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Bladed Wings

Page 12

by Amaris Chapman

  Luckily there weren’t any children travelling with them so we would not be forced to slow our pace to accommodate them. But the fact still remained that it would be difficult for us to get nearly 70 people out of the country without being detected by the Ladies army and spies, of whom Isha’s guards had already captured three over night.

  We still had not reached a solution at midday when we were distracted by a commotion outside the tent. A harassed looking guard came storming in and announced that Michael was demanding entry.

  “Let him enter you fool of a man!” Isha spat. “He is a guest and is allowed council with me anytime he pleases. Is that clear?”

  The guard bowed, than exited the tent looking slightly chest fallen. Michael entered a moment later, still pale but looking 100% better than the previous day.

  “Welcome Michael,” said Isha, standing and bowing her head.

  “It is good to see you well Isha, however in future I would prefer not to have to fight with your guards every time I come near you.”

  To my surprise she lowered her head, the colour rising in her cheeks and turned back to the table with the map.

  “Are you both alright?” he added to Trina and I.

  “Were fine, which is more than I can say for you. What happened? I hope that you did not do anything foolish back there,” I scolded.

  I could see Isha’s face out of the corner of my eye and couldn’t help but smile at her apparent shock at the way I had spoken. Michael however, was looking everywhere but at me, he cleared his throat and raised his uninjured arm to point at the map.

  “Have you found a way out yet?” he said.

  I knew that he was avoiding my question but gave in, this was not the time to pester him. We related our dilemma to him and to our surprise he didn’t look at all downhearted by the news.

  “Well the answer’s simple isn’t it?” he asked, “We simply fly out. Lady Cassandra and her men will not be expecting us to have met up with you so they will not be suspicious to see your clan flying over them, that’s if they see us at all. Humans, I have found, do not often look up. The cause of their downfall in many battles.”

  Isha seemed lost for words. She was looking from Michael to the map as though trying to find a reason for the plan not to work.

  “Well Michael, I can think of no reason that we cannot fly out. I shall inform my people and we will prepare to leave this very night. Michael,” she added now looking directly at him, “Are you able to fly in your condition?”

  “I do not think so, but I will be able to ride if you can provide me with a suitable broom.”

  “It shall be done. Now if you will excuse me, there is much to be done,” She left the tent, her face glowing with happiness.

  Michael, Trina and I left the tent together; I had to pause for a moment to allow my eyes to adjust to the light, having been in the tent for so long. More time had passed than I originally thought. The sun was high over the trees already. It occurred to me just how dedicated Isha must be to be able to have the whole clan ready to leave by nightfall and I wondered why she was so ready to help us.

  The rest of the day was a flurry of activity. We helped as much as we could, dismantling tents and gathering supplies. No one seemed too surprised by the sudden marching orders, but looked excited by the news.

  “They love to fly,” explained Trina as I helped her to fold a tent. “It’s in their nature. They rarely get the chance these days to do it because of the risk of being seen.”

  “Are they witches?” I asked excited by the idea.

  “Of course, who else would they be?”

  “But I thought witches where ugly old crones that ate children and cast spells.”

  “Don’t let them catch you saying that,” she laughed. “Or they will cast a spell on you. Witches are about as far from that image as possible. They are gentle fun loving people and prefer to spend their time in the air. They, like elves, do not feel the cold and do not get sick easily. They do not have homes because they travel so much. Although I would say that by the look of this camp that they have had to change more than I thought as a result of what the humans did.”

  “Can you fly?” I asked.

  She laughed again. “Yes, the witches taught elves to fly a long time ago in return for our assistance in their battles. However not all elves have the ability. I, for example, can ride with a witch, but not by myself.”

  “Does that mean that I can do it?” I asked my eyes lighting up at the idea.

  “You should be able to given your background,” she said sitting up and fastening the tent to the handle of a black broom. “But I think that for the time being you should be a passenger like me. Don’t worry,” she added. “We will teach you how to keep from falling before we go, and who knows. You might have your own broom by the end of our journey.”

  Michael came and found me as the sun was starting to set. He led me into the clearing where there were two brooms resting up against a tree.

  “Before we leave I’m going to teach you the basics of flying,” He started, grinning when he noticed my excitement at the idea. “I don’t think it would be a good idea for you to ride on your own even if you can get it off the ground as we will be flying fast and may need to fight the Ladies army at some point.”

  He went and retrieved a red stained broom and held it out for me.

  “Let me see you attempt to mount it so that I can see where we should start.”

  Feeling a little silly I took the broom from him and straddled it. The branch begun to vibrate and lifted slowly off the ground. I wasn’t prepared and tipped off sideways.

  “Don’t laugh that hurt,” I said, getting up off the ground and dusting the dirt from my knees.

  “Sorry. Try again, this time hold the handle tight against you. Keep both of your legs on one side, its easier in a dress. Lift the handle higher and keep pulling it up until you are on the tips of your toes,” he went and got his black broom and showed me how to sit.


