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Unexpected Guest: A Riverton Crossing Novel - Book Three

Page 14

by Savannah Maris

  Grayson so he could ride shotgun.

  As soon as they turned on the road, Mr. Monroe said, “Boys, let’s have a good day. We’ve got time to get to know each other, and I don’t think the girls would appreciate black eyes in their wedding pictures.” He looked in the rearview mirror at Evan and Grayson as if they were five years old.

  Evan saw Mitchell’s shoulders shaking and knew he was laughing, so he kicked him under his seat. Mitchell’s right hand snaked around the back of the seat to flip Evan off.

  The rest of the ride to the Gregory’s house was quiet. Mr. Gregory and Thomas met them in the driveway at the house when they pulled up. Evan and Mitchell got out the passenger side of the vehicle, laughing at their silent conversation. Thomas walked up to Grayson and shook his hand. “We’ll start the brothers’ club. Believe me, I know they love our sisters, but you don’t want to be around them when they start talking. I wanted to beat Mitchell’s ass the first time I saw him and Kayla together,” Thomas said with a welcoming smile.

  “Thanks, man, ‘cause I don’t know what to say to Evan.”

  “Give him some time. Evan is…protective,” Thomas said with a shrug.

  Grayson grinned. “Yeah, I can see that.” He looked Thomas in the eyes. “Look, I really was unaware that she was pregnant. I wouldn’t have pushed so hard if I had known. Can you help him understand that? I want to be around my sister, but I don’t want to cause any problems.”

  “Listen, Ginger is fine. Her passing out definitely didn’t help your case with Evan, but I give you my word, he loves her fiercely.” Thomas shook his head. “None of us have ever seen him like this with a girl. I never thought I’d see him want to settle down, but your sister rocked his world. Then the baby put him in overdrive.” He chuckled. “Just be gentle with Ginger, and he’ll come around.”

  Grayson nodded. “Is he really into the sex club scene?” He cocked an eyebrow and leveled Thomas with his stare.

  Thomas looked at Grayson as if his head were on fire. “Um, I don’t know. He was away from here for five years, and I don’t know what he was into. Sorry, but you’ll have to ask him that.”

  “I don’t want him cheating on my sister to do that.”

  “Evan doesn’t cheat. It’s not in his nature. They’ve been together for a while now, so whatever he’s into, he’s into it with Ginger and only Ginger.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  “Here’s a rod and reel, Grayson. You know how to use this? Can you bait your own hook?” Evan asked with a cocky grin on his face.

  “Yeah, I know how to use that, and I can bait my own damn hook,” Grayson said as he took the rod from Evan.

  “There are bass and catfish in the pond,” Mitchell said. “Whatever we catch, Thomas and Grayson have to clean. We know y’all don’t want our hands smelling like fish on our wedding night. Your sisters will kill y’all for letting that happen.” A gleam of mischief danced in his eyes with a grin to match.

  Thomas narrowed his eyes at Mitchell. “What the hell? We had an agreement, dammit,” Thomas said while Mitchell walked off laughing. He looked at Grayson. “See what I mean?”

  Grayson sighed. “Dude, my sister is pregnant. I know what they’ve been doing.”

  The guys walked in different directions with stringers for the fish, but as the day wore on, Evan and Grayson drifted toward each other. By early afternoon, they were side by side.

  “Are you going to make it hard for Ginger and me to have a relationship? For me to be an uncle?”

  Evan didn’t look at Grayson but cast his rod. “Are you going to upset her again?”

  “I swear on a stack of Bibles that I didn’t know.” Grayson’s voice was full of exasperation. “If I could’ve talked to her, I wouldn’t have done any of it.”

  “You would’ve just tried to take her from me without knowing anything about me?”


  “Yeah,” Evan said as he turned to Grayson.

  “Yes. I saw the reports from the Reno bust. How could I stand by and let me sister be with someone who enjoys sharing women?”

  Evan cast again. “I can see your point. I had planned on telling Ginger all about it the weekend you sent the emails. I just didn’t want to do it so damn early in the morning. We had already promised an honest relationship with no secrets. That weekend we told each other everything about our past relationships.”

