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Goldie and Her Bears

Page 11

by Honor James

“Hey,” he let her hand go and put both of his on her face. Tipping her head back, he stared into her eyes. “You’re not ever going to lose me, Goldie. Not for a very long time. I won’t disappear, but I may not think to tell you I’m going to hide out. My thought processes aren’t usually that clear when I need to duck away for a minute or two.”

  “I will try to look for the signs then,” she assured him. “I will just need to watch. Maybe I will ask the guys to let me know when you need your alone time too,” she murmured. “I don’t want us to be upset with each other because I assume something and it’s the wrong something.”

  “I know, little mate. This is hard,” he said softly. “Mating is a whole new step and a challenge, especially with so many of us. We’ll find our path and it will get easier in time. There will be bumps and missteps, but it’s all part of life. Just know that no matter what, we will be there for you and nothing you could do or say will ever make us leave.”

  “We will figure it out somehow, right? Just try to tell me when you need time, please?”

  “No promises,” he said. Pulling her into his arms, he crushed her close, yet didn’t hurt her. “You are mine, Goldie. I will try my damnedest to ensure you are always happy, safe, and know you’re loved. But I can’t always promise to keep you in the loop with my emotional rollercoaster.”

  “Good.” She leaned into him, wrapping her arms tighter around him and holding on with all she had in her. “I love you, Mahon, and I’m never letting you go. If you make me unhappy I will tell you, and then you have to make it right. That only seems fair?”

  “Uh…sure?” it came out like a question. Fitting really, given his wary expression. “But I’m not attempting to make you unhappy at any time. It’s just easier if you’re happy and pleased all the time. Then I don’t have to figure out how to get out of the hole I’ve dug.”

  “That is likely a very good thing because I have a feeling its going to be Tor and Ark who are going to make me want to brain them from time to time, huh?” Reaching out, Goldie touched her fingers to Mahon’s lips. “Just talk to me. Anytime. Anywhere. Just talk to me.”

  Nodding, he leaned in to kiss her. “I will. I promise. And if you feel the need to brain those two, do it while I’m not around. I might try to stop you and get myself in trouble. Which would be very bad.”

  Her laughter filled the room. "Right. I will keep that in mind. However, if it’s the heat of the moment I cannot make any promises at all. I mean it. I will try to not smack them when you are around, but you know me.”

  “I’m beginning to,” he said quietly. With a smile, he kissed her again. “Get dressed. We need to get downstairs soon. Dinner will be ready in the next hour, and with this horde, it’s first come, first served on best choices of meat.”

  “Oh we both know Ark and Torben will save me food.” Grinning, Goldie added, “You maybe not so much, but me, totally. They would never let me go hungry and you know it.”

  “True enough,” he nodded. He moved to his clothing and began to pull it back on. “Which means I damn well need to get down there and be first in line.” Mahon grinned at her, “And, while I love you, I plan on cutting in front of you.”

  Goldie laughed at that and shook her head. “Oh it’s okay. I don’t mind if you cut in front of me because that means I can pat your perfect ass, my dear one. I happen to love being behind.”

  “No groping in the food line,” he said, pointing at her. “I could drop my food and that would just cause a riot. If you wanted to grope me later, I wouldn’t be opposed just not when food is involved.”

  “That’s what you think. I’m so going to grope you, and you aren’t going to drop your food or you might not get to eat. Now where would the fun be in that? Besides, have you seen the mountain of food that has been cooked? I mean for real?”

  “Most of those down there are bears, Goldie. We eat a lot,” he pointed out. Stuffing his feet into his runners, he looked up at her. “So let’s get moving. Those folks down there will eat us out of every bit of food there is.”

  “Oh my. Do you guys have food directly trucked to your home? Is there hidden freezers somewhere I don’t know about?” she teased him happily. “And I don’t need shoes. I’m home and I hate wearing shoes.” She pulled her hair back again and nodded. “But I’m ready if you are.”

  “We brought in extra for the weekend. We always have to. That is a lot of stomachs to fill. Not just tonight, but all day tomorrow and Sunday. Thankfully, then they will all leave. Well, except for Josie but she’s small and doesn’t eat much.”

