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The Harder They Fall (Bishop Family Book 7)

Page 8

by Brooke St. James

  I knew church would be an experience for both of us. Our congregation was huge, and my great uncle Jacob (Shug's brother) was the pastor, so everyone knew our family from way back. I brought Isaac with me, knowing that it would raise all sorts of questions from my family and pretty much everyone at church, which translated to most of Memphis. I had told my mom that Isaac and I spent a lot of time together that weekend, but she was the only one who knew about it. I hadn't even told Courtney.

  Isaac picked me up wearing dark slacks and a light button-down shirt that was tucked in and pressed. I honestly felt light headed again when I opened my front door and saw him standing there. He looked like a million bucks. He was way more sharply dressed than I had ever seen him, and the unexpected change took me by surprise. He looked handsome in jeans, but goodness, he took my breath away standing on my porch in fitted slacks.

  He commented on how nice I looked, and I said that he looked nice as well. Once we got into his truck headed for the church and I had time to catch my breath I asked, "Where'd you get those clothes?"


  "Where's that?"

  "In Chicago. Is that what you mean, or do you want to know the street, because I'm not sure if I can remember. We can Google it."

  "No, I, uh, I don't need to Google it, I just thought you might have bought that stuff in Memphis. I thought it was new."

  He smiled. " Why, because I wore jeans to my interview?" he asked.


  He shrugged. "I wasn't stressed about that. It was the community corner or whatever it's called. I figured it was casual."

  "You looked fine. I'm just saying, I thought you didn't bring any suits."

  "This isn't a suit. It's just pants and shirt."

  "Yeah, but they're slacks."

  "I know," he said. "I brought them in case of an emergency."

  I laughed. "Is this an emergency?"

  He glanced at me from over the console before focusing on the road again. "Meeting your family? Yes, that's an emergency."

  "They're gonna love you," I said.

  Isaac and I arrived at church a few minutes early, but it was already packed when we got there. I introduced him to what must've been ten or fifteen people on our way inside. Everyone, and I mean everyone was curious about him—even people I barely knew.

  We always sat in one big selection close to the front, so I led Isaac that way even though it was slow going with everyone stopping us as we walked.

  "Who is this you have here?" my cousin, Ivy asked when we finally made our way to the front of the church.

  Others in my family were standing around, but Ivy was the first to speak up.

  "It must be Isaac," my mom said meeting us in the aisle and coming in for the hug before I had the chance to answer my cousin.

  "I am," he said with a smile as he returned her hug.

  "You'll get the chance to meet them all at the house," I said as we scooted into the end of one of the rows. "But I'll tell you who everybody is."

  I started with the people right in front of us, pointing at them one by one as I said their names.

  "This is my mom and dad. My grandpa, Doozy. Aunt Alice. Uncle Max and Aunt Betty. That's Owen, Darcy, Ivy and her friend Britney, Aunt Rose and Uncle Jesse, and this is my brother Liam."

  Liam was right next to me, so I had ended with him. Those who were close enough to reach us (including my dad and brother) shook Isaac's hand. We waved at everyone else, and I assured him again that he'd meet them all afterward.

  We sat down, getting comfortable even though we had a minute or two before the service began. "Where's Shug?" I asked looking at my mom who had turned in her seat to halfway face us. Everyone else in the row in front of us basically did the same thing. They were all so curious that it was difficult for them to face forward.

  "She's singin' today," Doozy said, hearing me and fully turning around.

  "Really? The whole set?"

  He shook his head. "Just one song. It's Nana's birthday. Aunt Rose is making eggplant for her, and red velvet cake."

  I glanced toward Aunt Rose to give her a look of approval, but she hadn't been listening and was preoccupied with talking to Ivy. I smiled knowing they were probably talking about Isaac and me. I peered around my parents and saw Nana and Pa sitting about six rows up in the front row just like they had done for years.

  "That's Nana and Pa, my great grandparents," I said, leaning over to inform Isaac. "I forgot today was her birthday. I probably should have brought a card."

