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In a League of Their Own

Page 21

by Millie Gray

  “Here, Carrie, I hope you’ve not been saying to the lassie that I need charity!”

  “No Mum, not charity. But,” and Carrie paused to savour the moment, “didn’t Celia discover with you and Dad never divorcing, and Dad always paying his insurance stamps, that you’re entitled to a widow’s pension and a back-dated one at that!”

  “No! Am I really?”

  “Yes, and that means when you get back from Canada you won’t need to find a job washing stairs or whatever it was you were threatening to do.”

  “My, my! A widow’s pension?” Bella cooed. “I’ve always wanted one of them things. Gets paid out every week at the Post Office and goes up every year no matter what happens.” Bella shrugged her shoulders in resignation. “But wi’ my Rab being so damn cussed and refusing to stop breathing, I cannae get ain!”

  Quite flummoxed, Carrie and Rachel looked at each other for a full minute before Carrie said, “So, Mum, Dad’s finally done something in death that he never could do in the whole of his life!”

  “What on earth are you talking about, Carrie?”

  “Just that Dad’s death has seen you provided for. And all you need to do now is to keep on your wee tea-trolley job that you enjoy so much; and with the wages from that and the widow’s pension…”

  “At long last, I’ll be on Easy Street!”

  Also Available by Millie Gray



  First published 2010

  by Black & White Publishing Ltd

  29 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh EH6 6JL

  This electronic edition published in 2012

  ISBN:ISBN: 978 1 84502 574 5 8 in EPub format

  ISBN:ISBN: 978 1 84502 575 5 in Mobi pocket format

  ISBN:ISBN: 978 1 84502 284 6 in paperback format

  Copyright © Millie Gray 2010

  The right of Millie Gray to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

  Ebook compilation by RefineCatch Ltd, Bungay




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