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No Promises: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 61

by Michelle Love

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  Rockstar Untamed Extended Epilogue

  Tuscany, Italy


  Sailor King stood at the doorway to the villa that she and Bodhi had purchased a little over a year ago. She breathed in the sultry, warm air of the Tuscany hills, listening to the quiet murmur of their guests as they waited for her in the makeshift aisle under the pergola.

  Today, exactly five years after she’d escaped from The Children of Love and her psychotic, incestuous father, Bartholomew Foy, she would marry the man who had shown her what real, true, deep love was. The man who the world knew and adored, but who would give up every bit of his fame, his success, his wealth, for her and their children. Tim, Bodhi’s son from a previous relationship, was now fifteen years old and a devoted big brother to his four-year-old sister Soleil, Sailor and Bodhi’s child. Soleil was eager to get going, to throw flower petals along the aisle in front of her mother, but Sailor held her back for a moment, wanting to take stock. Tim had offered to walk her down the aisle, but she had told him that Bodhi needed him to be his best man. She didn’t mind that she wouldn’t be led down the aisle by a man.

  She let out a long breath, feeling the tension in her body dissipate. They had made it. The wedding had been planned for so long, postponed and rescheduled until Bodhi could figure out a way to fulfill his recording contract with Quartet and go on tour, and then take another long sabbatical with his family. So now, they were here, in their beautiful home, where no press could find them, no rabid fans could turn up on their doorstep. Their haven, their paradise.

  She heard a noise behind her and turned, her hand flying up to her mouth when she saw who was behind her. The surprise and joy flooded through her and tears started to drop down her face.

  “I thought you weren’t going to come, I thought … oh my God …”

  And she ran into his arms.

  Los Angeles, California

  The previous December


  “Yes, Freckle?”

  “Why is my name Sorry?”

  Sailor grinned at her daughter. “Solly, not sorry. It’s short for Soleil, Freckle. We named you after your auntie, remember?”

  Solly was rolling around on Sailor and Bodhi’s bed, teasing their little Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Dude. Dude licked Solly’s face, and she giggled.

  “Dude, don’t lick,” Sailor scooped the puppy and kissed its furry head. She laid down next to her daughter and tickled her. “Are you excited about going on the plane, little one? Seeing Nanna?”

  Solly nodded. Already, at four years old, Solly was a seasoned passenger on Bodhi’s private jet. And tonight, they would all fly over to Italy to spend Christmas in their new home. Tim, almost as tall as Bodhi now and top of his class at school, was already bragging to his friends about learning Italian, and how many of the beautiful girls he already knew there.

  “Where are my gorgeous girls?”

  Sailor and Solly heard Bodhi’s voice as he called and, grinning, Sailor pulled the comforter over them. “Let’s hide from Dadda, Freckle, and surprise him.”

  She heard Bodhi come into the bedroom and give a low chuckle. “Now, where are my girls? Hey, Dude, what did you do with them? Eat them? Snuffle them? Now, wait … I think you ate them, because I see a chubby little leggy …”

  He pulled on Solly’s exposed leg, and she burst into giggles, pushing back the comforter and yelling to him. He swept her up into her arms. “Were you hiding from me? You cheeky monkey.” Solly was laughing hard now, easily amused by their silly game. Sailor stuck her head out from under the comforter and grinned up at her fiancé.

  “All Solly’s idea, so blame her.”

  Solly looked outraged. “No, Momma!” and Bodhi and Sailor laughed. Sailor crawled out of bed and straightened her clothes, stopping to kiss Bodhi hello. He grinned down at her, and she smiled back, drinking in his gloriously handsome face, his huge green eyes, which both of his children had inherited, and his scruffy stubble, which saved him from being too beautiful, and instead made his machismo shine out from him.

  “We all packed and ready to go?” he asked, swinging Solly in his arms. Sailor grinned.

  “All set. And Tim promised me he’d packed last night. So, as soon as he gets home from school, we’re good to go.”

  “Good. Ah,” he said, flopping down into a chair and, balancing Solly on one knee, he pulled Sailor onto the other one. The chair gave an ominous groan and Sailor giggled. Bodhi shrugged. “It’ll be fine.” He buried his face in Sailor’s neck, his lips against her throat. “God, I need this vacation. We need this vacation.”

