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Absolute Magic

Page 10

by Stephany Wallace

  “I was just… ouch! Why do people keep hitting me?!” Art complained as her hand connected with the back of his head.

  Lia stepped down from the stool she had used to reach him, while he rubbed the tender spot, and stooped in front of me. She smiled, using a tissue to dry the tears under my eyes carefully. "Look up." She dabbed a bit of powder on my skin and winked. "Gorgeous. Good thing we used waterproof mascara. All done." She turned around and gave Art a menacing look. "You, out!"

  “But, I just…”

  “Out!” Lia grabbed him by the arm and pulled him towards the door.

  I chuckled, enjoying their banter. Art looked scorching hot in his light gray tuxedo with a lavender bowtie and vest as she slammed the door in his face. A knock sounded at the door the next second, and when she opened it, he was laughing. His eyes twinkled.

  "Kiss," he said simply, and leaned down. Lia wrapped her arms around his neck smacking her lips against his. "I love you, A rún mo chroí.”

  "I love you too, Chewie. See you at the ceremony. Now, go make sure your brother is ready."

  "Oh, he’s been ready for a long time..." He blew me a kiss and turned around. I smiled, knowing he didn't just mean today.

  The door closed again, and when Lia turned around, I could see stars shining in her eyes. My heart swelled for them. "I call dibs on naming your first kid. I'm the honorary aunt after all.”

  Lia laughed. “Ditto, linda.”

  “Okay, can we go now?” I asked, directing my question to all the girls.

  Seima and Eisha sat on the bed in their matching, flowy lavender dresses. I loved that Art and Lia had incorporated a few modern traditions into the wedding. A customary Druid wedding didn't include bridesmaids, but the girls had been overjoyed at the prospect of sharing the special moment with us in this way. So were Ronan and Eghan who we asked to accompany the girls down the aisle. Art and Lia brought the gowns and tuxedos from the city. I had no idea which money they used to buy them, but considering there were so many things I was discovering about Art, I had no doubt he might have a job, and even a savings account somewhere.

  Seima and Eisha stood. Their dresses were simple yet gorgeous. The corsets molded flawlessly to their figure, the soft skirts moving effortlessly and brushing the floor as they walked to my side. They wore their hair in loose curls, which Lia had created. She was the hairdresser and make-up artist today, and I was so grateful. Seima and Eisha were beautiful all on their own, but with this makeover, they looked supermodel worthy, absolutely stunning.

  "Yes, it is time," Eisha said, reaching my side. She smiled at me in the mirror as I fully turned to face it.

  I had to admit that the lingerie that Lia gifted me was nice. It was so easy to put on, and if I were honest I'd have to say it made me feel elegant and even powerful… in a sexy kind of way. My make up was soft but impressive. I was kind of in love with the metallic eye shadow Lia used. My hair fell in soft waves over my body all the way to my waist. The white strands that crowned my head and intertwined with the red, seemed to glow softly, and I smiled knowing what they would do to Cyn. The dress had taken my breath away when I first saw it, but now... I couldn't really explain how I felt wearing it. It was perfect. Once again I was amazed at Seima's ability. She hadn't even taken my measurements for it, yet it fit like a glove.

  This gown was made for me in every sense. I closed my eyes, feeling the magic of the silver Fairy thread humming through my body and mixing with my own. I felt confident, beautiful and ready to fully embrace who I was meant to be. That included being Cyn’s wife.

  I placed Cyn’s Mom’s handkerchief inside the dress—next to my heart—and looped the ribbon of the special ceramic horseshoe Eghan gave me over my right wrist. Turning around, I leaned forward as Lia placed the Fairy Crown on my forehead. The small cluster of the Minastra GalIsacura Arthulis on the center of the tiara instantly came to life. The magic connected with mine and with the pulsating energy in the dress.

  “Come to me, my Goddess. I am yours.”

  Cyn’s voice caused the little hairs on my arms to stand on end. I grinned and walked towards the portal Seima had just opened. The Ceremony ground was visible on the other side.

  “On my way… I am yours.”

