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No Promises: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 21

by Michelle Love

  Faria moved off him and he gathered her to him as they recovered, panting for air. Faria kissed him lightly. “Oh, we are so going to do that again.”

  Mason laughed, his damp curls sticking to his face. “Hell, yes we are.” He stroked her face. “So freakin’ beautiful.”

  “Right back at ya.” Faria tucked her head into his neck, kissing his throat as she did. “Ever felt like you’ve known someone forever when really, you only just met?”

  “Not until tonight. Faria, it’s Saturday tomorrow, and I don’t know your plans, but I’d love to spend the day with you.”

  Faria felt a thrill go through her. “I would like that.”

  Mason smiled – god, the man was devastating. “In that case…” He slowly got to his head and lifted her into his arms. “I’m going to take you to bed now, and kiss every inch of your beautiful body.”

  He laid her on the bed and gently pushed her legs apart. Her body was incredible, all curves, and caramel soft skin. His lips found her inner thigh a he made his way towards her sex and as he gently parted her labia with his fingers, he saw the rich red peach of her cunt. “You’re so pretty, baby.”

  He took her clit into his mouth, lashing his tongue around it, teasing, nibbling down on it until Faria was thrashing beneath him, coming over and over as she cried out his name, then he launched his diamond hard cock into her again, pulling her legs around him, entranced by the sight of his cock delving deep into her. They fit together so perfectly, he wondered at their perfect symmetry. His olive skin next to hers. Her long dark hair clouded around her head on the pillow, her large brown eyes shining up at him. That luscious pink mouth open as she gasped her excitement. “God, Faria…”

  He came as she did, their gazes locked. He stroked her clit, making her orgasm again. He never wanted to stop touching her. He laid down next to her as they recovered, but found neither could keep their hands off each other.

  Hours passed, they talked, made love, and son it was impossible to believe that they had known each other for less than a day.

  As day broke over Manhattan, Mason stroked her face. “Faria, I know this is ridiculously fast…but I cannot imagine my life without you now.”

  Faria smiled. “I know what you mean. It’s…” She paused considering then laughed softly. “A fairytale.”

  Mason laughed with her. “That’s exactly what it is.”

  Faria straddled him, bending down to kiss his mouth. “I’m going to rise you so hard, baby.”

  And she kept her promise, impaling herself on his cock and fucking him, moaning as his cock slammed deep inside her until they were both shivering and coming.

  Finally, just before noon, they were laying quietly together, holding hands when Faria’s stomach gave an outraged grumble. “Dear god, belly,” she said, looking down at it in mock-outrage. “Way to choose your moment.”

  Mason chuckled. “To be fair, it is time I fed you. Thing is, I don’t have anything. I could order in. Pizza?”

  Faria considered. “You know what I suddenly have a craving for? Cereal.”

  Mason looked surprised then grinned. “Then cereal it is. There’s a bodega on the corner, I’ll go down.”

  “I’ll come with you.”

  They dressed in still damp clothes, but Faria saw her t-shirt was still see-through. Mason pulled a grey-marl tee from his closet. “Here, it might be a little big but it’s clean, I promise.”

  Faria thanked him and slipped it on. The t-shirt clung to her large breasts but fell loosely over her belly. Mason helped her knot it up under her breasts, then ran his finger down the exposed skin of her belly, notching the tip of his finger in her navel. “Sexy girl.”

  They kissed again, then Faria gently pushed him away. “We’ll end up right where we started if we do that. I need food, man. Gimme.”

  Mason laughed and they walked hand-in-hand to the elevator. For the first time, Faria seemed to notice her surroundings. Mason’s building was one of the high-end, million-dollar apartment blocks and for the first time, he saw her look nervous.

  “What is it?”

  “I didn’t realize you were so…um…well, upper class.”

  Mason threw his head back and laughed. “Believe me, Faria, I’m no such thing. Look, there’s money in architecture in this city and I got lucky. I’m originally from Poughkeepsie, the only son of a school teacher and a town clerk. I just found my passion in something that pays well.”

