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Fire Rising (Dark Kings)

Page 14

by Donna Grant

  His head shifted slightly to put his face in profile. “You’re unusually quiet.”

  “What’s there to say?”

  “You’re angry we tricked you.”

  It wasn’t a question, and she let him believe the lie. When in reality she was upset that he had left her. It was for the best. She knew that now because she was already becoming attached, but it didn’t stop the hurt any.

  Tristan halted and turned to face her. She pulled back so she wouldn’t run into him. His dark gaze held hers and there was sorrow and a hefty dose of doubt reflected in his eyes.

  “I’ll do anything to keep you out of the hands of the Dark.”

  She swallowed, inwardly wincing at how loud it was. “You said Denae survived. Tell me what she did so if I do get taken I’ll get out as well.”

  Tristan’s gaze shifted to the side. “We doona know what she did.”

  “Oh.” What else could she say? She had thought—expected—there to be a way to keep the Dark Fae away. “Everyone and everything has a weakness. Surely the Dark have one as well?”

  “Nay,” Tristan said. He reached out and touched her hair before he turned on his heel to continue walking.

  First it was the Mob, next it was the Dark Fae, and then it was the two factions working together. Now was the realization that nothing could stop the Dark.

  Tristan brought her to a small room with a chair and too many candles to count that lit up the space. Alongside the overstuffed chair was a table with an iPad.

  “You’ll be safe here. I’m sure Jane will be down soon to check on you. Until then, please remain in this room. I’d rather you no’ encounter Con during all of this.”

  She touched the back of the chair as she walked around to stand at its front. “He won’t approve of me being here?”


  “What will he do to you?”

  “You doona need to worry about that.”

  She met his gaze. “You put yourself in a difficult situation just for me?”

  “I promised to keep you safe.”

  And with that, he was gone.

  Sammi sat down with a sigh. After such a wonderful night in his arms, she hadn’t even been able to touch him. She’d been too afraid of herself to wrap her arms around him and plant her lips on his.

  To make matters worse, she was alone with her thoughts. That’s the last thing she wanted. She needed her mind occupied or to do something with her hands, anything other than the nothingness that allowed her to think about Tristan and all that she wished for.

  * * *

  He rubbed his hands together. It hadn’t been his intention to reach out to Tristan quite so soon. Still, it had gone exceptionally well.

  Tristan had kept the conversation going, and no doubt there were questions he would demand Con answer. Con wouldn’t, of course, and it would make Tristan all the more wary of the King of Kings.

  From there it would take only a few more nudges to have Tristan on his side. After Tristan, he was sure others would gradually follow.

  Fracturing the Kings from within. There wasn’t a more fitting end to all that Con held dear.

  As for Samantha, he wasn’t sure yet how he would handle things. His alliance with the Dark Ones was precarious at best. He might have ventured into unknown territory that Con or the other Dragon Kings would never have done, but it had paid off.

  To an extent at least. The Dark might agree to something, but they had their own agendas. Just as he did. They were too intent on their own pleasures, however, to realize it.

  It wouldn’t just be the mortals he got rid of, the Fae—all Fae—would go with them. The Kings would soon follow once they were divided and he started the war.

  After they were gone, he would bring back the dragons. The realm would once more be as it should.

  He smiled as he puffed on his cigar. His musings were interrupted by the ringing of his mobile phone. He rose from the sofa and picked up the phone to answer with a succinct, “Yes?”

  “The Dark Fae came through, sir. They saw a King move Samantha Miller from the cottage just as you expected.”

  “They’re so predictable. Where did they take Miss Miller?”

  “To a mountain.”

  He squeezed his cigar until it broke in half. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m relaying information given to us by the Dark, sir. We didn’t see it ourselves.”

  “What else did our Dark friend say?”

  There was a beat of hesitation. “He just smiled as if what happened was a challenge.”

  “To them it is, but they’ll fail. No Dark would dare to venture onto Dreagan.”