  “Oh God, what? You, oh God.” Goldie felt a little ill. “You mean we are going to be sharing a bed with all of your parents here? I don’t know if I will survive this. Are you sure this room is soundproof?”

  “They know we’re mated, Goldie. They knew it the moment they saw you. Like all of our kind, they can see the mating marks on your neck. They know well and good we’ll be sleeping together tonight and every night hereafter. Or,” he smirked, “rather the nights you let us into your bed after pissing you off.”

  She snorted and said, “I might as well because the only thing I would be doing if I made you leave my bed would be going to wherever it is you guys went. I can’t sleep without my bears. You guys have went and ruined me for all time. Damn it.”

  Laughing, he scooped her up and hugged her to him. “Well, I’m very glad you think so. Makes things a little easier, and tells me I can probably get away with a few things before pushing you too far.” Setting her down on her feet, he kissed her gently.

  “Yeah, more than likely you can get away with a hell of a lot. Just be ready for me to grumble and complain.” Goldie wrapped her arm around him and then tickled him. When he pulled back, she shot out of his arms and started to race for the stairs, and for food.

  “Hey!” he yelled from behind her. Seconds later his loud footfalls were on her ass and getting closer. On the staircase, he shot right past her, cheating! He was riding the railing down, not fair! Then, oh he’d pay, he stuck his tongue out at her as he hit the floor and raced for the kitchen door out onto the deck.

  Goldie jumped onto Mahon’s back and laughed. Wrapping her legs and arms around him, she squeezed. “No cheating.” So she had cheated by taking off before him, but he was so much taller than her, she had to have a fighting chance. At least that was what she was telling herself as she rode on his back.

  Chuckling, his hands came up to her legs and hitched her higher. “Says the woman who tore off without a word after tickling me to throw me off balance. I think we need to examine your definition of cheating, darling.”

  “Nope, your legs are longer.” She gave him another squeeze and giggled. Her cheek brushed against his, “Besides, you love having me wrapped around you. Admit it,” her voice was soft, the words barely escaping in a breath against his ear.

  “I prefer you to be na…ah.” He coughed, and came to a dead stop, rocking slighting on his feet. There right before him was Josie, grinning and holding up her arms.

  “My turn, Uncle Mahon,” she said, wiggling her fingers.

  “You’ll have to talk to Aunt Goldie. I did promise her a ride after all,” he said.

  Josie’s big eyes turned to meet Goldie’s. And like the little diva she was, she assessed the situation. Out went the lower lip, quivering right on cue and the eyes got wet.

  Goldie grinned and bit Mahon’s earlobe lightly. “But of course you can have a ride, Josie. Uncle Mahon was just saying he wasn’t that hungry at all, and I’m sure he would be willing to wait for food. Wouldn’t you?” she teased the bear, the hungry bear, happily.

  Mahon growled at her and smacked her ass. Leaning down, he let her go, “Aunt Goldie is going to go and save me a plate and protect it with her lovely little life, especially if she doesn’t want to be the one sleeping in your room tonight while you have a sleepover in the fort with us.”

  “What if I go and get your food, Uncle Mahon, then we can all have a sleepover in the fort?”
Josie said with a huge grin. Not waiting for an answer, she raced off, screaming for her father.

  Goldie laughed and shook her head. “Looks like you are going to be sleeping with Josie in a fort. Too bad really. You see, I just got this new negligee and I was going to wear it tonight. Oh well, maybe Ark or Torben will want to come and tear it off me.”

  “You really weren’t paying attention to that conversation were you?” he smirked. “We’re all sleeping in the fort, babe. You, me, Torben, and Ark. So you’d better find something rated G to wear to bed tonight. It will be a long, long,” he chuckled, “long night.” Laughing, he headed for the door whistling under his breath.

  “Oh God, I’m going to kill that man,” Goldie mumbled and rubbed her temples. If she didn’t, Ark or Tor would, and he knew it too. “Yeah, long night. Goodie.” Forts. She couldn’t recall ever building a fort to sleep in, ever.

