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Puca Page 10

by Penny Ash

  “You’re not wearing that.” She stared with distaste at his faded and ripped blue jeans and ancient blue T-shirt he had gotten at a motorcycle show.

  “And what is wrong with it?” he asked indignantly.

  “It’s not Renaissance.”

  “Emma, I am not dressing up like a fool to parade around for the amusement of a pack of...” he began, trailing off when he saw her expression. I hated the uncomfortable clothes then, and I hate them now, he 114

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  thought sourly.

  “I am dressing up,” she said, smiling and walking away.

  “Well, I am not!” he called after her. He grinned at himself in the mirror. They were arguing just like a real couple, a human couple. His stomach fluttered with excitement.

  “Suit yourself,” she called back.

  He went back to washing his face, his thoughts revolving around her smile. It had looked downright sneaky. Whatever are you up to now, he thought, a growing sense of trepidation filling him. Maybe he had better find out what she was planning. He could tell already life with her would be unpredictable and he loved it. He hurried out to the bedroom.

  Emma fastened the last hook on the tight corset of her peasant costume and adjusted it slightly. The thin ivory white cotton of the blouse billowed above the coarse brown material of the corset, and the costume’s red skirt accented her hips. She was just pinning her hair up when she noticed Kian watching her. Turning slowly, she lowered her arms, allowing the blouse to slip off her shoulders. He swallowed hard and gazed longingly at the soft swell of her breasts above the corset.

  “I, uh, I’ll just be changing then,” he said, his voice grown husky.

  Emma walked down the hall to the front parlor and met the rest of the guests who were going to the Festival. Lissie glared at her from behind her mother while Tilly and Pin fussed over the basket of food 115


  they were sending along. Julia Overstreet gasped softly and looked as if she had just seen a vision.

  Emma turned to see Kian striding down the hall toward them.

  He adjusted the cuffs of his black velvet doublet and straightened the collar of his white linen shirt. He stopped beside Emma and flicked an imaginary speck of dust from his black leather side-laced breeches.

  “Emma, love,” he said, his voice trailing off as he finally noticed the silence.

  Emma looked from Kian to Lissie and her stomach turned over. “Well, shall we go? We don’t want to be late,” she said briskly.

  Kian froze and looked up at the others. His gaze locked with the girl Lissie’s, and the hair on the back of his neck rose up. Tilly’s warning whispered through his memory, and he felt sick. Suddenly the clothes meant to entice Emma did not seem like such a good idea. This is the last time you choose your garments in the throes of lust, foolish Puca, Kian berated himself mentally.

  * * * * * *

  It was a beautiful day and spirits were high as they walked through the gate at the Renaissance Festival Park. Kian had been watching Emma walking in front of him, ignoring the crowd of laughing, chattering people and his surroundings. Emma stopped to arrange a meeting time for everyone and he glanced 116

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  around at last. His breath caught in his throat, unable to get around the sudden lump there. He wondered how they had managed to recreate the village he had grown up in. Tears of distress sparkled in his eyes and the urge to change and run away was unbearable.

  Emma turned back to Kian and quickly stepped in front of him. She caught his hands and searched for a place to sit down. Dazed, he followed her to a bench screened by a few trees and vines. She sat him down and stood in front of him, waiting for him to return from wherever he was just then.

  Kian shivered oddly and looked up into Emma’s eyes, tears streaking his face. Her heart broke for him and the sadness in his eyes. She sat down next to him and gathered him into her arms. He buried his face in her hair and shuddered, holding on to her like a drowning man and sobbing out his grief. Emma tightened her embrace and gently stroked his hair.

  “It’s all right, Kian, whatever it is, it’s all right,”

  Emma said softly.

  He raised his head and looked at her. “Oh, Emma, my treasure, I was blessed the day I found you,” he whispered.

  She smiled at him and used the ruffle at her cuff to wipe the tears from his face. He caught her hand and kissed the palm. “Feel better now?”

  “Aye, I’m sorry, love, I’d not ruin your enjoyment of the park for all the world.” He smiled wanly.

  “Come on, let’s go get something to drink,” she said, standing and pulling him up with her.



  Kian sighed and slipped his arm around her waist.

  He looked back at the park that resembled a medieval village and stopped for a moment beside the trees.

  Emma looked at him, concern in her eyes.

  “It is very much like going home,” Kian said softly.

  “When did you leave?” Emma asked.

  “Oh, many years ago, my love. I’ve never been back. I cannot go back,” he whispered sadly.

  Something told her it would be unwise to ask just then, and Emma gave him a comforting squeeze and they strolled out into the crowd of festivalgoers. A movement caught her eye, and Emma saw Lissie watching from the screen of ivy, an expression of jealousy and hatred on the girl’s face.

  They wandered through the Park holding hands.

  Emma watched the crowd of festivalgoers and performers. Kian watched Emma. Her enjoyment of everything gave him a warm feeling of satisfaction.

