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Royally Duched Up: (Duched #3)

Page 26

by Xavier Neal

  “I like to keep it that way,” Kellan reminds him as he gives my ass a small graze. “Speaking of award winning seduction, where is the woman you failed miserably with for what was it…three weeks?”

  He glowers. “You’re obnoxiously chipper. Why?”

  “We’re celebrating the success of the woman I love. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  Kristopher gives me a polite smile. “My apologies. Congratulations again.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I have no doubt you are going to be a marvelous teacher.” Kris grabs the martini glass being offered to him. “After all you did housebreak my little brother. He can successfully sit, roll over, beg, and even learned how to scratch an itch without requiring trolling of the entire neighborhood first.”


  The comeback sends my hand flying to catch the laugh falling out of me.

  “Well played, big brother,” Kellan commends.

  Their sibling banter is interrupted by the sound of a baby crying. Quickly, Kris puts his untasted drink down, and states, “My son’s probably tired of being passed around like a hot potato. Pardon me.”

  He scampers off, and I can’t help but smile at his paranoia.

  All the Kenningston men are like that about Keegan. The moment he’s unhappy they basically elbow each other out of the way to render the situation. Thankfully, he’s a pretty cheerful baby, but those few moments he’s not, he has them all eating out of the palm of his hand. Can you imagine how much worse it would be if it was a little girl?

  Kellan slips his arm around my waist once more after ordering us two glasses of champagne. His mouth begins to drift to the crook of my neck when a familiar voice says, “You do know you have an audience.”

  Our eyes land on Guy and Stephen who are both looking strikingly handsome in their suits.

  They really are an adorable couple.

  “Watch at your own discretion,” Kellan counters and lowers his lips back to the inside of my neck.

  I gently bump against him to cease his action.

  He huffs like an upset child.

  “You two pout very similarly,” Guy points out promptly. “She makes the same face when you tell her it’s zucchini, not a cucumber.”

  My face scrunches.

  Kellan slightly chuckles. “Count yourself lucky if she doesn’t attack with it. That was not a great date night.”

  Don’t like false advertising…

  We share a small round of laughs.

  Guy introduces, “Stephen, this is Prince Kellan Kenningston, Duke of Rockbridge. Kellan, this is my boyfriend, Stephen.”

  My husband extends his hand. As they shake he kindly says, “It’s a pleasure to meet you. And please, just call me Kellan.”

  “Pleasure is all mine,” Stephen assures, dropping his hand. “I’ve been fortunate enough to enjoy the company of your lovely wife for months. It’s nice to finally have the formal introduction our significant others have been desiring.”

  “Agreed.” The bartender places the beverages down for us. “I would also just like to apologize again for my actions. It was unacceptable to attack you as I did, Guy. I assume full responsibility for the incident and will gladly pay for all of your medical services along with any additional funding for pain, suffering, or services lost during your downtime.”

  A displeased grunt escapes me. “You can’t just buy my friends, Kellan.”

  “That’s not at all what I’m trying to do,” he quickly clarifies. “I’m extending my apologies and trying to make things right. I’m sure his broken nose caused him loss of wages.”

  “It didn’t,” Guy brushes off accepting the champagne Stephen ordered for them. “But I appreciate the concern. And I’m fine. Really. I…deserved it for what I said, even if I felt it was justified.”

  Kellan grabs his own drink. “I’d also like you to know that if you are still interested in a teaching position at Hannah’s Hope and would like to continue to be a member of the selection process for faculty as well as student enrollment, we would love to have you.”

  My attention snaps upward surprised by the gesture.

  We hadn’t talked about this! Last time I tried he insisted we focus on hiring office staff to help carry more weight around there. This…This is left field! I never thought I’d hear Kellan want to be around Guy.

  “You have proven to be a valuable asset. Your guidance helped Brie pass the test for her certificate. Your input during the staff selection was beneficial and prevented some poor choices from being chosen as candidates. You’ve always proven to be an amazing friend to my wife even when I wasn’t and that alone is reason enough for me to extend an offer to remain with Hannah’s Hope anyway we can have you.”

  I let my jaw hit the ground unsure of what to say.

  Guy’s stunned expression matches my own.

  Oh look! Yours too!

  “Could you two close your mouths,” Stephen fusses. “People are gonna start staring. He’s simply making amends. It’s not as if he’s offering him a kidney.”

  Kellan chuckles and tips his glass towards Stephen. “I like you.”

  My friend slides his free hand around his significant other.

  See. Him and Kellan really are more alike than they care to talk about.

  Guy clears his throat. “I appreciate the compliments as well as the offer. It’d be…a pleasure to work with you both.” He turns his words to me. “And I know I’ve said probably a million times by now-”

  “Million and one-”

  “Congratulations. You earned it.”

