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Puca Page 9

by Penny Ash

  He stepped back at last, still in the circle of her arms, and looked down into her deep brown eyes. “I would give you the moon and stars if I were able, Emma, anything to keep you close,” he said, his voice thick with emotions he had never felt before.

  She smiled and reached up to cup his cheek. “I don’t need them, I’ll settle for you.” She touched her lips to his in a gentle kiss.

  Tilly’s voice broke the stillness, and Kian chuckled.

  “I had best go and see what she wants. Tilly can be a terror when she’s upset,” he said, letting go of Emma reluctantly.

  “Go, we don’t want Tilly upset.” Emma laughed and watched him walk out of the bedroom.



  Chapter Nine

  mma walked through the house enjoying the early Emorning quiet and opening several of the downstairs windows to let in fresh air. She reached out to open the back parlor window and hesitated.

  Something pale was lying on the grass near the big willow tree. Curious, Emma went outside to find out what the thing was.

  Looking down at the tattered and muddy scrap of fabric, she dropped to her knees, the dew in the grass soaking into the knees of her jeans. Tears welled up and spilled down her cheeks. Gathering the remains of Great-Aunt Chloe’s favorite sweater, she held it tightly to her chest, bowing her head over it. She hurt so much she could not even begin to cry for several painful seconds.

  Kian walked around the corner into the side yard.

  Seeing Emma, he stopped for a second, puzzled at what she was doing there. He took a step toward her, smiling. His smile slowly faded as he got closer and heard her choked crying.

  “What is it, lovey, what’s happened here?” He asked, a feeling of panic tying his stomach in a knot.

  “Have you been hurt?”

  Emma looked up at Kian. He dropped to his knees and pulled her into his arms, running his hands 102

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  lightly over her, searching for any injury. She leaned against him, crying and shaking her head as she held the ruined sweater up for him to see.

  “Oh, poppet,” he whispered, recognizing Chloe’s favorite sweater, and tightened his hold on Emma, pulling her closer. He sighed and began to lift her to her feet.

  “Why would someone do something like this?”

  Emma asked sadly.

  “I don’t know, love, let’s go inside and let Tilly see to it,” he said guiding her toward the house.

  They walked into the kitchen where Tilly and Pin were putting the finishing touches on breakfast for their guests. Kian waved at Tilly, motioning her over and sitting Emma down at the kitchen table. He gently took the ruined sweater from her.

  “Tilly, we’ve a bit of a problem,” he said, holding the garment out toward his Aunt. “Can you be mending this?”

  “Whatever happened? Miss Emma, you’ve not fallen and hurt yourself, have you?” Tilly asked, taking the sweater.

  “No, she’s all right, just hurt that someone would be destroying a precious memory from spite and jealousy,” Kian said. He kept his arm protectively around Emma’s shoulders.

  “It was probably Pookie.”

  Kian gave her a startled look, then pulled her closer. “Ah, no, love. Pookie adores you, he would not destroy something of yours.” Kian kissed the top of her head.



  “But—” Emma pushed away from him.

  “No, this is the work of idle hands and a cold heart.” He grimaced faintly; he could smell the Baker girl on the ruined garment.

  Tilly bustled off and Pin sent Emma to change for breakfast. Kian watched Pin fuss over the object of his affections, pleased with the way she had taken to Emma. His mother’s approval would make things so much easier when he openly took Emma for his lover.

  His heart tightened painfully at the thought someone wanted to hurt her.

  Emma walked into her bedroom and took off the grass and mud-stained jeans she was wearing. She could not think who would want to tear up the sweater. Sighing heavily, she went to the armoire and looked through the dresses hanging there. Hanging at the back of the armoire, she found one of Great-Aunt Chloe’s antique dresses. Smiling, Emma pulled the elegantly filmy black lace and silk confection off the hanger.

  * * * * * *

  Kian sat at the kitchen table with a cup of tea, listening to the guests arriving in the dining room chatting comfortably and ready for a pleasant meal.

  An out of place sound caught his attention and he looked up to see the Baker girl standing in the doorway smiling at him. Something in her expression made him distinctly nervous.

  “Ah, the dining room is through the door there,”


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  he said and pointed toward the formal room where the others were gathering. The girl’s eyes darkened, and Kian shivered.

  “Are you eating in there?” Lissie asked.

  “Uh...” Kian said brightly. Panic hit him right between the eyes. He tried to think of something to say that would not encourage the girl and would not be interpreted as an invitation while still being the truth.

  “Kian!” Pin’s voice came from the back of the pantry.

  “Ah, must be going, if you’ll be excusing me, then.” He smiled with relief and jumped up, hurrying to help his mother.

  Lissie’s eyes narrowed and she turned on her heel, stalking into the dining room.

  Kian walked into the pantry and heaved a great sigh of relief. He hugged Pin. “I’m that grateful, I am, the girl is scary.”

  “Y-you wa-watch you-yourself around th-that gi-girl,” Pin said seriously. “N-now go-go and s-see to M-miss Emma. Sh-she ne-needs you.”

