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The Way of the Clan 3 (World of Valdira)

Page 19

by Dem Mikhaylov

  There where no one has been for so many centuries…

  There you’ll know an ancient secret,

  There you’ll attain wealth and knowledge!

  But you’ve got to remember!

  Here reigns death

  And there’s no place for the living!

  Securely hidden, the wealth of madness

  Under the layer of earth, deep in the dungeon.

  Stepping under the dark vaults,

  You will find yourself among the graves.

  Those who once had rule the world

  They now recline in luxurious tombs.

  Here reigns death

  And there’s no place for the living!

  Narrow passages below

  In the depths are dangerous lures and callings.

  Tier after tier, tunnel after tunnel

  All the way down to the dark.

  Here reigns death

  And there’s no place for the living!

  The flame of the torch flickers and shakes

  In an attempt to disperse the darkness, in vain.

  Brittle bones crunch underfoot

  The air is filled with decay and dust.

  Debris of swords and armour and shields,

  Carpets the floor of the tunnel.

  Here reigns death

  And there’s no place for the living!

  In the darkness there are noises, sounds,

  Cries, blows, the rattle of death!

  There someone comes in screaming in madness

  Asking mercy of the guards of the tomb.

  Here reigns death

  And there’s no place for the living!

  Here is a gold heaped grave

  With rubies, diamonds, sapphires, garnets

  Shining dully on the vintage tombstone

  Covered with the grave-thick dust

  Wealth lies upon the tombs.

  Take all that you like!

  Come and fill your bags full!

  All will be yours! If you can get out…

  Here reigns death

  And there’s no place for the living!

  Who dares disturb the peace of the dead

  Will undergo the penalty of the immortals.

  They guard the wealth of the undead gods

  The judge and executioner and gravedigger!

  A handful of heroes never came back

  And rested in the dark of the void forever.

  But there is no rest for their bodies or souls.

  There’s only the soldiers guarded by Madness

  Madly parading in darkness of corridors

  Immortal zombies in service of Titans.

  Here reigns death

  And there’s no place for the living!

  Stand at the entrance to this dungeon of darkness

  Speak only these lines if you’re brave and courageous!

  Tantarial! Vierto gerrodiy!

  Icarus! Immortus! Irtezziy! Mogoroto!

  And the door will shake! And the door will open!

  Then decide for yourself!

  But remember!!

  Here reigns death

  And there’s no place for the living!

  What a hell of a poem! More like an explosion of a sick mind! Burn in hell! Or throw it far away!

  Once again issuing a flowering abusive tirade, I moved the useless scrap of leather back into my pocket and rose from the bench, stomped to the shopping area. Time to purchase the necessary equipment.

  There was nearly no time at all before sunset, and I wouldn’t have been able to make it to the Breeding Grounds on foot before dark. Fortunately, this was not necessary— there was a much faster and more convenient way.

  First, I stopped next to a squatting gnome-player, who had a solid selection of lighting equipment. Not all that was known to me, but that wasn’t required.

  It must have looked like my gave was neither rosy nor complacent, because the gnome-player gave me a wide smile and uttered the unforgettable phrase:

  -- I see you’re upset about something, Rosgard?

  -- Yeah? – I grumbled— Is that so obvious then?

  -- Well, well, everything happens— said the gnome, still- smiling, spreading his hands wide apart— I know what you mean. The main thing to do is not take anything to heart.

  -- Yeah? – I repeated— Listen… Coxie-Moxie the Radiant… haha… are you sure you’re just a player? You wise-crack just like a “local.” Although, that’s an interesting nickname.

  -- And funny! – said the dwarf, and continued in an already level voice— In order to remember my customers, Rosgard. You see, Rosgard, because the main thing here is not …

  -- Look, why do you keep my nickname? – I failed to hold back my frustration— Do you like it that much?

  -- Damn… -- said the dealer-player angrily— It doesn’t work!

  -- Huh?

