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No Promises: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 116

by Michelle Love

“I don’t know,” she says as she falls on her bed. “Crap, I don’t really think that, Laura. I have these little, petty jealousies. I can’t explain it. I was jealous about that lady who showed up. It got my jealousy juices flowing.”

  “Why would you be jealous of her? She’s old enough to be Eden’s aunt or something. I thought they probably were related, the way they acted together, like they had known each other for a long time.”

  She pulls a pillow up and wraps her arms around it. “It’s a long story, Laura.”

  I need to hear her story if I’m about to believe it’s not Kyle she jealous about. “You better give it to me, because I need to get to the bottom of this.”

  “I can’t believe you’re making me tell you this,” she says, then hesitates. “The lady was Eden’s touch tutor. She taught him how to kiss and touch me properly.”

  What in the name of all that’s holy?

  My mouth falls open. “OMG! You’re lying!”

  “I wish I was. Eden never told me about her until we met her at our wedding. Then I saw it for myself as his mind replayed a time they had a practice session. You can ask Kyle about it. I showed him the memory and he agreed it was a hot encounter.”

  “Sick. Did they really call them sessions?” I ask.

  She nods and I see the sadness in her eyes. “I just can’t get over it. I keep trying, but it’s so damn hard when she touches him and acts all young and shit. He seems oblivious to her antics. Then she shows up over here and the fool invites her to join us for a quick dip. I mean, could he be that clueless?” she asks.

  I nod. “I think he just might be. I’ve noticed he doesn’t act like any super-hot guy I’ve ever seen, not that I’ve seen that many. He’s just so crazy over you that he can’t see that other members of the female persuasion find him fascinating. It’s one of the things I like about him.”

  “You like that about him?” she asks.

  “Well, yeah, Al. I mean he doesn’t look at himself like he’s anything other than your husband. Either he’s clueless about other women, or he just doesn’t see them as a threat to you, because he’s hopelessly in love with you. You’re the world to him. No one could ever replace you. You know what I mean?”

  “I think you’re telling me I have no reason to be jealous,” she says as she drops the pillow to her side. “Because he would never do anything with anyone else, and the women who fall all over themselves for him don’t have a shot in hell at taking him away from me.”

  “That’s right Ally,” I tell her. “Now that we have that cleared up, let’s clear up this thing between us. I know this is a little bit hard for you. I can see it in your eyes every time Kyle and I touch each other in front of you.”

  Ally drops her head. “I’ll get over this, Laura. I don’t want Kyle like that. I don’t know why I get a little pain in my chest when the two of you touch. Or a big pain in my chest when it’s thrown in my face that the two of you are doing what I could never do with him. I hate to say this, but a part of me wants to know what would’ve happened if Eden had never come along and if this bird thing never happened.”

  “But it did happen, Ally, and you’re happy with Eden,” I say as I take her hand.

  “I was happy with Kyle,” she says as she runs her thumb over my knuckles. “When he touched me, it felt like a jolt of electricity ran through me. The night we finally got to go alone to the movies, we made out through the whole movie. I don’t even remember what the movie was because we were so caught up in each other. On the way home, he pulled the truck over and I almost gave into him. The only thing that stopped me was the promise I’d made my mother. I’m jealous of you, Laura. You get to experience more with him. I could have had that, but didn’t, and now I never will.”

  “Ally, I had no idea you felt that way,” I say. “How selfish of me not to have thought you’d have issues about your unresolved feelings for him. I was foolish to think this could work.”

  Ally’s brows draw together as she frowns. “No, please Laura, this can work. I need you, like you can’t know how much I need you. Look how you just helped me with my jealousy over Eden. You stopped me from getting into a big fight with him just now.”

  “I did?”

  “Yes, you did. I don’t have anyone to talk to about my own issues,” she says. “You’re the only one I can talk to like this and now you know everything about me. Do you know how hard it is to be a freaking bird and not tell anyone?”

  I laugh. “I bet it is. Now I have to keep it a secret too. Do you think time will heal you, Ally? That’s what Eden thinks.”

