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Page 11

by Nikki Wild

  To my shock he grabs a fistful of my hair and yanks my head upward. "Not yet," he growls, both to me and seemingly to himself.

  "You don't want to finish?"

  His eyes are dark with desires. "I know what I want,” he growls, and there is an authority in his voice that I desperately missed. He commands respect but makes me want to do what he says…

  "Take off your clothes…”

  Slowly, entranced by his gaze as it raked over my body, I strip down. Goosebumps raise across my body as the chill air hits my naked skin.

  “I’ll never get tired of seeing you like this,” he declares, reaching out for me. "Come here… Kneel over me."

  As if in a trance, I climb back onto the bed and swing my leg over his hips, but he stops me.

  “Not there… A little higher,” he urges, snaking his hands around my ass and lifting me up to his shoulders.

  "Wait, what….oh!" His tongue meets my center and I felt the sudden downward rush as my pussy floods in greeting. He laps up the wetness with relish while I squeeze my eyes tight, concentrating on the sensations. His swirling tongue darts in and out of my pussy, probing the delicate folds of my lips, and then moves upward where it finds the buzzing hot need of my clit.

  “Oh God! Landon!” I cry as he finds that magical spot. He grips my ass tighter, pulling me down so that I am riding his face, my hips grinding in ecstasy as the rapid-fire pulse of his tongue against my nub sends shockwaves of pleasure radiating outward. I feel the liquid heat pour into my veins, spreading outward as my blood pumps hot as lava threatening to erupt. The pressure inside of me builds and builds, impossible to contain. I reach out and press my palms flat against the wall, swirling my hips on Landon’s face, riding his tongue to a crashing, punishing orgasm that sends me flying over the edge. I scream out his name as my whole body goes taut, my toes splayed, my thighs clenched, fearing that I might float away into space. Landon continues his relentless thrusts. I barely recovered from the first orgasm when the second tears a low groan from my throat. I reach down and clutch his head, pressing him up into the scalding hot center of my need, forcing him to stay exactly where I want him as I ride the wave of pleasure to a shuddering, shivering halt.

  Landon looks up at me, grinning wetly, his stubble shiny with my juices. “I might not remember shit, but I’m pretty sure that was the goddamned sexiest thing I have ever seen.”

  "Oh God, I'm exhausted," I gasp, sagging against the wall.

  "Hell no you aren't, sweetheart.”

  He grasps me around the waist, lifting me as if I were weightless.

  "I'm not done with you yet."

  He is pressing me ever downward. Closer and closer to that rigid, upright, almost impossibly large cock, the taste of which still sings on my mouth. I help angle my hips over him, and he presses his cock frantically upward, seeking my tight opening with a single-minded determination.

  "Wait, Landon…” I hesitate.

  “Lucy, for God's sake, have mercy on me," he groans.

  “Are you sure? Are you sure you want this?”

  "I want all of this,” he growls, thrusting his hips upward in once smooth motion. “All of you.”

  I cry out to find myself suddenly impaled, Landon’s huge cock surging upward inside of me, filling me completely and stretching me wide. I gasp as his hands clutch at my ass, moving me up and down on the long shaft, forcing me to move even as the shock of his powerful entry rolls waves of pleasure through my body.

  "You like that?" he rumbles, fucking me harder.

  “YES,” I moan. The feeling of Landon inside of me was heaven. He touched every secret place of me that had been yearning to be touched. The places long forgotten ever since the day I’d driven away. My nerve endings went into overdrive and I began to ride him in earnest, a slave to my desire.

  A slave to his…

  "Yes you do, you do like this." His voice was low and husky and far dirtier than I had remembered. What he was saying, what we were doing, the lies I’d told him… It was all so wrong but there was no way in hell I could ever stop this. I looked down to where his cock was slamming into me, spreading my pussy lips wide as he fucked me upward, the rhythmic slap of skin on skin the only noise besides our mutual gasps and groans.

  "Kiss me!" I cry as I fall forward, grinding my clit frantically into his pubic bone as he pounded into me from below as relentless and powerful as a jackhammer.