  "We can stop by the store when we leave here," he said, making me smile. "I'm glad Shug's singing," he added. "That's Ivy, right?"

  I nodded. "Yes, and I'm glad, too. You're gonna love it. I hope she does Amazing Grace."

  "She's doing My Hope is Built on Nothing Less," my mom said. "That's Nana's favorite."

  "That's a good one, too," I said, nodding.

  "We saw you on the news," my mom said, smiling at Isaac.

  This gave my dad and Doozy the excuse to turn around again. Aunt Alice turned as well. Pretty much everyone was looking at us.

  "You did a good job," Mom continued. "And that building's gonna be so nice. I can't wait to see it once it's done."

  "I know Courtney's real excited about everything you're doing," Aunt Rose said, unable to resist chiming in.

  Isaac leaned over and gave her a gracious nod. "Thank you," he said. "It's a pleasure working in Memphis and with Courtney."

  Aunt Rose smiled. "She's a doll," she said, shaking her head. "We're so proud of her."

  Isaac leaned back once he was done addressing my aunt, but my brother, who was sitting right next to me on my left, leaned forward to speak to Isaac again.

  "I believe we saw you downtown the other day," Liam said.

  Isaac nodded, smiling at my brother. "You did. My hotel is really close to that restaurant. Your sister said you bought that old dry cleaners for your girlfriend. She took me by there. It's a nice place. You can really do a lot with that building."

  "Thank you," Liam said. (He made the teeniest tiniest expression change at me that told me in brother-sister language that he was surprised I had been hanging out with this guy enough to have brought him by the store, but I was the only one who picked up on it, and he kept talking to Isaac.) "That means a lot coming from you," he said. "Courtney said you were the best."

  "That's a big compliment," Isaac said "I hope I can live up to it."

  "It's a nice day today," Doozy said, grinning at Isaac. "Do you ride motorcycles?"

  "No sir, but I'd love to learn."

  "Well, you came to the right house for that, son," Doozy said, causing everyone to laugh.

  My dad turned. "Will you come by for lunch?" he asked.

  "I already asked him to," I said, answering for him since I was nervous.

  "I'd love to if that's okay," Isaac said, responding to my dad who was still looking directly at him.

  "He's coming," I said, feeling jittery with anticipation. My dad was such a strong male influence in my life that I couldn't help but intercede. I wanted him to love Isaac, and wanted Isaac to love him. "I already invited him," I added. "You guys will get to talk then."

  The lights were going down just as I said that, so everyone got quiet and turned to face the stage as Shug came out and walked to the piano. She had a way about her when it came to singing and playing. She had a bluesy, soulful voice that changed whatever lyrics she was singing into a work of art. She loved the Lord, and she was a passionate singer, especially when she was singing a song to or about Him. She sat at the piano and delivered the lyrics of the beautiful, classic hymn in awe-inspiring fashion.

  My hope is built on nothing less

  Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;

  I dare not trust the sweetest frame,

  But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

  On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;

  All other ground is sinking sand,

  All other ground is sinking sand.r />
  When darkness veils His lovely face,

  I rest on His unchanging grace;

  In every high and stormy gale,

  My anchor holds within the veil.

  His oath, His covenant, His blood

  Support me in the whelming flood;

  When all around my soul gives way,

  He then is all my hope and stay.

  When He shall come with trumpet sound,

  Oh, may I then in Him be found;

  Dressed in His righteousness alone,

  Faultless to stand before the throne.

  On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;

  All other ground is sinking sand,

  All other ground is sinking sand.

  There was scarcely a dry eye in the room when she finished. We all clapped, and she bowed humbly.

  "My mother wanted to hear that song for her birthday," Shug said into the microphone after we applauded.

  We all got quiet to listen to her because her speaking voice was quite different from her singing voice—it was more tentative and reserved. She swiveled on her stool and glanced around, still wearing a humbled expression.

  "That song resonates because it's the truth," she added. "All other ground is sinking sand."

  She smiled and blew Nana a kiss before offering us a quick, seated bow and standing to head off the stage.

