, 73, 135, 155, 176
Henry IV, King of France, 121
herbal remedies, 140–43, 234
heredity, 180
herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1), 69–70, 245
high-order processing, 118–19
Hinckley, John, Jr., 72, 242
hippocampus, 37–38, 46–49, 69, 118, 119, 125, 200, 218, 219, 223, 229, 230–31, 246
Hider, Adolf, 182
Hoche, Alfred, 75, 76, 182
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 217
hormones, 46
Howells, William Dean, 1
Hsiao, Karen, 151, 184, 185–87
Huntington, George, 80
Huntington’s disease, 14, 80
Hutton, John, 20–21
hyperphosphorylated tau, 145, 156
hypertension, 155
ibuprofen, 229
immortality, 109, 166–68, 236–39
“Immortality” (Emerson), 109
immune system, 69, 149, 209–14, 243–46
immunization, 67, 69–70, 209–14, 243–46
immuno-lesioning, 64
influenza, 80
information, 232–34, 238–39
insomnia, 92
intelligence, 53, 119–20, 201
Internet, 91–97, 121, 142, 223, 261
“Introduction to Myself and My Plight” (Friedell), 192–94
introspection, 120
Iqbal, Khalid, 155–56
Itzhaki, Ruth, 69–70, 156, 245
Japan, 5, 68
Johns, Jasper, 200
Johnson, Samuel, 169–70
Joosse, Barbara M., 129
Joseph, Judy, 29, 31–32, 39, 40, 114
Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 49
judgment, impairment of, 36, 57, 114–15, 121
Juvenal, 44–45
Katzman, Robert, 132–33
Khachaturian, Zaven, 5, 65–66, 135–36, 137, 143, 144, 145–46, 155
King Lear (Shakespeare), 89–90
knock-out technology, 183–89, 235–39, 243, 246
Korsakoff’s syndrome, 14
Kraepelin, Emil, 23, 75–84, 102, 162, 182
Krimsky, Stanley,
development of, 46, 119, 120, 125
impairment of, 13, 14, 36, 41, 97, 112–13, 117, 118, 169, 221, 230
Lao-tzu, 248
Larson, Kay, 198, 202, 203–4
Lasker, Mary, 134–35
Last Chance Health Report, The, 140
Law of Mortality, 172–76
Lee, Virginia, 155
legal issues, 88–89, 92–93
Leitz, Ernst, 24
Lewinsky, Monica, 4–5, 40–41, 148
Lieberburg, Ivan, 158–59, 243–44
life span, 31, 162–76
limbic system, 118
literature, children’s, 129–30
Loftus, Elizabeth, 56
logic, 120, 128
Long, Russell, 18
longevity, 174–76
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 106, 109–10, 216, 217
long-term potentiation (LTP), 52
Lorenz, Konrad, 182, 183
loss, meaning of, 224–26, 234–35
Lowell, James Russell, 3
Lucullus, Lucius Licinius, 86–87
Lucullus, Marcus, 86–87
lunatics, 90, 93
Luria, A. R., 58–60, 236, 238–39, 248
“Lycidas” (Milton), 17
McConnell, James, 49
McLean Asylum, 255
mad cow disease (bovine spongiform
encephalopathy), 148–50
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 37–38, 94
Mahoney, Florence, 134–35
Mama, Do You Love Me? (Joosse), 129
Man’s Search fir Meaning (Frankl), 16, 96, 224
marriage, 229
Maurer, Konrad, 182
Max’s New Suit (Wells), 129
Mayo Clinic, 186, 246
means-ends ability, 127
Medicare, 88, 132
medication, 30, 34, 91, 141–42, 229
clinical, 22–24
diagnostic, 14
specialization in, 248–49
Memorabilia (Xenophon), 82
memory, 44–60
acute deterioration of, 15, 46–49, 201, 218–19
ant-farm analogy for, 52
character and, 53–55, 59
constellation theory of, 51–56, 225
emotional, 125
episodic, 47–48
external, 16–17, 106–7, 232–34
false, 55–56
forgetting and, 44, 48–49, 56–60, 88, 94–95, 113, 114–15, 116, 120, 192–95, 198–99, 204–5, 237–39
formation of, 47–48, 51–54, 102, 118, 196–97, 218–19, 229, 252
immediate, 218–19
importance of, 16–17, 101–2, 237–39
individual, 49–50
involuntary, 55
lapses of, 17–18, 19, 27, 234
long-term, 47, 49, 52–54, 125, 192–94, 196–97, 218–19
meaning and, 57, 59–60
“mind,” 200, 201
muscle (procedural), 200–2
neurological basis of, 21–22, 46–49, 51–52, 55, 135, 145, 230–31, 233
“palaces” of, 231–32
process of, 44–60, 229–34
progressive deterioration of, 3, 12–13, 14, 39, 135–36, 138, 168–72, 203, 218–19, 226, 254–56