  Confusion fills her face. “You’ve talked to Eden about this?”

  “Briefly, and only once,” I tell her. “We met at the top of the stairs one morning. The morning after we all went swimming at your parents’ house and Kyle and I took a little longer to get down there. I don’t know what happened between you and Eden. He must’ve gotten the idea you were a little jealous of what you must have guessed we were doing that held us up. I also confided in him that Kyle often tenses up when you and Eden are whispering to each other or touching each other.”

  “He does?” she asks.

  “Yes, he does,” I answer. “Eden’s sure the physical feelings you and Kyle had for each other are fading, that you are both getting back to the strong friendship you had before the physical stuff started to happen, and that time will fix this situation.”

  Ally pats my hand. “So you have to deal with this crap from me and Kyle, then?”

  “I pretty much knew that having a relationship with him so soon after you two broke up was going to be riddled with issues—mine, yours, and his,” I say. “He doesn’t talk as openly about your relationship as he did when I first started talking to him. I was trying to help him get past his obsession about getting you away from Eden and your parents. I don’t know if it’s because he’s talked it all out of his system or that he doesn’t want to hurt me. I can feel him tense up and see in his face at times that it hurts him to see you and Eden together.”

  Ally turns away. “My poor Kyle.”

  “Your happiness means more to him than anything else. Making sure you’re safe has always been his top priority. I can remember that from back when we were kids. Maybe he’s supposed to be your protector, Ally. Maybe I’m supposed to be that too. Whether it was pre-destined or not, that is what we are,” I say.

  “Laura, I can’t thank you enough for being so understanding. Your heart is so pure,” Ally tells me. “I love you. You and Kyle have done so much for me. It’s time I stop being a selfish brat about him. To stop thinking of him as my Kyle and let the two of you have your life together, free from my petty jealousies. From this moment on, you’re going to see a new Ally. One who promotes this relationship of yours and encourages you as you’ve encouraged me.”

  “I love you too,” I tell her as we hug. “I’m so glad we talked. Now let’s put this behind us.”

  “I agree,” she says. “Now go get on your workout clothes, because we’re about to embark on a torturous journey that involves Satan himself. But don’t worry, because I have a jacuzzi we can soak in after the torture.”

  “Ally, should I be afraid?” I ask in a fake scared voice.

  “Be afraid, Laura, be very afraid. The self-defense session with him was nothing. Workouts with Beck are a whole different thing.” she tells me in a mock spooky voice as she leads me out to the living room and out the suite’s door. “See you in twenty minutes.”



  The pilot’s voice tells us we’re about to land, so Eden and I go take our seats. “See, Alyssa, it’s not always horrible,” Eden tells me as we get into the car that’s taking us to Kyle and Laura’s new place.

  He also showed me a bit about how Kyle liked both Laura and I when we were all fifteen. His best friend, Cody, got in his ear and told him once he’d kissed me the decision was made.

  It made me see our whole relationship in a new light, one where he felt
he’d messed up his chance with Laura, so he just stayed with me.

  Not quite the love story I’ve always had in my head!

  Eden had a dream about how Laura will be initiated into The Phoenix Foundation and we flew up to surprise them with what they’ve been given. I’m not happy about the drama of sneaking away and making them think we’re kidnapped to get them here.

  We pull up to a large gate, quite a ways from the airport in Austin, Texas. The driver pushes a button and it opens. We drive up the long driveway, which is lined with tall pine trees. The house finally comes into view. It’s a huge, log-cabin-style house.

  “Laura is going to lose it when she sees this place. I know Kyle will love it. It’s torture, the panic we’ve put them in, but I think they both will feel like it was well worth it when they see this,” I say.

  “The decorators have almost finished their bedroom and it looks like everything has been done out by the pool. It should only be a few more hours, then they should be here. Dad told me they took off several hours ago in your car, right after they were told about the abduction,” Eden tells me.

  “That’s the only thing I feel badly about. The lying doesn’t feel really right,” I say.