  “No you’re not,” he called over his shoulder. Josie was back with a plate, her dad with another. “Excellent selection, Miss Josie. We’ll set them over here for Auntie Goldie to keep an eye on and defend from the vultures.”

  “They’re bears, Uncle M,” the little girl said.

  “This is true, and I obviously need to explain that comment.” Shaking his head, he set the plates on a table to one side. Scooping her up, he flipped her around, obviously in a move well practiced, until she was hanging onto his back.

  Goldie watched them and shook her head. Grinning, she took a seat and simply watched him with Josie, smiled when Ark or Tor would join in their escapades. It suddenly hit her—home. She was a part of a family. A real family one that loved each other like crazy and they would bend over backwards and sideways for each other. It was a stunning realization, one that honestly left her a bit lightheaded.

  Chapter Nine

  “You okay?” Laurie, Josie’s mother and Ark’s sister, sat down next to her. “You look a little pale, Goldie. Did you need me to grab the guys? Can I get you a drink?” she offered. Reaching out, she touched Goldie’s hand, “Goldie?”

  Goldie shook her head and smiled, “No, nothing is wrong. I just realized not only did I get three amazing men for my own, but I got a family as well. Men that I love like there is no tomorrow and love me right back just as fiercely. I’ve never really had a family before, and this just floors me.”

  “Well, you’ll likely want to return us soon enough.” She leaned back and laughed. “We’re a lot to handle on the best of days. Wait until the alcohol starts rolling. It only goes downhill from there. By the time we leave Sunday night, you’ll be more than glad to see our asses as we depart.”

  Goldie shook her head. “I don’t think so. Yes, it will be nice to have quiet again, but this is family. I never really understood what that meant until just this moment. You have no idea how much this means to me. How good this is for me. I love it.”

  “Well I’m glad,” Laurie said as her husband sauntered past with a plate full of desserts. “Oh no you don’t, mister,” she scrambled up and darted after her husband. “You’re not supposed to have that. You heard the doctor.”

  Chuckling, Arkadios collapsed into the seat his sister had just vacated. “Looks like Martin’s in shit again, poor guy,” he said. Reaching over, he picked up her hand, “How you doing, Goldie? Surviving the masses are we?”

  “I am.” She leaned into him and sighed happily. “You are marvelous, and so is your family.” Her head lay on his shoulder and she smiled. “And I’m just realizing I have a family now. It’s a stunning realization to me that I am not alone any longer. I like that feeling, a lot.”

  “You’re just now figuring it out?” he asked, his voice up an octave from normal. “Woman, what are we, chopped liver? Geez,” he muttered some other things, mostly under his breath. “I don’t know about you, Goldie,” he said, pressing a kiss to her hair.

  “You guys are amazing. I love the three of you like crazy, but it wasn’t until I met your parents and siblings that I realized I’m a part of a true family. Ark, you have no idea how happy this makes me. How I just don’t have words to tell you how much I love it and how it affects me.”

  He moved slightly, then a hand came up to tip her face up a bit. He stared into her eyes for a time before he nodded. “I get it, Goldie,” he said. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he settled back in his seat. Hugging her tightly, he chuckled, “If you want to claim any of them as yours permanently, well, I think it can be arranged.”

  “I would like that. I know I’ve already claimed my three bears for mine for the rest of time. I think I want your families as well. Can we make that happen? If so, how?” Goldie nuzzled up closer to him, sighing and simply enjoying being close to her big bear, Arkadios.

  “We’ll give them to you,” Torben said. He walked up and collapsed at her feet, leaning back on his hands. “Free of charge. Hell, we’ll even pay you if that’s what is needed,” he grinned up at her.

  “Except Josie,” Ark told her. “That one we’re keeping as ours too. You can borrow her from time to time if you wish, but she’s too adorable to give up fully.”

  Goldie laughed and nodded, “She really is, isn’t she? She’s such a little sweetheart and has you all wrapped so tightly around her little fingers that you would all do anything for her. One day you guys are going to make amazing fathers.”

  “We’ll definitely try, love, but who knows until it happens.” Torben grinned, “I’m more interested in the fun part of trying to make babies. That’s where the true joy is,” he chuckled. “Not that we need to have kids tomorrow or anything. Eventually might be nice though.”

