Pleasure Cove: Where love is hot on the beach!

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Pleasure Cove: Where love is hot on the beach! Page 12

by Nash, M. G.

  “It’s getting hot just like you, Bob, and it’s throbbing. Oh, it’s inside me now. I wish I could wrap my mouth around your cock and fondle it while I stroke myself with your shadow. I’m getting wet just thinking about you lying there in the dark. Stroke your cock faster for me, baby. I want to climb through this phone and ride you on that leather. It must feel good against your skin.”

  Moaning out loud, Bob lifted his hips and stroked himself. “Oh, Carrie, I can’t believe I’m doing this in my brother’s house. It’s so forbidden that I’m going to explode.”

  “Oh, then you need to come for me, baby,” Carrie pleaded, “We’ll come together fast and hard. I’m writhing now. Your shadow cock is burning me up. She thrust the vibrator high to the top of her inner labia and found her clitoris. She screamed her pleasure into the phone as tremors shook her body.

  The moment Bob heard her gasps his seed spilled into his hands and drops of semen continued to fall onto his belly. He laughed out of his shock, “I just keep coming, Carrie, I’ve never had this experience before.”

  “Um-m,” she murmured breathlessly, “I know what you mean. I went from shy to shocked in thirty seconds flat. She was almost embarrassed as she laughed. “Whew, that was intense. Another first for us, Bob, I hope it was good for you.”

  “I’m thrilled,” Bob panted. “I’ll never be intimidated by my brother again. Every time he tries to guilt me, I’ll think of this moment. Thank you, Carrie. I love you for giving me this.”

  “It’s all about give and take, sweetie. I love you for thinking of me, too. This ol’ bed is lonely without you. Do you come home tomorrow?”

  “Yes, I catch a flight tomorrow afternoon but I don’t get home until late. Maybe you could come down on Tuesday, and I’ll take you out to dinner.”

  “It’s a date. I’ll see you at sunset. Good night, love,” she said softly as she hung up the phone and softly ran her hand over her body wishing it was Bob's.

  Chapter 18

  Juanita held the pin light in her mouth while she picked the lock at Mary’s beach house. It opened easily and she slid inside. She had waited till three in the morning so there’d be no surprise midnight visits from the beach. She stood still and waited for her eyes to adjust. Walking forward slowly, she made out the basic floor plan. The entry opened into the living room and the kitchen followed at the back. The bedroom must be down the hall she thought as her eyes followed. Now, where would an artist place a computer she asked herself?

  I would keep it in the studio, Juanita thought. She headed down the hall to open each door silently. Not in the bedroom. She opened the second door and noticed a large picture window. Bingo, Mary’s studio, she thought as she walked into the room. That window gives her natural light in the morning. Standing still, Juanita turned slowly taking in the canvases leaning on the wall, the sketches taped behind the door. Then, she noticed an inset where a closet had been at one time. It was now shelves and on the bottom was a small computer with the blinking light glowing in the dark. “Ah-ha,” Juanita whispered picking up the Mac. "Of course, she’s an artist; what else would she own?"

  Juanita brought up the computer and experimented with a couple of passwords. She smiled when she typed in Leonardo and hit pay dirt. She checked the email accounts first and only found one for Mary. Now, who has Mary been chatting with lately she pondered? She clicked the deleted files to see what was there, and found some emails for Miguel. There was nothing damaging so she headed for the recycle bin to see if he forgot to clear it. Sure enough, there was her first hard evidence - details about a rendezvous at The Spa motel. She pulled out a jump drive and downloaded the recycle bin so she could study it in detail later.

  Moving on to the hard drive, she studied the dates that files were accessed. When she saw the dates for an Excel spreadsheet, she opened it and laughed at the entries outlining a timeline for creating havoc at the Pleasure Cove Motel. The next entry was for Memorial Day, one of the busiest holiday weekends for the motel. She had to call Bob and warn him. Maybe they could stop it in time. She downloaded the file and turned the computer off. Letting out a deep breath, she calmed herself and remembered to be meticulous at leaving everything exactly as she found it on her way out.


