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Breaking Bones (Mariani Crime Family #2)

Page 20

by Amanda Washington

  Her eyes widened and she leaned forward. “Wait, what?”

  She seemed genuinely clueless, which sent a shiver up my spine. I had a bad feeling about the whole setup. “The bad dope Joey sold hit the streets and—”

  “Joey didn’t sell shit. Franco, Joey doesn’t have any money. Look around you. We’re in the garage of a rental house. What was left of our family was run out of town with little more than the clothes on our backs. How would Joey pay for dope? We don’t even have the money to make it. There’s just the two of us left and—” Her eyes widened. “Oh shit.”

  The hair on the back of my neck rose. If Carlo had killed Pops and was trying to tie up loose ends, he’d get all three of us together and take us out. “Shit. Joey’s here, isn’t he? He was the driver, right?”

  Natalia’s eyes only grew wider.

  “Shit,” I muttered.

  “You already said that.”

  “I know, but there aren’t enough swear words to cover what I want to say. I bet Carlo’s been tracking us the whole time. He probably already has a team on the way.”

  “You make him sound like some sort of super-power. We’re safe here, nobody knows—”

  “You have no idea what he can do.”

  And if Natalia was telling the truth, Carlo had never planned to let me out of Vegas. I was stupid to believe he would. I knew the rules. Once you were in, the only way out of the family was in a body bag.

  “You gotta let me go, Natalia. If he’s coming for us…” Then what? There wasn’t a single place in Vegas where we could hide. Carlo would find us. “At least give me a fighting chance.”

  Natalia hesitated. Her gaze went to something behind me. I turned to see the door leading to the house where Joey and their muscle were probably watching television or sleeping, not suspecting a damn thing.

  “What are you waiting for?” I asked. “Cut me loose so we can warn them or we’re all gonna die.”

  Before she could respond, I heard the faint sound of a car door shutting. The look on Natalia’s face told me she heard it, too.

  “Joey and Bastian,” she breathed. She took a step toward the door.

  The doorbell rang.

  Natalia looked from the door to me, her expression torn.

  “They’re already dead. If you go in there, you’re dead, too. We both are. You cut me loose, and we have a chance.”

  “For all I know, you could be with them. Why should I trust you?” she cried.

  Several reasons tumbled through my mind, but I settled on the one with the most impact. “Because you don’t have any other choice. We’re surrounded. Cut me loose, you can drive while I shoot, and we might make it out of here.”

  She looked from me to the door one last time before whipping my knife out of her pocket and using it to release me. Shots rang out from inside the house. We grabbed guns on our way to the black Camry. She climbed behind the wheel, started the vehicle, and hit the garage door opener, while I got into the passenger side and rolled down my window, turning the safety off the semi-automatic.

  I recognized members of Renzo’s team as they filed into the garage, popping shots at the car while we waited for the garage door to roll up. I returned fire, mowing down two shooters while the rest sought cover.

  A bullet shattered the windshield. I ducked, feeling it whiz by my head. Natalia fired, hitting the guy who’d shot at me. More men surged in behind him. We had to get the hell out of there before we were overrun.

  “Go. Drive now!” I shouted, returning fire on the men swarming the garage.

  Natalia threw the car into reverse and stepped on the gas. Tires squealed as we zipped out into the dark. She slammed on the brakes and turned the wheel. Our attackers got a few more shots off, shattering the back passenger-side window as I fired blindly at the house. Natalia punched down the gas again. We fishtailed around the corner and sped to the end of the block, turning again.

  She hung a right and merged onto a bigger street.

  “Where are you going?” I asked.

  Natalia’s hands trembled against the steering wheel. “I… I don’t know.” The trembling moved up her arms.

  “You okay?” I asked.

  “Joey,” she sobbed, then clamped her mouth shut. Her body started full-on jerking.

  “Pull over,” I said.

  She glanced behind us, clearly uncertain.

  “You need a minute. Pull over. I’ll drive.”

  She nodded and turned down a side road, rolling to a stop. Without cutting the engine, we switched seats and got back on the road.

