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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Kissing Kalliope (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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by Amy Briggs

  Sure, there were sights I could go see, like riding into D.C. and do some touring, but it was relaxing and delightful being out of the office, and my house where I worked a lot as well. I’d already decided to dress up later and go downstairs to the restaurant for dinner, so I was fulfilling all I really wanted anyway.

  When I woke up from my nap, I completely forgot completely where I was for a minute. I stretched out and then checked the time. Only six in the evening; not too bad at all. I'd slept for almost two hours, but everyone knows that travel sleep, like sleeping on a plane, doesn't count at all, because what else do you with your time. Ok, I could have read a book or done something productive, but truth be told, I read a lot at work, and it was lovely to just sit and think about nothing and drift off. If I had been at home, I'd have filled my time with chores or more work. Or thinking about work. It was becoming clear to me that my life revolved around my work, and while it was certainly important, there had to be a little more to life than that.

  I didn’t date, mostly because I considered myself too busy. Working, of course. Without the backlog of intelligence to pour over, and left to my own thoughts, I realized it had been a long time since I’d enjoyed the company of a man. I’d been opposed to dating anyone who worked on the base from the beginning, not wanting to mix business and pleasure. That never ends well, not that I have any personal experience, but everyone knows that.

  I was starting to think that maybe my recent boredom with my routine had something to do with not having an active social life. While my work does take up much of my time, it doesn't have to take up as much time as I let it. I spend a lot of evenings reading reports or following the international news because I don't have anything else to do.

  Since I can't tell people exactly what I do, or who I do it for, I generally tell people I'm a civilian security analyst for the Army. That sounds boring enough, they don't tend to ask me too much more.

  The only people I see outside of work, besides my parents, of course, are store clerks and the guy who works at the gym I go to. Since my week typically consisted of work, working out, and more work, I found it easy to use being “too busy” as an acceptable excuse not to venture into the dating pool.

  I get out of bed and walk over to the closet, and run my hand over the beautiful black dress. Tonight, I thought, I'll go out, and I'll talk to people. I'll sit at the bar, have a drink, and small talk with whoever is around. Being an introvert is perfectly fine, but still, in my twenties, I knew I needed to have a little adult interaction, outside of the office. At the very least, leave the room for food.

  After a glorious, hot shower, I took the time to style my hair, put on makeup—which was a rarity—and once I was satisfied that I looked, at the very least, not plain, I put my dress on. It felt so good to dress up that, in that moment, I decided I’d step up my game at work a little. I wouldn’t be wearing those damn suits I bought for this trip or anything like that, but it definitely wouldn’t kill me to wear a little lipstick now and again. I felt beautiful, and the rumbling in my tummy told me it was time to get something to eat as well.

  I strapped my pair of black glittery heels, grabbed my room key, and headed down to the restaurant and bar of the hotel. While I didn't wear high heels very much, I didn't have any trouble walking; in fact, I felt like I was gliding.

  The dress was probably a bit over the top for drinks and dinner alone in a hotel, but if you're gonna be a bear, be a grizzly bear, dammit. That's what my dad would always say. It was his version of going big or go home. I could feel myself smiling, musing at my own thoughts. When I approached the bar, there were a handful of people sitting there, and in the small lounge adjacent to it.

  I spotted an empty seat at the bar and decided I would have a cocktail and relax before dinner. On the rare occasion that I did go out alone, I usually took a book with me, but I failed to pack one for this trip, so I was left to observe people. It was around eight and the bar was seeing an influx of people as I sipped on the wine I'd ordered. I looked at the other folks sitting alone, and wondered what sort of business they were on.

  That's when I spotted him. At the end of the bar, chatting with the bartender, was the most handsome man I'd ever seen. My face got warm, and I was certain I’d turned a thousand shades of red when we met eyes. I averted my gaze as quickly as I could, but couldn't fix my sights on any particular thing. I must have looked like a spaz shifting my eyes all over, trying far too hard not to look at him.