  “Do we stand down then?”

  “Aye,” he barked. Then he cleared his throat and made sure his British accent was back in place. “Yes. As soon as you step on Dreagan land they’ll kill you all.”

  “We could get more equipment from MI5 headquarters or hack into the satellite.”

  He leaned against his desk and reached for another cigar. He clipped off one end with the cutter. “A valid suggestion, but there is nothing at MI5 that can help us for the moment. We sit back and let the Dark do what they want.”

  “If they take Samantha, you’ll never get to her.”

  “You’re a fool if you think I wanted Miss Miller.”

  “But, sir … you blew up her pub.”

  He smiled remembering it. “That I did. She’s done exactly what I wanted her to do, though it took her longer than I expected. She ran to Dreagan.”

  “If it isn’t Samantha Miller, then who are you after?”

  “Someone much more important.” And who knew Tristan would find the need to protect the mortal? It was almost too perfect. “Any other news?”

  “There are four new men I’ll be interviewing tomorrow to fill in some of the spots we have open.”

  “Good, good.”

  “Will Mr. Calvin approve?”


  He almost laughed. How silly these mortals were. They had no idea that all the names he used in his many resources and affiliations were all him.

  It had taken him over five thousand years, but in that time he had gained access to the most influential and powerful humans. He ingrained himself into families so that he had to simply say the word and everyone in that family would willingly die for him.

  He ran the Mob—all mobs on all continents. He was the one person who decided what drugs would go where and which of his lackeys he dubbed the current “drug lord.”

  He was the one who decided which king would rule and what country would win wars.

  Everything he had done had been carefully planned out for one thing—the end of the Dragon Kings.


  Tristan left Sammi and went to a cavern situated in the middle of everything. It wasn’t the largest, and the torches were few. But inside was the greatest treasure the Kings had—the Silvers.

  The sound of his boot heels was drowned out by the deep breathing of the four dragons in their cage. He stopped next to the enclosure and stared at the metallic shine of the silver scales.

  The dragons were gorgeous. Ever since the others had brought him down here, Tristan made a point of stopping in at least once a day.

  Sure he saw the other Kings in dragon form, but seeing these Silvers was different. They weren’t able to become human. This was their one and only form. And they were spectacular.

  He couldn’t imagine not being able to look at them daily, which made him think of Ulrik. Ulrik was their King. He had essentially been kept prisoner on this realm with some of his dragons near, and he hadn’t been able to see them.

  It was beyond cruel. Combined with having his magic bound, not being able to shift into dragon form, or being with any of the other Kings, Tristan couldn’t think of a more malicious, vindictive way to treat someone.

  All because Ulrik had been protecting dragons.

  Tristan squatted beside the bars and ran his hand over one of the dragons’
wings. They slept, undisturbed by the vicious world around them. It was the magic of all the Dragon Kings and Dreagan that kept them asleep.

  It was also the reason no King could stay away from Dreagan for long periods. Their combined magic was needed to hold the Silvers.

  For hundreds of thousands of years the dragons hadn’t moved. Then, two years ago, one did.

  It was when he had become a Dragon King.

  It was also when the spell Con had put over the Kings to prevent any of them from feeling deep emotions for humans somehow failed.

  Hal fell in love with Cassie, a human. It was a few months later that Guy fell hard for Elena, which led Banan to Jane.

  No matter how Con tried—and he had tried—he couldn’t put the spell back in place. Once the Kings were in love, there was nothing he could do.

  Then for almost two years life returned to what it had been. Until MI5 had sent Denae and her partner onto Dreagan to spy. They had woken Kellan, and to Con’s horror, Denae became Kellan’s mate.

  Tristan wondered why Con went to such trouble to try and keep Kellan and Denae apart when he hadn’t for Banan or Guy.

  He continued to pet the Silver, his thoughts in a whirlwind about Con, Dreagan, and Ulrik as well as his role as a Dragon King. Or was he a Warrior?