  Kian grinned and hurried out to the hallway. He stopped at Emma’s door and tapped on it. “Emma love, ‘tis time for breakfast,” he called softly. He stepped back at the sound of the doorknob turning.

  Emma stepped out of the room and his breath stopped. He allowed his eyes to travel over the vision in front of him in wonder. The black lace and silk turned her skin to translucent ivory that glowed with a warmth he knew would burn his fingers if he 105


  touched her. He wanted to loose her hair and lift her into his arms. He wanted, no, he needed to make love to her in that dress, to feel it against his skin warm from her heat. He swallowed hard and squeezed his eyes shut for a few seconds.

  “My lady,” he said reverently, “allow me to escort you to Tilly’s fine breakfast?” He held out his hand and took hers, slipping it through his arm.

  Every head turned when they walked into the dining room. Kian led Emma to the table and seated her, then sat down in the chair next to her. The older ladies at the table all looked at each other knowingly and smiled. The Puca had eyes for no one but Emma.

  Lissie sat and fumed.

  After breakfast, Kian followed Emma to her bedroom and shut the door behind them. He locked it with a softly whispered word and turned to find Emma sitting on the side of the bed. Her head was bowed and his heart went out to her. Walking over, he sat down beside her and gathered her into his arms.

  “Tilly will mend the sweater if anyone can, love, don’t let it be upsetting you like this,” he whispered into her hair.

  Emma laid her head against his chest and sighed, listening to his heartbeat. She sighed again and raised her head up to look at him. “You know it was probably the Baker girl who did it,” she said.

  “I know.” He brushed her hair back from her face.

  “But I’ve no interest in speaking of her.”

  Emma smiled. “And what would you rather talk 106

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  “All the ways I might make love to you, all the things we could do.” He leaned forward and touched his lips to hers.

  “I dream about you sometimes,” she whispered.

  “I’ve given you your dreams, Emma.” He trailed his fingertips over the soft swell of her breast.

“The guests will wonder where we are,” Emma said, watching his fingers moving over the tops of her breasts.

  “No, we’re far from their minds right now.” He bent and dropped a warm kiss on her shoulder.

  “But...” She reached up and rested her hands against his chest.

  “I need you, Emma. Right now,” he whispered against her skin, moving his mouth up and gently taking her earlobe in his teeth.

  “Kian...” she moaned.

  “Hush, love, we must be quiet.” His voice was thick with lust.

  He stood and pulled her to her feet, then slipped the black lace dress off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. She gasped softly as the fabric caught for a second on her hardened nipples. Kian ran his hands over her body, hooking his thumbs in the waistband of the black satin panties she’d put on under the dress. He knelt as he pulled them down her legs.

  Standing again, he lifted her into his arms and laid her on the bed. He moved over her, leaning forward to claim her lips in a soft kiss that sent a wave of electricity through her. His hands were like fire and 107


  ice, sending burning shivers everywhere they touched her.

  “You enchant me with your reality,” he said, his voice husky.

  Emma reached up and pulled him down, wrapping her arms around him. Their lips touched and slid together in a perfect fit. She tangled her fingers in his silky hair and touched her tongue to his.

  He moaned and pressed against her harder.

  His movements were slow, measured in time with her breathing. Her legs around him gave him a feeling of comfort and welcome that he had never felt before from any other lover. Something inside him began to tingle and wash through him, and suddenly he could sense her in every cell. She fired down every nerve and filled every empty place in him until he felt full and solid.

  Until he felt almost human.

  She answered his movements with her own, enfolding him in a blanket of heat. “Em-emma,” he moaned as she rolled them over until she was looking down at his flushed face. She moved back, resting her hands on his chest for a moment before sliding them down his sweat-slicked sides.

  He shivered, biting his bottom lip and groaning, clenching his fists in the soft white cotton sheets.

  Arching himself up off the bed, he felt her body begin to tighten around him. When she called his name in a low moan, his eyes rolled back in his head and all his breath left him as his body jerked and the world around him exploded into gold sparks.


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  * * * * * *

  It was well after lunch when they emerged from Emma’s bedroom. Kian followed the love of his life into the kitchen.

  “Em-emma, we’ll be-be n-needing fr-fresh flow-flowers for the d-dinner table.” Pin pressed a basket into Emma’s hands and shooed her out the back door.

  Kian gave his mother a puzzled look. “And what’s all that about?”

  “T-tilly w-wants a word w-with y-you,” Pin answered.

  “Tilly?” Kian narrowed his eyes at his aunt.

  “Aye,” she nodded at him, motioning for him to sit. “You watch over Miss Emma, the Baker girl is dangerous.”

  “The girl is a child, what can she do?” Kian sat and accepted a cup of tea from his mother Pin.

  “She fancies herself in love with you, Kian Puca, she’s not rational.” Tilly waved her hand and the mended sweater appeared. “She’s an evil heart.”

  Kian quickly set his cup down and reached out.

  The sweater settled into his hands. He looked at the Brownies and nodded his understanding.