  He looked at her meaningfully, and she grinned. “Your mother has been very kind in volunteering to take the kids for a week. I can get Christmas really organized.”

  “And we can get some special alone time.”

  Sailor laughed. “You have a one-track mind.”

  “When it comes to you, hell, yes.” He kissed her mouth, lingering over the embrace. Sailor closed her eyes, savoring the feel of his lips on hers. It never got old, that feeling of desire that flooded through her when he touched her. “I love you, baby.” His voice was a whisper, and she nodded.

  “I love you too, big guy.”

  They cuddled in silence for a while, relaxing. Solly fell asleep in her father’s arms. Sailor tucked her head onto Bodhi’s shoulder, feeling utterly blissed out. Her family— her chaotic, unexpected family— was the reason she breathed in and out, the reason she existed. After the horrors of the past, they had found a place in life which made them all happy. Bodhi had just finished a world tour, three intense months of dates in the biggest stadiums and arenas in the world, and he was exhausted but elated. “I just love performing, baby. It’s the second-best feeling in the world.”

  “The second best?” she’d asked with a grin, as they’d talked in bed after the last gig. He’d chuckled.

  “Stop fishing for compliments, woman; you know this is the best feeling in the world.” And they had made love long into the night.

  The flight to Italy was long, with a stop in Paris, and by the time they reached Florence, all four of them were exhausted. Vittoria, Bodhi’s spritely artist mother, greeted them all with hugs and kisses, looking as excited as Dude was to see them after the flight. Vittoria gathered up Solly in one arm and Dude in the other and bore them off. Christina, Vittoria’s life partner, hugged Bodhi and Sailor and rolled her eyes at his mother’s retreating back.

  “Honestly, she’s been unbearable, today,” Christina laughed, as she looped her arm around Tim’s shoulders. “Like an excited puppy. Gosh, Timbo, you’ve grown so much … and is that stubble?”

  Bodhi grinned, and Tim looked pleased—despite the ‘stubble’ being about three hairs on his chin. Sailor felt her tiredness slip away as they got into Vittoria’s huge SUV, chatting and laughing. Vittoria and Christina had been together for six years now, and Bodh had completely accepted his mother’s female lover into his life without even a blink. Sailor smiled at him now; she knew how much he missed his mom and the place where he was born.

  They stayed overnight at Vittoria and Christina’s huge city center apartment. Tim struggled to stay up late, like a man, but by ten o’clock, Sailor had to gently shoo him to his bedroom, then went to check on her daughter. Solly, her dark curls messy on the pillow, had been out for the count since after they’d had dinner, and Sailor herself felt weary now. Tomorrow, she and Bodhi would drive out to their new home and prepare it for his mother to bring the kids for Christmas. A week to ourselves, Sailor thought now, with a smile. It really had been too long. She closed Solly’s door and padded quietly back to the living room. She stopped when she heard Bodhi ask his mother a question.

  “Have you seen Claudio?” The pain in Bodhi’s voice was obvious.

  Sailor felt sadness shoot through her. Claudio Fonseca had been Bodhi’s best friend from childhood, his brother, virtually, and they had been inseparable righ
t up until the day when Claudio’s beautiful, wonderful sister Soleil was murdered by the man who was obsessed with Sailor. Claudio blamed Sailor for Soleil’s death, and his and Bodhi’s friendship was ruptured beyond repair. Sailor felt the weight of guilt on her shoulders for it, but Bodhi insisted that Soleil’s death was not Sailor’s fault.

  “One day, Claudio will see that and then he will be back,” he’d said confidently.

  But Claudio had cut everyone out of his life who was connected to Bodhi, even his mentor, Vittoria, who had guided him to be one of the most successful young artists in the world.

  Sailor leaned against the wall outside the living room and sighed, rubbing her eyes. She heard Vittoria’s soft voice. “No, darling. I’m sorry. I went to his apartment, but there was a For Sale sign up there … his place out in the country, I’m not sure. I didn’t want to intrude if he was there working, or … I don’t know.”

  “It’s been five years, Mom.”

