The Alpha's Ever After - (Werewolf Romance) (Ilie and Soleil Book 2)

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The Alpha's Ever After - (Werewolf Romance) (Ilie and Soleil Book 2) Page 3

by Marian Tee

  The second time?

  A moment later, the marquis was cupping her elbow and gently turning her around, and that was when Soleil saw him.

  Wilbur’s corpse was swinging lifelessly mid-air, a rope of vines wound around his throat. Either he had hung himself in guilt, or the wraiths had done it for him.

  She closed her eyes and prayed for his soul, even though she knew it was pointless.

  “You’re too gentle for this kind of job,” the marquis murmured when she finished praying.

  “Gentle,” she reminded him with a deliberately gentle tone, “doesn’t mean weak.”

  They started to walk, her hand on his arm, and her stupid sense of humor struck, making her want to laugh at the most inappropriate moment. There was a dead body behind them, and here they were, strolling like they were taking a walk at the park.

  Ilie noticed the way her slim shoulders shook a little. “What’s so funny?”

  She froze, wondering if he found her demeanor too cold and insensitive.

  Correctly interpreting the dismay on her lovely face, Ilie shook his head with a faint smile. “Be at ease, milady. I’m more amazed than anything that you’ve willingly chosen this type of life, and more so that you’ve been able to maintain any kind of humor despite what you have to face daily.”

  “I s-see.” Soleil didn’t like to think of how relieved she felt at the marquis’ explanations. If she did, then it would mean acknowledging she cared greatly about his opinion – when she did not.

  She could not, or at least not just yet.

  “I hear your sisters calling to you.”

  She blinked. “What for?” That he was telling the truth was not to be doubted. All otherworlders had naturally heightened senses, and more so when they were as old as Ilie, who had roamed the earth for almost a millennium.

  Ilie cocked his head. “She says she received a call from Crystal.” He glanced at her. “If you believe it’s urgent, I can take you to them in a second.”

  “I suppose it---” The marquis picked her up in his arms.

  “---could be urgent,” she finished breathlessly, because what was supposed to be a ten-minute sojourn had been completed in two seconds, and she now found herself staring back at her sisters’ sly gazes.

  Ilie carefully lowered her to her feet.

  “Showoff,” she muttered under her breath.

  “Only to serve you, milady,” Ilie said without missing a beat.

  “Hurrah,” Fleur exclaimed as she clapped her hands in delight. “You saved her!”

  “You’re so lucky,” Aurora gushed, “to have found someone like the marquis.”

  Soleil rolled her eyes. “Drop it.” She knew that the only reason they were so intent on pushing her towards the marquis was because they wanted her to agree to be his heartkeeper – and save her life in the process.

  But her younger sisters only laughed, and then they were pulling Soleil away from the marquis, their pretty, blood-spattered faces wreathed in smiles.

  “Crystal called,” Fleur informed her. “Your new student’s sent word, and the ship carrying her should be docking in about a half hour’s time.”

  “She wants you to be her welcoming committee,” Aurora added.

  She glanced down at her watch, a sensible-looking Patek Philippe, and nodded thoughtfully. “I should make it if you drop me off the port---”

  “No need,” the marquis interjected. “It would be best if I take you there. Your sisters would appreciate an early rest, surely.”

  Fleur suddenly yawned. “I am feeling a little tired.”

  Aurora touched her forehead. “And I’ve a bit of a headache, to be honest.”

  Soleil stared at them stoically. “You do know that you two are the worst actresses in history, do you not?”

  But the two younger women ignored her and instead turned to the marquis. Curtsying at the same time, they murmured, “Milord.”

  Soleil glared. “Oh, for fudge’s sake!”

  The marquis ignored her, too, bowing as he murmured, “Miladies.” But his arm shot forward at the same time, barring Soleil from trying to escape.

  When he straightened, she told him, “But my dress is in our carriage, and I still have to change---”

  Ilie cocked his head to the side, and then a moment later, he murmured, “My coachman has already retrieved it.”

  She stared at him in consternation.

  “Whatever their reasons,” he said coaxingly, “you must admit that they will benefit from an early night. Do you truly desire them to accompany you to the port when they don’t have to?”

  Drat this man.

  He knew just which strings to pull to have her do what he wanted.

  “I despise you,” Soleil mumbled.

  He brought her hand to his lips. “I thought you’d see it my way.”

  The four of them parted ways when they reached their respective carriages, with her sisters blowing her kisses and pretending to sniff back tears like they were about to send Soleil off with her bridegroom.

  “You two are going to pay for this,” Soleil vowed.