  “I’ll just be taking this to Emma.” He stood to go.

  “And you be watching yourself as well,” Tilly said.

  He looked at her for a long moment, then nodded once more before walking out the door.

  * * * * * *



  Walking across the back yard toward the cutting garden, Kian looked at the soft garment in his hands.

  If the girl reached out to hurt his Emma once more, he would be sure she would never be hurting anyone again.

  Stepping into Emma’s bedroom, he gently placed the newly repaired sweater on her pillow. He shut the door and spoke a quiet word that would allow no one with maliciousness on their mind entry into the room.

  Satisfied, he turned to go out to the garden.

  A stealthy noise stopped Kian and he faded into pale grey fog, flowing into a dimly-lit corner. He waited, watching, and was rewarded by the appearance of the Baker girl. His eyes sparked red and narrowed grimly as she tried to open the door he had just sealed.

  A loud buzzing pop accompanied by a blue-white flash followed the nearly silent word he spat out.

  Lissie Baker yelped and snatched her hand back. She kicked the door, obviously frustrated in her plan to do something unpleasant. Kian snickered quietly as she stormed down the hallway and out of the house.

  Solidifying, he heard Tilly announcing dinner and went to find Emma.

  * * * * * *

  The sheets were still damp from their loving and he lay spooned against her, listening to her heartbeat, feeling every breath she took. Unshed tears sparked and burned in his eyes. When he could hear her 110

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  dreaming, he carefully crept out of bed. Making sure she was covered and warm, gently tucking the quilt around her, he said a quiet word insuring she would sleep until he could return.

  Wanting to stay with all his heart, he knew it was impossible. He had no wish to wake and find he had ripped her to shreds in his sleep. He shuddered as the memory of his very first experience with the madness rose unwanted in his mind. Asleep, it needed only a simple touch to set free the beast that made Pucas the most feared of Fae kind, and he would not risk harming Emma. Taking a pillow, he curled up on the cold, hard floor. He lay awake a long time, puzzling over ways to stay the full night in bed with her.



  Chapter Ten

  mma leaned against the doorframe, wondering why Ehe was sleeping on the floor yet again. This was the third time in as many days. The sun lit up the room, casting a square of bright warmth over the rag rug beside the bed. He was curled up, his legs were tucked up and he was almost in a fetal position with part of the crisp white cotton sheet pulled down until it was bunched up between his head and the night table. The pastel double wedding ring quilt was half-covering him where he lay on the polished hardwood floor. She quietly tiptoed across the room and looped the lace curtains back before opening the window to let the warm spring breeze in.

  She frowned, wondering why he was asleep on the floor. He shifted, grumbling, and she watched him sleeping again for a long moment, smiling. He looked so peaceful lying there sprawled on his back now, with his head half under the pillow. She regretted having to wake him, but they would not get a good parking spot if she let him sleep much longer.

  Walking to the bed, she picked up the quilt and gently folded it back, laying it up on the mattress.

  He sighed, snorting and making a soft snuffling sound, his fist clenching several times as he rolled back over onto his belly.


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  Emma smiled and gave in to a sudden impulse; she knelt down and touched her lips to the sun-warmed small of his back.

  He mumbled something unintelligible followed by a slightly louder “Emma.”

  “Hey, sleepy,” she said, tickling his nose with a strand of his long black hair. He growled, grumbled something else unintelligible and sneezed.

  “Wake up, sugar.” She tickled his nose again.

  He sneezed again and opened one eye.

  “Come on, time to get up.” She bent and kissed the small of his back again.

  Kian groaned and shivered, waking at last with the feel of warm, soft lips at the base of his spine. He lifted his head rising up on his elbows. “Emma, my heart and soul, it’s barely light out,” he complained.

  “It wi
ll get brighter, get up.” She leaned over and kissed his forehead.

  Kian sat up and rubbed his eyes, then ran his fingers through his hair. He stood up and raised his arms over his head in a languid stretch before shuffling off to the bathroom.

  “Why are we up and about at this dreadful hour?”

  he asked sourly. He truly loved waking up to Emma’s sweet voice, but something would have to be done about sleeping arrangements; the floor was too cold and hard.

  “Because today we go to the Renaissance Festival with the guests, and I want to get a good parking place,” she answered calmly.



  “But why do I need to go? It will be hot and crowded and the wee ones will whine, they do every year, and there’s naught to do but wander about looking foolish...” He tried to reason with her. He had never been to the Festival, and didn’t intend to go now.

  “Because you said you’d go and keep me company?” Emma smiled at him and wrapped her arms around him in a quick hug.

  “We could stay here and sleep in,” he suggested with a sly look over his shoulder at her.

  “We could not. Now go get dressed.” She smacked him on the butt.

  He made a grumbling sound and shut the bathroom door. He glared at himself in the mirror over the sink and wanted to bite something. Or someone. He frowned and sighed heavily, turning on the water and splashing his face. A quick wave and he was dressed. A noise at the door startled him, and he turned to see Emma leaning against the doorframe looking him over.


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