Pleasure Cove: Where love is hot on the beach!

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Pleasure Cove: Where love is hot on the beach! Page 2

by Nash, M. G.

  “Wait,” she cried grabbing his shoulders, “What about you?” Bob grinned as he rubbed her legs and gently pressed his finger inside her wet center. In a few strokes, Carrie was pumping her hips and begging for more until she cried out with an orgasm.

  Bob kept his hand still and watched her breathing slow down. “I’m saving myself for tonight, honey. This is just for you. I want you ready for the pleasure I promised you.”

  “I see,” Carrie languished, “you want to be my stud muffin.”

  Bob laughed, “If you say so, baby.” They collapsed on their towels and simply enjoyed watching the waves. Bob looked over at Carrie as her eyes drifted shut. He turned on his side so he could watch the rise and fall of her chest. His eyes moved slowly down her body to his favorite part – her long legs. Some guys loved boobs but he was truly a leg man. When she wrapped them around him, he was in heaven. He sighed realizing he was letting her get under his skin. Was he ready for that? Did he want a commitment again? He’d sworn off long-term relationships after his divorce but he enjoyed Carrie’s company.

  Maybe he didn’t need to worry about that right now. He rolled onto his back and stared up at the clouds. After their swim, they should have a glass of wine under the palapa and watch the sunset. That was the only plan he needed right now.

  Later as Carrie waded back onto the shore, she wrapped herself in a beach towel while she watched Bob bodysurf one more wave. He sure knows how to play, she thought to herself, as she felt the pulse that was still throbbing in her core. But I wonder if he would be content in a loving relationship? Something tells me he’s been burned pretty badly so I better be ready if he starts putting up walls. "Just take things slowly," she chanted in her head. She turned and started packing up their bag as he walked up to the shore. She couldn’t help noticing his tight abs when he brushed the water from his face and hair. At least, she was going to make the most of this weekend.

  “How about a glass of wine while we watch the sunset?” he asked as he joined her stride heading back to the motel.

  “That sounds lovely after a long hot shower.”

  Bob’s mouth quirked up in a grin, “Would you consider a quick hot shower? We’re still working on getting a bigger hot water heater to service the motel.”

  Carrie looked at him and winked, “Well, then I better beat you to the shower, or maybe we can both fit in.”

  Walking into the motel room, Carrie headed for the bathroom and checked out the amenities. Not exactly the Marriott but I’ll survive, she thought as she stroked the thin white towels between her fingers. Grabbing her travel kit she got the body wash and shampoo and was under the hot stream when Bob slipped into the shower behind her.

  “Your turn,” she quipped trading places to watch the water stream over his shoulders. Carrie rubbed her soapy hands over his chest. “I love watching the water glisten off your chest hair,” she said idly before rubbing her breasts against them.

  “Turn around,” Bob murmured, “and I’ll get your back.”

  “Oh, like you did this afternoon,” Carrie glanced over her shoulder as she turned.

  “I’m just being an attentive lover.” Bob slowly massaged her upper shoulders then moved to her neck. She moaned as her head rolled from side to side.

  “I am a sucker for that,” she admitted feeling his hands slowly glide down her arms.

  “Clean as a whistle,” he said kissing her shoulder before turning to let the water hit his chest and legs. Carrie turned to admire his hard ass from playing tennis.

  “So, now it’s my turn to do your back,” Carrie replied gathering the washcloth to stroke over his lower back and buttocks. She squeezed his warm cheeks and slowly moved the washcloth between them for a moment before bringing it back to the shower stream. Squirting her body wash on the cloth, she rolled it over her chest before wrapping her arms around Bob so the suds smeared his back as well.

  “Um-m, that feels good,” he encouraged as her hands rubbed the cloth across his penis. They swayed together under the water till it began to grow cooler.

  “Enough for me,” she laughed as she jumped back from the cold water stepping out of the shower. Bob soon followed and they wrapped themselves in towels to dry off.

  “Maybe we can bring them sheet towels next time we come,” Carrie said.