  “Wh-wh-where are we going?” she asked.

  I had no goddamn clue. We were so screwed. No doubt Carlo had Tech monitoring our progress and had already dispatched additional teams to take us out. If we had any chance of surviving, I needed to pull out every resource I had access to.

  “Gimme my phone,” I replied.

  Natalia pulled it out of her pocket and handed it to me. I called Angel.

  “Bones!” The level of Angel’s relief made me certain he’d already written me off for dead. “Where are you?”

  “I’m with Natalia. Carlo’s put a hit out on us.”

  “Carlo? On both of you?”


  “Shit. What can I do? What do you need?”

  Angel’s uncle—the number two man in Vegas—was out to get me and Angel didn’t even hesitate or ask questions before agreeing to help me. I hated the idea of possibly putting him in harm’s way, but I was out of options.

  “Ideas. I need ideas. You got anything for me?”

  Before he could answer, my phone buzzed with an incoming call. I pulled it away from my ear long enough to see Nonna’s number before returning my attention to the road.

  Nonna? What the hell?

  “Uh… Nonna’s calling,” Angel said, surprising the hell out of me. “Which gives me an idea. Let me call you back.”

  How could Nonna be calling him when she was calling me? Before I could ask, he hung up.

  Curious, I answered her call.

  “Bones?” Ariana asked.

  Her voice brought instant relief, followed immediately by confusion. “Yeah. Ari? Why are you calling me from Nonna’s number?”

  “Why are you answering? Doesn’t that psycho bitch have you tied up? I expected to be talking to her.”

  There was something wrong about the girl I liked calling my sister a psycho bitch, but since Natalia had kidnapped Ariana, I let it slide. “Yeah, we ran into some trouble and the situation changed.”

  “Angel’s uncle, right?” Ariana asked.

  Floored, I asked, “How do you know that?”

  “That’s why I’m calling. Nonna said you and Natalia need to get here—to Nonna’s house—right now. She can help you, but only if you’re here.”

  I glanced at Natalia, afraid of how this would play out for her. She was a Durante, after all, and Nonna was a Mariani. “Both of us? She can help both of us?”

  “Yes. That’s what Nonna said. But I don’t get why either of you care what happens to Natalia. Who is she?”

  “I’ll explain later. I’m going the wrong way. I need to turn around. We’ll be there in a couple of minutes.”

  I started to hang up, but Ariana shouted my name. Putting the phone back up to my ear, I asked, “Yeah?”

  “I… I… I’m sorry. About everything.”

  “Me too. We’ll talk when I get there.”

  “I… I…” She sniffled. “Just don’t die, okay?”

  “I won’t.”

  Then I disconnected so I could keep the promise I’d just made.



  IT FELT LIKE the world was on fire, but Nonna remained the queen of cool. While I paced the space between living and dining rooms, gnawing off what was left of my fingernails, she sat calmly at the table, sipping tea while she made phone calls on her home phone. Her cell phone sat on the table between us, where I’d set it after talking to Bone
s, and it took everything in me to not pick it up and call him back. It had been twelve minutes and forty-six seconds since I spoke to him and I needed to know he was still okay.

  “Oh yes, I’m sure it’s all just a big misunderstanding, which is why I’m calling you, dear. I’d hate to see anyone acting rashly and regret the decisions made in error.” Nonna said into the phone.

  Bones should be here by now.

  I went to the window, pushed aside the curtain, and scanned the parking lot. There was still no sign of him, so I went back to pacing and listening in on Nonna’s conversation.

  “Angel’s on his way now,” Nonna said. “I’d hate for him and Markie to get caught up in this mess, so I invited them over.”

  Markie was coming. My stomach twisted in knots at the thought of seeing her again. I never should have told her about Trent, but I was glad I did. The secret had been eating me alive for years and I felt much better now that it was out in the open. Now she was coming, and I needed to face her, and the horrible things I’d said to her—unless, of course, Bones got here first. Then I could reassure myself he was okay, force that bitch Natalia to give me back my phone and purse, and get out of there long before Angel and Markie made their appearance. Where would I go? I had enough money in my bank account for a few nights at a cheap motel, then…

  Before I could fully contemplate my complete lack of options, someone pounded on the door. I rushed over to peer out the peephole and saw Bones and Natalia waiting.