  Landon growls and slams his lips into mine, parting my teeth with his insistent tongue. Each pounding thrust of his cock makes me cry out into his mouth as he devoured me with his lips and tongue. He moves his mouth downward, curling his tongue around the tender peak of my breast, drawing the tight puckered bead upward into his teeth, nibbling, teasing and suckling before biting down.

  The sudden pain blends into the intense pressure from his punishing cock and sends me whirling over the edge into another screaming orgasm. From somewhere far outside myself, I heard his own guttering cry and felt his cock twitch inside of me, but I was too far-gone to react. With a sudden surge upward, I feel him finish inside me, his hot cum filling me as we come together in ecstasy, the culmination of all our pent-up feelings finally breaking free.

  When the storm finally passes, I fall forward, burying my face into that soft space where his neck meets his shoulder just the way I’d always loved.

  We stay there together, wrapped in the comfort of this ineffable bond we’ve always shared.

  The world turns around us.


  Lucy takes awhile to wake up. I can’t blame her after the night we had. I’ve made her a coffee and place it on the bedside table. I’m tight from sleeping on the hard carpet last night but her looking up at me with those adorable, tired eyes puts me at ease.

  Every part of me wanted to lay next to her last night and hold her, tell her how much I want to learn about her, apologize for our timing being so off. Another life, I’d like to think we might have had a chance.

  I’ve thought over why I feel obliged to return to a biker club I can barely remember. Maybe I just want to show them my respect. Maybe I’m hoping coming back will help spark my memory.

  Maybe I owe it to Mia… Whoever she is…

  “You fix the TV?” Lucy asks, noticing the new set in the corner.

  “Room eighteen guests checked out and may have accidentally left their door open.”


  “Hey, now. That ain’t stealin’. I’m borrowing it.”

  I switch the channel to some morning news show. Lucy watches it attentively while curling up beneath the sea of blankets. I walk to her and perch myself at the foot of the bed.

  “I’m headed to that place on the matchbook in a bit. You down to join me?”

  “Nah. I’ll stay here.”

  “You sure about that? Not much to do around here…”

  “I don’t want to go out there. I know what’s out there and I know it’s all crap. So I think I’m gonna sit here, watch the news, go for a swim, order some Chinese food and relax a while.” I must give her a look of concern because she tilts her head that cute way she does. “What?”

  “Please come with me.”

  “Aw, Landon, you scared to go talk to a bunch of big mean bikers alone? Last I checked you’re the one who wanted to come back here.”

  I present her my middle finger and an amused grin. She climbs out from the covers, dressed only in a slouchy top and panties and crawls towards me. She lifts higher on her knees, takes my dirty collar, puts her pouty lips a breath away from mine and whispers, “…Or you scared I might leave without a goodbye?”

  I don’t really know what to say. This girl keeps spinning my wheels. Last night she seemed ready to run for the hills, and this morning she seems ready to fuck me senseless. It’s like flipping a damn switch. She’s off or on, no gray areas…

  “That’s what I thought.” She pushes me away with a wink, knowing she won this battle.

  The worst part is, she’s right. Godda
mn, I want her to stay with me. I’m afraid if I walk out that door she might not be here when I get back…

  I watch her hold her gaze with mine, no longer as intimidated by me it seems. “I want to kiss you again,” she tells me, bright-eyed. I take my thumb and drag it down her lip. It’s tempting. It’s fucking tempting.

  “I…I want the same thing… But I need answers first.”

  “Right, of course…Mia.” She’s back under the sheets in a flash.

  “I just need to know what kind of man I am before I drag you down with me, Lucy…You’re playing with fire, darlin’. You’ll get burned.”

  My cock is hard as a fucking rock. I want Lucy. I want her every hour of every day.

  I don’t give her a chance to respond. I throw on my leather jacket, give Lucy a kiss on the forehead and head out the door. I need to step away from the situation before I end up the one burned.

  A short walk later, I’ve finally arrived.

  Big Sal’s.

  Its sign is lit up in the day with blue neon lights that follow right on into the dark bar.