  Movement behind him had Tristan peering over his shoulder to find Rhys. It had been a mistake to tell Rhys about Ulrik, but the damage was done.

  “I knew I’d find you here,” Rhys said. “We all come here, some more often than others. I love looking at them, but there are a few who try to stay away.”

  “Why? Do the Silvers remind them of Ulrik?”

  Rhys came to stand beside him and reached through the bars to caress the dragons. “I’m sure that’s part of it. The main reason is that it’s too painful to look at them and realize we’ll probably never see our dragons again.”

  “But you know where they were sent,” Tristan said as he stood.

  “That was a verra, verra long time ago. We’ve no’ had any contact with them to keep others like the Dark Fae from finding where they are.”

  “But others could have found them. They could be hurting.”

  Rhys’s aqua eyes met his. “Aye, they could be. It’s a chance we take to keep them free.”

  Tristan looked back at the sleeping dragons. The silver scales were shaded darker on the back of their necks. A row of tendrils ran from the base of the skull down to the tip of the tail the same darker silver as the shading.

  He was told the Silvers had eyes the color of obsidian. Tristan wished he could see for himself.

  “Will you tell me what Ulrik said to you?” Rhys asked.

  Tristan shrugged and walked around the cage. “He said Con wasna the person we think he is. He said Con took away his magic because he was trying to stop the dragons from being sent away.”

  “That’s a lie. I was there, Tristan. I know.”

  Tristan met Rhys’s gaze from across the cage. “You were there through it all? You saw Con and Ulrik converse?”

  “Well, nay,” Rhys hedged. “Only Con and Ulrik were there.”

  “Then how does Kellan know what to write?”

  Rhys’s lips twisted in a rueful smile. “Ah, well, that’s what happens when you agree to record the history of the dragons. Kellan sees what happens in his mind. He then records it.”

  “Did you read what he wrote?”

  Rhys frowned. “Nay. I didna need to.”

  “Because you took Con’s word?” Tristan guessed.

  “Dammit.” Rhys turned away from the cage and paced a short distance before whirling back around. “We killed Ulrik’s woman because she betrayed him—and us. I saw him … ravaged at what we had done. And I saw Ulrik attacking the humans. Of course I believed Con.”

  Tristan began to wonder if he wouldn’t have been just like Rhys and trusted Con after all that had been witnessed. “Do you wonder if you should ever read what happened between Ulrik and Con?”


  Tristan was surprised at the response. “But you have no’?”

  Rhys shook his head and casually strolled around the cavern. “What’s done is done. Do I wish I had stood beside Ulrik and fought the humans who killed our dragons? Aye. I do. There are nights that I lie awake and wonder if my Yellows would be here if I had stood with Ulrik. Or would I be banished like him, never to be in dragon form again and take to the sky. Aye, Tristan, I’ve thought about it a lot. I’m betting every King has.”

  “Why would Ulrik want me to join him?”

  Rhys stopped cold, his eyes blazing with disbelief. “He actually asked that of you?”


  “Banan went to see him to ask him to call off the Dark,” Rhys said as he ran a hand through his long hair. “Ulrik refused.”

  Tristan leaned a shoulder against one of the thick bars of the cage. “Ulrik told me the Dark were coming for Sammi. On Dreagan land.”

  “What are we standing here for? We need to get to her,” Rhys stated as he stalked to the entrance.

  “I had Laith bring her here.”

  Once more Rhys halted. This time he slowly turned to Tristan. “Here? Where do you mean exactly?”

  “She’s down the corridor in an empty room.”

  “She’s no’ a mate. No one but Kings and their mates are allowed in the mountain, Tristan.”

  He walked around the cage to stand beside Rhys. “This was the only place I knew would guarantee Sammi was safe. Banan will agree with me, and if he doesna, then oh well. I doona fear Con or any of you. I had to make a decision.”

  “Do you care for her?”

  Tristan was taken aback by the question. “What did Laith tell you?”