  He cupped her face in his hands. “But I’ve never felt richer in life than in the last few hours. Money is nothing when I have you in my arms.”

  Faria melted in his arms and they embraced, kissing until the elevator delivered them to the ground floor.

  Manhattan was busy on the Saturday afternoon, and as they walked down to the bodega, they saw a melee across the street – two groups of protesters yelling at each other. Mason could see a bunch of skinheads being aggressive towards a bunch of women and started to head towards them but then the police came and dispersed the group.

  One of the skinheads noticed Mason and Faria and nudge his friend. Mason instinctively knew what they were seeing – the white man and the Indian girl. Bastards. Mason deftly steered Faria to his other side, shielding her from their view, but thankfully, they turned away. He breathed a sigh of relief.

  In the bodega, he and Faria lingered indecisively over the kind of cereal she wanted. “My kid brain is saying Lucky Charms or Frosted Minis,” she said and he loved the way she was taking this so seriously, “but my adult brain is saying oatmeal or something with…nuts.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him. “You know, for energy.”

  Mason grinned but then a very tiny woman tapped him on the arm. “Excuse, sir, would you mind reaching up for me and grabbing some of those Lucky Charms for me?”

  “My pleasure.” He handed the woman the box of cereal and she smiled at both of them.

  “Lovely boy. You hang onto him, Missy,” she said to Faria who beamed at her.

  “Oh, don’t worry, I won’t.” She squeezed Mason’s hand and he smiled down at her.

  They finally settled on oatmeal, then went to pay.

  As they approached the cash register, Mason saw the two skinheads enter the store and look around. He knew instinctively they were looking for he and Faria. One of them spotted them and nudged the other. The apparent lead skinhead walked over. He nodded at Faria.

  “What are you doing with her?”

  Mason squared up. “How is it any of your business?”

  He didn’t like the way the man was looking at Faria, a mixture of hatred and lust. Mason stepped in front of her. “Back away, man. Right now.”

  He felt Faria’s hand slip into his and squeeze it. She was telling him she was okay. The other skinhead was bothering the clerk behind the register. The lead skinhead turned to speak to him but the other skinhead pulled a gun and waved it around.

  It all seemed to go in slow motion then…

  The bodega owner was reaching for something behind the bar and Mason shook his head at him. Just give him the money, dude. Your insurance will pay.

  But the bodega owner didn’t listen. He suddenly yanked out a baseball bat and brought it down hard on the robber’s arm. Mason heard the bone crunch at the same time as the skinhead dropped the gun.

  The lead skinhead picked it up, gave a strange smile and to Mason’s horror, aimed it at Faria. “Fucking Indian whore…”

  The sound of the gunshot in the bodega was deafening. Mason saw Faria buckle as the bullet hit her directly through her navel and blood spurted from the wound. The skinhead dropped the gun and ran, with her partner staggering after him. Someone screamed. Faria wobbled then began to sink to the ground.

  “No, no, no…no!” He caught her as she crumpled, her eyes closed. “Please, someone help us, she’s been shot…”

  This couldn’t be happening. He looked around wildly, pressing down hard on the wound, keeping the precious blood inside. The women they’d smiled at earlier was pale white,
but she was talking into her cellphone. “Yes, we need ambulance and police, please hurry, a young girl’s been shot.”

  Mason concentrated on Faria then, seeing how pale she was, her caramel skin wan and yellow. She was losing blood way too fast. “Hang on, baby, please…for me.” With his free hand, he felt for pulse and to his horror, he could not feel one. “Keep your heart beating,” he yelled at his love, “come on! Like the drums, keep the beat going…baby, please.”

  He looked at the woman. “Here, please help me. I need you to press on the wound, keep her blood inside. I need to pump her heart.”

  They worked together until the first responders arrived, then Mason let them take over. He listened with his eyes closed.

  “She’s got a pulse, but this blood loss is bad. We need to get her to the E.R. stat.”