  He flung out an arm and caught me before I hit the ground.

  “Lean forwards a bit or you will fall,” He said as I straightened up.

  Thanks for the heads up, I thought as I rearranged myself. He dismounted, leaning his broom back against the tree and coming to stand behind me.

  “Take a deep breath and clam down.”

  He moved up placing his hands around my waist, holding me upright.

  “Straighten your back and close your eyes. Don’t worry I’m not going to do any thing to you,” He laughed. “You just need to concentrate better. Find the energy that you used for your necklace when you wanted it to stay with you. Remember the warmth, the pressure in your chest than direct it through your hands and into the wood. Feel the broom become part of your body. Feel yourself becoming lighter as you push the energy down through your body, down through your feet, against the ground. When you feel that it can go no further push it out of your skin. Keep the pressure on it, forcing it all out through your toes against the ground.”

  I could feel the energy already, a tingly warmth that trickled through my body. It filled my toes giving them the sensation of pins and needles. Taking a breath and tightening my grasp, I pushed it down as hard as I could against the invisible barrier that kept it inside me.

  It broke free and flowed with such force that I was propelled ten feet into the air, narrowly missing the branches above me. I hovered for a moment before falling back towards the ground.

  “Whoa!” I screamed.

  “Keep the pressure on it,” Urged Michael quickly.

  I levelled out about three feet above the ground. We bounced higher, than lower, than higher as I fought to control the pressure.

  I opened my eyes to see the trees rising and falling around me.

  “Michael, I’m flying!”

  “I told you that you could do it.”

  A bird flew past my head making me rock back to miss it, almost loosing my balance.

l was still supporting me from behind, which saved me from falling.

  “Michael, you’re flying without a broom. How do you do that?”

  “You’re doing most of it, you seem to have joined me to you, as well as the broom. Speaking of, could you please land, I don’t fancy falling from this height if you get distracted.”

  When we touched back down I was surprised to find that I was shaking. I dropped my broom and Michael helped me to sit down.

  “You will be able to stay up longer with practice. Your muscles will grow stronger and you will be able to move around without holding on simply by directing your magic correctly.”

  “How long will that take? You can’t be much older than me, and you can do it, so it can’t be that hard, can it?”

  He gave a sly grin and strolled over to retrieve our brooms.

  “Let’s just say that I have a talent for flying.”

  Chapter 14

  We arrived back in the camp to find everything packed up and attached to the many broomsticks lying in neat rows on the ground.

  Isha had insisted that we eat before leaving as we where not shore when we would get another chance.

  At sun set the witches stood and all walked off into the forest.

  “Trina, where is everyone going?” I asked seeing that we where the only two left standing by the fire.

  “To thank the forest for caring for them.”

  She turned and went in her own part of the forest. Not wanting to be left behind, I went and wandered around the edge of the trees. A low humming started up, then grew louder and I could make out words, I realised that the witches where singing to the forest. A heavenly voice joined in, the sound was overwhelming and I found myself humming my own tune, blending in to the song. The song lasted only minutes before it softened and witches begun appearing back in the clearing coming to stand by their brooms. It had been decided that I would ride with Michael as everyone felt that it would be the safest place if we where attacked. Some of the witches longed to be in the skies and took off into the darkening skies before the others arrived.

  Five minutes later and I noticed that everyone was starting to look nervous. Those who had taken off where cycling the edges of the trees trying to see what was taking so long for everyone to return. Trina came over and told me to mount the broom, and be ready to fly on her signal.

  “But I can’t fly without Michael.” My heart fluttering in panic at the thought.

  “Lill, you may not have a choice, we should have left by now. The others have decided to go looking for the rest of the clan if they aren’t back by dark. If they do we will need to hover over head where we can’t be seen and wait for them to return.”


  “Michael told me that you where a natural in the air, you will be fine as long as you remember everything that he told you. Ok?” I nodded and she went back to speak with the others.

  It was becoming hard to see as the sun faded back behind the trees. Trina was walking towards me again when a blast swept out from the forest followed by a burst of blue light. All around us people where bursting from the trees rushing for their brooms and taking off at break neck speeds. Those who could work magic sent jets of steaming light back into the trees as they went.

  “Lilly, Take off Now!” Trina screamed over to me as she reached for the nearest broom and shot off into the sky. I panicked and at my first attempt shot off into the air and landed back on the ground with a crack. Taking a deep breath I tried again, this time rising more slowly. Those who had made it to the air where hovering above the camp shooting blasts of magic at invisible enemies behind their companions as they emerged from the trees.

  I was searching the ground franticly trying to see what was going on when a jet of red light shot up from beneath me, burning my leg and nocking me off balance. I swung off backwards only managing to hold on with one hand as I swung from beneath the broom, plunging several feet before I could regain control on my magic. I looked down to see 20 or so brooms lying smashed on the ground. People where still emerging from the trees but not nearly as many as should have been. Some came limping out supported by others as they attempted to reach their brooms.