  Evan felt the tug on his line and hooked a fish. As he reeled it in, Grayson pulled out his stinger to help him. Evan continued to reel as he said, “Even though that picture took Ginger to a bad place, I’m glad you sent it. It helped me show her how different I am from Fuckhouse.”

  Grayson chuckled as Evan got the fish to the bank. “I still think that name suits him better. What do you mean bad place?”

  “I don’t know all of the details, but I know enough. Apparently, there was more to his cheating than just being with another woman. It made your sister feel that no man would think enough of her to be faithful. We’ve had a few battles along those lines, but she finally gets that she’s more than enough for me,” Evan said as he took the fish off the hook and put in on the stringer.

  Grayson squatted to put the stringer in the water. When he stood back up, his face was red and his lips were pursed. “I should’ve beaten the asshole a little harder then.”

  Evan laughed. “That would’ve been great. Thank you for looking after her before I met her, but I’ve got her from now on, understand?”

  Grayson took a deep breath. “Evan, I need to clear the air, and I hope you understand.” Grayson looked him in the eyes, so he knew he wasn’t backing down. “She’s my baby sister. I will always be there if she needs me. I know you’re pissed that I caused her stress where y’all are concerned, and the baby, but you need to put yourself in my shoes. I find out the man my sister is with is an undercover agent, worked a sting in a damn sex club, had sex in the club with multiple partners, and kept his membership in the club as well as one in Denver.”

  Grayson continued to stare at Evan. “Yeah, I know about the sex clubs. Don’t look so surprised, Evan. I was very thorough in my research. Does your family know about your sexual inclination?”

  “We’ve never discussed it, but Ginger knows, and that’s all that matters.”

  “And she’s okay with it?”

  “Grayson, I’m not discussing our sex life with you. She and I are in complete sync, and that’s all you need to know.”

  “Yeah, I don’t need to know anything else,” he said as he shook his head. “So back to my original question. Are you going to cause trouble for me to be an uncle to my niece or nephew?”

  “Probably not, but I don’t think Ginger’s forgiven you yet either, so let’s take it slowly. Deal?”

  “Fair enough.”

  The guys had no sooner pulled out of the driveway when the girls started painting their nails. Kayla giggled. “It’s been years since we’ve done this.”

  “I know, right?” Cat said.

  “I don’t think I’ve done this since I left Breckenridge.”

  The photographer arrived and took pictures of the crew setting everything up from the tent people to the florist. Every now and then, they’d pop in to take a picture of the girls if they were doing something different. They had just left from getting a picture of them doing their nails when Kayla said, “I can’t believe this is finally happening after all these years.”

  “You’ve had years to think about it. We’ve only known each other a few months,” Ginger said with a smile on her face. “I can’t believe how much I love him in such a short time.” Tears welled in her eyes.

  “You two need to stop this shit. I don’t know if I’ll ever be where you are, so be grateful and happy,” Cat said pointing between the two of them.”

  Click, click, click. The photographer grabbed a few more shots as they applied their makeup.

  “Ladies, let’s put on your dresses and take a few outside, then you can come back in here to
touch up your hair and makeup and cool down before the ceremony begins. Make sure you grab a snack and water to stay hydrated. I don’t want to take pictures of you face planting,” the photographer said as he walked out the door.

  The girls finished with their hair then slipped on their dresses and followed the photographer outside for a few shots of the three of them.

  Kayla wore an A-symmetrical dress that stopped at the knee in the front but flowed to the calf in the back with a fitted bodice and princess neckline. She topped it off with cowgirl boots.

  Ginger slipped into a fitted dress of white lace. The neckline was at her collarbone and clasped at the nape of the neck then opened in the back down to her waistline. Lace covered her shoulders in a cap sleeve.

  As the girls cooled down after the pictures, Kayla asked, “Cat, what did you mean earlier? You know you and Thomas are going to get married, right?”