  “Not right now. I’m far too selfish to want to give up our life that we have now for anything, honey. I think in a few years maybe but right now, I think we should practice often. A lot.” Winking, she looked to Mahon and added, “We could try tonight, but someone had to go and promise a fort house.”

  “We know,” Ark said with a chuckle. “Don’t worry about it. With all this running around, she’ll be passed out by nine at the latest. We’ll do the fort in the living room, and once she’s asleep, we’ll be able to go to bed. She’ll never know the difference. We do it all the time.”

  “You do?” Goldie laughed and shook her head. “Oh dear God. That is too funny. Well I am so very down with that. I happen really to love the idea we will be able to sleep in our bed. We will just have to remember to put clothes on sometime during the night.”

  “She doesn’t come into the master bedroom,” Mahon said, coming over to collapse in a seat. Josie settled happily on his lap with a rib to chew on. “Tell Aunt Goldie why you don’t come into the master bedroom doll.”

  “Boys are icky,” Josie said with a grin, barbecue sauce smeared on her cheeks.

  “Damned straight,” Arkadios said with a laugh. “And how long will you feel that way doll?”

  “Until I’m old and gray,” Josie said with a giggle.

  “And why will it be that long?” Torben asked. This was clearly a rehearsed routine.

  “Because my daddy and uncles will gut any boy who gets any ideas about me in his head.” She held out the now naked rib bone, “More please.”

  Goldie laughed and shook her head. “Oh God you are too funny. Well, guys, someone needs to get the girl some more food. Don’t you see she’s a growing little bear that needs lots of food and energy?”

  Mahon took the stripped down bone, inspected it, and dropped it on his plate. Lifting a rib from it, he handed it to her, “Clean it just like the other, and we’ll get you a plate. T, you want to hook the little one up?”

  “Can do. Josie, juice box work for you?” She gave him a grin and nodded. “I’ll also return with a large washcloth.” Chuckling, he got up and headed toward the food.

  Goldie watched them and shook her head, “Josie girl, you have these boys well trained. I love it.” She leaned over and kissed the girl’s cheek. “Just remember how you did it when you meet your mate one day in the very far future.”

  “I will, Au
nt Goldie.” The little girl looked her way and winked.

  “This one,” Mahon touched Josie’s hair, “is much too smart for her own good, her parents, and those of us she suckers in with just a smile. I have a feeling that whomever her mate might one day be, will be wrapped around her finger right quick.”

  Goldie winked at Josie and nodded, “Then you are doing something right. Keep it up, little one.” She then leaned back into Ark’s arms and sighed happily. “This is very nice. How often do you have a big get together like this?”

  “Every six months,” Ark said quietly. “Any more than that and we’d need to get second or third jobs to pay for it all. We weren’t kidding earlier. By the time this lot leaves on Sunday night, we’ll need to do shopping come Monday. That is why our schedule is so light next week. Well that and the moppet there is staying with us for the week. One of us has to be with her the entire time.”

  “Otherwise she tries to take the house and the office apart bolt by bolt,” Torben put in as he handed a plate and a wet cloth to Mahon for Josie.

  Goldie laughed, “You are too funny.” She looked to Josie and said, “So means we will have girl time, right? I will take the uncles’ credit cards and we will go shopping and to dinner and all the other fun stuff.”

  “We may need that second job after all,” Mahon said. Picking up the cloth, he wiped off some of the sauce coating Josie. Passing her the plate, he set her on her feet. “Sit down with Uncle Torben and eat, sweet pea. I’m starving as well and need to eat.”

  “You guys need to get something to eat.” Goldie wasn’t all that hungry. She was just simply happy to be there where she was. “And before you say anything, yes I feel fine. I will eat a little later. Right now, I’m just happy to be where I am.”

  “I already ate. I’ll grab something else later,” Ark said. “But I got in there fast and got some good grub.”

  Mahon rolled his eyes as he picked up his plate. “Lucky for me, Miss Josie went in and got me a bunch of the good stuff.” Leaning forward, he held up his hand to let the little girl high-five him before sitting back to continue eating her food.


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