  “Look over there, they have an elephant,” Emma said, pulling him along.

  “Ah, this may not be a good idea, love.” Kian eyed the huge creature with trepidation. Some animals did not react well to his kind. He did not want to be responsible for a riot or injuries to the many children he saw.

  “Why not? Are you afraid of large animals?” she asked, pulling him along toward the huge beast.

  “No,” he said, giving her a hard look, but he heard no derision or ridicule in her voice, only concern.

  “Animals usually aren’t liking me much. I do not want to cause trouble, not with all the wee children 118

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  running about.”

  “Well, it doesn’t seem to mind you. In fact, I think it likes you. A lot,” Emma said with a chuckle, ducking out of the way of the elephant’s trunk. The creature reached out for Kian, running its sensitive trunk over him, much to the delight of the kids watching.

  “I would not be doing this for anyone else, you know that, do you not?” Kian whispered in her ear as they were seated on the elephant’s back and taken around the area.

  “I know,” Emma smiled and leaned back against him. He settled his arms around her waist and sighed, contented, enjoying the ride.

  When it was over, they posed for a picture before leaving to meet the others for lunch.

  * * * * * *

  Kian sat between Emma and Mrs. Overstreet. Lissie had managed to seat herself across from him at the picnic table their group had taken. He had chosen a Middle Eastern gyro for lunch, a wonderful combination of lamb and vegetables with a sour cream sauce wrapped in thick pita bread.

  Ignoring the intense glances the Baker girl was giving him, he concentrated on eating. The exotic sandwich was excellent, and he regretted not managing to get to the area in his travels. Maybe he could interest Emma in a visit.

  He swallowed another bite and was turning 119


  toward the elderly Mrs. Overstreet to answer her query about the elephant ride when suddenly there was a foot in his lap. It pressed into his crotch and he gasped, choking back his yelp of shocked surprise.

  “Oh, dear, are you all right?” Mrs. Overstreet asked.

  Kian coughed and fought for air, shooting a black glare at Lissie.

  Emma turned and patted his back, handing him her soda cup. He t
ried to catch his breath, nodding and taking the cup from her. Taking a sip of the sweet diet soda, he breathed a sigh of relief when the offending foot disappeared.

  “I’m fine, something just went down wrong,” he said.

  They made plans to take Mrs. Overstreet and Miss Crow to ride the elephant and headed for the animal area. Kian linked his arms with the two ladies and strolled with them. He said a soft word only Emma heard and eased the elderly ladies’ walk.

  Kian rode the elephant with the Fairy ladies and posed for pictures. Everyone took their turn and Lissie rode last, with her two little brothers. She jumped off the small platform the elephant’s owner had put up for riders and threw herself into Kian’s arms. Instinctively he caught her, and she quickly pressed her lips against his.

  “Lissie Beth Baker!” Mrs. Baker said sternly. She grabbed her errant daughter and yanked her away from the startled Puca. “Go with your father right now.”


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  Mrs. Baker turned to Kian and Emma, thoroughly embarrassed. “I apologize for my daughter. It won’t happen again,” she said and turned to walk away.

  Emma sighed and took Kian’s hand. “Let’s go watch the procession, we’ll be going home soon.”

  “I’m sorry that she’s ruined your enjoyment,” Kian said sadly.

  “I’ve had a wonderful day that I’ll treasure forever,” she said as they wandered out into the crowd once more.



  Chapter Eleven

  hey walked into the house and Kian followed TEmma to her bedroom. He shut the door behind them and went to the chair, dropping into it with a tired sigh. Watching Emma pull open the armoire, he got up and caught her hand as she reached toward a dress.

  “Oh no, love, let me be seeing to that,” he said softly. He pulled her into his arms and ran a finger down the front of her Renaissance dress. It fell to the floor with the light touch and a soft, strange word.

  With another quiet word, he dressed her in a pale green slip of silk.

  “What...” she began, meaning to ask him how he’d managed the illusion she’d just watched. He touched his finger to her lips and stopped her.

  “Shh, ‘tis a secret just between you and me.” He pressed his lips to hers in a kiss that left her dazed and breathless.

  “Now, love, I want you to go into the kitchen and tell Tilly and Pin all about our day, I’ve something to do,” he said, brushing his lips against hers one more time before turning her and giving her a nudge toward the Brownies’ domain.

  Kian watched her walk into the kitchen and then hurried up to the attic. Looking around himself, he 122

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  began to ruthlessly wave things out of existence until all that was left was his computer. A final wave of his hand and the computer was repositioned into a corner of the spotless room.

  Thoughtfully, Kian began to wish things into existence until it was perfect for Emma. He took one final look and smiled with satisfaction. Emma would love her new art studio, he was sure of it.

