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Insider (Outsider Series)

Page 6

by Micalea Smeltzer

  “Sleep babe,” he said and kissed my forehead. His lips seemed to burn the sensitive skin. I hated to tell him but sleep was going to be nearly impossible with him practically naked in my bed.

  Despite that thought sleep did eventually come and I was thankful.

  * * *

  My cheek burned where it was pressed against Caeden’s too warm chest. Sometime in the night I had kicked the covers off of us. Sleeping next to Caeden and his too hot body temperature tended to make me do that.

  Archie was pressed against the wall and Murphy slept right next to me on the floor. Based on the light coming through the window it was near noon.

  “Caeden?” I sat up and pushed his shoulder. “Babe, wake up.”

  “Hmm,” he hummed in his sleep.

  “You need to wake up, honey,” I coaxed.

  “Kiss me,” he said, with his eyes still closed. He pinched my side.

  I lowered my lips to his and pressed tenderly. “Awake now Sleeping Beauty?”

  “Not quite,” he opened his eyes and gave me a crooked grin. His dimple winked at me and I just couldn’t resist kissing it. Despite being only eighteen Caeden looked like a man, like someone twenty-four or twenty-five, so his dimple added a bit of a childlike quality to his manly appearance.

  Before I knew what was happening Caeden pulled at me and I was flat on my back. He pulled me against him.


  And then he kissed me passionately. His hand pressed into the small of my back and his warmth threatened to burn me. My hands laced around his back, holding him to me, and slowly crept up his smooth, muscled back, to tangle in his shaggy dark brown hair.

  He pulled away and stroked my cheek with his thumb. His breathing was heavy, as was mine. “Now I’m awake.”

  “Me too,” I breathed and a smile broke out across his face.

  He gave me a quick peck on the lips, said, “I love you,” before climbing over me and out of the bed.

  “Love you too,” I said and propped my head up on my arm to watch him as he stepped into his jeans. His shoulders and back were lean and muscled and his butt was amazing, even when it was hidden by boxer briefs. He had to be the most beautiful man alive and he was mine. Mine, mine, mine. I could do a happy dance over it.

  He didn’t bother to put his shirt on and he left his jeans unbuttoned and his belt unhooked.

  He was definitely trying to kill me.

  I watched as Caeden stretched and yawned. He ran his hands over his face and then through his hair. He turned back to me a smiled. Once again I couldn’t help but appreciate his perfect washboard abs, that delicious v that disappeared into the waistband of his jeans, and the light dusting of hair covering his chest.

  “I’ll go unload the car and then we’ll head to my house so I can get some clean clothes.”

  “You know,” I said and downcast my eyes to the sheets. I began to pull at a stray thread. “You could just bring some clothes over here. I mean, you do sleep here every night.”

  He grinned and put his hand over his heart. “Are you offering me a drawer in your dresser?”

  “Yeah, I am,” I smiled.

  “I think I’m gonna take you up on that offer but…”

  “But?” I prompted. “There always has to be a but doesn’t there?”

  He grinned. “If I’m going to have a drawer in your dresser then I want you to have one in mine.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. “Deal, I’ll even take some stuff over with us today.”

  “I’ll be right back,” he said and started to leave the room.

  “Wait!” I hollered.

  “What?” he turned around.

  I picked his shirt up off the floor and tossed it to him. “Please put your shirt on before all the neighbor ladies start drooling over you. I have enough competition as it is.”

  He laughed but put his shirt on anyway. “Be back in a minute,” he called over his shoulder.

  I hopped up from my bed and grabbed some clean clothes before shutting myself in the bathroom. I heard the TV and figured Gram was watching CNN.

  I scrubbed the stale plane smell from my body and then pulled my wet hair back into a bun. I brushed my teeth before dabbing on some pale pink strawberry flavored gloss and swiping mascara on my lashes. I added a hint of shimmer body lotion, vanilla scented, to my arms and shoulders before dressing in a pair of olive green shorts and a black shirt.

  I hung my towel up on the back of the bathroom door and headed into the kitchen. My stomach was rumbling something fierce.

  Caeden was already there, eating a sandwich, with a dab of mayonnaise in the corner of his mouth. I leaned over and kissed it away. It was so easy being with Caeden. I never second-guessed myself.

  “I made you a sandwich,” he pointed to the counter. “Barbeque loaf with mustard.”

  “I knew there was another reason I loved you besides your absolute adorableness.”

  He laughed and shook his head while I grabbed my plate and sat down beside him.

  Gram ventured into the kitchen. She patted my shoulder and kissed the top of my head. “I’ve missed you. It’s been far too quiet without you two banging around, but I am sorry that your trip got cut short.”

  “Me too,” I said around a bite of my sandwich. I wiped my mouth with a paper napkin. “But at least I did get to see them.”

  “That’s my girl,” Gram said, “always seein’ the bright side of things.”