  -- Yes, I’ve read several books on sales— admitted Moxie— You know, I want to become a super-salesman. One of the “golden hundred.”

  “Golden hundred”— the rating of the richest players in Valdira. The most wealthy. A lot of people have said this rating is fake— not all players want to disclose their level of well-being to the public, and share such information with the media.

  -- That’s why I called my character that— continued the talkative gnome— I read the book “How to attract adventurers”, “A skillful approach to customers”, “ Basics of communication.” And the most important, of course. “Luring Valdirians” by Twain.

  -- So he’s already writing books eh? – I was involuntarily surprised, remembering how that cunning merchant earned his first million in Valdira.

  -- Right! And in these books, they say that the more often one calls the buyer’s name or gaming nickname, the greater the chances of a successful transaction!

  -- Gotcha— I nodded— Look, Moxie, forget all the tricks and odds and all that you’ve learned, do you sell goods or simply stand here?

  -- I sell, of course! All these are mine! Just look at these babies! These are a jar of wonderful green emerald-lighted fireflies I bought from the master at the foothills…

  -- No, no! I choose, you put it aside, and then calculate. Average prices, I know— I interrupted, leaning over the goods, and pointed to some familiar objects— Three conventional two-hour fireflies. Two “pillars”. One normal, and the other with “flash.” Oh! You’ve got the “stickers” here! Then another hundred “stickers” and a waistbag for them. That’s all. And take from me five gold coins, including the discount.

  -- Uh-h-h… -- forced the dwarf, stunned by my speed and aggressiveness.

  -- Yay or nay? – said I, and the player gave up.

  -- Yay! Take it! A bargain!

  Quickly paying, I unloaded the goods into a bag and nodded goodbye, and then hurried on. The clock was ticking.

  -- We could have bargained! – shouted Moxie after me.

  -- Is that really necessary? – I answered, without turning.

  -- Of course! Experience! That’s the main thing!

  -- Good luck in the trading business! – I waved my hand, switching my thoughts to the purchased goods.

  I seem to not have forgotten anything. All taken into account. There is a so-so range of items in the village, but still better than a torch in the hand in a dark tunnel! I’m not a sucker, to go into the tunnels with some prehistoric torch!

  Fireflies give a good level of light around me, with a radius of ten meters. And they do not take any hand space. They just hover above your head and shine.

  Pillar flashes— light grenades charged by sunlight. Blinds an enemy for a few seconds, weakens the undead, and leaves some creatures wholly dismembered. Very bright shine for an hour.

  Stickers— I took them on a whim. For a player who was decided to scout the dungeon with arrows there is nothing better than “stickers”. Because with lighting around you, one can only see a few meters around, but one cannot see into the more impenetrable darkness, where the e
nemies lurk. And if one cannot see them— you don’t know where to shoot. It’s easy for soldiers. They love the melee, because their good physique allows them. But this technique does not go for all players indiscriminately— not for long-range players like myself. Stickers perfectly resolve the problem. To define “stickers” in modern terms… they’re homing, adhering, light-producing rockets.

  Before their activation, they are just small grayish lumps. But the operating principle is simple. You throw one towards the location of an enemy and wait. If there is someone there, the “sticker” will change their trajectory and firmly adhere to the enemy. Then, a bright flash, giving the enemy’s location and highlighting its contours. The Stickers do not last for a long time, maybe four or five minutes, but this is enough time to do substantial damage to the “highlighted” monster from a safe distance. Real salvation for distance-shooters… and an unnecessary waste of precious gold. Though they cost mere pennies, it’s all the same vice.

  I’m not a shooter, and I’m a magician. And my health does not allow close-range battles. Therefore, I had spent money on a hundred Stickers in total.

  I could have certainly learned the night vision spell, but one cannot find a way in the village. Secondly, I have a lot of experience with handling Stickers, so I will act automatically and quickly.

  Next, I visited a friendly alchemist with whom I continued to trade for the sake of his homemade potions. And once again I marveled at his incredible patience and diligence.