  Stepping inside, the rest of the run-down joint is a relic of some forgone, cocaine-fueled time long past. It’s dark and stinks like tobacco and foul men at play. Hints of women’s perfume catch my nostrils as I listen to the metal blasting on the stereo. It’s instantly familiar to me. I sense no imminent threat here. When I catch the attention of the security guard and the young, pretty ginger thing behind the bar they seem completely comfortable with my arrival.

  The music’s blaring so loud, I gotta shout for my order when I reach the bar. Little Red pours me a shot of whiskey and a beer before I’ve even opened my mouth. “How much?”

  “Huh?” she says, confused.

  “I said ‘How much?’”

  “On the house, honey,” she says with a laugh, her hand atop mine that holds a few dollar bills. She stands back up and gestures her head to the back of the room.

  Someone whistles. The music turns off. Some faceless bodies slide out from their vinyl booths, moving beside me and the stripper poles and out the door. Squinting through the dim, I notice some guys have stayed behind. I take a step back towards the door.

  “That’s some big fuckin’ balls you got,” comes a powerful voice. He approaches with arms open wide and I receive his embrace.


  “Landon. Look at me, bro. Did you find Lucy?”


  “Bro, what the hell happened to you? You look like you seen a fuckin’ ghost or somethin’.”

  “I… don’t know?” I take a deep swallow of the beer in front of me but the man snatches it from me. How the fuck does he know about Lucy?

  “It’s eleven o’clock in the morning. Chill out, brother.”

  Man, a drink would help me right now. My brain’s buzzing, running over all these moments with my Lucy, wondering if she knows me, or if I knew her, or if this whole thing was just some fucked up coincidence.

  From beside us, more bodies appear— faces that feel like family…Or something close to family…

  “The fuck is wrong with you? And what happened to your cut?” says one of them.

  Garrett. I recall his name easily. He approaches me looking relieved and I stand from the booth to hug him. I recognize him. I know him. I remember him. Thank fucking God I remember someone!

  I get a punch on my bicep and want to laugh. Garrett, my blood brother who I’d give my life for is shaking me excitedly. I have to try keep my cool for now in case I’m wrong about the whole story here.

  “The fuck is wrong with me? The fuck’s wrong with you?” I smile to show I’m only messing around. Everything feels like a dream where it’s almost real life but some bits are off about it. There’s some blanks I can’t fill in.

  “I was fuckin’ worried sick, bro. Thought the worst but Mac wouldn’t let us trail you.”

  “Garrett,” I say.

  “Yeah, ya fuck. It’s fuckin’ Garrett. Who the fuck you think I am?”

  “Leave him alone, G. Landon’s rockin’ a mean hangover or something.”

  I take my palm and squeeze Garrett’s neck. My brother’s are back; My MC brothers. Garrett is with me. I’m safer than I was. I have someone on my side.

  “Where’s Mac?” I recall some more memories. Maybe the context of the bar and my brothers is sparking some things. I remember I had something to do with him or for him.

  “Aw, hell no,” Garrett says. “Ain’t no goddamn way in hell you’re chatting to Prez like this. We gotta get you sobered up before the apology you owe him.”

  “Apology?” That seemed a more plausible scenario than I had in mind. Why did I think this would be easy? I’d thought before about how maybe I’d run, that’s why I was on the bike. Shit. “Is Prez pissed?”

  “What’s with you? You know Mac don’t forgive that quick. You’ll be lucky if you get out of this with a fucking beating. Why the hell did you tear your patches off?”

  “I don’t know…” I stumble over my words, trying to back away and running into another lump of human muscle. I turn and look up at his huge frame.

  “Haven’t seen you this blackout since that fight with Mia. Someone knock you over the head or somethin’?” I notice a badge on this guy’s cut. Rev. It’s Rev. And suddenly I know I know him too. “Your brain’s mush, bro.”

  “Can’t stop, won’t stop.” I mumble and shrug at him.

  “Yeah, we know that,” Garrett says. “Get that ass on the couch. I’ll get the girls to cook you up some chow. You get some sleep and we’ll figure this out later.”