  The train of my dress dragged behind me, the ends of my Priestess cloak lightly lifting with the breeze as I crossed the archway into the magical flowery field. Art, Ronan, and Eghan greeted us. The colors of the sunset fell over the grounds, giving it an enchanting look. Eghan kissed Seima's cheek and offered his arm to her. So did Ronan with Eisha. The guys looked so handsome in their gray suits and lavender ties, that I was tempted to put them on top of the cake. As the two couples stood before me the music began to play, and everyone rose from their seats, turning around to look at us.

  Art offered his arm to me, and I held it as my heart slammed against my chest. There were so many emotions rushing through me, but I wasn't nervous anymore. I was eager. Eghan and Seima began to walk, Eisha and Ronan followed. Their steps matched the rhythm of the enchanting Celtic music. I briefly noticed Cathair's eyes fervently follow Seima as she walked past him. That look in his eyes… it was the way Cyn looked at me, adoringly, as though he wanted to abandon everything, and bring her into his arms.

  I had never seen Cathair look at her that way before. She smiled shyly, and her gaze connected with his for only a second, but a second was more than enough. Seima's smile grew as she turned away and continued forward. Lia, who stood before me, offered me a brilliant smile as she held one of the magical white roses in her hands. She was my Maid of Honor. Lia looked beautiful and elegant in her deep plum dress, the same style as the Seima and Eisha. Her eyes twinkled with emotion as she blew me a kiss and faced the guests, beginning her walk down the aisle.

  “I bet you ten bucks my brother is going to cry when he sees you.” I laughed and looked at Art whose eyes were already shining. He grinned. “Let’s do this.”

  I nodded, knowing if I tried to speak I would start crying. I could feel Grandpa with me in this moment, and I hoped he was seeing us from the Blessed Isles.

  "I love you, Grandpa…"

  My feet began to move as Art guided me down the path. Shimmery flowers lined the way, and tears began to fall on the faces of my family while I walked past them. There was so much love in this place. We stopped briefly as an older woman stood in the way. I instantly recognized her. It was the old lady who had encouraged me to try my ability, the day I discovered I could give peace to others. It seemed like it had been years yet only a few months had passed.

  “Aigneis,” Art greeted in a loving voice. “Are you well?”

  She nodded and smiled brightly at me, her eyes filled with pride. "This is the happiest moment of all. The Goddess brought you here, and by her grace, you are our Priestess. She shall bless this union today, and we all shall rejoice."

  “Thank you so much, Aigneis,” I said, glad I finally knew her name. If she only knew how much she helped me by encouraging me that day.

  “Long life to the Priestess,” she added, kissing my hand and returned to her seat.

  My heart swelled. She was such a loving and adorable old lady.

  "I know," Art said, mirroring my thoughts. "Shall we?" I nodded, and we continued to walk.

  “My Goddess…”

  My gaze went straight to Cyn, and the breath left me. He stood by the altar where flowers and candles had been placed over the ground, forming a large spiral. Kyr, Ash, and Nyx stood behind it, but I couldn't take my eyes away from Cyn. My gaze roamed over him. He looked almost regal in his outfit.

  The material of the High Priest robes Seima made him had a slight sheen to it—just like my dress did. The outfit consisted of a white fitted shirt with a buttoned neck, which resembled the ones Catholic Priests used. He wore sleek white trousers with it, and a long, fitted coat completed his outfit. The collar was high, almost brushing his earlobes, and it was adorned with the same embroidery my dress had. Fairy silver thread shimme
red along both sides of the neck, forming the Triquetra and roses pattern my dress had. It reached the edges and continued down the front sides, along his chest, all the way to the end of the coat, which fell about four inches below his knees. The cuffs of his sleeves also had the magical embroidery.

  His hair was slightly brushed back, but a rebellious curl still fell over his forehead. I grinned; he looked like a much hotter version of the mighty wizards I'd seen in the movies. I guess it wasn't too far from our reality. Our eyes met. His gaze took everything in, admiring me just like I had him. Cyn took a few steps back just as I reached the altar, careful not to stand too close to me. His eyes glistened with emotion, but he wore the most mesmerizing smile I had ever seen on him.

  “You owe me ten bucks,” Art whispered in my ear and stood in front of me.

  “He hasn’t cried yet,” I countered to which he grinned. His eyes also shone.