  From that moment when, in his previous visit to the village, I sold him a tremendous amount of grass, it had been quite a long time. Since then, so much had happened! I experienced so many adventures, destroyed so many enemies and visited many places… and he had continued to stand at that same square and trade.

  And the memorable calls, which had become both more concise and diverse at the same time:

  -- Sale of medium and small healing potions! Mana potions! Buying a variety of herbs! Calculation on the spot! For chamomile and dandelion offering double the price! Acquiring empty bottles! Buying Light Mushrooms of the Karst caves! Not to be confused with Silent Mushrooms! These I cannot take!

  A short pause, and then all over again:

  -- Sale of medium and small healing potions! Mana potions!

  -- Hi— I greeted, coming up to the alchemist— Still trading?

  -- And you… Oh! Hello— smiled the blond player with thee nickname Brave Shininger— Trading. And have you once again dragged me in a haystack?

  -- Nah— I snorted involuntarily— You guessed wrong. This time, I want to buy. For me, please, ten medium bottles of health and mana potions, just as many. You got em?

  -- Of course! – briskly nodded Brave, running his hand into the enormous bag on the ground— Here.

  Pulling potions out of his bag, he bravely gave them to me, and again dove into the bag for the next portion. What was remarkable— he passed them to me without bargaining, directly into my hand.

  -- And what if I run away now? – I could not resist, pulling the potions into my backpack— Are you not worried?

  -- You won’t run away— Brave shook his head, handing me the last of the potions— You’re not like that. You won’t believe it, after trading for a few years I got so much experience that I could smell a thief from a kilometer away. What else do you need?

  -- A half-hour potion for mana regeneration? – I asked hopefully.

  I already had two of the product— attained from the robbed aggr. But not enough. I needed a few more.

  -- Don’t have it— sighed Brave with regret— And neither the potion for life regeneration. I do not know the recipe. I’ll sell the last of these potions and make a break for the alchemists guild for new recipes. Time to learn some new skills, too. Then the potions will be better quality, and even the choice will increase.

  -- I see— I nodded, hearing the detailed business plan— That’s a shame. Would you buy some potions I do not need? The quality of them is not bad, but they don’t fit my class.

  -- What are they? – asked the alchemist with interest— Maybe I’ll take some.

  -- “Raging Bull,” two pieces— I began to list them, at the same time taking out the unnecessary potions and passing them to Brave— “Savage Fury” one piece, “Nimble Fox” three, “Sharp Eye” three pieces and “Aura of Fear” five pieces.

  -- I’ll pick up everything if you make a concession— offered Brave, after some hesitation- I’ll give you a general price for all minus the worth of mana and life. What do you say?

  -- Why not— I shrugged— And what’s the result?

  -- Wait a second… so… Seven gold and five silver. Will it work?

  -- You’re fast— I laughed.

  -- Such is the work— Brave smiled back— So, what do you think?

  -- I’ll do it— I nodded.

  -- Here’s the money. And a bonus from me personally!

  -- Thank you – I said, taking the money and four potions— a pair of life and a pair of mana.

  -- Sure! By the way! If you’re planning to go to the caves, don’t forget to gather some Light Mushrooms! I’ll pay good money for those!

  -- Agreed— I said— If I find them, I’ll bring them. Only I haven’t read any books about them. No idea what I’m looking for.

  -- There are only two sorts of mushrooms growing there— rattled the delighted alchemist— You can distinguish them easily! Whitish stalk, scaly red hat and black blobs— these are Silent Mushrooms. I don’t need them, but mind you— they are edible, they restore a little life. And Light Mushrooms are completely white, with a plump leg, a trim hat, and they are round. But they’re scary poisonous, and cause cramps! Do not eat them! And those are the ones I need. Got it?

  -- Right— I nodded again— I got it. Good luck in your trading.

  -- Uh-huh. See you.