  Once I’d sufficiently collected myself, and my heart wasn’t racing from merely making eye contact with a hot guy, I shifted my glance back to where he was seated in an attempt to get another look. I was disappointed to find an empty seat. Well, I can’t say that I blamed him, and I twisted myself back square to the bar when a tap on my bare shoulder caused me to swing my head back around.

  It was him. Holy shit.

  “Hi there, I’m Ethan,” he said, with a smile that could light up Iceland.

  “I… um… Hello,” I stuttered. I could barely speak. Not just because he was so hot, but because he was standing there, right next to me, smiling at me. After I just weirded out across the bar. What the hell is going on?

  He pointed his finger back toward his seat. “I was sitting over there, and couldn’t help but notice you and this beautiful dress. Are you here alone?”

  What kind of question was that? Is that a normal question? It took me a minute to realize that he wasn't being creepy, he was making sure I wasn't waiting for a date or something. "Oh, uh, yes. I am. I'm in town on business for the week."

  “And what do you do…” He trailed off, obviously waiting for my name.

  “Kallie. I work in IT. I’m just here to meet with some government people about their systems, is all. Nothing exciting.” I thought that was a decent story. I did sit at a computer most of the time, so technically I did work in IT. Sort of. “And what about you, Ethan? What do you do?”

  “Oh, I’m with the Treasury Department.”

  “So you’re local?”

  “I am. I live here. Not here in the hotel, but here in town.” He chuckled.

  “I see. So why are you at a hotel having, what is that… scotch? And not at a normal bar?” I found it odd he was hanging around a hotel bar, if he lived locally.

  “Yes, it is a scotch. And a friend of mine invited me to check this bar out last night, but I couldn’t make it, so I decided to get out of the house tonight, for a drink or two. There’s not a lot of upscale bars where you can relax and talk to interesting people around here. You’d be surprised how fascinating people staying at hotels are, if you talk to them.” He grinned at me.

  I could tell he was flirting. I wasn't so far out of practice to not see it, and I loved it. On the rarest of occasions, where I was feeling sexy and beautiful, a hot, clean-cut guy approaches me? It didn't get any better. Usually, I'm a disheveled mess; this was like hitting the lotto. Or maybe like being Cinderella.

  “So, did your friend join you tonight?” I asked.

  “No, I’m here alone. Would you like to join me for a drink?” he asked, gesturing to the table in the corner of the lounge.

  After a millisecond of contemplation, I nodded. "I'd love to." I stood up and smoothed out my dress just before I caught him watching me intently.

  “That really is a beautiful dress,” he said.

  “Thank you.” I smiled as he stepped aside, allowing me to pass. I could feel him his eyes on me as I walked ahead of him, and both excitement and apprehension ran through me. Then I reminded myself, Have yourself a good time tonight, Kallie. You only live once, and you have nothing to lose.


  Kallie. I was sure it was short for something, but couldn't figure it out. Normally, I'd not even be curious but something about her was calling to me from the moment I saw her walk into the hotel lounge area. Her dress was gorgeous, revealing every luscious curve, but in a classy way. Almost as if she were dressed for the red carpet, she sailed into the room and ca
ught the eye of every man around. I had to make sure I was the first to approach her, and when we'd made eye contact, she looked away, pretending we hadn't. That's when I knew I'd caught her eye as well.

  We sat next to each other in catty-corner loungers as we chatted, and I found that she was incredibly fascinating. She worked in computers, or so she told me. I was never one to believe what people said their profession was out of the gate in these circumstances, but she was clearly smart. We talked about books we'd read, and we had a lot in common, if we were both being honest, which I was. I hadn't enjoyed the company of someone intellectual and beautiful in a long time.

  Kallie shifted in her seat, and I reached my hand over, placing it on hers. “You seem nervous, Kallie. Are you uncomfortable being here with me?”

  After a moment of hesitation, she replied, “I don’t get out a whole lot, Ethan. I’m not nervous, though. I find you interesting.”