  Bob was dropping his coffee cup in the dishwasher when his cell rang. He answered right away recognizing Juanita’s number. “Hello, Juanita. How’s the investigation going?”

  “Hola, Senor Roberto, I finally found some hard evidence on Mary’s computer early this morning. I’ve got a spreadsheet detailing the sabotages planned for the motel. The next one is scheduled for Memorial Day weekend. They plan on tampering the water supply so the motel guests get ill.”

  “No!” Bob replied automatically. He sat down in his chair and rubbed his hand across his face. This was worse than he had expected.

  “Roberto, I have an idea. You told me Mary was supposed to be in San Diego to see her doctor. If you get Mary’s co-operation, we can take that computer and gather more evidence. I was in and out of her house in thirty minutes. It was more important to reach you so you could warn Jose.”

  “You made a good decision, Juanita. We must protect your identity at all costs. Let me call Jose to warn him about the water supply. He can put a guard on it right away, and he will have Mary’s phone number in San Diego. I’ll call her today and talk to her.”

  Bob stopped to think for a minute. He grabbed pen and pad to make a list:

  Warn about sabotage

  Get Mary’s US phone number

  Call Alfredo for a computer expert to retrieve data from Mary’s computer

  Offer to change locks on Mary’s house so Miguel is cut off

  Bob stared at the list and decided that Jose could only be trusted with the first two items. After talking to Mary, he would call Alfredo directly to search the computer. Juanita could probably handle finding a locksmith in the village. Maybe they should hold onto Pedro for a few more days. What was that expression: keep your friends close and your enemies closer? He would ask Juanita to keep a closer watch on Pedro. If he spilled the beans on Miguel, they might get more evidence.

  Hanging up the phone an hour later, Bob stared at the second item on his list - call Mary in San Diego. Jose had been shocked by Juanita’s report but he had agreed to tighten security at the water filtration system. Now, how to deal with Mary? She was not only an artist but a cougar as well. Miguel was about twenty years younger. He must handle this delicately so her pride was not wounded.

  “I hate this subterfuge,” he grumbled. He stared at the phone as it rang and looked at the number; Carrie was calling. He grabbed the phone like a lifeline. “Hi, sweetheart,” he began, “I’m happy to hear from you.”

  “Hello, my love, I made home-made banana pudding with meringue on top. Can I tempt you to share some with me later tonight after dinner?”

  “Why, you sure can,” he pantomimed in his best Southern drawl. “Hey, I could use your help. I need a female opinion. Do you have a minute?”

  “Certainly, I’ll make time for you. What’s up?”

  Bob briefly summarized Juanita’s call and explained Mary’s relationship with Miguel.

  “An artist and a cougar,” Carrie repeated in awe. “Boy, you get around, Bob.”

  “Don’t be funny, I need help. How do I persuade this woman to give me her computer and not call her boy toy?”

  A burst of laughter spilled out before Carrie could answer seriously, “I think you must persuade her that his life’s in danger and she has to save it. You’ve got to appeal to her ego. Only she can rescue her lover who is being manipulated by this big timeshare company. She will understand that when they are done with him, they will dump him. Offer to bring her to your home for a few days to paint the ocean so she can think things over. She will love being protected.”

  “Actually, that sounds pretty good, Carrie. I can show her the security footage so she sees he was involved. Then, I can persuade her that we can only save hi
m if she lays low and stays out of the picture for a few days. I like the painting idea. I can introduce her to a couple of artists in Laguna.”

  “Just promise me you won’t let her put the moves on you, babe. Jealousy is not my friend. It hurts to say it but it's true.”

  Bob chuckled deep in his chest. “Oh, Carrie, you’ve never seen Mary have you? She’s in her late forties but looks sixty from her heavy smoking.”

  “Then by all means, you should drive to San Diego and pick her up today. I’ll bring the banana pudding, and we’ll make her feel right at home.”

  “Carrie, that’s a splendid idea. “I’ll leave a key for you in the box by the door in case you get here first.”