  “I suppose it’s a test to see if they’re really capable of being our guardians. Maybe you could look at it like that, Alyssa,” he tells me.

  “I’ll try,” I say.

  The front door opens as Linda Banks comes in, followed by a bunch of people carrying boxes and bags. “Eden and Mrs. Fontaine, it’s so nice to see you again,” she calls out to us.

  Eden takes my hand, leading me to her. I find it incredible that I feel fine about her now, since Laura helped me to see I don’t have any reason to be jealous.

  “Thank you for coming on such short notice, Linda,” Eden tells her, then points up the stairs. “Their room is the door at the end of the hallway at the top of the stairs. You can have your staff take their things up there.”

  I smile at her. “Hello again, Linda. Thank you so much for doing all of this for my friends. And call me Alyssa, please.”

  “Well, it is my job, Alyssa. Besides that, I’m happy to do it.”

  I can see she’s nothing but a professional in front of her staff. “Okay, we’ll I’ll let you get to work then.”

  She hurries off to get working. I turn to look at Eden to find him beaming down at me. “What?”

  “You’ve come a long way, baby,” he laughs, then kisses the top of my head.

  “I told you Laura helped me get over the jealousy thing. Anyway, Linda acted very differently this time. Much more professional. She also kept her hands to herself, which I liked.”

  Eden looks at me quizzically. “So if she had run up and hugged me, then you wouldn’t have taken that so well?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “I really don’t know.”

  He shakes his head back and forth slowly. “Alyssa, you are such a mystery. I never know what to expect from you.”

  “That’s exactly how I like it,” I tell him as we walk out to the patio in the back of the house.

  The sky is beginning to show signs of the sun setting. Oranges, reds, and yellows fill the sky. The air is beginning to cool. The pool looks beautiful and inviting. The waterfall adds a dramatic effect that I know Laura will love.

  “Eden, do you really think they’ll like this place?”

  “Uh, hell yes they will. Not only is it close to where Kyle’s going to go to college in the fall, but there are twenty acres for him to do whatever he wants with them. This place has everything. A pool, a giant back yard for the kids they will have someday, a game room, and even a recording studio in the basement. Not to mention the completely badass four-wheel-drive Ford truck and the Mercedes SUV in the four-car garage. It’s not really a gamble, Alyssa.”

  “Okay, when you put it that way, I guess you’re right.”

  The band that has set up on the temporary stage in the enormous back yard starts to do their sound check. The light is quickly fading away, making the lights that have been strung up everywhere begin to glow.

  “It’s time, Alyssa. Are you ready to take our places?” Eden asks me.

  “As I ever will be.”

  We go into the living room, sit down in front of the television, and wait for Kyle and Laura to find us.

  The front door opens slowly. Kyle’s head comes into view as he looks into the dark room. “Okay,” he whispers. “Come on. Follow me closely.”

  He moves into the room cautiously as aura follows him. “How are we ever going to find them in here? This place is huge.” Laura whispers.

  “Shh, look I can see a light just around the corner. Be really quiet. I have no idea who it could be,” he tells Laura.

  Eden and I sit perfectly still on the sofa as we wait for them to come to us. Time ticks by slowly. I don’t hear anything else for what seems like an eternity. Then I feel Laura’s hand touching my shoulder. I turn my head to look at her. Her face lights up.

  “Are you okay, Ally?” she asks me quietly.

  I nod. “I am fine,” I say out loud.

  “Shh,” Kyle says as he puts his finger up to his lips. “Let’s get out of here before whoever took you guys gets back or wakes up or whatever.”

  Eden turns to look at him. “It’s okay.”

  “How is it okay?” Kyle asks in a whisper.

  Eden and I stand up. “Because no one’s here or coming back,” Eden tells him as he hits a button on the remote he’s holding, turning the lights up.

  I see Laura and Kyle are completely dumbfounded. “What the hell is going on?” Kyle asks, finally not whispering anymore.