  Mason raveled with her in the ambulance but at the hospital, Faria was taken straight into surgery and Mason was left to wait. As the receptionist asked him for Faria’s details, he realized he didn’t know her last name, her age, her family…

  “I’m sorry,” he said, feeling hopeless. “We only just met.” He sighed and closed his eyes but then something occurred to him. “Listen, I know she is studying at Columbia in the music department. I’ll call them, see if I can find out anything.”

  To his frustration, the clerk at the administrator’s office would give him the details. “Okay, that’s fine but would you please call the hospital and give them her details? She’s been shot.”

  The clerk sounded shocked, then a little more sympathetic. “I will call them, Mr. Farmer. I hope your friend is okay.”

  Friend. Faria was more than a friend to him, he knew that without a doubt. In less than twenty-four hours, this little girl, beautiful girl, had become his future. He loved her. He loved her with all his heart.

  After what seemed like hours, the surgeon came to see him, along with the administrator. “Mr. Farmer, we’re telling you this because it seems Miss Parek doesn’t have any living relatives in New York and you appear to be the closest to her. We’ve operated and managed to stabilize her, although she has lost a lot of blood, and she’s very weak. Her abdominal artery was damaged but we’ve managed to repair it. The next twenty-four hours will be critical.”

  Mason, shell-shocked and covered in Faria’s blood nodded. “It was a hate crime,” he said in a cracked voice. “They didn’t like seeing a white man with a woman of color. So, they shot her. They’d never met or spoken to her before in their lives. How could they hate her so much? How fucking sick is that?”

  The doctor and administrator exchanged a glance. “Mr. Farmer, I think we should check you out. We can get you a cot in Miss Parek’s room, so you can stay with her. We’ll get you some clean scrubs to wear.” He patted Mason’s arm, his expression kind and sympathetic. “You can be there when she wakes up. And she will wake up, Mr. Farmer. We’re doing everything we can.”

  Mason fell into a fitful sleep eventually as the night drew on, but every time he heard a noise, he would wake, hoping it was Faria. As dawn began to break, he finally heard the sound he was waiting for.

  “Mason?” Her voice was soft, gravelly, but to him it was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard. He went to her side immediately.

  “Baby? Oh, baby, thank god…thank god…” He stroked her hair back from her face and she smiled as her eyes focused on him.

  “I love you,” she whispered. “I love you so much, Mason.”

  Tears were pouring down his face. “I love you too, by god, I am so in love with you.” He pressed his lips to hers, hesitantly at first in case she needed oxygen but she kissed him back with passion,

  “Don’t cry, baby. I’m going to be okay.”

  Mason stroked her face. “They told me you don’t have any family, so that’s why they let me stay.”

  Faria nodded. “It’s true, I am alone.”

  “Not anymore. Not anymore, Faria, my love.” He kissed her again and felt her sigh at his caress. “Marry me.” He hadn’t planned to say the words, but as soon as they came out, he knew it was right and when she smiled a beautiful smile back at him, her eyes filling with tears, the moment she whispered “Yes”, he thought his heart might burst from happiness.

  Five years later…

  “And tonight, it’s my honor to introduce the newest recipients of the Grammy for Best Newcomers, the all-female rock group, The Poison Trees. Miranda, Lisa and Faria, welcome…”

  “Mommy, you’re on tv!”

  Faria grinned, swinging her daughter up into her arms and tickling her. Holly screamed in delight and showered her mother with kisses. “Did you win a prize, Mommy?”

  “She sure did.” Mason, a very proud husband, walked into the room, their son riding on his back, yelling a war cry.

  “Mommy’s got a Grammy!” Billy shaped his hand into a rock sign and yelled again. He was wearing his favorite Poison Trees t-shirt.

  The family tumbled onto their large couch and cuddled up to watch the television repeat of the awards show. They were in their Colorado getaway lodge, high in the mountains, a roaring fire inside, deep drifts of snow outside. They’d flown here directly after the awards on the Sunday night, anxious to get some family time together before Faria had to go on tour again.