  Watching Mary nod off to sleep while he drove, Bob navigated the Santa Ana Freeway at rush hour. He felt satisfied with today’s work. Jose and Alfredo were both co-operative. Juanita was picking up Mary’s computer today and leaving a note for Miguel explaining that Mary was delayed by her doctor and Jose was shipping her computer to her. So, the stage was set. Now, he just had to baby sit Mary for a couple of days. She liked the idea of starting a new seascape so he’d set her up in the downstairs area and let her paint on the patio.

  Pulling into his driveway, he noticed that Carrie had arrived. She was probably cooking dinner if he knew her. He carried Mary’s bag inside and smelled a brisket roasting. As he entered the kitchen, she was busy cutting vegetables.

  “Welcome home,” she greeted and gave him a hug. Bob made introductions before they all gathered round the table for a glass of wine.

  “I’m so glad you will be here to do some painting,” Carrie shared as she set out stuffed peppers as an appetizer. Bob tried one and groaned in delight, “Um-m, these are good.” He passed the tray to Mary.

  “Why don’t I go get settled in while you two catch up with each other?” offered Mary after a few minutes. She appeared just a little nervous in her new surroundings. Carrie nodded and glanced at Bob, “Dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes. Do you need to make any phone calls?”

  He shook his head and touched her hand, “Let’s go sit out on the balcony before it gets dark. Mary, your room is downstairs at the end of the hall. Let me know if you need anything.”

  Easing into deck chairs, Bob and Carrie sipped their wine while he gave her details on the day’s events. “So, everyone is busy doing their part,” he finished, “And we just have to take care of Mary. Would you like to spend a few days here, Carrie? It would make me feel better if you were nearby so Mary could talk to another creative soul. You might learn more about Miguel.”

  “I’ll be happy to help you, Bob.” Leaning over she kissed his lightly, “Thanks for including me.” She gave him a radiant smile and squeezed his hand.

  By Saturday, everyone had settled into a routine. Bob and Carrie rose early and enjoyed coffee on the balcony while Mary slept in late and joined them for lunch. Carrie worked on her laptop and Bob stayed locked in his office for hours. The news from the motel was encouraging. Mary’s computer had been cleaned and there was email evidence of Miguel asking about timeshare contacts. Juanita followed Pedro and was convinced that he did not know everything that Miguel was doing so Jose and Alfredo planned to confront him together.

  Bob just had one dilemma; how would he explain that none of Mary’s sacrifices could save Miguel? Jose had to press charges against him. He hoped to take her mind off of Pleasure Cove by inviting a couple of local artists over for dinner. Working together in the kitchen, he and Carrie put the finishing touches on grilled chicken and salad.

  “Mary strikes me as a survivor, Bob,” commented Carrie while she sliced warm French bread. “I think she will be fine when Miguel’s not around. Just be honest with her and show her the evidence. If we are sympathetic that he got lured in by some shady business people, it will help soften the blow.”

  “Let’s do it together tomorrow night after I talk to Jose and Alfredo. We need to know if they get any new information from Pedro.”

  Carrie sat quietly watching the dinner unfold. Mary was captivated by the sculptor Bob had invited. She was even flirting a little bit with him. That’s a good sign, Carrie thought as she sipped her wine. Carrie looked at Bob across the table and gave him her secret smile. He was being particularly charming tonight for Mary’s comfort. The wine flowed freely and everyone joined in the conversation.

  Mary was sipping an after dinner brandy as she and Carrie cleared the table later in the evening. “These few days have really opened my eyes,” she confessed to Carrie while she loaded the dishwasher. “I didn’t realize how compromised my life had become in that tiny village. Trying to talk art with Miguel is like talking to a dead fish,” she laughed. “He’s only good for one thing,” she hesitated and wiggled her eyebrows, “And he’s usually too quick on the trigger at that.” She and Carrie shared a laugh but Carrie joined the conversation easily.

  “Maybe you should stay in San Diego a little longer and see where your painting takes you,” she encouraged. “You’ve made some good connections tonight; perhaps you could get into a local show.”

