Book Read Free

Welcome to Beaconsfield

Page 12

by DJ Manly

  “His name is Samuel. Isn’t he a doll?” Andy asked, reaching out his hand to take his. “I was just about to introduce Samuel to a new toy. “You can play with it. It will get hard and be really funny,” he said to the child.

  Gian tightened his fists at his sides. He was filled with rage and he had no idea how he was going to control it.

  “Let Uncle Andy help you take off your clothes so you are not so hot. Doesn’t he look hot, Gian?”

  Gian cleared his throat. “Why don’t you let him eat his candy?”

  “I’m not hot.” Samuel said.

  Andy laughed. “I have other candy for him.”

  “I have candy for you, too,” Gian said, trying to keep his voice light and pleasant. “Let’s lose the kid and—”

  “Will you use the bat on me tonight? No grease, just straight, impale me, baby, but take off those clothes.”

  “Where are Cory and Ace?” Gian asked him, his gaze on that little boy. If that bastard laid one hand on that kid, it was over. He’d kill him himself.

  “With Tim.”

  The camera was working and he knew he was going to have to play this very carefully. If he wanted this on camera, he would have to let it play out. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t let Andy touch that kid.

  Gian walked into the other room. Cory and Ace were tied down to tables. Tim was taunting both of them. Tension was tying his shoulders into knots.

  Tim noticed him now. He turned around, half-naked and grinned at him. “What about you? Want some of this?”

  “I don’t like an audience.”

  Tim came over and took Gian’s hand. He placed it on his erection. Gian withdrew it immediately.

  Tim went to Cory. “See how horny he is. Reach under and feel his prick. Its hard as rock. This one likes it a lot.” He motioned to Gian. “Why don’t you come over here and give it to him? He’s raw and ready. I’ve done it twice already.”

  “I think maybe he’s had enough now,” Gian hissed through his teeth.

  “No, I’m going to fuck him until he bleeds.

  Gian reached out and grabbed Tim around the neck. He squeezed.

  Cory’s eyes widened.

  “How would you like someone to fuck you until you bleed, you fucking piece of shit?” He reached over and ripped the big hoop off his ear. Gian released him. Blood gushed everywhere.

  “You bastard,” he screamed.

  Cory reached down to untie his legs.

  Tim made a lunge for Gian now and Gian hit him hard in the face, knocking him down. Then he kicked him right under the chin. Blood and teeth flew. Tim was out cold. Gian looked at Cory. “Go upstairs to your room and stay there.”

  Cory stiffened. “What about you?”

  The door burst open and Andy barrelled in. “What in fuck is going on in here?”

  “It’s over Andy,” Gian said, “and if this fucking case doesn’t stick, I’m going to kill you myself.”

  “What…” he looked over at Tim on the floor as Cory and Ace backed into a corner.

  Gian reached down and slid a gun out of his leg holster. He pointed at Andy’s forehead. “Where’s that kid?”

  “Samuel,” he called. The little boy ran into the room.

  Gian reached out and grabbed him. He put him behind him. “You’re under arrest for being a fucking god damned piece of garbage,” he threw at him. He was so angry, he was sure he was going lose it. “You have a right to remain silent and a right to an attorney and all that shit. Make a move. Give me an excuse and I’ll blow your head off.”

  Andy laughed faintly. “A guard who thinks he’s a cop.”

  Cory looked at Ace, who stood in shock.

  “Cop,” Cory mouthed.

  Gian reached for his cell phone and pressed the speed dial, holding his gun directly on Andy. He waited for someone to answer. “Yeah, this is Davinci. Get two squad cars here at Beaconsfield, protective services and an evidence team and you better bring something to fumigate your squad cars because you’re going to be putting garbage into it. Oh yeah, call Mason, there will be people wanting to talk to him.” He was about to hang up when he glanced over at an unconscious Tim, “Almost forgot, better bring an ambulance. Although it will be no loss to the world if he doesn’t make it, I think one of the excrement fell down and hurt itself.”