  I snorted.

  “I assume ya’ll are heading over to Amy’s?”

  I looked at Caeden.

  He swallowed. “Yeah, that’s the plan.”

  Gram puttered over to the sink and began washing some plates that were sitting there. “Cate and I have the shop covered for the rest of the week since you two weren’t supposed to be back yet. Take this time and do something fun.”

  “Like decorate my room,” I said.

  Gram turned away from the sink and smiled at me. “I was beginning to think you weren’t ever going to do anything to that room.”

  I shrugged. “It didn’t feel like the right time.”

  “Well, here. Take my debit card,” she said and puttered over to her purse. She pulled out her wallet and began to dig through it.

  “Gram, no,” I said. “I have my dad’s credit card. He won’t mind if I get some stuff. Plus, I still have that gift card you got me.”

  “Am I not allowed to buy my granddaughter anything?” she pouted. “You never let me spoil you.”

  “Gram it’s really not necessary,” I said. “I appreciate the thought, I really do,” I stood and kissed her cheek.

  She slipped the card back inside. “Fine, you win.”

  I laughed and turned to Caeden. “You ready?”

  “Yeah,” he swallowed the rest of his sandwich. He dropped his plate in the sink and I did the same. “See you later Lucinda.”

  “Bye Gram,” I hugged her.

  We were almost out the door when Caeden grabbed my arm and said, “Wait.”

  “What?” I asked and instantly went on alert, sniffing the air.

  “Aren’t you going to bring some stuff to my house? You know, drawer sharing?”

  “Oh,” I said and put a hand to my racing heart. I was far too jumpy. “Yeah, sorry, I forgot.”

  “I’m offended,” he joked and I playfully hit his arm.

  I headed back to my room and he trailed behind me, before plopping on my bed beside the dogs, who were still snoozing peacefully.

  I dug out my shiny royal blue duffel bag, which I had gotten from American Apparel on a trip to New York City, from the bottom of my closet. I grabbed some jeans, shirts, hairbands, and a bunch of other crap and dumped it into the bag. I struggled to zip it closed.

  Caeden took it from me and slung it over his shoulder. “I think I’m going to get me one of these. I can rock the shiny metallic look.”

  I laughed as he strutted out of my room, doing duck lips, when he reached the front door he turned and struck a pose.

  “Do that again and I’ll take a picture and post it all over Facebook,” I threatened.

  “You wouldn’t dare,” he said.

  “Oh I would,” I laughed.

  “You mean to tell me that you would mortify the love of your life?”

  “Yes, and enjoy every minute of it,” I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against the wall. The dogs wandered out of my room and into the hall. Archie stretched and Murphy rolled around on the floor.

  “You’re sick,” he grinned.

  “What can I say?” I shrugged. “I love it when your cheeks and ears get all red with embarrassment.”

  Caeden shook his too long hair. “We better go.”

  “Come on guys,” I said to the dogs. They immediately jumped up from the floor and ran to the door.

  Caeden let them out and I closed the door behind us. Gram’s car was gone so I figured she must have left for the cupcake shop already.

  Turning around I busted out laughing when I saw Caeden struggling with Murphy. His face was quickly turning red. “You. Have. To. Get. In. The. Crate.”

  The large dog would not be budged.

  “Come on Murphy. I don’t want to hurt you,” Caeden said. Murphy was half in, half out, of the crate and he wasn’t budging. Caeden pushed at his backside. “Please, Murph? When we get home I’ll give you a nice big juicy bone.” Suddenly Murphy was in the cage and Caeden fell from the sudden movement. I was laughing so hard now that I had tears running out of my eyes. “That was not nice, Murph,” Caeden chided as he slid the locks into place.

  He had a cut on his cheek but it was already healing. He closed the trunk and turned to me with his hands on his hips.

  “That went well.”

  “Definitely,” I giggled.

  I opened the car door and picked up Archie. As soon as I closed the door he pawed at the window. “You want it down bud? Wanna feel the wind through your pointy ears?”

  He made a cute little noise as I rolled the window down. As soon as Caeden started driving he turned and gave me a cute little dog smile. All pointed teeth and rolling pink tongue.

  On the ride to Caeden’s house we were both quiet. I think we were both lost in our thoughts.

  He came to the gate and entered his card. The doors quickly swung open and we drove through. The garage door was up and two people were in there. One with fiery red hair was pressed against a brand new green Jeep and was totally making out with the other person. There was enough passion to ignite the garage.

  “Is that Charlotte?” I asked leaning forward. I knew it had to be. No one else had red hair that shade.

  “Yeah, and my brother.”


  Caeden parked the car and rubbed his knees. “Well, I guess I should’ve known this was coming.”

  I laughed. “Yeah, you should’ve. Do you think they’ve noticed us yet?”