  “We’ll get there eventually,” Bob promised. “This is a proud family so we add a little bit when we can. I promised Jose the next time I come I will bring a group of fishermen and we’ll stage our first marlin tournament.”

  “No women allowed, I get it,” Carrie pouted with her lips. “I guess we girls get a weekend while you’re chasing Moby Dick.”

  Bob changed the subject with a question, “How does fish sound tonight? I bet the boats brought in some grouper today.”

  “Didn’t Jose mention going to his house for dinner?” Carrie reminded Bob.

  “Oh, I think that was simply his good manner talking,” Bob shrugged, “I hardly ever go to their home when I come down.”

  “OK, fresh fish it is. I hope the cook made some flan, it’s almost as good as ice cream,” Carrie added. She tied the back of her blue halter dress and turned to the mirror. Fluffing her hair, she walked closer to put on her turquoise earrings. “I’m wearing these tonight just for you,” she smiled at Bob as he walked up behind her. “You bought these for me when we drove to Ensenada a few weeks ago.”

  Bob planted a kiss on her bare shoulder and looked into the mirror. “They look great on you,” he admired, and squeezed her arm. “Are you ready for that sunset?”

  Strolling with his arm around Carrie's waist, Bob noticed the lobby was empty at the moment. He made a mental note to talk with Jose about staffing. There should always be a person on weekends to answer questions and help guests. It was going to take a while for this family to understand how to run a successful motel.

  “O-oh,” Carrie murmured the moment they stepped outside on the terrace. The sky was just turning pink and orange as the sun set low on the horizon. It made a ribbon of color across the water reflecting on the clouds hovering above. “This is magical,” she said softly taking a seat in the palapa. “All I need is a hammock and I’d be content for hours.”

  “That’s on my list, too,” Bob nodded. “We wanted a couple out here by the palapa so Dads could watch the kids while they played on the beach and Mom could sleep in late or go shopping in the village.”

  Bob ordered a bottle of Chardonnay and asked the waiter about the fresh fish in the kitchen. “We’d like to order our food and eat it out here just so we can watch the sunset,” Bob explained. He spoke in broken Spanish to the waiter who brought out candles before leaving them to enjoy their wine.

  “To you, my dear, you’re making this trip such a pleasure for me,” Bob toasted Carrie with a tip to her glass.

  “Thank you, Bob, I treasure our time together,” giving him a special smile. She moved on to change the subject. “And, what a surprise, I didn’t know you spoke Spanish.”

  “You mean my two word sentences like “Cuanto dineros?”

  Carrie laughed, “Did you understand anything the workers were chatting about when we were here earlier?” she asked.

  “No, I wasn’t listening. I was too focused on that wiring so we can get internet. We absolutely have to be able to let kids play on their electronics."

  “It was kinda sexy watching all you men work. I picked up a word or two of Spanish,” Carrie confided, “Most of it was gossip about locals noticing lights flashing on the beach late at night. They do like the work being done on this place.”

  Bob looked at her for a moment, “You don’t miss much, do you?” he asked. “That’s interesting news. I’ve been coming here for years and I’ve never heard anything about lights on the beach. This is a sleepy little village that’s completely safe.”

  “Was it night fishermen or lovers sneaking down to the beach? What do you think?” Carrie asked. Bob took a sip of his wine and looked out to the ocean before r

  “It wasn’t fishermen and I doubt it was lovers as romantic as that sounds, sweetheart.” Raising her hand to his lips, he lightly kissed it. “I almost feel paranoid like someone might be spying on this place. I wonder if the timeshare company has hired someone to gather info.”

  “You think they would go that far?” she countered. “I thought those decisions were statistical, made by financial analysts who projected years into the future.”

  “If we were in the US, I’d agree with you, but here across the border, things are a little different. The corruption is everywhere. Jose had to pay bribes to get building permits. “But, let’s not worry about that tonight. This is our time.” He gazed at her stroking her hair.

  Chapter 3

  The waiter arrived with their food interrupting Bob's caress down Carrie’s arm. Bob asked for more candles now that the sun had set, and he refilled their wine glasses. They ate in companionable silence enjoying the grilled fish and fresh vegetables.