  Cory and Ace hugged together in the corner.

  “So you’re a cop,” Andy laughed.

  The little boy was shivering beside him. Gian took off his shirt and wrapped him in it, then picked him up in his arms, sitting him on his hip. The gun never strayed from its target.

  “But you enjoyed our little sex sessions, didn’t you honey?” Andy ran his hands over himself and licked his lips. “How are you going to explain that to the judge?”

  “I’m going to tell you something, Andy, and this is the God’s truth. I’ve had to do a lot of disgusting things undercover, but coming within fifty feet of you has to be the most revolting thing I’ve ever done. Every time I touched you, I went home and scrubbed myself raw.”

  Andy’s smile disappeared.

  Cory clapped his hands.

  Andy took a step. “You little…”

  Gian moved forward and positioned the gun directly under Andy’s fat neck. “Like I said, just give me a reason, please, please. I’m desperate to pull the trigger.”

  Cory came forward now, glaring at Andy. “I hate your guts. I hated you touching me, looking at me, using me. You are a bastard and I hope wherever you go, you rot.”

  “Oh, he will,” Gian grinned at Andy Falcon. “And on top of that, when the inmates find out that he’s a child molester, well…they will be inserting objects into him that will make a billy club feel like a popsicle stick.”

  Ace went up to spit on Andy. “I’d like to watch, hear your scream, you fat ugly bastard.” He started to cry.

  Suddenly they could hear sirens in the distance, “Well, Gian smiled, “looks like my friends are here.”

  “I’ll meet up with you one day, sweetheart,” Andy threatened, “and I’ll show you what pain is all about.”

  “I don’t think so,” Gian replied. “I don’t spend much time at the Pen, but if the day ever comes, I say, bring it on.”

  They heard footsteps running down the hall now. The door burst open. There were three uniformed officers, two ambulance technicians, and several plainclothes officers.

  “Hey,” Denardo held up a hand to Gian as two uniformed officers slapped the cuffs on Andy. “Are you all right, man?”

  Gian nodded.

  “Disgusting tub of lard, aren’t ya?” Denardo looked at Andy. “Cover him up, will you? I just ate.”

  Sandra looked down at Samuel. “Hi, there.”

  “Hi,” he said.

  “He’s okay.” Gian replied, handing her the little boy.

  “I’ll take him up to child services. They are talking to the other boys,” Sandra said, looking around.

  “The camera is there,” Gian pointed to the top of a shelf.

  “All right. The evidence team is upstairs.”

  Gian looked over to see that an ambulance technician had given Cory and Ace blankets and asking them if they were all right. “Give me a minute with those two,” he said. “I’ll bring them upstairs.”

  She nodded as the medics took Tim out on a stretcher.

  “Is he dead?” Gian called out.

  “He’ll make it,” one guy called back.

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Gian replied.

  * * * *

  Cory wrapped the blanket tighter around him. He hadn’t taken his gaze off Gian. It all made sense now, everything. Gian was standing in the middle of that dank room, looking at all the discarded contraptions on the tables. He still held the gun in his hand and Cory noticed he was gripping it so tight his knuckles were white. Cory walked over to him and reached for his hand. He touched it gently. “It’s okay now, Gian,” he said softly.

  Gian looked down at the gun. Slowly he released the pressure
on it.

  “It’s finally over,” Ace came to join them.

  “Are you all right?” Gian asked.

  Ace nodded.

  “Yes, now I am. Looking at you makes everything all right.”

  Gian turned away for a minute. Then he reached for one of the vibrators lying on the tables that was still buzzing and hurled it across the room. It crashed to the floor, permanently silenced.

  “The evidence team is on the way down,” Gian said, taking a step back from Cory.

  Cory studied his face. “Davinci. I like that. It suits you more than Franca.”

  Gian tried to smile.

  Ace cleared his throat. “I’ll, ah…wait in the hall.”

  “So,” Cory said after Ace had left the room, “what kind of a cop are you and don’t say, a good one, because I already know that.”