  Maybe she wasn’t nervous at all; maybe she was feeling exactly what I was. The connection between us caught me off guard, but I didn’t want it to end. We’d been talking for a couple of hours, watching the other patrons of the bar, making up stories about why they were in town, simply enjoying each other’s company. It was beginning to get late, and I found I didn’t want the night to end.

  Everything about her was sexy. Of course, the dress with no back and the slit up her thigh was amazing, and I had to adjust myself several times to quell the stiffening in my pants, but it wasn't just that. She listened to my bullshit stories with intent, contemplating my words, and asking questions. She was a wonderful conversationalist and knew a lot about a vast number of subjects we covered in the two hours we sat at that little table.

  It was fucking hot. Intelligence is fucking sexy. I wanted her. I'd have ravaged her on that lounge table if I could have, right then and there.

  I still had my hand on hers, and I tightened my grip slightly, leaning in. I was going for it. "Kallie, I want to spend the night with you."

  Swallowing, she hesitated. “What?” she said in a whisper.

  Wanting to be clear, I felt compelled to add my disclaimer, but it didn't roll off my tongue like it normally would have. She was a woman I was going to remember forever, regardless of her answer. "I find you incredibly sexy. I want you. I know you're only visiting for a bit, so it probably won't end up going anywhere long-term for us, but I would really love to get you out of that dress, and get to know you more… intimately. What do you think?"

  Blunt can be good sometimes, and I was willing to roll the dice.

  I watched as her jaw fell slightly open. It was clear she'd never been propositioned in such a way, which honestly made me want her even more. I prayed she would say yes, so I could see what was hiding under that dress. I might have her keep those fucking heels on, though. Distracted by my own thoughts, thinking about her legs wrapped around my neck with those heels still strapped to her ankles, I almost missed her reply.

  “Let’s go,” she said softly.

  “Are you sure?” I heard her say it, but I wanted to hear it again.

  “Yes. Let’s go,” she repeated matter-of-factly. Kallie stood up, pulling me up with her, as our hands were still connected. Silently, she turned to walk out of the bar, toward the lobby and the elevators, with me in tow. I didn’t let go of her hand as she pressed the elevator button, only glancing at me once, a sly smirk on her face.

  The elevator doors opened and I followed her in, watching her press the eleventh-floor button. We were completely alone in the elevator and the moment the doors closed, I lunged at her, my lips crashing into hers. I was hard as a rock within a moment and had her backed up against the wall, panting with her as we kissed.

  I couldn't keep my hands off her, and as my hand found her perfect ass, I took a handful of it, pulling her into my hardness, causing her to moan slightly. The taste of her tongue held a hint of the red wine she'd been drinking, and while I thought we'd only been a second, the elevator dinged, and the doors opened on the eleventh floor.

  Reluctantly, I let her go so I could follow her to her room. Halfway down the bright hallway, she pulled out her room key, and let us into room 1123. I needed to get my hands on her again immediately.

  “Here we are,” she said, closing the door behind us. Her face was flushed, and her lipstick slightly smudged from our escapade, and I was ready to ruin it.

  “You sure about this?” I asked again. I don’t know why I kept asking; I suppose I just wanted to make sure she wanted it too. We all need a little validation now and again, and I didn’t want her to feel like she couldn’t change her mind, as much as I hoped she wouldn’t.

  She gently pressed her index finger to my lips and produced a coy smile. “Stop asking me that. You wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t sure.”

  I felt the smirk form, and I grabbed her wrist quickly, moving it to my waist and pulling her close. Pushing my face into her neck, I inhaled her sweet smell and planted kisses, moving my way down toward her shoulder. Another slight moan escaped her lips, driving me wild. Her hands roamed up my back under my jacket, sending chills down my spine. I wanted her right then, but I was going to to take my time and savor her.

  We'd barely made it inside her hotel room when we were making out, and even though she was a perfect stranger, it felt like we'd known each other forever. It was seductive and sensual, and not in a seedy one-night stand sort of way. She slid my jacket off my shoulders, gently biting my lower lip at the same time. Once she'd tossed it aside, I went to work getting my tie undone. I'd been dressed like I go to work, for the most part, which included a jacket and tie, even if I was only going out for a drink by myself.