  Cat shrugged. “I don’t know. We don’t seem to be on the same page right now. I hope my new job will settle down soon, but until then—”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying our schedules aren’t cooperating for us to spend much time together,” Cat said a little too forceful as she stared at Kayla.

  “Give it some time, sweetie. Y’all will figure it out,” Ginger softly said.

  “Maybe,” Cat whispered.


  Cat quickly performed one last check of the girls’ hair. She touched up a section of Kayla’s because she wore her hair down in loose curls, but pulled away from her face to show off the earrings she borrowed from Mrs. Riverton’s jewelry. When she checked on Ginger’s French twist, all she did was add some hairspray but was careful not to get any on the pearl necklace she’d borrowed.

  It wasn’t long before they heard vehicles pull into the driveway. They hurried to the window, trying to get a look at the guys, but their fathers stepped in front of it.

  “Not yet, girls. You get to see them when they see you,” Mr. Monroe said as he walked through the door. “You girls look beautiful.” Tears welled in the big man’s eyes as he stared at his daughter.

  “Your mother said we’ll be starting in ten minutes. You know she’s a stickler for staying on schedule. I think she’s directing the director,” Mr. Gregory said. He held his daughter’s hands. “There’s only one bride that I’ve ever seen who looked as beautiful as you girls, and that was Mabel.” Mr. Gregory looked affectionately at Kayla.

  “Please don’t make them cry. It doesn’t take much for Ginger, anyway, and Kayla cries at all weddings. And I’ve spent hours getting their makeup just right,” Cat said.

  The music started as they stood by the glass doors and watched Grayson place white roses on the left-hand side of the row of chairs while Thomas did the same thing on the right-hand side. The roses were for Mr. and Mrs. Riverton. When both men returned, they escorted their mothers down the same sides of the chairs for them to sit in the middle of the first row. After the ladies sat, Grayson took the end seat on the second row as Thomas again made his way back to the group standing just inside the back doors of the house.

  The smile that spread across his face as he approached Cat was breathtaking. He cupped her face and gently kissed her before he asked, “Ready to do this?”

  She nodded.

  The music started again, and they made their way toward the platform. They walked together until they split to walk on either side of the chairs. Thomas went to the right and Cat to the left. Once they were in place, Mr. Gregory and Mr. Monroe walked the girls outside. They waited for the correct music which gave them time to take everything in.

  The platform had six palm plants, three down each side. There were three candelabra with three candles, one in the middle with all three candles lit, and one to each side with just the outside candles lit.

  Evan wore his charcoal gray tailored suit that he wore when he and Ginger went to The Overlook with a white shirt and a black tie. He had a white rose pinned to his lapel to match Ginger’s bouquet.

  Mitchell was a little more casual with dark dress jeans, a white dress shirt, charcoal tie, and black summer sports coat. He had a red rose pinned to his lapel to match Kayla’s bouquet.

  The brides and their fathers made their way down toward the platform. When they were at the end of the aisle, the fathers released their daughters into the hands of the men they loved, and then took their seats, responding at the appropriate time.

  Since no one had wanted a long, drawn-out ceremony, the couples decided on traditional vows. The men said theirs in perfect precision and slid the wedding bands in place. Ginger and Kayla repeated their vows at the same time. Ginger never took her eyes off Evan as she confidently said, “I promise to love honor, and obey.” Her smile was wide, and her eyes were shiny.

  Kayla’s words were timed precisely with Ginger’s as they’d practiced. She held Mitchell’s gaze as she said, “I promise to love, honor, and…”

  Confusion washed over Mitchell’s face. His grip tightened on Kayla’s hands as his eyes grew wider. “Obey,” she finally said before she leaned in and whispered, “Most of the time.” Her smile was brilliant, and her eyes were playful.

  Mitchell narrowed his eyes at her as he whispered, “We’ll see.”

  The next thing they heard was, “With the power invested in me by the state of South Carolina, I pronounce you husbands and wives. You may kiss your brides, gentlemen.”

  The men apparently had been waiting on that statement. The looks on their faces said one thing, but they restrained themselves to keep the kiss polite in front of the preacher and parents.

