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Sweet Seduction

Page 9

by Camilla Stevens

  “Getting back on topic, I have to say that I’m equally impressed with your little offer.”

  Patrick brought his attention back to Saul. “I’m not without my own legal tricks up my sleeve. I’m always a proponent of win-win situations.”

  “Well, Layla seems happy with it, and that’s what matters.”

  “Indeed,” Patrick said, nodding his head in agreement.

  “And I’d like her to stay happy,” Saul said, his tone taking on a serious note. “That girl is like a daughter to me, and the next time someone tries to pull the rug from underneath her, that little lien schtick of mine will seem like a mosquito bite.”

  Patrick looked him straight in the eye. “I have every intention of keeping her happy, Saul. Trust me on that.”


  “One bacon cheeseburger with fries and one meatloaf with mashed potatoes,” Angela said placing the burger before Patrick and the meatloaf in front of Layla.

  “I like a woman who can eat,” he said looking at her plate.

  “In all fairness, I haven’t been able to eat all day,” she confided.

  The slightly raised eyebrow and matching uptick of the left side of Angela’s mouth wasn’t lost on her. Layla looked around at the few other Olla customers who were at the diner and noticed the surreptitious glances and sly smiles.

  “The gossip mill has already begun,” she leaned over to whisper to Patrick.

  He brought his head up to look around and she kicked him under the table with a laugh. “Don’t look! You’ll just get them going.”

  “Well, if they’re going to talk,” he said, pouring mustard on his burger, “we should, as Ms. Bonnie Raitt said, at least give them something to talk about.”

  He gave her that wicked grin with a suggestively raised eyebrow that made her Kegel muscles go into full effect as her insides did a little flutter.

  She focused on her food, changing the topic. “So everyone in L.A. is on board with all of this?”

  “Yeah, Spencer actually seemed almost giddy about it, which is rare for him. Everyone else, well, they just follow his lead.”

  Layla, frowned. “I don’t know if I want it to go down like that. I want everyone agreeing to this because they actually—“

  “Don’t worry, Layla,” he said, giving her a reassuring look. “Everyone is on board with this by choice. I have no doubt they’ll be thrilled with how it all works out.”

  She wasn’t entirely sold, but decided to take him at his word. No need to ruin a perfectly good date—and that’s what this was, wasn’t it?—with second guessing.

  She thought about his comment regarding giving the people of Olla something to talk about. Then she thought about Di-Anne’s continual reminders that she had gone the two years she’d been living here without so much as even going out on a date. She looked across at the gorgeous man sitting with her.

  This isn’t such a bad way to break that dry spell.

  “So, I have a very nice bottle of pinot noir at home.”

  “Wine? In Napa Valley?” he said with mock surprise, eating his last french fry.

  Layla gave him another light kick under the table.

  Patrick leaned back in the booth grinning at her. “Is this your way of ‘inviting me up for coffee?’” he asked, suggestively.

  “It’s just wine,” she said innocently. “I figure since you’re up here, you should enjoy what the area has to offer.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Well, that’s a come-on if ever I heard one.”

  Layla realized how one could interpret what she had just said and her face grew warm, then she kicked him again.

  Patrick just threw his head back and laughed, which only made things worse as the other patrons in the diner viewed it as an invitation to blatantly look their way.

  Angela came by to collect their plates with that damn raised eyebrow again. “Can I get you two anything else? Or perhaps you’re ready for the check?”

  She looked at Layla with a slight smirk at the last line. By tomorrow everyone in town would know about this little date.

  Well, so what?

  “We’ll take the check,” she said boldly. Let them talk. She looked over at Patrick. There were certainly far worse men in the world to be an object of town gossip with.

  “So is that a yes or a no on the wine?” she asked as Angela retreated

  “That is a definite yes on the wine, Ms. Brown."

  He put down twice as much cash as was owed when Angela brought the check around and slid out of the booth. He stretched out a hand to Layla without bothering to wait for change.

  "Are you trying to butter up the locals?" she asked, taking his hand as they walked out the door.

  "Hmm, buttering up the locals, that's an even more enticing come-on than your previous one."

  Layla replayed the words in her head and wrinkled her nose at the visual it created. “Eww," she laughed pulling her hand away.

  Patrick reached out to grab her before she could get out of reach. He pulled her into a bear hug at his side and left his arm around her shoulder as they walked toward the outskirts of town.

  She let it settle there, enjoying the strength and solidness of his body as it embraced hers. Layla had forgotten what it was like to be held by a man, especially one like this. She put her arm around his waist and felt the muscles of his lower back and sides as he walked.

  “So where exactly are we headed?” he asked

  “Just up the hill there. The big white house.”

  “That’s yours?” he asked in mild surprise.

  “Mmm-hmm,” she nodded next to him.

  It was an impressive house, too big for just one person, but Layla loved it. She’d loved it the first day she set eyes on it.

  “It’s a long story,” she said before he could ask.

  “It’s nice.”

  She left it at that and they walked in an easy comfortable silence through the quiet, tree-lined streets of other smaller Victorian era homes, with tiny little yards and small, little front porches with rocking chairs or swinging benches and gingerbread trim. She loved it here.