  "Yeah, just give him another minute." Leaning down, he gave me a tender peck on the lips and I smiled. "I love you, little sis."

  Lia forcefully cleared her throat from my left—where she stood with the girls—and we chuckled. I looked at her, but she just winked at me.

  “I love you too, older brother." He held my hand, taking the special horseshoe from me, and walked away. Art stood behind Cyn, where the other guys waited.

  I looked at Cyn and took a deep breath, beginning my journey into the spiral of flowers and candles. Once I stood in the center, he started to walk towards me. My gaze followed him as he walked around me, getting closer and closer. When he finally stood before me, the tears spilled from his eyes.

  "I never thought…" he trailed off, unable to finish, and a tear slid down my cheek. "Tha mo bhràthair a 'tighinn fìor—my dream come true." His hands cradled my cheeks and he kissed my forehead. "You look like a Goddess. My Goddess."

  The candlelight reflected in his eyes as another tear left me. The sun had finally hidden in the horizon, and the moon shone brightly above us. I smiled at Cyn wiping off his tears as he did mine, and taking a deep breath we turned to face The Princess of the Winter Court.

  Kyr, Ash, and Nyx looked absolutely dashing in their royal outfits. They were ice blue with silver embroidery along the neck and lapels, as well as the cuffs on their sleeves—similar to Cyn's jacket. What seemed like heavy, jewel-studded necklaces lay on their chests. They hung from one shoulder to the other, over their silk suits, and I realized the diamond accessory held long, thick, snow-white capes, which hung from their backs, brushing the floor. The borders of the capes were embroidered with silver thread as well, and the magic buzzed over them.

  The princes bowed to us, smiling as they straightened, and I noticed how similar the brothers truly were. I knew they were different ages, but they could easily be mistaken as triplets at first glance. Their eyes, their smiles, the set of their jaw…

  “We are honored to be here today, High Priests. Thank you for thinking of us.”

  "It is our pleasure. Thank you for answering our call." Cyn replied.

  "Very well," Kyr said, stepping forward. "Let us begin. “Who brings this bride to be wed on this righteous day?” his strong voice carried throughout the grounds.

  "I do," Art answered, standing in the center of the aisle. I smiled. "Let it be done.”

  "Please face each other," Kyr instructed, and my eyes instantly focused on Cyn as we turned.

  “We gather together on this night, with the mighty moon as our witness, to perform the Sacred Rite of Marriage between Brina Anwell and Cynwrig Bressall,” Ash said stepping forward. “A blessing of their love and spiritual connection. Before we can begin, we must honor those who allowed us to be here today. We thank the Mother Goddess, Brina and Cynwrig’s ancestors, and all whom they have shared a bond of love within this life and all priors, for the gifts they placed upon the couple."

  Tears gathered in my eyes as I thought of Grandpa, and as I looked at Cyn, I knew his parents were in his mind too.

  Ash stepped back, and Nyx took his place.

  “Brina and Cynwrig, have you come here of your own free will?”

  “I have.” We answered in unison.

  “I evoke the powers of this universe to bless this union here today.” Nyx hands began to glow a turquoise blue as he closed his eyes and continued. “Power of Water, let your flowing energy bless this couple.”

  I gasped. A wave of power flowed through us. The energy danced over our skins. His hands began to glow red.

  “Power of fire, let your burning passion bless this couple.”

  The candles and lanterns all around us flickered, and their flames intensified burning brighter. Their warmth rushed through us. The red glow turned to a golden hue.

  “Power of Earth, let your abundant fertility bless this couple.”

  With Nyx words, a rush of energy passed under our feet. I could hear the small gasps around us, as the rest of our Druid family felt it too.

  “Power of Air,” He said as his hands began to glow white. “Let your superior freedom bless this couple.”

  A swift breeze swept over the space and our skin, blowing my hair away from my face. Cyn's adoring gaze instantly fell on my white strands, and I grinned. His twinkling eyes focused on mine again; he winked at me. The glow finally disappeared from Nyx's hands, and he smiled taking a step back.

  Kyr resumed his place at the front. “You may hold hands.”

  Cyn reached for me, and we joined our hands, lifting them between us. Eisha, Lia, Ronan, Seima, and Eghan all handed the ribbon they had carried on their wrists to Art. Joining them with his own, he placed them on Kyr's palm. He stepped forwards braiding them into one, and began to wrap it around our held hands.