  The lodge, designed and built by Mason, was built to be family friendly instead of luxurious and cutting edge and Faria had loved it the moment she saw it. It had been his wedding present to his wife, newly recovered from her shooting as they wed quietly in his home town of Poughkeepsie. His family had welcomed Faria as if they had known her forever and Mason knew that his mother, especially, felt she had the daughter she never had now.

  Billy was born nine months after the wedding, a traumatic pregnancy as Faria was still recovering, but she had refused to postpone motherhood because of it. Billy was born healthy and yelling and was followed two years later by Holly, who idolized her big brother.

  For Faria and Mason, theirs was a perfect partnership, equals in everything, and even more passionate each passing day. Their love for each other was reflected in their love for their children – and their dog, Heinz – the perfect little family.

  Now, as they huddled together on the couch, wrapped in snuggly woolen throws, watching the television, Mason leaned over and kissed his beautiful wife. “I love you and I’m the proudest husband in the world.”

  Faria beamed at him. “Thank you, baby. I couldn’t have done any of it without you and the kids. You have given me all the love in the world and I adore you.”

  Billy was watching his parents as they kissed. “Mom, Dad…tell us the story of how you met again.”

  Mason and Faria exchanged a look and a smile. “Well,” Mason began with a wicked twinkle in his eyes, “one night in Manhattan…there was a zombie apocalypse…”

  The End.

  Vengeful Seduction

  A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

  A young woman finds herself as the nurse to an old, male billionaire. He leaves everything to her when he dies, infuriating the billionaire’s one grandson, who’s had nothing to do with him for the last twelve years.

  The grandson decides to seduce the nurse and get her to marry him. He plans to be utterly charming right up until the moment they say ‘I do,’ then be so neglectful of her that she’ll cheat on him. To ensure his plan works, he pays a friend of his to offer her comfort and support, making sure she’s poised to fall straight into his friend’s arms. Then he can divorce her and get most of his grandfather’s money back.

  Sounds simple, only it isn’t. The nurse is a sexy, saint-like woman who not only gives her heart away, but her virginity too. She won’t cheat, no matter how hard her vengeful husband and his friend try to make her turn her back on the man she fell in love with and married.

  Because of her undying devotion to her husband, he falls in love with her and is soon overcome by guilt for all he’s done in his desire for money and revenge. Will what he’s done be too much for her to take, o
r will the love she has for him be so strong that their marriage will survive?

  Part One

  Chapter 1


  Morning dew covered the rose bushes that grew along the sidewalk. With a skip in my step, I tried my best to break the melancholy mood that struck me most mornings as I went to work.

  It always made me just a little bit sad to go to work.

  Not because of the patients. I knew I was one of the rare people who didn’t mind working with people who needed hospice care. Most of the other nurses did it and did it well because it was their job, but there was always this air of resentment. Hopefully not about the patients, but about each other.

  It’s never easy to know that every single one of your patients will die under your care. Terminal diseases would take them all, no matter how well you cared for them. It took a particular kind of person to withstand all that comes with facing death head on and helping others accept their fate.

  For me, though, I found it fascinating to interact with people in their last days. Not only did I get a chance to help them and to ease their pain and suffering, but I got to hear the stories these people had in their heads. The times they’d lived through and all of the things they’d said and done—it was all there. With just a little bit of patience, these human beings had the most interesting things to say and insights to give from another time.

  Theodore Black, however, had become my favorite patient, by far. It was sort of funny, but I could still remember how terrified I had been to meet him, since he was something of a local legend. He was the epitome of the local boy who had succeeded in spite of everything that was stacked against him.

  He’d ended up being nothing but a teddy bear. An old, almost deaf teddy bear, to be sure, but one without a mean bone in his body. A sweet, gruff old man who had won my heart almost immediately.

  So it wasn’t him. He wasn’t the reason I’d been sad to come to work. Or not the whole reason. I was sad that I was going to lose him, but I knew I’d be richer for having known him.


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