  “A very good one?” he offered with a little grin.

  They laughed a little, “So you don’t have shitty taste in men after all?”

  “Well, maybe I do have shitty taste, but not quite that shitty.”

  Cory smiled. “So the reason you wouldn’t touch me was because you were on the job, not because you didn’t like me, right?”

  “Cory…” Gian began. “Maybe we shouldn’t—”

  “You’re standing two miles away from me,” Cory commented. “Are you afraid of me?”

  “Maybe its not you I’m afraid of.”

  Cory caught his breath. “I’m trying not to cry.”

  He nodded.

  “Everything makes sense now. Everything you did was to protect us and you did take Pug on because of me, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, but in all honestly, I enjoyed beating the crap out of him immensely so it had fringe benefits.”

  “You did say you were the little boy who was always getting into fights.”

  “That was me.”

  “Am I going to see you again?”

  “You’ll see me during the trial and—”

  “That’s not what I mean,” Cory said, meeting his eyes. He reached out and touched his eye. “Swelling is down.”

  “You’re a good doctor.”

  Cory’s hand was trembling. Gian reached up and captured it in his own. He held it for a minute and then released it. “We should go on up now.” He looked away.

  “If I said I was falling in love with you, you’d just laugh right?”

  Gian looked at him again. “No, I wouldn’t laugh, Cory. I’d be flattered but—”

  “There’s that but again,” Cory sighed. “It’s because I was in here right? I’m old enough so it’s not that. You can’t be that much older than me. How old are you, anyway, officer?”


  “Four years.” There was a pause, then Cory said, “Am I your type?”

  “You’d be anyone’s type,” Gian told him, smiling.

  There were footsteps now coming down the hall.

  “One night,” Cory whispered, leaning close to him, his mouth against his cheek. “One night is all I ask. There are so many things I want to do with you,” he moaned softly. “Think about it?”

  * * * *

  Gian moved away quickly now as police officers came in with their boxes of forensic equipment. He sucked in some air as he watched Cory walk out into the hall and join Ace. A few seconds later, he followed them upstairs.

  * * * *

  Cory sat upstairs in the cafeteria with the other boys. Little Sam sat with a young woman who said her name was April. She played cards with him. He seemed completely immune from what was going on around him. Gian had spared him from all this shit.

  Frank and Tony were asking Cory and Ace all kinds of questions. Frank was bragging that he knew Gian was a cop all along.

  “You did not,” Cory challenged. “You had no idea. None of us did.”

  “I did know,” Frank countered.

  “Then why didn’t you say anything?” Tony baited.

  “I was trying to protect him. He told me in confidence.”

  “What a liar,” Cory scoffed. “He didn’t tell you shit.”

  “What’s his real name then?” Ace asked Frank.

  “Ah…he told me, but I can’t say. Could screw up stuff.”

  “Say his first name,” Cory coaxed.

  “Can’t. It’s a real nice name, too,” he cooed. “Told it to me when he was kissing me goodnight one night.”

  Cory’s eyes widened with anger. “Stop saying that shit. You could get him into trouble. He didn’t lay a hand on any of us. And Gian is his real name, so there.”

  Just then Bobby Denardo came into the room. He looked over at the female officer who sat at one of the tables, writing some stuff. “Where is Gian?” he asked.

  “Downstairs with the evidence team. Why?”

  Gian walked in now. “I’m here. What’s up?”

  “Good, here,” Denardo told him, tossing him a gold badge on a rope. “Decoteau made a run for it.”

  Gian met Bobby’s eyes. “Well, let’s go and get the son of a bitch,” he said.

  Sandra Aston closed her book. “Hey,” she said, “if you guys think you’re going off by yourselves and having all the fun, forget it.”

  Gian laughed and put a hand on her shoulder. “Girls just got to have fun.”

  She took her gun out of its holster and held it in the air. “You said it, babe,” she winked at him and then the three of them disappeared out the door.