  Blocking out the pain in my leg I swung back up managing to lie across the broom as I begun to rise once again.

  I hurriedly scanned the ground for a sign of Isha or Michael who where yet to reach the sky. Those who had reached the remains of the camp had formed a circle in the centre, not being able to salvage the shattered brooms that had been trampled in the rush for safety. They formed a barrier of magical flames around them selves and provided what cover they could for those still running from their invisible pursuers.

  It was than that I sore what was causing the terror. As a jet of magic from a witch to my right hit the ground a limp form was thrown back to lie unconscious on the grass. He was wearing tarnished armour and carried a long sword in his right hand. Around his neck was a length of red ribbon that was giving off small red sparks of magic. Some how the Ladies army had caught up to us and had gained the ability to use magic.

  I mustered what magic I could as Michael had taught me to do for the broom, than without loosing my feeble grasp on the broom I directed it towards the broken remains of wood below. I picked random words that I thought sounded and felt right and cast it down.

  “ Splitem Halem”

  A burst of yellow light swept from my hand hitting the ground in the centre of the fire cycle. I quickly re focused on flying before looking back to see if anything had happened.

  The witches in the cycle gave a cheer as they mounted the five or so repaired brooms in twos and even threes than rising slowly into the air under the added weight of to many passengers. Those who where hovering around me went down to meet them as they rose, unloading those that where struggling and supporting the injured between them.

  The majority of witches had now reached the safety of the skies but those who where left where struggling to maintain the fire cycle which was faltering and the witches where growing weak with the effort of sustaining it. I gathered what energy I could and directed it to the flames. I didn’t know what words to use so tried instead to join with the flow of magic that they where already using. I smiled as the flames flickered than jumped to form a solid wall around them once again.

  “I cant hold the flames for long,” I called out to those around me, “Those who are flying alone go and rescue those still on the ground. Everyone else provide what cover you can.”

  Seven men flattened them selves on their brooms and descended at alarming speeds towards the ground. All around them blasts where being deflected by the people that had gathered around me.

  Whatever magic had been hiding the attackers was wearing off and one by one soldiers where appearing but unfortunately still retained the ability to fire magic up at the men trying to reach their friends on the ground.

  The drain of holding the flames was taking its toll, the burn on my leg was growing hotter with every passing second, burning deeper into my skin. As soon as the men had begun to rise again with the remaining clan members I released the magic holding the flames. The second I did the heat subsided from my leg and I realised that without knowing it I had been using magic to heal myself.

  When everyone was out of range I took a moment to look around me and see how many had survived the attack. Looking from the rising brooms to the 50 or more brooms that hovered above and around me, I realised that Michael and Isha where not among them.

  I dropped several feet so that I could get a better view of the ground. I scanned the edge of the forest trying to spot them among the trees. Trina realised what I was doing and immediately directed her magic to cover me as I continued to sink towards the ground. The soldiers had noticed me as well and where directing all of their attacks upon me. I was soon surrounded by a flurry of swirling colours as the witches joined Trina in providing a shield.

  I franticly searched around the blasts that where growing in ferocity around me.
Suddenly a familiar burning at my side made me pause. The dagger was glowing white and vibrating slightly. I swept lower and the dagger burnt brighter lighting up the ground below me. A sudden movement in the trees caught my attention. I could see trees being blown apart in a clear path coming towards me. Two people burst through into the clearing. Without thinking I cast as hard as I could around the moving figures. The white flames jumped up around them 10 foot high, forming a solid barrier. They skid to a stop; Isha leaning on Michael for support. Both had looks of fright on their faces and several small scratches covered their skin leaving streaks of blood across their faces.

  Michael raised his free arm his palm glowing gold. I swept down to hover above them. “Michael, Isha, hurry climb on.” Michael gave a very obvious sign of relief as he spotted me above them.

  I could feel the heat searing through my leg again as I fought to keep the flames up whilst Michael helped Isha up in front of me than climbed on in front of her and took off with a burst of speed. I wrapped my arm around Isha’s waist to hold her on and gripped the broom with the other as we spiralled up through the night.

  “You have no idea how good it is to see you Lill,” Michael said getting us to a safe height.

  “Like wise,” I whispered.

  Isha was to weak to ride alone so was carefully transferred to ride with one of her guards as 2 more circled around them in case she fell.

  The witches rose as one into the night. From 100 of us this morning we where now only 80. The joy at the thought of flying was gone from the witches faces and was replaced by thin lipped smiles and white knuckles on broom handles.

  We had made the decision as soon as we left that we would need to stop very soon and tend to the wounded and decide where to go next. It was Trina that spotted a suitable place a smooth platform atop a steep cliff. It was a warm night so we had no need to find shelter only fresh water and a site away from danger. Isha was helped off the broom and laid on a cloak as soon as we landed on the grey stone platform.


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