  “Yes,” Stephen agrees lifting his glass. “Congratulations.”

  I softly smile. “Thank you both.”

  “Kellan!” My father in law beckons from across the room. “Come on! Brie needs to open her gift before we start ordering!”

  “Gift?” my voice squeaks.

  Kellan puts his drink down and begins to tug me that direction. Stephen and Guy swiftly follow us.

  “Did he say gift?”

  “He did.”

  “No,” I refuse quietly. “No gifts, Kellan. You promised.”

  He shrugs smugly. “I lied.”

  “Not good for a marriage…”

  “It is when your wife is refusing presents.”

  Just a few feet short of where everyone is gathered, I stop us. “Kellan.”

  He lets out a heavy sigh, motions the men to move past us, and lowers his attention down to me. “You’re being ridiculous.”

  “Oh, I’m being ridiculous?”

  “That’s what I said. You know for a future teacher you might want to work on listening.”

  These heels are like daggers…not a wise thing to say to me right now.

  Kellan’s infamous grin grows wider. “Love, this is a monumental thing to celebrate. So we’re going to celebrate. Some celebrations include parties, such as this, and gifts such as the one waiting for you. Now could you please stop arguing with me and open it?”

  Stop it! I shouldn’t just let him spoil me like this! I am so not that person…

  “Ugh. Fine. But if it’s something crazy like a pet peacock, the first thing I’m going to train it to do is attack you.”

  He chuckles and takes my hand. “I love you too…”

  When we arrive to the semi-circle created, I take a moment and drink in the small crowd filled with many smiling faces. Kenneth is standing with each of his brother’s at his side, Fredrick of course accompanied by a very excited Elizabeth. Soph, Kris and baby Keegan are positioned slightly towards the center. Guy and Stephen have planted themselves next to Hugh and Dana while a few other faces from the various branches of MINOH around the country are somewhat clumped together.

  Before I have time to reflect on the presence that is lacking, Kellan drags me to the middle of the floor to be the focal point. “Ladies and gentleman, I would just like to thank you all once more for being here to celebrate the success of my beautiful wife.”

  The group gives me applaus
e and whistles.

  “She bloody hates this amount of attention, so I am going to be a good husband for once and keep it short. Having Brie not only agree to taking the test, but joining Hannah’s Hope is without a doubt one of the most incredible things in my life. We now get to do more than share a common dream. We get to build it together and this certificate, which is so much more than just a piece of paper, solidifies it. Thank you all for being here for her. For us. For the future we are trying to create. Thank you for being family.”

  His speech warms yet causes my heart to ache.

  You know why…

  “Vincent,” Kellan calls out. “The door.”

  He steps out of the way to allow the unexpected.


  My husband whispers in my ear. “Your gift…”

  “Dad!” I shout, rushing over to greet him.

  “There’s my girl!”

  “You made it! Oh my god! You made it!”

  “Of course we made it. Would’ve quit my job if they tried to keep me away from you.” His arms wind around me as the crowd awes. “Congratulations!”

  “Mom!” My voice squeaks again, flying to embrace her next. “You’re really here!”

  “Of course we are sweetheart. We’ll always be here for you!”

  Over her shoulder I immediately notice my sister and a face I wasn’t expecting to see again so soon. After wiggling out of my mom’s grip, I fall into my sister’s. “Candice!”

  “Congratulations sis! I’m so proud of you.”

  The sound of Kenneth announcing dinner instructions to the other guests barely reaches my ears. “Thank you!” I give Viper a cocked eyebrow. “Fancy seeing you here.”

  He smiles and slides one arm around Candice’s shoulder. “I hope I’m welcomed.”

  My eyes swing back and forth between him and my sister.

  When did that happen?!

  Kellan folds his fingers with mine. “As long as you’re here to enjoy yourself and not to work, then yes.”

  Viper gives him an immediate nod. “Absolutely.”

  I let my mouth drop prepared to ask a million questions when my husband intervenes again. “Thank you for coming, Candice. I’m glad your boss changed his mind.”

  “Damnedest thing that they all did,” she jokes in return, reminding me I was tricked.

  Did you know about this? What do you mean you suspected?!

  “Why don’t you two go grab a drink from the bar, and we’ll join you shortly.”

  She gives me a brief kiss on the cheek and strolls away with Viper tightly pressed against her.

  Once they’re gone, I turn back to scold my parents for lying along with my husband only to realize they’ve vanished. Quickly, I frown, “Where the hell did everyone go?”