  The worship team picked up from there, and the whole band began playing a familiar praise and worship song with the lyrics displayed on big screens.

  My family was passing around boxes of tissue, and my brother offered it to me. I took one and wiped my cheeks. I glanced at Isaac afterward, who smiled sweetly at me. I had no idea what he was thinking, and I didn't ask.

  Shug came and took her seat in front of us, next to Doozy. She glanced back at Isaac and me, and gave us a little wave, which we both returned. We sang two songs before the lights came on and my uncle Jacob walked on stage. He wished his mom a happy birthday and thanked the worship team and Shug for doing such a great job.

  I looked at Isaac again because I was curious to know how he was feeling and what he was thinking. He glanced down, drawing my attention to his lap. His hand was resting on his thigh, and when I looked at it, he turned it over, inviting me to hold it. It was with no hesitation whatsoever that I slid my hand into his.

  I couldn’t help but smile as he wrapped his hand around mine. I was vaguely aware of some glances that came from my family members sitting on our row when they saw the movement of our hands, and all that did was make me feel all warm inside.

  Isaac was so handsome, and there he was, by my side, reaching out for my hand. It was a perfect moment. I could think of no better way to start my day.

  Chapter 12

  Quite a few friends approached Isaac and me on our way out the door. I tried to get out of there as quickly as possible because I was a little nervous about someone accidentally saying something embarrassing like, 'finally, Shelby brings a man with her to church,' or 'Shelby has never had a boyfriend before,' or something like that.

  We held hands during the service, but afterward, we just walked next to each other and had a quick but cordial meet and greet with about ten more people on our way to the door.

  A couple of people recognized him from the news and asked to him about the arts building, but most of them were just curious to get a look at the man I brought with me to church.

  "I enjoyed that," Isaac said once we got into his truck.

  "Really? I'm so glad," I said, feeling relieved.

  "We just went to mass on Christmas and Easter, so that was different from what I'm used to. I really liked it. I want to do it again."

  "I knew everyone would want to shake your hand," I said somewhat apologetically.

  "That's better than them not wanting to shake my hand," he returned, making me laugh. "Do you want to go get Patrick before we head to your Aunt's?"

  I shook my head. "He would love it, but every time I take him over there, he gets into trouble with Owen's dog and gets all muddy. Sometimes I don't mind, if I feel like giving him a bath, but I don't know if I want to do all that today."

  "I'm not doing any work today," he said. "I could help you give him a bath later if you want to take him."

  I thought about it for a second, turning to glance over my shoulder at the bed of Isaac's truck. "Usually, I don't want him riding in my car because I know he'll be all nasty on the way home, but I guess it's fine since he'll be in the back of the truck. I know he'd much rather come with us than be stuck in his kennel till I get back."

  I told Isaac to make a left at the next light so that we could go by my house.

  Patrick was absolutely ecstatic about coming with us, and he paced back and fourth near the cab in the bed of his truck the entire way. I almost forgot, but thankfully, Isaac reminded me about Nana's birthday, and we made another stop at Walgreens where I bought her a musical birthday card and some of her favorite lavender soap.

  Uncle Jesse was standing outside along with Owen and Daniel when we pulled up at their house.

  "Patrick finally got to come?" Owen asked as soon as we got out of the truck.

  "Yeah, he can get as muddy as he wants since he's riding in the back," I said.

  Patrick jumped out of the truck and I led him to the fenced area where Owen's dog was patiently waiting for his playmate. I watched out the corner of my eye as Isaac walked over to shake hands with my cousins and uncle. Once I had successfully closed Patrick in the gate, I walked over to meet them.

  "Where's Courtney and the baby?" I asked Daniel.

  "Inside," he said, gesturing at the house.

  "Y'all missed Shug singing," I said.

  "We watched it online," Daniel said. "We'll probably do that until she's ready to leave the baby in the nursery."

  "Bout three or four years," Jesse said, making us laugh.

  I hugged Daniel since I hadn't seen him that morning. "Is everybody else inside?" I asked.