  “They’re here,” I said, unable to mask the relief and nervousness in my voice.

  “Well, let them in,” Nonna said, returning to her phone call.

  I unlocked the door and ushered the two of them in. Natalia walked past me. She was gorgeous and confident and I still had no clue who she was to Bones or why she’d wanted him. Bones stopped, his eyes on me as he closed the door behind him. Then he and I stood in the entryway, staring at each other. It seemed like it had been forever since I’d seen him, and I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to hug him or strangle him. Instead of either, I looked him over, inspecting him for wounds. He looked a little roughed up, but okay.

  “Thank you for not dying,” I said.

  He cracked a smile. “You told me not to.”

  That smirk would be the death of me. I drank in every perfect line and curve of his face, committing them to memory. Then, it was time to get out of there while I still could. I reached for the doorknob.

  “Where are you going?” Bones asked, his expression unreadable.

  Since I didn’t really know, I couldn’t tell him, so I stuck with the facts. “I just needed to make sure you’re okay. Now that I know you are, it’s time for me to bounce.”

  “Why?” he asked, leaning against the door.

  “You made it pretty clear you want me to stay in Vegas. Without you.”

  He winced. “So that’s it, then?”

  Was it? My chest hurt at the thought. “Yeah. I guess it is.”

  He mumbled something that sounded a lot like, “Bullshit.”

  Wondering if I’d heard him right, I asked, “Excuse me?”

  “I call bullshit, Ari. Since when do you listen to me?”

  I blinked.

  His grin turned cocky.

  Wanting nothing more than to wipe that ridiculous look off his face, I said the first thing I could think of. “Thanks for the birthday present.”

  His eyes searched mine until his smile faltered. “You found it?”

  “Yeah, I did. So what’s with that? You wrote all that nice shit about me and then you kicked my ass to the curb talking about my career like my decisions are yours to make. Every time you speak for me, you get it so completely wrong I want to scream.”

  He uncrossed his arms, grabbed my hands, and pulled me to him. He gave me a quick peck on the lips before saying, “You’re right. I’m sorry. Let’s start over, and you tell me what you want.”

  I hesitated, unsure of where to start. There were so many things I wanted, but the main one was standing in front of me. He had to know this, though. I’d done everything but throw myself at him. Okay, I had admittedly done that, too.

  “You still want me?” he asked, reading my mind as he rubbed his fingers against my cheek.

  I leaned into his hand and closed my eyes, welcoming his touch. I nodded.

  “Good. You want to stay in Vegas and sing? I’ll set it up with the talent scout and when you’re not singing, I can send for you and you can—”

  “I’m leaving Vegas.”

  “But the scout… Ari, this is a great opportunity, and—”

  “I don’t care how great of an opportunity it is, I…” I swallowed. I knew what I wanted to say, but it made me feel too vulnerable.

  “You what?” Bones asked.

  I looked away, summoning the courage I needed. I focused on the fear I’d felt when I thought I’d never see him again. It had ripped me apart, and I’d do whatever it took to make sure I never felt that way again. Even if it meant putting myself out there.

  “I want to be with you,” I whispered.

  He cupped my face in his hands, and then ran his thumb over my bottom lip. “You will. We’ll make it work. We’ll rock the long-distance thing. I don’t want you walking away from your dream and resenting me for the rest of your life because of it.”

  “Goddammit, Bones, I want out of this city! And it’s my decision, not yours.”

  He startled at my tone.

  Frustrated, and wanting him closer to me, I leaned in and gently brushed my lips against his.

  Bones’s entire body stiffened like it was taking everything he had in him not to jump me right then and there. Encouraged, I pulled back and let my gaze drift down his body. He wore jeans and a tight black T-shirt, both of which showed off his amazing body. My hands longed to touch every square inch of him, but not yet. First he needed to understand how this was going to work.