  Cory watched them as they walked across the parking lot. Gian was way out in front, the other two running to catch up. There was a police car there, its lights flashing. Gian said something to the officer and the young rookie tossed him the keys.

  Cory just knew that Gian would get in the driver’s seat and sure enough, he opened the door and climbed in. Denardo got in the back and the woman climbed in beside Gian.

  He sounded the sirens and roared out of the parking lot on two wheels. “Get him,” Cory urged, under his breath. “Get that prick.” He went back and sat. He noticed that all but Frank, Tony, Ace and himself had left the room. Two officers came over to sit near them along with several people in civilian dress.

  “My name is Officer Harris,” one of them said. “We need to ask you a few questions. It won’t take long. We are also here to answer any questions you may have.”

  “Will we get to stay here?” Tony asked.

  “Yes. For now. There will be police officers acting as guards temporarily until other guards can be hired.” Harris said.

  “Will we have to testify?” Cory asked.

  Harris nodded. “Yes. We are especially interested in your testimony, Cory, since you aren’t a minor. You will all be asked to give statements, but not tonight. It’s too late. Tomorrow, someone will come and get you and bring you down to the police station.”

  “Will we have to stay there long?” Frank asked.

  “No. A few hours,” Harris replied. “There will be social workers that will also be on hand to help you understand everything, okay?”

  They all nodded.

  “Will I see Gian…Officer Davinci tomorrow?” Cory asked.

  “Ya, he’s in love with him,” Frank giggled.

  Cory shot Frank a dirty look.

  Harris smiled. “I don’t know. He is the arresting officer, so you will probably see him soon.”

  Cory nodded.

  “Now, the excitement is over for the night. You will see a lot of police around, but don’t let that worry you,” one of the social workers said. “I think you can all go to bed.”

  The boys got up, not unhappy about going to bed. They were all exhausted.

  When Cory got into bed, his mind turned to Gian. He saw him in that basement when he had suddenly become a cop and he saw him outside driving away in that squad car. He was like a different person yet, he was the same.

  He felt free suddenly. He knew tonight no one would come and drag him out of bed. He wept with gratitude. He wished he’d been stronger. He could have helped Gian a lot
more than he did. He wished he’d been able to tell someone about what had been going on in here long ago. He’d been scared. Suddenly, he didn’t feel fear anymore.

  He knew that he should stop dreaming about him, especially now that he knew he was a cop. Gian was out of his league. He probably already had a boyfriend or two or three. Maybe he wasn’t even gay. He never did say. Maybe that was just an act as well. Anyway, it didn’t matter what he was, Gian was not going to be truly interested in him, a former street whore, and a loser.

  * * * *

  It was almost five in the morning before they had tracked down Paul Decoteau. He was coming out of a blind pig, drunk as a skunk. Gian got out of the squad car, Sandra and Bobby at his heels. They both knew their friend had to finish this. All they could do was back him up. It had become personal.

  “Hello, Pug,” Gian said, as he walked around into the alley where he was taking a piss.

  “Jesus,” Sandra said, when she saw his face, “what in the hell happened to him?”

  “I beat the crap out of him,” Gian said. “Want to see me do it again?”

  Pug was struggling to do up his pants. “Hey,” he slurred, “don’t you come near me with my pants all undone and everything.”

  Gian walked over to him. “Don’t worry, it doesn’t do a thing for me. So you want to come peacefully, or what?”

  “Or what!” he sneered and began to run.

  Gian gave chase. He grabbed Pug by the back of the collar just as he was rounding the corner.

  Bobby and Sandra waited in the distance.

  Decoteau took a swing at him and missed.

  Gian swung back and knocked him to the pavement. He moaned a little as Gian slapped the cuffs on him and dragged him to his feet.

  “You got a mean right hook there,” Bobby told him on the way back to the car, watching carefully.

  Gian paused and looked at him. “Don’t worry, I won’t do what I really want to do to this prick because he’s not worth rotting in the joint for.”

  Bobby nodded. “Good man.”


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