  Kellan tugs me into him, wraps his arms around my waist, and rests his head on my shoulder from behind. “Your mother is cooing over your nephew and your father is putting back bacon and cheese stuffed mushrooms alongside mine.”

  I slowly shake my head before leaning it against his. My hands slip up his arms to hold him in return. “Thank you…For everything, Kellan.”

  “My pleasure, Love…” He holds me just a tad tighter. “Thank you for not giving up on us.”

  Helplessly, I smile at the business around the room. My mother is playing with Keegan’s toes. Kenneth and my father are laughing with their mouths full. Fredrick and Elizabeth are toasting with my sister and Trenton is flirting with Wendy. Just as Dana flags us over, I sweetly declare, “This is my happily ever after, Kellan. It’s always worth fighting for.”

  Isn’t yours?



  Five Years Later…

  “And how was ballet?” I ask as my three year old, Kendall Amelia Kenningston, jumps into my arms.

  Amelia’s parents were touched and honored when we asked if they minded about our middle name choice. While coping with the death of their youngest has definitely been an ongoing process, they’re doing better than I’ve seen others do. They’re giving all they can to the child that is still alive while making sure to never forget the one they lost. We don’t see them as frequently as we did when Amelia was live, but we are still very much in touch and do occasionally meet for lunch or dinner.


  “Did you twirl?”


  “And spin?”


  “And twinkle toes across the room?

  She giggles and puts both her hands on my cheeks. “Yes. Now ice cream, please…”

  Are you honestly surprised? You’ve met her mother.

  “Your Uncle Guy wants frozen yogurt.”


  I smirk. “That’s what mummy said too.”

  After adjusting her on my hip, I start up the stairs of the academic building of the orphanage where Brie teaches with Vincent and Kage behind me.

  Getting Hannah’s Hope in my desired time went flawlessly once Felicity left. Alarmingly so. Guy casually mentioned the idea of her purposely postponing progress, which would have forced us to spend more time together and caused an even bigger wedge in my marriage. He of course waited to announce that theory to us until she accused him of lying about his sexuality to sleep with my wife without my knowledge. Her desperation tactics continue to get pathetically lower, attempting to start rumors and slander primarily about Brie in order to protect my reputation, you know just in case I ever changed my mind in the future, but she never tried to take Hannah’s Hope. I guess she believed my threat as she damn well should’ve.

  “Can Uncle Trist and Aunt Soph Soph come too with baby Olivia?” She questions just on the other side of the door.

  “We can certainly call and ask,” I answer, taking the staircase directly to the right of the entrance. “But you know Uncle Kris is very busy lately.”

  From a professional standpoint, their cancer foundation has changed hundreds of lives. While it originally was dedicated solely to research, treatments, and studies that could help prevent, fight, or cure, it recently expanded to include financially helping those families who need it once a member has been diagnosed. Kris hates to admit it but the decision to branch out came from watching the difference MINOH and Hannah’s Hope have made, not only to individuals but to our country’s morale. Regardless of the fact he still has many years before he has to take the throne, he’s fully committed to continue a positive change for the people of our nation. Over the past several years blogs and media sites have spent more time boasting about the improvements that have been made as opposed to criticizing frivolous things like when our wives dresses are too low cut for some of those with more modest taste. Don’t get me wrong. The internet still loves to insinuate lies like brotherly rivals or more recently we’re wife swapping, but they also report things like Kris’ addition to his company and Hannah’s upcoming graduating class. Oh and of course things like my father advocating for better standards for our veterans. Nowadays he either spends the majority of his time at the restaurant he invested in, talking and sharing pints with those who once fought for this country and now strive to find a place in or endlessly spoiling his grandchildren. Pretty sure he may have ordered Kendall a real life My Little Pony. Not telling Brie about that. That’s all on him.

  “No busy,” she tries to argue.

  “Very. Remember he almost missed dinner at Grandpa’s on Sunday.”

  Kendall pouts her displeasure instantly causing her to look more like Brie than me.

  Aside from her bright blue eyes that get us both into trouble, she’s a dead ringer for her mom. Even though her hair is a golden color, it’s wavy like her mother’s. She has the latte colored complexion. Even the way her brow creases when she’s frustrated or unhappy. I thought I was done for when I fell in love. Ha. Turns out I was dead wrong…

  “What do you want me to do? March into his office and demand he eat ice cream?”


  I roll m
y eyes as we continue up the stairs, passing the faculty wall.

  The moment she spots Brie’s photo, she points, “There’s mummy!”

  Of course she has an accent, though her choice when to use American English versus Doctenn has no actual consistency. Not sure if she’s confused or bloody brilliant and is mocking us.

  “And Uncle Guy!” She points again.


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