  Uncle Jesse nodded and gestured toward the house confirming my question.

  I looked at Isaac. "You wanna come in?"

  "He was asking about my bikes," Jesse said. "You go on in. We're having man time out here. Tell your daddy and Liam they can come join us. Doozy and Max, too, if they want. We'll probably end up taking Isaac down the street and back, depending on when Rose says lunch is ready."

  "Down the street and back, how? On motorcycles?"

  "We're certainly not going on foot," Daniel said.

  "He's only ever ridden a dirt bike, and it's when he was a kid," I said, hoping they didn't make Isaac feel uncomfortable.

  Uncle Jesse smiled and narrowed his eyes at me. "He's a man, Shelby. He can handle it."

  "We won't let him get hurt if that's what you're worried about," Owen said.

  I glanced at Isaac, who seemed perfectly comfortable. I wanted to say something or give him a way out. "He's got on dress clothes," I said to Uncle Jesse.

  "So do we," Owen said. "Go on in," he added.

  "I'll go in with you," Jesse said, taking me by the shoulders and manually turning me around since I was so reluctant. "I need to ask Rose how long till lunch, anyway."

  I glanced over my shoulder at Isaac with a fear-filled expression that made him smile. I knew he'd be fine, but I was already nervous as it was, and now my family was taking things out of my control.

  Jesse and I walked through the garage and into the house together. There were a lot of people in the kitchen and they all turned to look at us.

  "Where's your beau?" Shug asked. "I thought he was coming with you."

  "He's here," Jesse said. "He's outside. We're going to show him the bikes and probably take him on a little ride if anybody else wants to come." He paused and looked at his wife. "How long till lunch?"

  "Thirty minutes," she answered.

  "I have six bikes here, and there's only four of us out there if two more of y'all wanna come."

  "I wanna come," I said.

  "Men," Jesse
said, narrowing his eyes at me. "No girls allowed on a man's first ride."

  I knew he wasn't saying that to be mean to me, but more to be nice to Isaac. I made a fake pouty face, but secretly I loved it that they were being so nice to him.

  "I'll go," Liam said.

  Doozy stood with a groan. "I'll go unless you want to," he said, looking at my dad.

  "Somebody can take my bike," Ivy said. "Just don't give it to the new guy because it's pulling to the left. Dad hasn't had the chance to look at it."

  "I'll ride Ivy's," Jesse said. "That way I can see what's wrong with it."

  "Mine's out there, too," Rose said.

  "I was counting yours as one of the six," Jesse said. "But that works out. I'll just ride Ivy's."

  So, Doozy, Liam, and my dad went outside with Jesse, and I was left in the kitchen with everyone else. I felt anxious for Isaac, so I let out a nervous giggle when the first thing Aunt Rose said when they walked out was, "Throwing him to the wolves."

  "They made me!" I said. "Uncle Jesse took him hostage."

  Aunt Rose shot me a reassuring smile. "He'll take care of him, Shelby. Don't worry. And they're all too hungry to stay gone long, anyway."

  I let out a sigh as I looked around. "Where's Courtney and the baby?"

  "Changing a diaper," Aunt Rose said. "They'll be out in a minute."

  For the next half hour, I stayed in the kitchen, talking with the women in my family. Uncle Max, Pa, and Uncle Jacob were there, too, but they were entranced by the football game, and they stayed in the living room the whole time.

  Ivy and her friend along with Darcy and Aunt Betty played Banana Grams at the dining room table. We all knew we could join in any time, but the rest of us just hung out in the kitchen while Shug and aunt Rose finished preparing lunch.

  We could all hear each other's conversations, so I knew that Ivy and her friend both gave their stamp of approval to Isaac. They teased me about bringing a "hot date" to church.

  Daniel and Courtney had named their baby boy Kip. They thought Kip Bishop sounded cool, which it did, and coolness was pretty much a primary factor when you're a famous pop star like Courtney. I held baby Kip for little while during the time the men were riding, which made it go by faster.


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