  Before I could move away, the square again came alive with the voice of the alchemist:

  -- Attention attention! New and limited supply for all soldiers! Alchemic proposes super-set “Bend Them To Your Will!” Guaranteeing half an hour of super-charged slaughter! The potion “Raging Bull” to dramatically increase strength, plus “Wild Rage” to increase attacks, plus three medium healing potions just in case! Offer limited and expensive! Poor and beggars, please do not ask! Attention attention! Arrow-shooters! For you the alchemic super-set “Devour Arrows, Bastards!” Guaranteeing half an hour of enhanced shooting! The potion “Nimble Fox” for a sharp increase in mobility…”

  Damn… He already managed to make a set out of the seemingly chaotic heap. A self-made set with a flashy name.

  Hearing the enticing cry, a few warriors had already gathered at the possibility of such a sharp increase in their skills. But I would not be in such a hurry…

  Brave wasn’t lying. “Raging Bull” really does dramatically increase the strength, but at the expense of agility and intelligence. “Wild Rage” also kills the intellect, and also cuts physical protection. In short— this set would be better called by the name “Kamikaze.” Although for intelligent and agile tank, this could have been very helpful.

  But the second advertised set “Devour Arrow…” is really something— I’m saying that from the point of view of an unskilled shooter. Increased agility and accuracy never hurts. And arrows would fly not in the body, but hit the enemy in the eye…

  In the eye… the eye… The devil! Eye, eye, my damned head! Leaky as hell!

  Abruptly turning, I reached the buyer again, to whom I had only recently given the killer set.

  Seeing me, Brave squinted and was puzzled, and then shrugged his shoulders:

  -- Business, brother, nothing personal.

  -- I’m not here about the potions— I laughed. Launching my hand into my shoulder bag, I rummaged around and then, thrusting my hand out in front of him, said:

  -- What do you say, alchemist?

  -- O-o-oh…-- Brave forced a sigh, his eyes bulging at what was lying in my hand: a couple of tremendous,
glassy eyes— This is…

  -- Yes, yes— I nodded— It is the worst, the most terrible weapon of mass destruction. You already seem impressed. So what do you say?

  -- Give me a sec! One sec! Alright? Wait a second alright? – rattled Brave, staring at the eyeballs.

  -- Uh-huh— I nodded, somewhat dumbfounded.

  He almost dove headfirst into the bag lying on the ground and pulled out a thick and heavily-battered tome. Frantically leafing through it, he raised his pale face, and choked:

  -- Right. These are the eyes of Lady…

  -- Rott— I finished the sentence for him— I know that myself! I personally gouged them out, you might say. I’m not interested in that— will you take them? They have a shelf life that ends soon. They’ll rot! A pity— eyes are rare and expensive.

  -- Of course! N-no…

  -- Of course not?!

  -- I mean, yes! Of course! But… damn! Well, I don’t have that kind of money right now, you know? Listen, do you believe me?

  -- I don’t like phrases like that— I winced— Why?

  -- I’ll give you two hundred gold right now, some more silver amounting to about a dozen gold as well, but the price of these eyes are about two hundred and seventy, you know. Or a hundred and forty, a hundred and thirty an eye. I still have a bit of gold, but it’s necessary to spend money on a teleport scroll to Algora, plus for some different ingredients. And also to pay for the study of some skills, which are also going to cost a bunch of money.

  -- Yeah— I nodded impassively – I know.

  I know?! Hell if I knew! I would have taken ten gold coins with joy! That they were rarer was clear, but expensive— I had no idea!

  -- Sixty gold coins for three days, plus I’ll give you a tremendous bonus of fifty man and health potions. Hm? What do you say?

  -- You need them that much?

  -- You know, in order to get to the next rank with the alchemist’s guild, you need to take an exam. Boil a rare potion, but make it so well that the examiners are in awe. And those two eyes are part of a fairly simple recipe, and are its main components. And if I cook it, I’ll be sure to pass the exam, plus I’ll get at least a wooden name tag denoting that I’m an alchemist— and maybe even a few copper runes! In general— yes, I need them very much! What do you say, Rosgard? Can you help? Would you believe me?


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