  After dinner, Carrie sipped her Mexican coffee laced with brandy. She could feel the heat spread down her throat and into her chest. She used her spoon to feed the last taste of the velvety flan to Bob. “Um-m, I love the taste of that caramel sauce. But, it’s not as sweet as you,” he winked as he kissed her fingers. Across the candlelight, he looked into her eyes, “Are you ready for a moonlit walk on the beach?” He touched her hand and pushed back his chair to place her shawl around her shoulders. He lightly brushed his fingers across her skin. “I noticed the shimmer across your skin at the table,” he whispered in her ear, “It’s very sensual the way it glows.”

  Carrie smiled up at him, “I’m glad you noticed, I brushed it on at the last minute.” She pulled the shawl tighter as chills scurried down her spine. She simply loved being with Bob when he left his work behind and focused his attention on their time together. This was her fantasy come true in Pleasure Cove.

  Wandering away from the motel, she slipped off her sandals to feel the sand beneath her toes. The night was perfect – a full moon, the water lapping at their feet and the beach to themselves. Bob draped his arm over Carrie's shoulders and they strolled slowly in each other’s arms.

  Bob leaned over and kissed her hair as he confessed, “I want you already. I wish we could throw a mattress down on the sand and make love under the stars.” He laved his tongue into her ear while he gently slid his arm under the soft cotton of her dress to caress her nipple. He turned her in his arms to give her a slow French kiss. His tongue darted around hers thrusting like the hum of their bodies. “Pull down your top for me, Carrie, I want to see your breasts turn golden in the moonlight.”

  Quickly, Carrie looked around for privacy. Going topless on the beach would be easy after this afternoon. She always felt spontaneous when she was with Bob. She lifted her hair releasing the halter strings. Her pink nipples gleamed in the dark where she had brushed them with shimmer dust. Bob leaned down and kissed one, then the other. “Ah-h, they are beautiful, such a perfect fit in my hands.” He kissed them both before pulling one deeply into his mouth. Carrie gasped and moved closer with her hands on Bob’s shoulder to steady herself. She moaned her pleasure and glided her leg between his so she could press his balls against his shaft. Raising her knee, she felt the warmth of his penis through his clothes.

  “I’m not going to make it back to the motel,” Bob moaned as he grabbed Carrie’s buttocks and rubbed her against his cock. “I may explode right here.” She turned rubbing her backside up and down his front just to tease him.

  Looking over her shoulder she smiled, “Maybe we don’t have to. I noticed one of those houses just down the beach. Let’s go there where we’ll have more privacy.” She turned and ran the few steps to the low stucco wall. Swinging her legs across, she flashed Bob a quick peak of her thighs. “Don’t fall behind, big boy.” She found the swimming pool to the left of the house and walked quietly to the edge of the dark water. Dipping her toes into the pool, she hummed, “Um-m-m, this is delicious.” She quickly stripped off her dress to wade nude into the water.

  She looked up to find Bob staring at her with hungry eyes. “You take my breath away,” he said softly. He didn’t hesitate joining her naked in the water. She glided away brushing water across her breasts and flicking it onto his chest.

  “It feels like warm honey,” she murmured, “And I want to lick it off of you.” She moved forward to kiss the droplets from his stomach. Bob captured her in his arms and leaned back on the pool steps.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist,” he said in a husky voice, “I’ve got to have you now.” Carrie surrendered with her arms and legs pulling her body close so Bob could hold his head between her breasts.

  “Oh, my God, you are so hot inside,” he cried as his cock entered her mound. He thrust and withdrew, thrust and withdrew. Carrie felt his rhythm in the water lapping around her. She matched his movements and the tension built quickly in her molten center. He threw his head back to maintain control as his thrusting grew stronger.

  Carrie dug her hands into Bob’s back and pressed herself into his shaft to take him over the edge. “Come for me, baby,” she whispered, “I love to watch you lose control.” When he thrust again, she exploded and arced as the orgasm spread through her body. The heat of his semen made the water feel cool as he came, and she thrust quickly to feel a second orgasm rush up her spine. They held each other closely as they trembled from the heavy breathing.