  Cheers from the small group of family and friends went up, and the couples turned to face them as the preacher introduced them as wedded couples. They stepped off the platform and were greeted with hugs and kisses all around. A few pictures were taken before Evan and Ginger made their way to the house to change for the reception.

  As they walked back outside, Mitchell grabbed Evan. The brothers hugged in an emotional moment. When they released each other Mitchell asked, “Do you have the song list for the DJ at the reception?”

  “Yes. Four songs total for the reception then the rest is just a street dance, correct?” Evan confirmed.

  “Agreed. I want to leave and start my honeymoon as quickly as possible,” Mitchell said as he wiggled his brows.

  Evan shook Nathan and Sam’s hands. When he got to Ben, he said, “Ben, this means a lot to me. I know this had to be hard for you, so thank you for being here with us.”

  Ben nodded and gave Evan a brotherly hug. He cleared his voice before he said, “I’m going to pick up Buck from the hotel. He’s the secret service agent who’s come to help us. I figured you ought to meet him before you leave town.”

  While Evan was speaking with Ben, Sheriff Cahill and his wife spoke to Mitchell. He coughed into a handkerchief before putting his hand on Mitchell’s shoulder. “Glad y’all finally did that. I’m proud of ya, son.”

  “Thanks, Sheriff, Mrs. Cahill.”

  “I’m goin’ home before this cough gets worse. Sam can handle anything for me.” He coughed again before his wife guided him to their car.

  The photographer snapped a few pictures of the couples getting in their cars. “You need to wait a few minutes before you head out. I need a head start to be ready for your arrival,” he said.

  Evan, Ginger, Mitchell, and Kayla watched as everyone left the ranch. The guys pulled their cars from the garage then helped their ladies get in before they headed toward town.


  A few blocks from Main Street, a Riverton Crossing Police car with blue lights flashing picked them up and escorted them to Main Street for the reception and street dance. Evan glanced at Ginger and grabbed her hand. “Life in a small southern town. Gotta love it.” He chuckled.

  “It’s great they think so much of you and Mitchell, and Kayla too,” Ginger said with a broad smile.

  “They’re gonna love you too, darlin’,” Evan said.

  Behind Evan and Ginger in Betty were Mitchell and Kayla in Shelby. At this rate, the cars were as much of an attraction as the people inside them.

  “Did your mom arrange this or are they doing this to impress their boss?” Mitchell asked Kayla.

  “I don’t know.” Kayla giggled. “I knew the two of you getting married was a big deal, but the fact that y’all did it on the same day is huge for this town.” Kayla squeezed Mitchell’s hand. “Y’all need to make sure you address the townspeople tonight, Mitch. They love you and Evan, so make them feel honored.” Tears were in her eyes when she finished.

  Mitchell glanced at Kayla. “We’ve already written the speech. We’ll give it together. I promise, Mak.”

  The officer directed them to park in the Police Impound Lot. As they all emerged from their cars, Evan reached out his hand to shake the officer’s. “Rodney, I’d like you to meet my wife, Ginger Mon…um, Ginger Riverton,” Evan said with a smile. “Ginger, this is Officer Rodney Parker.” Evan held up his hand to Ginger. “I swear he’s older than he looks.” They all laughed.

  “Rodney, thank you for this. Mitchell and I would appreciate nothing happening to our cars,” Evan said.

  “Yes, sir, Chief. That’s why I put them in here. There’s a fence, gate, and several cameras if someone thinks they want to try.”

  Evan patted him on the back and nodded as they walked toward the dance. He had his arm around Ginger’s shoulders and kissed the top of her head. “Are you ready for your first public appearance as Mrs. Evan Riverton?” he asked her.

  She tilted her head toward him. “Yes, but I wish we could stay in a bubble for a little while,” she said with a smile so bright it made her eyes dance.

  “Mak, if Sally comes near you, please don’t claw her eyes out. It’s our wedding day, okay?”

  “Mitch, if she comes near us, you better show her not only your wedding band but your tattoo as well. I shouldn’t have to say a word,” Kayla said with a triumphant grin.


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