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Sweet Seduction

Page 15

by Camilla Stevens

  While they were talking, Samantha and Clark had snuck away from their table to catch up with them. The bride was in a mermaid dress with an intricate, beaded, lace overlay that gave it an almost antiquated feel.

  “Oh Layla, it’s so perfect!” Samantha simpered. “I almost cried when I had to cut into it. I hope you weren’t too upset.”

  Layla laughed. “That’s what it’s meant for, Samantha. I’m so happy you like it.”

  “Well, as far as I’m concerned you went above and beyond. I don’t care what anyone says. It was the perfect ending to this perfect day,” she beamed up at her new husband as if to cement the fact.

  “Well, congratulations, Samantha. I hope you and Clark have a blissful marriage.”

  “Thank you,” she cried.

  The D.J. started up the music for those who had finished their cake.

  “Oh!” Samantha sang out, her big brown eyes getting excited. “Let’s dance, Clark!”

  Without waiting for an answer, she grabbed him and joined the few people who had started to drift toward the dance floor.

  Patrick and Layla laughed as she dragged him off.

  “Care to join them?” Patrick asked. “You look too damn good in that dress not to make use of it.”

  Layla looked down at the black ball gown she had worn to stay in theme with the formality of the wedding. She hadn’t even owned a formal gown like this, let alone brought one with her. Patrick was the one who had taken her out to buy it for her, causing her to nearly faint when she saw the price tag.

  It was gorgeous though, with a black beaded bodice, sweetheart neckline and silk, taffeta bottom. Perfect for dancing in, especially with a man who looked so smart in his tuxedo.

  “Don’t mind if I do,” she said, taking the hand that was offered.

  Faith Hill was singing This Kiss as they stepped onto the dance floor. Patrick swung her around, making her laugh in surprise.

  It' s the way you love me

  It's a feeling like this

  His hand was in hers while the other circled her waist. She smiled up at him as he rocked her along to the music.

  It's centrifugal motion

  It's perpetual bliss

  He twirled her away and brought her back into his arms.

  It's that pivotal moment

  It's, ah, impossible

  Patrick bent her backward in a dip, holding her firmly in his arms and they stayed there for a moment staring into each other’s eyes. Then as the lyrics continued, he leaned in and kissed her.

  This kiss, this kiss


  This kiss, this kiss

  As Faith Hill serenaded the two, his lips danced against hers along to the music. Then his tongue followed suit, tracing across her lips and slowly finding hers.

  Layla felt the heat inside of her rise as his mouth made love to hers on the dance floor. She didn’t care that they were surrounded by people. Everyone else in the world had disappeared at that moment.

  He pulled away just as the two fairytale princesses in the song were commiserating.

  All I wanted was a white knight

  With a good heart, soft touch, fast horse

  Ride me off into the sunset

  Baby I'm forever yours

  “How about ditch this joint,” he whispered in her ear.

  Breathless, all she could do was look up at him and nod.

  He took her hand and led her out of the ballroom. In the foyer of the floor they were on in the luxury hotel, he led her at a quickened pace until they were both running.

  Even though she was in heels, Layla laughed as she jogged along behind him. She saw he was leading her to the bank of elevators instead of the front of the hotel.

  “Where are we going?”

  He pressed the up button and turned to bring her into his arms. “Will you get mad if I told you I booked this room as soon as I came up with this little wedding cake idea of mine?”

  She raised her eyebrow in surprise. “Am I that easy a lay?”

  Patrick laughed then brought his face down to nuzzle the hair that was up in a French twist. Knowing that, with any luck, her hair would be a perfect mess in an hour, Layla just enjoyed it.

  “Nothing about you is easy,”Patrick murmured into her head. “That’s why I love you.”


  Layla froze, then pulled away to look at his face to see if he meant it. The open honesty she saw there, no teasing smirk, no suggestive grin, just his heart opening up to her, was enough for her to offer her own admission.

  “I love you too, Patrick.”

  The elevator doors opened and they stepped in.

  He held her hand and they stayed smiling at one another, eventually evolving into giggles, then outright laughter.

  When the doors finally opened again, they both ran down the hall like two young lovers eloping in the middle of the night, laughing the whole way.

  Patrick struggled to get the keycard into the suite he had reserved and Layla laughed even louder as she watched him.

  Once inside, she had only a moment to take in the luxe accommodations before he lifted her up into his arms carrying her over to the bedroom, kicking the front door closed behind him.

  “It is the wedding night we’ve been waiting for, after all,” he said looking down at her with a grin.

  “Never mind that we’ve been living in sin for the past two weeks?” she pointed out. Patrick hadn’t bothered finding her alternate accommodations after checking her out of the hotel to stay with him.

  “That’s what makes this so special,” he pointed out, then threw her on the bed. She yelped in surprise.

  “Now, Ms. Brown, let’s make this official, shall we?” He said, quickly taking off his tuxedo jacket.

  “Whoa, boy,” she said, sliding off the bed and coming over to him. “You aren’t the only one who has planned for tonight.”