  When they reached her, much grander wrap-around porch, she dug into her purse and pulled out her key. As soon as she opened the front door, Patrick was behind her, pressing his body into hers as he leaned down to whisper in her ear.

  “So is it really wine that you want to share with me, or something else?”

  She dropped her purse to the floor and turned around, pressing her front against him, feeling his growing need that matched hers. She answered his question by running her hand through his thick hair and bringing his head down so his lips met hers.

  Patrick leaned back, bringing her with him as his body slammed the door shut. She felt the growl in his chest as his mouth hungrily devoured her kisses. Patrick slipped out of his loafers. Layla kicked off her heels and fell three inches. Patrick groaned in protest as her lips were drawn away from his.

  “You’re short,” he mumbled as his lips found hers again.

  “You’re tall,” she chuckled underneath his mouth.

  In response, his hands gripped her ass, squeezing hard before lifting her up, so that she was level with him. Layla’s limbs wrapped around his large, firm build. Her arms circled his neck and her thighs pressed firmly against his waist. As her ankles crossed in back of him, her heels pressed against his firm butt.

  As her dress slid scandalously up past her hips she felt his hands venture underneath the hem. While one hand stayed firmly on the flesh of her behind, the other encountered the wetness that had seeped right through the cotton underwear she had on.

  “Oh, Patrick,” she moaned, pulling her mouth away as her head fell back, embracing the pleasure of his fingers running laps up and down her slit through the fabric.

  Still hungry for a taste of her, his mouth fell against her throat, his tongue dipping into the hollows created by her arched neck. Layla pressed his head in closer, wanting every part of him against her.

bsp; As his fingers went to work seeking purchase underneath her panties, still holding her up, the other hand slid up her back to find the zipper to her dress. With one fierce tug he opened up the back of her dress. She felt his fingers graze over the skin of her back, leaving a trail of fire in their path, sending heat waves straight to her core.

  “Bedroom,” she breathed. “Upstairs.”

  Layla didn’t need foreplay. She had gone two long years without a man’s touch, without a man’s lips on her skin, without a man’s dick deep inside of her. She could already feel the pleasure Patrick’s hardness would bring to her and her body spasmed in anticipation.

  Still holding her up, he carried her to the stairs and slowly made his way up, still exploring her body with his lips and hands.

  “God, you taste so good,” he said against her neck.

  He blindly made his way up the stairs, the only light coming from the moon shining through the windows. Her hands used the time to travel over his muscular body. There was little resistance underneath that shirt of his as her palms slid along the curves of his broad shoulders and rippling back muscles. Everything about him screamed, man!

  “All the way down,” she whispered once he reached the landing at the top of the stairs.

  He pulled away from her and smirked. “If you insist.”

  Layla laughed “I don’t think I could take anymore stimulation.”

  “In that case,” he said, running down the hallway and pushing through the door into her master bedroom. Still carrying her, he sat down on the edge of the bed with her straddling his lap.

  The sheer curtains allowed the light of the full moon in, enough for them to see each other’s bodies in shades of darkness.

  Layla desperately went to work on the buttons of his shirt, stopping only when he lifted the dress up her body and over her head. Her white bra and underwear glowed in contrast to her skin, darkened by the shadows of the room.

  As she slid his shirt off his body, she marveled at the heat that radiated off the firm smooth skin of his shoulders and arms. The fine hairs of his chest tickled her cleavage and when Patrick reached around to unhook her bra, exposing her breasts, her nipples puckered hard in response to the feel of them brushing against the sensitive skin.

  “God, you’re so beautiful,” he breathed, his large palm coming up to cup one small breast that barely filled it.

  Layla had once upon a time felt inadequate about her breast size. With Patrick she felt no shame. She had seen her worth and desirability in his eyes since the first day she had met him. He made her feel beautiful…wanted…craved.

  And she craved him just as much.

  She pushed him back on the bed, sliding down his thighs so that she could unbutton his pants. The promise of the large bulge straining against the khaki fabric was eagerly revealed as she tugged his pants down, followed by his boxer shorts.

  “Oh Patrick,” she sighed.

  He was…huge.

  In the moonlight, she saw his self-satisfied grin. While she was still stunned with awe, he grabbed her arms and swung her around so that she was lying on the bed next to him. He lifted himself up above her and she shifted so that she was lying on her back, her eyes still glued to the huge member that was sticking straight up in front of him.

  Layla bit her lip with growing nervousness as he easily slid his pants and boxers down his legs, then stood before her, a magnificent specimen of pure, perfect masculinity. Her eyes wandered over his bulging pecs and trailed down over his rippling six-pack abs.

  His penis stood at attention like a massively symbolic call to arms, leading the charge as he bent over her holding himself up on his extended arms.

  “Patrick,” she said softly, “please—I…it’s been a while. Go slowly.”

  Even in the moonlight, she could see the passionate hunger that yielded to a tender look of understanding. Her heart soared.

  Patrick fell to her side, his head resting on his crooked arm as he looked down at her. He brought a finger up to trace along her arm, up over her shoulder and around one breast.

  “Just tell me what you want. I can go as slowly as you need me to, Layla.”