retrieval of, 52–60, 119, 229–34
semantic, 47, 48, 119
short-term (working), 3, 13, 21–22, 29, 36, 47, 48, 218–19, 254
testing of, 35–36, 38, 95
total recall in, 57–60, 236, 238–39
traces of (engrams), 52, 55
transfer of, 49–51, 56
use of, 229–34
visual, 230–31
word/number, 230
“Memory” (Emerson), 101–2, 107
“Memory Transfer Through Cannibalism in Planaria” (McConnell), 49
Mendel, Gregor, 180–81
Ménière’s disease, 168
menopause, 229
mental illness, 75–84, 182
Meske, V., 247
metabolism, 155, 189, 198
Metaman: The Merging of Humans and Machines into a Global Superorganism (Stock), 235
mice, transgenic, 151, 178–89, 209–14, 236, 243, 246
microglia, 213
microscopes, 22, 24–26, 64, 143–46, 178
microtubule transports, 118
mild cognitive impairment (MCI), 234
Milton, John, 17
Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), 35–36, 95
mitochondria, 64
mnemonics, 230–32
“Molecular Mechanisms in Alzheimer’s Disease” (conference), 4–5, 62–70, 148–59
molecules, memory, 49–51, 56
Montessori method, 250–51
mood changes, 14, 121–22
Moody, Harry, 164
Morel, Augustin, 181
morosis, 15
Morrison-Bogorad, Marcelle, 209, 246
mortality, 4, 62, 109, 166–69, 172–76, 224–26, 236–39
mortality curve, 172–76
motor skills, 37, 38, 53, 200–202
mourning, 224–26
Muir, John, 110
multi-infarct dementia, 33–34
music, 40, 115, 130
mutations, presenilin, 151
myelin insulation, 124–25, 222
names, 106–7, 135, 195, 232
Nation, 41
National Alzheimer’s Month, 136–37
National Institute on Aging (NIA), 134, 135–36
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 134
“Natural History of the Intellect” (Emerson), 107–8
al selection, 23, 173, 175, 180–81
Nature (Emerson), 3, 232–33
Nature (journal), 50, 153
Nature Neuroscience, 64
Nazism, 182
Nedivi, E., 64
Nemesius, 45
Neumann, Meta, 71–74, 84, 133, 245
cellular debris among, 21–22, 24–26; see also plaques; tangles
loss of, 52, 64, 118–20, 124–25, 137, 143–46, 156, 221–24, 255
membranes of, 145
for memory, 21–22, 46–49, 51–52, 55, 135, 145, 230–31, 233
myelinization of, 124–25, 222
networks of, 11, 51–52, 143–46, 200–201, 218–19, 233, 255
synapses of, 21, 51–52, 62–63, 118, 145
neuroses, 76
neurotransmitters, 21, 62–63
New Brunswick (N.J.) Daily Times, 102
New Yorker, 54, 57
New York Times, 20, 34, 198
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 16, 44, 238
Nissl, Franz, 24, 102
Nissl method, 24, 102
Nixon, Richard M., 135
nosology, psychiatric, 75–84
nurses, 92–93
nursing homes, 29, 88, 129
object permanence, 127
object registration, 36
oblivio, 15
occipital lobes, 46, 124–25
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 253–56
Olmsted, John, 254–55
Olshansky, S. Jay, 163, 174, 175, 176
Ordinal Scales of Psychological Development (OSPD), 127–28
Orrery, John Boyle, Earl of, 168, 171–72
Our Town (Wilder), 241
oxygen flow, 38, 221, 223–24
painting, 195–206
paranoia, 13
parenthood, reverse, 66, 88, 121–22, 126–30
paresis, 14
parietal lobes, 46, 49, 119, 124
Parkinson, James, 80
Parkinson’s disease, 14, 40, 68, 80
patents, 157–58, 185–87
patients’ rights, 94–95
pattern recognition, 37, 60, 117
“Peculiar Disease of the Cerebral Cortex, A” (Alzheimer), 75
Pepper, Curtis Bill, 198
peptides, 50
perception, 46, 124–25, 230–31
persistent vietative state, 222–24
Perusini, Gaetano, 25–26
Piaget, Jean, 127, 128
pituitary gland, 46
plague, 80
planning, 37, 119–20, 125
plantar response, 222
beta-amyloid in, 143–46, 152–53, 155–57, 184, 209–14, 243–46
discovery of, 21–22, 24–26, 32, 35
elimination of, 209–14, 243–46
research on, 68–69, 70, 73–78, 102, 118, 132–34, 137, 143–46, 152–53, 179, 184
spread of, 21–22, 24–26, 73–78, 143–46, 152–57, 184, 201, 204, 209–14, 218–24, 243–46