  “Sorry about the abduction thing. It wasn’t true,” I say.

  “What the hell do you mean it wasn’t true?” Laura practically yells at me.

  “It’s not true. It was a test,” I tell her.

  Laura lunges over the sofa, grabbing at me as she screams. “Alyssa Shaylee Fontaine, I am going to kill you. We were told that you both had been taken. We’ve driven like maniacs from New Orleans, freaking nonstop all the way to Austin to get to you. And it was all fake?” she yells at me.

  Kyle looks confused, but grabs Laura, holding her back. “Hang on Laura. We can’t kill them, even though they are asses. I can’t believe you two would do this to us. I guess you think it’s funny or something. Maybe it’s just to see how far we’ll go for you, I don’t know. I do know it’s not cool at all,” Kyle tells us.

  “Okay, guys,” Eden says as he tries to calm them down. “Let’s just go outside and get some fresh air. We’ll explain it all to you.”

  I take Eden’s hand and we lead them out of the house and into the dark backyard. Eden opens the door, revealing only the blackness of the moonless night. I’m surprised by the fact that it’s impossible to see anything.

  “It’s pitch black out here,” Kyle says.

  Suddenly the large yard is flooded with light as all the lights that have been strung up light up all at once. “Surprise!” everyone yells.

  Kyle and Laura look at each other and then at me. “What’s going on, Al?” Laura asks me.

  “This is your initiation into the society. This party is to welcome you and Kyle into it,” I tell her.

  “Okay, that’s a little over the top,” Kyle mutters. “But really nice of everybody.”

  Laura notices everyone is still looking at us. “Ally, who threw this party for us? We need to tell them thank you,” she says, almost under her breath.

  “The entire society is throwing this party for you. You’ve been chosen to be our guardian, Laura. Your place in this society is second to Kyle’s. You both are very important.”

  Kyle’s eyes go wide. “What are you talking about?”

  Eden laughs. “She’s saying the two of you hold high positions and we’re here to celebrate that fact with you, in your home.”

  Kyle and Laura turn to look at Eden. “What did you say?” Laura asks, always making sure she has everything right.

  “This is your home. You and Kyle have been given this house and a couple of cars as well. This is a thank you from our foundation, for your service,” Eden tells them.

  “Shut up!” Laura says loudly.

  Everyone laughs. There are so many people it makes a thunderous sound, startling them both. Then the band starts to play, bringing the attention away from us, thankfully. The guests begin to dance.

  I take Laura’s hand, then get Kyle’s and I pull them back into the house. “I’m so sorry for the false abduction thing. It’s an unfortunate side effect of initiations to add drama in some way. Anyway, let me show you your new home,” I tell them as I drag them away from the festivities for now.

  “This is crazy,” Laura says.

  “I know it is, but you’ll get used to it, I did. Come on, you two, I have so much to show you,” I tell them.

  “Ally, there are four freaking bedrooms. We don’t need that many. This is all too much. We can’t accept it,” Laura tells me as we stand in front of the door that leads down to the basement and the recording studio.

  Eden opens the door, then reaches in and turns on the light. The room is flooded with light. I hear Kyle’s breath being drawn in as he gasps.

  Oh good, he is impressed.

  “Is that what I think it is?” Kyle asks.

  “If you think it’s a recording studio, then yes,” Eden tells him.

  Kyle takes Laura’s hand, pulling her with him down the stairs. “We can accept it, Laura. Just go with it.”

  Eden and I laugh as we follow them down the stairs. Kyle looks like he’s in heaven. He’s smiling like crazy as he turns to us.

  “I don’t know how we can ever repay you,” he says.

  “Don’t worry about that. Your service to our organization is worth every penny that was spent on these things,” Eden tells him.

  “Ally, this is so nice and unbelievable, but we really can’t take it. We could never even afford the utility bills here. Kyle and I both would have to work three jobs to afford this place,” she says.

  “Don’t be so silly, Laura. You don’t pay a thing here. As a matter of fact, we have something else to give you right now.”


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