  * * * * * *

  Emma looked up from her tea when Kian walked into the kitchen. A warm, glowing feeling washed through her when he slid into the chair across from her and leaned on his elbows. He rested his chin on his hands and smiled at her. Her stomach clenched.

  “Emma, my love,” he said.

  “Yes?” She returned his smile.

  “I’ve something for you. A surprise.” His hazel green eyes glowed with mischief.

  “A surprise?” she asked, raising one eyebrow.

  “Oh, aye, a wonderful surprise,” he said his smile widening.

  “Really?” She put her teacup down. “And where might this surprise be?”

  “Up in the attic.” He stood and held out his hand.

  “Come with me.”

  Emma stood and took his hand. He led her up the back stairs to the attic stopping in front of the closed door. “I’ll be wanting you to close those beautiful chocolate-brown eyes of yours now,” he whispered, 123


  his lips close to her ear.

  She did as he asked and waited. The door swung open and he guided her through to stand several feet inside. His hands on her shoulders sent a tingly thrill through her.

  “Open your eyes, love,” he said.

  Emma looked around at the studio and covered her mouth with one hand. With the other hand, she reached for the Puca. Tears stung her eyes and she turned, throwing her arms around him in a tremendous hug.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said, slightly choked up.

  She kissed him, softly at first, then with growing passion. Kian returned her kiss and slid his hand down her back, pulling her against him. Slowly she walked him back toward the red velvet fainting couch. She vaguely heard the door shut and the lock click.

  The sunset lit the room with a deep red orange light, turning everything to flame. Emma laid him back and knelt over him. Moving her hands over him, she unbuttoned his soft blue cotton shirt, laying it open. She dropped kisses over his chest, slowly making her way down to the waistband of his jeans.

  His breath caught, and she sat back.

  Looking into his passion-black eyes, she took hold of the hem of the green silk dress he had dressed her in and pulled it up over her head, dropping it to the floor. She ran her fingertips down his chest and unfastened the button on his jeans. Slowly tugging the zipper down, she freed him before leaning 124

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  forward and touching her lips to his.

  Her kiss sent a wave of heat through him. He slid his hands up her thighs to her hips and moaned softly. In all his life he had never felt a desire for a woman that made him tremble inside like the emotion that overcame him with Emma. They moved together without the need for words, linked together as if they were two halves of a whole until they shuddered together, complete.

  Kian held her until she slept, reaching out to pull a soft blanket from the air and covering her. He slipped from the room silently, leaving through the window.

  He changed and flew through the darkness to his tree house.

  * * * * * *

  They stood toe to toe, glaring at each other. Emma had her hands on her hips and refused to back down.

  Kian stood there imperiously looking down his nose at her, his arms crossed over his chest and one foot up on the second step. “You’ll not be going out traipsing about the woods. It’s dangerous, and I’ll not be allowing it,” he said firmly.

  “Kian, I am going for a walk. Alone. You can’t stop me,” she said coolly. She turned and walked toward the garden.

  “Woman—” he began angrily, catching her arm and stopping her.

  Emma looked at his hand on her arm and back up at him. “Kian, move it or lose it.”



  The chill in her voice froze the blood in his veins.

  His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open in shock. His grip slackened and Emma jerked her arm free, turning and walking away from him toward the garden. He stood there watching her as she walked along the path into the forest, the hypnotic sway of her body calling him. Ah, girl, it’s a hard lesson you’re needing, and one I’ll be enjoying the teaching of, he thought darkly.

  She disappeared into the trees.

  Kian twitched like he had been shot and started toward the forest.

  “Puca!” Tilly called and he stopped, turning to glare at her.

  “Tilly, do not be meddling,” he warned.

  “Puca, think carefully before you do something that will be getting you exiled even from this place,”

  she said.

  He looked at her for a long moment, then whirled around and began to run toward the path Emma had disappeared down. He seemed to trip and flowed, becoming a lithe and sleek panther the color of midnight.

  Emma slowed her walk, beginning to calm down.

  She inhaled deeply, allowing the smells and sounds of the forest to relax her further. The
nerve of that man, she thought indignantly, telling me I can’t go for a walk in my own woods, acting like he owns me. She kicked at a pebble. She walked for several minutes before she noticed the birds had stopped singing. She shivered and glanced around.


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  An odd shadow moved silently through the trees.

  A pair of eyes, emerald glowing coals, looked at her from the darkness. Something yowled softly, and she jumped. An eerie chuckle echoed around her. A twig snapped and she froze for a long moment then deliberately started walking again. Kian, you can go bark up a tree if you think you can scare me, she thought to herself.

  She walked toward the huge old tree that stood at the edge of the meadow, the eerie quiet broken only by occasional soft low yowls and snapping twigs began to jangle her nerves. A sudden fluttering rush of wings as a small flock of doves took off let Emma know where Kian was. She finally had enough of his games. Turning with her back to the tree she angrily opened her mouth to give him a piece of her mind.


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