  "On this righteous day, and before those who cherish you, do you vow to love, honor, respect, support and protect each other?”

  “We do,” we answered in unison.

  Kyr began to tie knots over and over around our hands. “Repeat after me…" His voice suddenly seemed to disappear in the wind as Cyn, and I said our vows.

  “I do not possess you, yet you belong with me.

  You may ask everything of me, but never forget who I am.

  I am strong at your side, never your weakness.

  I shall be your equal, not your shadow.

  And I will love you, in this life and the next.”

  Kyr tied the last knot securing our hands together and smiled at us. "You may now SEAL your vows with a kiss."

  Time slowed as my gaze shifted from Cyn to somewhere behind him. Asrhia stood at the edge of the forest, her black cloak covering her. The moonlight suddenly illuminated her eyes, and I could see the tears that spilled from them. A bright smile curved her heart-shaped lips, and suddenly crackling light shot out from her fingers. Purple tendrils of magic came together, weaving a bow and arrow of pure energy as she lifted her hands towards the moon. The magic flowed and crackled within the weapon as she released the arrow into the sky. The next second, a white light illuminated the night, and a shower of stars rained over us.

  Cyn pulled me to him and claimed my lips, in a passionate kiss that left me breathless. Gasps, cheers, and applause sounded all around us as his lips danced over mine, sealing our vows, and stealing my soul all over again. He cupped my cheek, deepening the kiss as woo's and laughter came from behind us. We pulled away from the kiss and looked into each other's eyes as the purest rush of bliss engulfed us.

  The stream of magical stars still fell over the grounds, surrounding us in the most enchanting moment. The sparks reflected in our eyes, and I never wanted to look away from Cyn. His lips closed over mine again as the emotions transferred from one into the other through our connection. Overwhelming happiness was the strongest of all.

  "Get a room!" Lia's voice reached me, and we laughed pulling away.

  She was grinning while she wiped the free-flowing tears from her face. Art stood beside her, holding her in his arms. “It’s so beautiful!” he said, crying.

  Ronan and Eghan stood sid
e by side, holding hands while Cathair held a sobbing Seima. Eisha stood beside them, dabbing at her cheeks with a handkerchief, and my heart constricted. I wished Kevan could have been here with her. That was something else that needed to change, Kevan was one of us now, I believed in him, and I would make sure to help him. Cyn's lips touched my cheek bringing my attention back to him.

  “Tha mise a'd 'shiorruidh”—I am yours, forever. I whispered in his mind.

  “Tha mise a'd 'shiorruidh…” He replied, and his dimple winked at me. My eyes swiftly looked behind him, but Asrhia was already gone.

  My gaze shifted to the princes as they stood forward side by side. “It is our honor to introduce to you Brina Anwell and Cynwrig Bressall, The High Priests of The Order of The Druids, Clan of the Rose.” They announced in unison, as applause and excited shouts erupted from the crowd. The whole village rejoiced.

  Ash extended his hands, and a large iron medallion materialized in his palms. The silhouette of a rose was engraved on it, with the Triquetra on its center. He handed it, to us and as we turned it we saw one more engraving. The words "Clan of the Rose" were written in script. I had seen that quality of work before. The princes had presented the medallion to us, but it wasn't their gift. Cyn and I looked towards Cathair and he bowed, smiling. True joy shone within his eyes while he held Seima in his embrace, and I wondered when and how that had occurred. Last night she'd been devastated, but today they were clearly together.

  Cyn and I faced the crowd, and as I lifted my free hand to wave at them, the staff materialized in my grasp. I gasped as raw energy shot from our joined hands rushing through our bodies and into my Spear of Light. The Minastra GalIsacura Arthulis glowed brightly, and the light expanded, covering the entire ceremonial grounds, and engulfing everyone under it in a feeling of absolute peace.

  Cyn and I looked at each other astonished. The exchange of energy had been so effortless, natural. I wondered how our connection would respond once the ceremony took place. This confirmed it had somehow evolved, and I had a feeling this wasn't the only surprise it had in store for us. The music began to play, and the couples once again took their places before us walking towards the party area.


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