  Bryce and Charlotte were still going at it. Tongues, hands, it was a bit dizzying watching them.

  “I don’t think so,” he said and tapped the horn. The noise made me jump and it did the same to the two lovers. They both looked around, with the whole deer in headlights look, before spotting us.

  I gave a small wave and Caeden grinned cheekily before hopping out.

  I opened the door and let Archie out. Caeden had let Murphy out and he was running around in merry circles. He saw a bird and took off after it. Didn’t dogs know that they couldn’t fly? If so, why did they chase birds? The bird is always going to get away.

  Caeden cleared his throat and must have decided not to say anything about the intense make-out session because instead he said, “Are the… uh… others here?”

  Charlotte was blushing profusely, her pale freckled skin turning crimson. She straightened her curly hair and said, “Yeah, I think they’re in the kitchen.”

  “Did you get a new car?” Caeden asked Bryce.

  Bryce’s hands were shoved in his pockets and he was looking anywhere but at his brother. “Uh-hmm, Stella died. This baby is Stella Jr.” He lovingly rubbed the side of the brand new Jeep.

  “Okay then,” Caeden said. “Well, I need to talk to everybody so you might want to head on into the kitchen.”

  Bryce shrugged away from the Jeep and took Charlotte’s hand. “You got it commander,” Bryce saluted Caeden.

  Caeden shook his head and turned to me. “His sense of humor never ceases to amaze me.”

  I snorted. “That was pretty tame. I called your house one time and he answered-”

  “Oh lord, I don’t think I want to know what he said,” Caeden grinned as he followed Bryce and Charlotte to the house. I kind of wished the garage was connected to the house. I hated being out in the open like this.

  Caeden took my hand as if he sensed my unease.

  “Well, I’m going to tell you anyway,” I smiled. “He said, ‘Mel’s Taxidermy. You bag em’ we stuff em’.”

  “No, he didn’t!” Caeden laughed. “Wow, I don’t know why mom ever lets him answer the phone.”

  “I just wonder what strangers would think if they dialed the wrong number and he answered.”

  “They’d probably be thoroughly freaked out.”

  “Luckily I knew it was him so I just laughed. Does he answer his cellphone that way?”

  “You betcha,” Caeden grinned and his dimple peeked through, taunting me.

  We went in the side door and straight to the kitchen. Amy was whipping up lunch. When she saw us she stopped what she was doing and smiled at her eldest son.

  “Give me a hug!” she said and enveloped him in her arms. “I know you were only gone a few days but I missed you so much! What will I do when you move out?” She kissed his cheek and moved to me. “And Sophie, I missed you too. I’m so sorry you had to leave in such a hurry and under such circumstances.”

  “It’s fine,” I said and hugged her back. “We needed to be here.”

  “I’m making lunch,” she said, as if we hadn’t noticed the mess behind her. “Homemade pizza. Are you hungry?”

  Even though I’d just eaten a sandwich my stomach rumbled. I blushed and looked at Caeden. “Yeah, I’m hungry.”

  “And I’m always hungry,” Caeden rubbed his flat stomach.

  “Good,” she clapped her hands together. She was just a total ball of energy today. “Go sit down and when it’s ready I’ll bring it.”

  Bryce and Charlotte were sitting side by side at the table; holding hands. Logan was sulking, at the end of the table, the front legs of his chair off the ground, and his blond hair combed back. He was scowling at no one and nothing. Dude needed a serious chill pill.

  I spotted Bentley’s dark head and was just beginning to scan for Chris when I saw that she was sitting in his lap. She nuzzled his neck and giggled. Bentley’s smile lit his brown eyes as he whispered in her ear.

  I turned to Caeden. “Holy hell, what happened while we were gone? Is it mating season for wolves?”

  Caeden’s blue eyes were wide. “Apparently so.” He paused at the head of the table and cleared his throat. “We have some important things to discuss.”

  Chris slid out of Bentley’s lap and straightened her honey blond hair. It had gotten longer in the past few months.

  Caeden didn’t sit down; instead he leaned forward, placing his hands flat on the table. He looked into each of their eyes. “With Travis as Alpha we are all in danger. He’s even more unstable than his father was. Based on what… you described,” Caeden winced as he looked at Bentley. “It was pretty gruesome. Travis is power hungry and I’m positive he’ll come after me just like his father. We’re going to have to do more scans of the woods and change up the groupings.” He eyed the lovebirds. “We’ll change the groupings every shift so that Travis can’t predict who will be together. If you smell a hint of anything suspicious you let me know. Anything. We’re in danger, and I can’t press the importance of safety and caution enough. Don’t do anything stupid, I mean it,” he glared at his little brother. “First shift tonig
ht will be Logan and Bryce. Bentley and I will take over for you. Sophie and-” He looked around with a bewildered expression.

  Christian and Charlotte giggled. “I guess Sophie’s all by herself,” Chris said.


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