  “I do want you,” her eyes flicked down to his impressive cock, then back up to his handsome face. “I just….”

  “I get it,” he said, his hand coming up to cup her face. “I won’t lie, Layla. I’ve wanted you since the day that I first saw you. I want to caress every part of you, feel you writhing underneath me as I make you come, feel you wrapped around my—”

  She reached out to circle his dick with her hands. His words had created a renewed hunger in her, breaking the spell of innocent girlishness and bringing the vixen out in her. Layla’s fingers barely met as her palms were filled with his girth. The feel of his manhood in her hands reminded her.

  “Condom!” she said, wide eyed.

  Obviously, in the two-year drought she’d gone through she had no reason to purchase any, let alone go on birth control. She was relieved when she heard him chuckle and push himself off the bed. She felt the emptiness as he escaped her hands; she was seriously beginning to enjoy the feel of him.

  Patrick fiddled around in his khakis and brought out his wallet. One second later he held the small square packet up in his fingers like a prize, causing Layla to relax as she laughed at the comical scene.

  “Well, if you’re going to laugh about it,” he said coming down next to her on the bed. “I may just leave it off.”

  His eyes roamed over her body. “Frankly, the idea of putting a baby inside of you is turning me on more than I care to admit.”

  Those words stirred something irrationally primal inside of her. Layla imagined Patrick penetrating her, completely raw and unprotected the way Mother Nature intended, riding her hard, filling her with his seed and planting a part of him inside of her…. Her body reacted in defiance of her common sense, shuddering with pleasure at the illicit thoughts.

  Patrick grinned down at her as if reading every thought in the quiver of her flesh. Then he anxiously ripped open the packet, rolling it down his dick.

  “Take off your panties,” he ordered.

  She vigorously obeyed, wriggling on the bed as she slid them down her legs and flung them to the corner of the bedroom. Now she was completely naked for his perusal and it stimulated her all the more. She made a mental note to thank Blaire for insisting on the neatly trimmed landing strip the next time she talked to the woman.

  Patrick made a show of slowly rolling the latex sleeve down his long, hard member, licking his lips just as slowly as his eyes wandered over her flesh. Goosebumps followed the path of his gaze.

  Jesus, was the lead up to sex ever this amazingly torturous? How in the world could this man do these things to her body with nothing more than a look and a smirk?

  Now that he was fully protected, Patrick came back down between her open legs. His hard dick rested on her mons area practically foreshadowing exactly which part of her he would invade.

  The thought erased any hesitation on the part of Layla and she opened her legs wider, welcoming him to become one with her.

  Patrick read the unspoken invitation.

  “Is this what you want?” he asked to make sure. In the darkness of the room his blue eyes were still visible, searching her face for acquiescence.

  “Yes,” she breathed, nodding her head in physical agreement.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes!” she said, actually laughing as her body both relaxed and arched up seeking his out enthusiastically.

  He smiled down at her and she felt the gentle probe as he guided himself into her entrance. The moment of truth was upon them and her body told him all he needed to know.

  A sigh escaped her lips as she felt him thrust into her.

  “Patrick,” was all she said, moaning as he penetrated deeper.

  There was a brief moment of pain as her body acclimated itself to the foreign presence of another. Layla welcomed it, her hands gripping the hard curves o
f his ass as he pressed himself into her willing flesh.

  “God, you’re so fucking tight,” he marveled as he slid in and out of her. “You feel amazing.”

  His large body towered over her as he rested on his elbows. Still, his chest grazed her nipples with each thrust creating additional points of stimulation that wreaked havoc with her body. She pressed her hands harder into him, feeling his muscles flex and relax with each thrust.

  Patrick followed her eager lead and leaned on one elbow as the other hand slid down her side. It curved around her hips and grabbed her thigh forcing it higher up his side. The effect was immediate.

  “Oh yes, yes, yes!” she screamed as his dick went even deeper inside of her, stroking her g-spot even harder. He penetrated her so long and hard that she was sure he was single-handedly elongating the space inside of her purely to accommodate his length.

  As each stroke carried her further and further toward the threshold, her back arched, pressing up into his as he pleasured her. She looked up at his face as he stared down at her with intensity. Layla read the pleasure she felt reflected back in his eyes.

  The first wave hit her, crashing through her body.

  “Oh God, yes!” she screamed, throwing her head back into the mattress.

  The warm glove that surrounded his manhood, gripped harder, then flexed in a rhythmic pattern as the ripple effects shuddered through her.

  When she recovered she looked up at Patrick again to find him smiling down at her.

  “You’re so gorgeous when you come,” he murmured. Then the look on his face intensified.

  “My turn now,” he growled.

  Layla could feel the climax building inside of her again as his strokes grew more insistent. Then she felt his ass tighten under her hands, letting her know he was on the edge.

  Patrick grunted hard, biting his lip and closing his eyes as she felt his cock empty his seed. Her hand came up to cup his face as she had her second orgasm at the same time.

  You’re just as gorgeous when you come.

  His eyes opened as though he could read her thoughts. He twisted his face to kiss the palm of her hand, then he fell down by her side.


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