  “I know, sweetheart. But Claudio didn’t have anyone else but Soleil. I called Maceo Bartoli to find out if he’d heard anything, but he hadn’t.” Vittoria sighed. “Darling, I think it’s time you accepted that Claudio no longer wants to be a part of this family. I’m sorry.”

  Later, as they held each other in bed, Sailor could see the sadness in Bodhi’s eyes. “Do you want to talk about it, baby?”

  But he shook his head, pressing his lips against hers. Both of them were way too tired to make love, but they kissed for a while before sleeping.

  In the morning, a tearful Sailor hugged her children goodbye, and then she and Bodhi set out on the three-hour drive to their new Italian home. Bodhi held her hand as he drove, looking and smiling at her frequently.

  “Big softie,” he said fondly, and Sailor laughed, wiping her cheeks dry.

  “Sorry, I’ve just never been without Solly for one night, let alone seven.” She smiled, then. “Just think of the things we could get up to.”

  “We’re going to fuck in every room in that place, my Sailor girl.” Bodhi looked smug.

  She laughed and, reaching over, cupped his cock through his jeans. “You bet your sweet ass, we are. Except maybe that outhouse. Spiders,” she said, and shuddered. Bodhi laughed.

  “Remember that tarantula down in the Caribbean, the first weekend we were together?”

  Sailor grimaced. “How could I forget? Can we change the subject back to me doing bad and wrong things to you?”

  Bodhi grinned widely. “Most definitely. I might have to pull over and have you before we get there.”

  “Uh-uh,” Sailor said, shaking her head. “Anticipation is everything, you big horn dog.”

  Bodhi sighed dramatically. “Well, don’t be surprised if I get blue balls, you tease.”

  Sailor reached over again to caress the bulge in his jeans, grinning wickedly, and Bodhi groaned. “Devil woman.” He grinned as she laughed, leaning over to kiss his cheek.

  “Sorry, baby. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

  Bodhi smiled at her, his eyes soft with love. “You better, and not just with that magical body of yours … Sails, we’ve put it off and put it off. I want to marry you, soon, next summer, if that suits you. And I’d like to get married here, in Italy.”

  She stroked his cheek with the back of a finger. “I would love that, baby. August? When it gets that sultry, sleepy feeling in the air.”


  Two hours later, they arrived at the villa. Secluded, surrounded on one side by cypress trees which snaked down the long driveway, the views over the Tuscan hills were breathtaking. Bodhi, though, only had eyes for one thing. He opened the main door to the villa, and let them both into the cool, shaded lobby, beautiful, original tiles on the floor, stone arches showing the way in the main house. He dumped their bags and reached for his love. Sailor went into his arms, grinning, knowing what he wanted. She hitched up her skirt as he reached under it, then laughed as he encountered bare flesh.

  “You were going commando all the way here and didn’t tell me?” He feigned outrage. But soon enough, he tackled her to the floor, pushing the skirt up past her hips and hooking her legs over his shoulders. He buried his face in her sex and took her clit into his mouth.

  “I want to taste your cock,” Sailor complained, but Bodhi, looking up with a smug grin, merely said, “Anticipation, baby.”

  Sailor chuckled. “Oh, so this is revenge?”

  “Want me to stop?”

  “Oh, God, no … Jesus, Bodhi, that’s so good …”

  He made her come then, freeing his diamond-hard cock from his jeans, plunging into her, making her cry out. Grinning widely, Bodhi fucked her hard, pinning her hands down, kissing her mouth roughly.

  Sailor almost wept as she came, her body bucking and writhing under him. “God, Bodhi, Bodhi!”

  Bodhi reached his orgasm, groaning as he pumped thick, creamy semen deep into her belly. “Christ … I love you, you fucking sexy woman …”

  They lay panting, still connected until Bodhi rolled off of her and took her hand as they both stared up at the ceiling. Sailor giggled. “Well, Mr. Creed, you got your revenge. And I must say, I enjoyed it.”

  Bodhi kissed her lips. “And that’s only the start of it.” She smiled up at him, then scrambled to her feet, offering him her hands.

  “Come on, Creed. Let’s get settled in and I’ll make us some lunch. Then we’ll discuss the rest of your evil seduction plans.”

  Bodhi stroked his hand down her side as she stood in the doorway of the villa, then slid his arms around her waist. Sailor leaned back into him. The evening was settling in, and Bodhi had lit the sconces out on the driveway and down the garden.