  Mary looked out on the balcony where Bob chatted with his guests, “I wouldn’t mind getting to know one of them a lot better,” she mused, “Sculptors have the greatest hands.” But she shook her head, “I can’t stay too long, though, because I didn’t close up the house. Miguel was supposed to take care of it but it sounds like he’s trying to make some quick money with this timeshare deal. I swear he’s like a teenager looking for the easy bucks. He’s a sweet kid but he’s got shit for brains.” She looked down at the brandy and swirled her glass. “I’ve had a little too much to drink tonight, Carrie. Pardon me for rambling.”

  “No,” Carrie insisted, “We’re just two friends chatting. You’ve been a tremendous help to Bob and Jose. Just think about all people at Pescadero that would have been affected if you hadn’t given your computer to Bob.” She touched Mary’s hand to show her support.

  “The more I think about little Mickie using my computer, the madder I get. That was my pet name for him, you know,” she shrugged. “My guess is that if he’s got money in his pocket, he’s already gone, Carrie. Just between me and you, I knew he was getting restless. I came home to make it easy for him.”

  Carrie smiled sympathetically, giving her a minute with her thoughts before she added, “You know Bob has a competent friend at the motel right now. She could close up your house and ship anything you need to San Diego. Jose could even change the locks for you if you want to be certain that Miguel doesn’t return. You don’t have to go back right away."

  “Really, now, that’s a good idea. She studied Carrie’s face. “I see why Bob’s crazy about you. You’re smart.” She stopped and looked out at Bob before she spoke, “You know I’ve seen him with other women at Pleasure Cove, and he never treated them the way he does you. I think you’re very good for him.”

  Carrie put her arm around Mary’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze, “Thanks, it feels good to hear that. I do think we’ve managed well living together the past few days.”

  Nodding her head, Mary agreed, “Just don’t let him set all the rules, honey. You deserve someone who’s a good partner. Bob’s pretty independent. You may have to fight for what you want. Don't be too accommodating.”

  Carrie turned to look at him out on the balcony before she replied, “I’m trying to go with the flow, Mary, but I think your advice is right on. He may need a little push someday. We’re just not there, yet.”

  “You’ll know when it’s time, honey,” assured Mary as she patted her hand. “Let’s get this work done so we can get out on that balcony. I love the ocean breeze at night.”

  “Mary, will it be OK if I talk to Bob about closing up the house for you? It will just take one phone call and he’ll have it done.” She snapped her fingers for emphasis.

  Mary thought for a minute and threw up her hands, “Sure, why not? I’d lay odds that Miguel has already gone.”

  “Then you’re
on to a new adventure, Mary, and just think what fun you’ll have at the beach with a new man. Maybe he’ll become your muse and you can paint him nude,” whispered Carrie as they headed out to the balcony.

  Chapter 19

  Bob was on the phone first thing the next morning to set his plans in motion. He spoke with Juanita about closing up the house for Mary and persuaded her to find the locksmith. Jose had enough troubles, and he didn’t want Pedro hearing anything about their plans. Now, he was on hold waiting to speak with Jose to find out specifically what happened when they confronted Pedro.

  “Buenos dias, Jose,” greeted Bob as he heard his friend’s voice. “Tell me about your meeting with Pedro. What did he have to say for himself?”

  “Well, my friend, as you say, he lied through his teeth. When Alfredo showed him copies of our income ledger, his face turned white and he shut up. He claims that he didn’t know anything about the sabotage. He thought he was just giving them information so they would know what the motel was worth. Miguel had promised him a management job if he helped them buy the motel.”

  Bob shared Mary’s thought that Miguel would skip town if he had money. “Alfredo took Pedro to Ensenada with him. We want to keep them separated and Juanita is watching the house to see what Miguel does next. If he plans on contaminating the water, he’ll have to do something in the next few days.”

  “So, you’re OK with Juanita staying one more week?” asked Bob. He wanted it to be Jose’s idea that she continued her work. He was certain this was almost over, but he’d like a little more research on Miguel’s timeshare contacts.

  “Sure, Bob, she’s a good worker here at the motel, too. She set up an expense file for me last week that’s real easy to use. I’m taking it to meet with Alfredo’s banker this week.”

  “Jose, that’s great news, I’m glad she could help. Just think in a couple of years, your son will be a computer whiz and he can do all of that for you – father and son, just the way you wanted. Will the motel be sold out for Memorial Day?”


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