  Fleur poked her head out of the carriage’s window and cupped a hand over her ear. “What was that, sister dear? I’m afraid I can’t---”

  Aurora yanked their baby sister back inside the carriage. “Don’t push it.” To the coachman, she said firmly, “Let’s go, sirrah.”

  As the two carriages headed off in opposite directions, Soleil settled herself back on her seat, placed her hands on her lap, and slowly glanced up to meet the gaze of her companion.

  “I have recently come to a realization that I wish to share with you, milady.”


  He nodded solemnly. “It is a matter that must be rectified immediately.”

  Soleil frowned, trying to think of such a matter. “What is it?”

  “While I’ve already made you come twice---”

  She choked.

  “---there is something I have not done yet.”

  Now, she knew exactly what he was talking about, but she wished she didn’t because the matter was quite, quite embarrassing.

  Their gazes met, and when she saw his knowing smile, she knew he was explicitly aware of the reason behind her pink cheeks.

  “May I have your first kiss, ma lisse?”

  Curse him, and he had to say it out loud, too!

  Soleil knew she should refuse, but she couldn’t. The marquis was asking for her first kiss. What girl in her right mind could refuse such an offer? Even so, she muttered resentfully, “Why can’t you just take it? You’re supposed to be a rake. You’re supposed to steal kisses.”

  His lips twitched. “Because you’re different, and so I’d like to court you, as you deserve, and this is a part of it.” He inclined his head questioningly. “And so what is it to be, milady?”

  She protested helplessly, “But you already know---”

  “I need the words, milady,” he murmured. “I wouldn’t want to risk accidentally offending your sensibilities and incur a lady’s wrath.”


  The marquis only smiled. “The words, milady?”

  His gaze dropped to her lips, and she felt her throat dry, making her wet her lips. His gaze burned at seeing it, and her breath caught when she saw the promise blazing from the marquis’ magnetic silver eyes.

  She heard herself say, “Yes. Y-you may have my first kiss.”


  Ilie’s heart slammed against his chest at Soleil’s tentatively spoken words. For a moment, he could only gaze at her with hooded eyes, a part of him wondering why it was only with her he ended up feeling like an untutored schoolboy in the throes of first love.

  Nine hundred years, he thought broodingly. He’d had that long to master the art of seduction, but with this woman, he found himself breaking all the rules, even to the point of fucking her with his fingers and mouth and yet neglecting to taste her lips.

  Promising himself that he would retain contro
l this time, he slowly drew her to him, his gloved hands gentle as he cupped her face. He heard her heartbeat, literally, racing faster every second, and he was almost gratified to know that she wasn’t as immune to him as she acted.

  Even if she kept refusing his offer of marriage, at least he could be sure she desired him almost as much as he desired her.

  “Thank you, milady.” He shook his head, murmuring, “You are so unbelievably beautiful in my eyes, ma lisse. I cannot fathom how it is that men are able to fight with you or against you.”

  Soleil rolled her eyes. “Too much flattery.”

  “You know I don’t have to lie to seduce you.”

  But he had lowered his head as he spoke, making her voice just a bit more breathless as she said, “I hope that’s not your way of telling me you d-don’t approve of what I do.”

  “I don’t.” When she started to pull away, he drew her back to him, saying, “But it doesn’t mean I’m going to keep you from doing what you love.”

  She blinked. “How modern of you.”

  His lips curved. “Don’t be too impressed, milady. If I ever think what you’re about to do is suicidal, I won’t let you go, even if I have to lock you in a room---”

  She let out an exasperated sound, cutting him off as she exclaimed, “And just when I think---oh.” He had pressed his lips against hers for the briefest moment, but it was more than enough.

  Her toes curled, and she drew a shaky breath---


  His lips were against hers again.

  There, not there, there, not there---

  Like he was teasing her, the cad---

  She started to open her eyes, but he chose that exact moment to nip her lips. The intimacy shocked and thrilled her, and Soleil’s eyes drifted close again. He nipped her upper lip, then her lower lip. The nipping turned into nibbling, and her toes curled anew.

  Was it always supposed to feel like this, the marquis making Soleil feel like he was taking his time eating her? Was her heart always supposed to beat this fast, this hard, to the point she could barely hear her thoughts?

  Oh, if only her years of training had prepared her for these intimacies, too!

  The marquis drew back. “Open your mouth.”


  As the sensual command made her breasts swell against the neckline of her dress, she couldn’t stop herself from doing what the marquis asked, body trembling hard as her lips parted---

  His tongue entered her mouth, and Soleil froze.

  This kiss felt so different from the way Ilie had made her come with his mouth and fingers. It had its own beauty, its own way to seduce her senses, its own way to coax a response.