  “Nothing. I’ve no’ spoken with him. But you’ve no’ answered my question.”

  How did he answer? If he admitted to feelings for Sammi, then Rhys might assume there was more to it than the lust that flared brightly whenever he thought of her. Then again, he couldn’t deny there was something.

  A man who felt nothing for someone wouldn’t bring them to a private, secure location with the possibility of retribution.

  “Aye,” Tristan admitted. “I care for her.”

  “Obviously. How deeply?”

  “I slept with her, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  Rhys waved away his words. “That was inevitable. We all knew it was coming by the way the two of you looked at each other.”

  “If you know all of this, why are you asking me questions to answers you already know?”

  “To hear you say it,” Rhys said.

  Tristan clenched his jaw and looked away from Rhys. Was his uncertainty of who he was apparent to any who looked? He thought he had done a better job of concealing his indecision and doubt.

  “There’s no doubt you were born to be a Dragon King,” Rhys continued. “You took to it as if you had always been a dragon. You think and fight like a dragon, but more importantly, you make decisions like a King. I know the matter with Ian and your past has rocked you.”

  “That’s putting it mildly,” he mumbled.

  A ghost of a grin touched Rhys’s lips. “Why worry about it if you doona remember your other life with Ian and the Warriors?”

  Tristan had always liked Rhys. He could be counted on with a wise-ass comment or sarcastic saying just to annoy. Rarely did the cocky smile leave his face.

  He looked at Rhys and blew out a breath. “That’s no’ entirely true anymore.”

  “Interesting,” Rhys said with raised eyebrows. “Do you remember Ian?”

  “No’ exactly. I get flashes of memories, seconds really.”

  “When did it start?”

  Tristan rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. “After Sammi came and I tended her wound.”

  “I’ve no doubt Ulrik has people watching us. I’m sure he knows Ian is trying to contact you, and he knows you’re the new Dragon King. You didna go through the wars with the humans or the Fae, so
he figures your loyalty isna as complete as the rest of ours.”

  “So you’re loyal to Con?”

  Rhys smiled as he slapped him on the back. “I’m loyal to the Dragon Kings. Con makes mistakes just like anyone. He may like to think he’s perfect, but he’s far from it.”

  “Ulrik had compelling arguments,” Tristan hedged. He hated to think that he might decide to leave Dreagan and join Ulrik, but the truth was, he didn’t know who to believe or what to do since he knew only some of the information.

  Rhys’s smile died. “Ulrik was one of the best Kings. His Silvers would’ve done anything for him. Unlike some of us, Ulrik willingly took a human as his lover. He fell hard for her. There was no reason for him no’ to trust her or any human. Hell, we all did. Ulrik had an amazing ability with words. He could talk anyone into anything.”

  “Isna that what Con did?”

  “In a manner,” Rhys admitted. “But Ulrik’s was a true gift. Without even trying, he could change someone’s opinion on a subject, any subject, no matter how inconsequential it might be.”

  Tristan glanced at the Silvers. “You think that’s what he was doing to me?”

  “Absolutely. It’s enough that your twin from a past life is trying to get in touch with you, but I suspect there is more going on.”

  He wanted to confide all in Rhys, but would it only muddy the waters more? Rhys would try to convince him to remain at Dreagan.

  “There is.”

  Rhys’s smile was full of regret. “Perhaps you’ll share what’s going on with me or someone else. Ulrik is in your head now. You doona need to be pulled in different directions.”

  That’s exactly what Tristan didn’t want, and he already felt that way.

  “I’m no’ saying Con was right and Ulrik was wrong,” Rhys continued. “But this isna about either of them. What we’re fighting for now is to keep the Dragon Kings secret. We know our enemies now, and we know what they want. The only thing we need to focus on is staying united.”

  Rhys might have said Ulrik had a gift with words, but so did he. Tristan said, “Then let’s unite and make sure when the Dark arrive that we’re there to greet them.”


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