  I sit down on the sofa, forced to recline by Garrett’s strength. “I’m good man,” I protest but he’ll have none of it.

  “I know how stubborn you are. Now lay the fuck down before I put you to sleep.”

  “Garrett,” I say. “We gotta talk about something serious. I need help.”

  “I know you got shit to talk about. But Prez said if we see you back in town to have him speak to you first. You know I can’t be brought into more shit. If Prez thinks I’m hiding something from him about you, you know how he gets. I got the kid. I need Mac on my good side. You understand.”

  I don’t fight him longer than that. I fucked up. I’ve got a punishment to face that might not be pretty. I forget about Lucy for a minute to save me the pain of thinking about our future. The sofa’s comfortable. I figure I could take a rest on it a few hours, be up ready to handle whatever Mac’s got in store then make it back to the motel before sunset.

  Someone clears their throat.

  I open my eyes into the room. Everything’s dark now but I can make out the outline in the doorway. Standing six-foot-six, bald, rough and weather worn…It’s Mac, who’s leaned up against the door frame. He switches on the bright, fluorescent lights and I squint hard adjusting to them.

  “Up,” he tells me and gestures his head for me to follow him into the clubhouse behind the bar.

  He doesn’t say another word until we’re sat at the table where church — the club’s official meetings — is held. He wipes his nose on his bandana and narrows his eyes to me.

  “Talk.” His deep voice, the result of decades smoking two packs a day, croaks at me.

  “I gotta start by letting you know I ain’t thinkin’ straight right now.”

  “I don’t want your goddamn excuses, boy. You can’t handle your piss. That ain’t my worry.”

  “I haven’t had a drink, Mac. No disrespect but I crashed my bike, hit my head. Spent the last couple days trying to figure out who the fuck I am… But being here, some things seem to be clearing up.”

  “I couldn’t give two holy shits about how you feel now. What I need to know is why you abandoned this club in the first place. Why you walked away from your brothers, from me. I gave you fucking everything!” His fist beats the table and he stands up, pacing behind my chair. “You made a promise to me. You said you could handle this, that you wanted her, that you wanted this for the club and our familie

  He squeezes my face. I rage inside but don’t fight back. “Mac, Prez… I get you’re upset. I get it….But I’m missing some memories. I fell off my bike. I don’t know what you’re talking about right now.”

  His knuckles crack and his hands land on my shoulders. “Seems convenient you’d lose your head at a time like this.”

  “I swear to Christ, Mac, when I get it back I’ll take whatever punishment you got but thing is I don’t know what happened. I want to give you answers but I’ve got none. Hell, I can’t even remember my own address.”

  His thick, ringed fingers squeeze my shoulders. I flinch.

  “What do you remember?”

  “Garrett, when I saw his face. I remember Mia… Or at least, I remember her fucking name. It’s on this ring…”

  Mac groans. Some part of me remembers that sound… The sound someone heard right before a beatdown.

  “I remember where I’ve been the last few days. I remember the accident. This girl, Lucy, she’s been taking care o’ me. She’s here with me. She can back up the story.”

  “Lucy?” he spins me around to look at him. Almost comically, he asks, “Lucy Palermo? You did all this for Lucy fucking Palermo?”

  “No… Her name is… Rivers. Lucy Rivers. She’s just the girl who found me the night I wrecked. Put my shoulder back in its fucking socket. She’s from down in Baddock National Park. Who the fuck is Lucy Palermo?”

  “Kid…” I give him a blank look. “You don’t remember a Lucy Palermo in your life?” I shake my head. “Then you need a fucking hospital.”

  “Mac, look, I don’t know why but I can’t go to a hospital. What if I get arrested?”

  “You lose your goddamn balls in that accident? Get up. We’re taking you to get some help. Don’t you think for one second this is me letting you off the hook. Best believe one of the boys will be at your side twenty-four-seven watching what you’re up to. If I find out you’re lying to me, I’ll cut your motherfucking dick off. We’ll finish this conversation later. Got it?”


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