  I started to push us toward the king-sized bed in the middle of the room while she began unbuttoning my shirt. Her soft touch, coupled with her animalistic desire for me, was practically sensory overload.

  I couldn’t wait to take that dress off her, but the soft material under my hands as I cupped her ass, pulling her against my hardness, felt amazing. We hadn’t spoken a word since I asked her if she was sure, yet we were completely in sync. Kallie had my shirt unbuttoned now, and was running her hands from my shoulders down to my chest when she slid the shirt off me as well. Standing there in nothing but my pants, I pulled back for just a moment, to take her in.

  “How do I get you out of this dress, Kallie?”

  Grinning at me, her perfectly white teeth emerging behind her pale pink lips, she silently turned around and pointed to a tiny little clasp at the small of her back. Fuck, this dress was sexy. I fumbled for just a moment, taking in her exposed skin, and undid the clasp, which caused the dress to loosen enough that I could slide it right off her. Before I did, though, I swept her luscious dark hair aside, and licked at her neck from behind, causing her to lean a bit.

  I steadied her with one hand and at that moment, I realized she had no bra on. She couldn't have, with that open back, and I slid one of the tiny straps down her arm, exposing her breast. Immediately, I slid the other down, revealing her completely, although her back was still to me.

  Reaching around to her front, I pulled her against me and ran my hands along her perfectly toned abdomen, and up to her breasts, taking them in my hands. They were perfect, and her nipples tightened under my touch as I rolled them between my thumb and forefinger. While I didn't want to stop playing with them, I slid my hands down, pushing the dress over her hips, and watched as it pooled on the floor around her ankles. She stood there in front of me, still facing the bed, in nothing but the sexiest black lace panties, and those fucking heels, which accentuated her athletic legs.

  My heart was pounding against my chest at this point, and my cock was straining to get out. I helped her step out of the dress and pulled her flush against me, running one hand back up to her perfect tit, and the other down into her panties, which were wet. She leaned back into me, as I massaged her sensitive areas, licking and nipping at her shoulder, causing her to shiver.

  Her breathing became deep and I knew I
needed to be inside her soon. I spun her around, and without getting the full view I'd been waiting for, we began kissing feverishly again. Hungry for each other is the only way to describe it.

  She worked me out of my pants and boxer briefs, haphazardly tossing them to the side, and I pushed her onto the bed, finally taking in her body. I consumed her with my eyes, as if she were an item on the menu. Still wearing her panties, and the heels, I decided that the heels were definitely staying. I crawled up toward her on the bed, reaching for the lace and pulling it down, gently working her panties off her. She reached for the strap of her heel, as if she were going to remove it, and I grabbed her hand.

  “Keep them on,” I said gruffly.

  A smirk formed and she moved her hand away. She leaned back, and with one of her ankles in my hand, I lifted her leg, moving into a kneeling position between hers. I kissed my way down her leg, toward her inner thigh, when I glanced down at her and found she was gently pinching her own nipples, enjoying the sensations. Her eyes were closed and she was ready for me to taste every bit of her. Watching her touch herself was the hottest fucking thing I'd ever seen, her pink nipples tight and pebbled between her fingers. She pinched and squeezed as I buried my face between her legs, devouring her.


  It was a marathon session of pleasure. Completely uninhibited, unadulterated sex, all night long. By the fourth orgasm, I stopped counting and just went with it. He knew how to hit all the right spots, and I'd never been so engaged as I was with Ethan. Completely uncharacteristic for me, inviting a strange man to my hotel room for the night, but it was worth every fucking minute I spent in that giant bed with him. He didn't seem like a stranger to me at all.

  The next morning, when I expected an awkward moment, he rolled over and pulled me into him. My legs were shaky from the all-nighter, as if I'd just been through a strenuous workout. I smiled inwardly; I guess I had.


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