  I pressed against him, enjoying the warmth of his rock-hard body against mine. “I know too much. This city is no longer safe for me.”

  He opened his mouth to object, but I laid a finger against his lips, silencing him.

  “And you know what? Even if it was safe… even if I got offered an incredible gig… I’d leave. I want to be with you, Bones. Get it through your thick skull.”

  “So that’s it, huh? That’s your final answer?”

  I felt my own smile widen. “Yep.” I kissed him again.

  This time Bones pulled me against him and deepened the kiss. My toes curled as his thick arms encompassed me, making me feel warm and protected. My fingers hooked in his back belt loops, determined to keep him close to me forever. His lips pulled away from mine, only to explore my jaw and neck. Then he whispered, “I love you, Ari.”

  My insides turned to goo and I couldn’t stop smiling. “I love you, too.”

  He pulled away long enough to look me in the eyes. I don’t know what he was looking for, but he must have seen it, because his grin was back.

  “Oh get a room you two,” Natalia said.

  I nodded in her direction, unwilling to take my eyes or hands off Bones. “Who is she?”

  “Uh…” He stepped back and grabbed my arm, turning us both to face Natalia. “Ari, meet Natalia, my sister.”

  My eyes felt like they were about to bug out of my head. “Your what?”

  “His sister, dear,” Nonna said. She came up behind Natalia, phone still in hand. “And now that we’re all acquainted—”

  Someone banged on the door. I practically jumped out of my skin. Bones picked me up and set me beside Natalia, putting himself between the door and us.

  Nonna put the phone back up to her ear. “He’s at the door now, just a moment, please.” Then she stepped around Bones, looked through the peephole, and swung the door open. A tall man with olive skin, dark hair, and dark features, wearing a suit and bearing a strong resemblance to Angel stood in the doorway, glaring at Bones.

  “Renzo, what a pleasant surprise. How ar
e you? Please come in out of the cold.”

  Bones tensed, looking from the newcomer to us.

  “Is this another trap?” Natalia asked, reaching for something in her pocket. “Did you bring me here just to turn me over?”

  Bones lunged at her, pressing her arms to her sides in a bear hug. “I told you, we’re safe here. And it would be considered disrespectful to draw that thing in here.”

  “Bones, I’m gonna need you and the girl to come with me,” Renzo said.

  “I’m afraid that’s not possible,” Nonna replied. “Bones and his sister are guests in my home.”

  “His sister?” Renzo asked.

  “Yes.” Nonna headed for the kitchen, phone still in hand. “I’m about to put on a pot of tea. Would you like to join us, Renzo?”

  “I’m sorry, Nonna, but I can’t. I’m under strict orders to take Bones and Natalia in.”

  Nonna spun around to face him. “Strict orders from whom?” she asked.

  Renzo’s face pinched into a frown. “I’m not at liberty to say. Family business.”

  Nonna put the phone back up to her ear and repeated Renzo’s refusal. Then she handed the phone to Renzo. He blanched, and then took it.

  “Hello? Yes sir. No sir, I was not aware of that. Yes sir. Twenty men, sir.”

  On the other side of the phone, a baritone yelled. “Twenty men?! You have twenty men at my mother’s house?!”

  The rest of the color drained from Renzo’s face. He turned away from us. “Yes sir, way out of line. Yes, we’re packing up and leaving now. I’ll be sure to do that. Thank you, sir.”

  His hands were shaking by the time he handed the phone back to Nonna. “I’m sorry for any inconvenience I might have caused you, Nonna. I have to go, but hopefully we can get tea another time.”

  Nonna smiled and kissed his cheeks. “Of course we can, dear boy. Please say hello to your mother for me.”

  Renzo didn’t even look in our direction before bolting for the door. Bones followed him, locking up behind him. Then he looked out the peephole before moving to the window.

  “They’re leaving,” Bones said, sounding awed.

  “Of course they are.” Nonna headed toward the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator and started pulling out bags. “Now come help me with the food. Angel and Markie will be here soon and you all have a long drive ahead of you.”


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