  She guided him to the bed and sat him down on the edge. Then she reached behind her back to unzip the dress. It fell in a puddle at her feet to reveal the lacy, black corset around her waist with garters attached to the black, lace-top, thigh-high stockings she had on. The only other thing she wore was a lacy black thong, leaving her completely topless, which made the vision all the more erotic.

  “God you’re amazing,” Patrick breathed taking it all in. Then he reached out and brought her closer to him. She stepped out of the dress in her heels. He took one nipple into his mouth as his hands wandered around to cup her exposed cheeks.

  “So are you, Patrick,” she said throwing her head back as his mouth caused her nipple to pucker. “So are you.”

  Layla decided to show him just how amazing she thought he was. She pulled away from him, her nipple releasing from his lips with an audible “pop” that made her chuckle.

  One hand went up to tug at the end of his bow tie, loosening it. Then she untied it and flung it in the corner of the room. Patrick just grinned up at her with a smile of anticipation as her fingers went to work unbuttoning his white dress shirt.

  “Did I mention how dapper you look in that tuxedo?” she purred as her hands wandered over the firm chest, grazing over the fine hairs covering it. “I’ve been wanting to eat you up all night.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Mmm-hmm,” she said biting her lip as she sank to her knees. She reached out to unbuckle his belt.

  “Ohh, you really are a hungry girl aren’t you?” he said grinning down at her with those gorgeous blue eyes.

  Layla just gave him a seductive smile as she unzipped him and reached in to release what was causing the enormous bulge in his pants. “It looks like I’m not the only one craving something,” she said with a grin as her hand wrapped around the thick, veiny shaft.

  Something about being on her knees in nothing but an expensive garter, stockings and underwear, while he sat on the edge of the bed in an undone tuxedo, made the scene all the more delicious.

  Layla leaned in, staring up into his eyes as she planted her tongue a
t the base of his cock. She held his gaze as she slowly licked her way up the ridge on the underside of his penis. The look on his face intensified. She smiled as she reached the redish-purple head.

  Before she could encircle it with her mouth, Patrick reached out a hand to grab her chin.

  “I have a better idea,” he said. “The wedding night is supposed to be for both parties.”

  He leaned in closer to her. “And I want to taste you as much as you want me.”

  She smiled as she absorbed what he was saying.

  Oh you naughty boy.

  “So get up here and sit on my face.”

  Layla laughed at the bluntness of his command. She stood up and went to work unhooking her garter so she could remove her thong panties.

  “Oh no you don’t,’ he ordered. “I like you just the way you are.”

  She grinned down at him. “In which case, you keep the rest of your tux on. Something about it is turning me on.”

  “Well, I’m all yours sweetheart,” he said falling back on the bed, arms splayed.

  Layla laughed as she knelt next to him on the bed and crawled over to follow his orders. She planted a knee on either side of his chest, kneeling right above him facing the foot of the bed. As his hands went to work pushing the thin strip of black lace aside they glanced across her wet lips making her moan. She braced herself, planting her hands on his chest as her quivering thighs failed her.

  Patrick’s arms came around, planting his palms on the tops of her thighs to press her firmly down against his face.

  “Oh yes, Patrick,” she sighed as she felt the first touch of his lips against hers. When his tongue darted between them to swirl around her exposed clit, she fell on top of him, her body weak with pleasure.

  She reached out to circle his shaft with her hands as her mouth finished what it had started earlier. She could taste the salty pre-cum on the tiny slit as her tongue matched his, circling and flicking the head.

  Layla rocked her body back and forth, rubbing her soaking slit against his face. Her hardened nipples rubbed against his rippling abs as she worked her head up and down his dick, taking him as deep as she could. Her throat vibrated against his head as she moaned with the pleasure coming from below her waist.

  God this man could eat pussy.

  She almost choked on him when she felt him thrust two fingers inside of her making instant contact with her g-spot. A spasm went through her body.

  Although she could barely concentrate with what his mouth and fingers were doing to her, Layla continued to swallow him, reveling in the feel of his hardness penetrating her, fucking her mouth the way it had fucked her other hole so many times before. If she could bring him half the pleasure he had brought her, then she would be satisfied.

  Finally, she felt a firm slap on her bare ass which caused her to jump in surprise.

  “What was that for?” she asked with a laugh, pulling herself away from him so he could actually answer.

  “Woman, you’ve got me on the edge, and if you think I’m finishing like this, you are sorely mistaken.”

  With that he flipped her off of him so she fell on her back next to him on the bed. Patrick spun around so that he too was facing the foot of the bed. He pried her legs apart and knelt between them.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he said as he leaned forward on his hands above her. He reached into the pocket of his pants and pulled out his wallet. He pulled out a condom and then flung the black leather case across the room.

  Layla eyed the large dick presented before her as he expertly wrapped it. She licked her lips, anticipating the feel of it inside of her, stretching her wide open again.

  When he was done, he leaned down on his hands above her. The sides of his open shirt fell like a curtain on either side of her body as he gradually lowered himself down on top of her. As she pulled the crotch of her thong aside, he positioned his large head against the exposed opening.