  Bob kissed her temple and said quietly as his lips touched her, “Only you can do that to me, Carrie, you make me forget about everything else.” She hugged him tightly before moving back to float in the water.

  “Do you think we’ll ever have sex in bed this weekend?” she teased. “Let’s order room service in the morning and sleep in. We can snuggle and shag to the rhythm of the waves. Don’t you love that British word, shag, especially the way Austin Powers says it. I wanna shag-g you, baby,” she said in a British accent.

  “Carrie, I’ll take you any way I can get you,” Bob retorted as he looked up at the stars. “I’ll see what I can do about that room service. It’s not part of the plan right now, but I do have connections,” he wiggled his eyebrows looking at her, “Especially for my little water nymph.”

  “Maybe we shouldn’t push our luck here,” Carrie mentioned as she glanced around and walked to the stairs of the pool, “Are you ready to head back to the motel?”

  Bob nodded, “Sure, let’s go sit on the rocks till we dry off. You might see a shooting star here where there are no lights.”

  “Well, that would be the perfect end to this evening,” Carrie said wistfully, “What would you wish for, Bob?”

  “I don’t wish on stars anymore, Carrie, life has taught me I get more from planning than wishing.” Carrie studied him as he wiped the water off his toned body and bent to retrieve his slacks. She saw that he shut down just for a moment.

  “I see,” she gently replied, “I think it’s more about hope than wishing. I believe we have to have hope that good things will come to us. I was hoping for a smart, generous lover to come into my life, and then you appeared.”

  “Thank you, love,” Bob kissed her hair as he threw his arm around her and they headed for the rocks. Bob sat on the hard rock and pulled Carrie between his legs. “Sit on my lap where it’s softer,” folding his arms around her waist. They enjoyed a peaceful moment looking at the night sky and listening to the waves. Just as they were drying off, Bob heard the purr of a distant motor. “Who would be out on the water this late?” he asked. He and Carrie both rose to take a peek over the rocks where they heard the sound. Sure enough, a small boat with no lights on was pulling up to the isolated sandy beach. Bob and Carrie remained where they were tucked behind the rocks so they could watch what happened.

  Silently, two men jumped off and headed up the shore to the back of the rocks where Bob and Carrie stood. Quickly, Bob tugged Carrie’s elbow so they both hunkered down into their hiding place. They watched the two men wal
k around the back of the artist’s house. Bob leaned to whisper in Carrie’s ear, “It’s safe now that you could go back to the motel. I want to stay and see what they do.”

  “No, I want to stay with you, Bob, we’re safe as long as we’re still and don’t try to stop them.” He nodded and stood for one moment to check out their boat.

  Looking for a name or number that he could report to the authorities, Bob murmured, “An unmarked boat, no lights – it doesn’t add up, somebody’s up to no good.”

  It was only minutes before the two men appeared at the side of the house again, this time wearing back-packs. With caps pulled down, Bob could not see their faces. They moved silently and quickly to return to the boat, pushed it away from the shore and jumped on board. They turned heading away from the cove so they were swallowed by the dark of night within seconds.

  “I wonder if this has anything to do with those lights the workers gossiped about today?” asked Carrie as they stood staring out at the dark sea.

  “I imagine you’re right,” Bob agreed, “We just got lucky to be at the right place at the right time. Maybe tomorrow I’ll go take a peek in the artist’s cabin. “I’ve met her before, and can justify myself if I get caught. We are always taking care of each other’s property down here.”

  “Well, that’s enough excitement for tonight, wouldn’t you say?” Carrie asked quietly. Bob pulled her into his arms and gave her a hug.

  “I was concerned for your safety. Promise me you won’t talk to anyone else about this. We can’t jump to conclusions until we gather more information. I can ask some casual questions tomorrow. There are very few secrets in this little community.”

  “Okay, sounds like a good plan,” Carrie assured him. “I wasn’t scared, just a little anxious from the excitement. Maybe a brandy would be good before bedtime.”


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