  “It’s just heaven,” Sailor sighed, and Bodhi nuzzled the back of her neck.

  “Could you imagine living here … permanently?”

  She turned in his arms and studied his face. “Really?”

  He nodded. “Baby … I know you hate Los Angeles. And to be honest, with everything that happened there … I’m tired of the life of a rockstar. My contract with Quartet is up after the next album.”

  Sailor chewed her lip. “You want out?”

  “I want out. God, how much does one man need? I have all the money in the world to support you and the kids … and I just don’t need the fame anymore. I’m tired of being ‘Bodhi Creed.' I want to be Mr. Sailor King and live in blissful obscurity.”

  Sailor stroked a dark curl back behind his ear. “Honey, I think you should do what feels right and whatever that is, I’m there for you one hundred percent. Are you sure you won’t get bored?”

  Bodhi grinned. “With you and the kids here? No way. Plus, I get to do all the artisanal things that my mom has begged me to do all my life, make furniture, paint. I’ll always love music. It’s my blood, but now I just want to do it for us, for myself, as a hobby. But,” he added, taking her face in his hands, “I realize that you spent nearly half a century shut away somewhere secluded.”

  “Totally different scenario,” Sailor said with a frown, then her face softened. “But it’s sweet of you to consider that. Bodhi … the life you describe here, the life we could have … God … it would be like a dream. We’d have to work something out with Gemma—she won’t want to have Tim this far away.”

  Bodhi looked a little sheepish. “Tim and I have had conversations about it recently. Just casual, nothing heavy, but I wanted to know where his mind was.”

  “Come tell me about it outside. I want to enjoy the evening.”

  They sat on the wall running around the grounds. Bodhi leaned over to kiss her. She looked adorable in her white cotton dress, her dark hair messy and tumbling down her back. Bodhi hooked a strand over her ear, and she turned her head to kiss his hand. “Tell me about Tim.”

  “Well, first let me say, that kid is a brainbox, and way older than his years. Probably not surprising, given what he’s been through, what he’s witnessed.”

  Sailor nodded, her smile fading, and Bodhi knew he�
�d hit a nerve. Tim had been abducted by her murderous father, who had forced Tim to watch his ‘Aunt’ Soleil, being stabbed to death in front of him. Tim’d had counseling, of course, but it had aged the child. In some ways, it killed both Bodhi and Sailor that a good part of Tim’s childhood had been taken from him, and after Tim had been rescued, he’d had to deal with Sailor’s almost murder. Then his mother, Gemma, had launched a legal case to reclaim her son.

  Tim, in the courtroom, had stated without hesitation that he wanted to stay with his father and Sailor. The judge had ruled in Bodhi’s favor.

  Tim, of late, had begun to rebuild his relationship with his mother, mostly via video link and email. Gemma had moved to Boston after losing the case and never contacted Bodhi directly. It was Tim’s ex-step-father, Evan, who had come through for them on many occasions, acting as an intermediary with Gemma, and now Evan and Bodhi had become close friends.

  Bodhi stroked Sailor’s face. “Don’t look so worried, gorgeous one. Tim’s pretty clear what he wants to do with his life. He wants to go to college. Harvard. He’s already two grades ahead, and they’re begging him to go there. Unheard of. So, Tim says he’s going to live with his mom during the semester, then spend holidays with us, here.”

  Sailor was surprised. “Really?”

  “Kid’s had it all thought out for months, apparently. He knew before I did that we’d end up here.”

  Sailor sighed. “God, we’ll miss him so much.”

  Bodhi nodded, his eyes sad. “I know. Solly, especially, I think. But then … we could always give her a little playmate.”

  Sailor chuckled. “I was waiting for that subject to come up. You think it’s time?”

  “I do. But obviously, it’s up to you.”

  Sailor didn’t answer him, just nodded, smiling. Bodhi studied her. “Reservations?”

  She hesitated for just a beat. “Not exactly. Rather, I’d like to get the wedding out of the way first, then the move. Maybe when we’re settled. My first pregnancy was so stressful at the start, which I know was mostly of my own doing, but this time, I want to enjoy every moment. Except for the pain part, obviously.”


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