  “Patrick,” she sighed, arching her back as she always did the moment it popped through. Even after two weeks she was still getting used to having such an exceptional size inside of her, stretching her open, molding her insides so that she was meant to accommodate him, and only him.

  “Jesus, Layla,” he sighed against her. “God, you feel so good.”

  Her hands crawled underneath his shirt to his back, pressing him down against her as he began pumping himself in and out of her. Layla’s legs came up along his sides. Her heels dug into the back of his pants that were scrunched down around his thighs.

  As she let the pleasure run through her she imagined the picture the two of them presented in their expensive attire, half off of them. It was like a scene in a porno, a naughty couple sneaking away from a formal event to screw each other’s brains out. She actually laughed toward the ceiling as the pleasure began to overwhelm her.

  “What?” he breathed pulling up to look down at her.

  “Nothing, baby,” she cooed. “Just keep fucking me. Yeah…just like that,” she urged as he sped up, his manhood leaving a permanent mark on her that wouldn’t soon disappear. “God, you’re so fucking huge.”

  That spurred him on and pretty soon they were both in a frenzy, completely destroying the bedspread with their movement.

  Layla felt her climax coming and gripped his back in preparation. Her nails dug in as the wave grew, intensifying as it rolled with his movement, eventually crashing down in her center and rippling through her entire body.

  “Patrick!” she screamed to the ceiling, her body stiffening while he continued to work his hips to join her with his own orgasm. It soon came and she felt him stiffen against her as he groaned her name.

  “Layla!” he growled in her ear, gripping the bedsheets on either side of her head. She waited, loving the feel of him hard against her as he came down from his climax.

  Exhausted, he rolled over to the side of her, his heavy breathing joining hers. Patrick traced a finger along her stomach as it rose and fell. The finger traced its way up to one nipple then the other. He brought his head over to kiss each one, then rested his chin on her chest between them.

  “You have no idea what you’ve done to me, do you?”

  She smiled down at him and brought one hand down to rake her fingers through his hair. “Probably the same thing you’ve done to me.”

  He slid forward so that his head was directly above hers. “I meant what I said in the elevator. I really do love you, Layla.”

  She stared back at him. “I meant it too, Patrick. I love you.”


  It was time for her to return to real life, to return to Olla. The contractors were finally getting started putting the Di-vine Delectables bakery back to its original form, now that the insurance money had been paid out, not to mention the big fat check that had been deposited with Saul from Lion Studios, and she needed to be there to handle things.

  Layla had spent the last leisurely Saturday morning with Patrick in his condo drinking coffee and eating the bagels he had bought.

  “So you’re all packed and ready?” he asked, finishing up his coffee.

  She finished hers and sighed. The honeymoon was over. “Yep, I guess we should get going. The plane is probably waiting.”

  He gave her a grin then got up. She followed him as he grabbed the suitcase waiting by the door. They left his condo then rode the elevator down to the garage in silence, already starting to miss one another.

  She hadn’t wanted to bring up where they went from here, not wanting to ruin the experience of being with him. It was a conversation to be had at some point though. She pulled in close to him, wrapping her arms around his chest, taking in his scent and feel.

  Maybe she’d wait a bit longer.

  Patrick loaded the suitcase in the trunk and opened the passenger side door of his BMW for her. He got in on the other side, turned on the ignition and lowered the top so that it was a convertible again.

  Before exiting his spot he turned to her. “I hope you don’t mind your h
air getting a bit mussed,” he said, grinning. “It’s just that the drive up is so much better with the top down.”

  “Drive up?” she asked. It was just to the airport, about 20 minutes away.

  “I know you hate flying, and frankly, I hate the idea of being away from you. I’m driving you back up to Olla. That should give us a good 6 or 7 hours more.”

  She blinked in surprise, then smiled. “Screw my hair, let’s go!”

  He laughed. “Alright Ms. Brown. Prepare for the ride of your life.”

  “I don’t know, last night is going to be some pretty stiff competition,” she said, joining in with her own laughter.

  “Just you wait.” He backed out of his spot with such speed she yelped in surprise. He just laughed as he expertly turned to leave the garage.

  It was a Saturday so there wasn’t much traffic on the road heading toward the Pacific Coast Highway. Layla could see the beach beyond Patrick’s handsome profile. Today he was especially casual, his work duties with her being done, in a t-shirt and jeans with tennis shoes. The Eagles crooned Peaceful Easy Feeling from the speakers of his car.

  She was going to miss him when he came back to L.A. How in the world would they go on with him living down there and her up in Olla? It would be ridiculous for him to make this drive every weekend just to return on Monday.

  She thought back to Natalie’s words: when two people really love one another, they make it work.

  By the time they rolled past the sign for Olla, The town that says Hello! Prince was telling Apollonia to Take Me With U.

  I don't care where we go

  I don't care what we do

  I don't care pretty baby

  Just take me with you

  Patrick turned to Layla with smile. He reached out to stroke one thigh that was exposed under the light blue sundress she wore. Her hair was a mess, like she had just woken up from another energetic night in his bed.


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