  Ilie’s body hardened as he felt Soleil slowly respond to the gentle overtures of his tongue. At first, the strokes of her tongue against his were timid, and her fingers were just as hesitant as they moved up to settle on his shoulders. He gave her as much time as he could, doing his best to control his instincts, and soon his patience was rewarded. Her fingers tightened on his shoulders, her body moving towards him, molding against his chest as her tongue danced against his.

  A shudder struck his body, and Ilie’s control broke. His hands moved away from her face, one cupping her nape while another dug through the silky tresses of her hair. Pins scattered to the floor, but neither of them noticed nor cared. Digging deeper into her hair, he slanted her head so he could take more of her mouth.

  Soleil whimpered as she felt the kiss change, Ilie’s lips pressing more insistently against her and his tongue becoming bolder in the way it explored her mouth. It had her heart galloping as fast as the horses drawing his carriage, and while her brain warned her to slow down, both her heart and body paid it no heed.

  She wanted more.

  Abandoning herself to his kiss, she wrapped her arms around his neck, and it was as if it was the signal he was waiting for, Ilie dragging her to his lap without breaking their kiss.

  Her world started to dance.

  Their kiss was magical and torrid, forbidden and heavenly. She couldn’t get enough of him, and he seemed to feel the same, and it left her panting while his breathing became ragged. The sounds she was making were embarrassing to her ears, but even so she couldn’t stop herself.

  She was slowly going out of her mind.

  When the marquis finally lifted his head, she wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed. The way she had panted!

  Oh, but the way the kiss made her feel!

  The marquis tipped her chin up, and her cheeks flamed as soon as their gazes met. She tried to look away, but he didn’t let her. “I can stare at you all day long, milady.”


  His lips twitched. “You know I’m telling the truth.” He lowered his head and kissed her again. “I can do this all day, too.”

  So could I, she thought uneasily.

  I’m glad to hear that, the marquis replied in her mind.

  Oh! She had forgotten about his ability to hear her thoughts. Again!

  “You cur!” She pulled away with a gasp, but he laughingly dragged her back for another kiss. “Stay,” he murmured after. “I still need to fix your hair.”

  “My h-hair?”

  He smiled down at her. “You probably hadn’t noticed, but the carriage has long stopped, milady. We’ve arrived, and so has your student.”

  “What?” She thought of asking him how could he have known that but decided not to bother in the end. He was the Marquis of Lunare. It would be easy for him to sense things like that. Her fingers flew to her hair, and she let out a cry of dismay when she realized that it had become completely undone. She looked down at her dress, and another cry escaped her. Everything was so dreadfully crumpled.

  “Relax, milady. You look beautiful---”

  “I do not, and you know it. Instead, I look like a h-hussy---”

  “Well, that, too, but just for me.”

  “Oh, shut up, you---” She broke off when the door suddenly opened and the marquis’ coachman bowed to them in greeting.

  Soleil quickly pasted a smile on her face, not wanting anyone to think she was a shrew.

  Ilie helped her out of the carriage. “Milady?”

  “Y-yes?” she replied absently, her mind still focused on finding ways to make her hair look just a bit more presentable.

  “They’re all here.”

  “I know, you already told me that---”

  “I don’t just mean your student, milady.”


  Slowly, Soleil looked up…and did her best not to let her jaw drop open.

  Curses. Double curses. Triple curses.

  Why didn’t the blasted man tell her that when he said everyone, he meant the most important denizens in this side of the realm?

  Her new student, Miss Zari Baltimore, was easy enough to recognize from the photos Soleil had seen of her. Petite, with an almost boyish figure, the girl had long, ash blonde hair and large gray eyes that were almost too bright to stare directly at.

  A soul seer coming to her powers, Soleil thought.

  Beside the girl was an enigmatic-looking gentleman, someone who seemed to be more at home in the darkness than anywhere else. Dressed entirely in black, the dark-haired Lord Alexandru Gheorgiu was almost too captivatingly handsome to be the kingdom’s most infamous hunter. The way his sleepy, green-eyed gaze surveyed his surroundings was languid and graceful, but Soleil wasn’t fooled. Those were the eyes of a killer, one who wouldn’t hesitate to crush anyone or anything that stood in his way.

  Standing slightly apart from the couple were the two other men making up the Galere.

  Lord Mihail, the Marquis of Sangre, bore a marked resemblance to his younger brother, Lord Alexandru, but his features were more classically defined. He had a broader build as well, his bearing more stoic than predatory.

  Lord Adrijan, the Marquis of Aquarius and the youngest of the Galere, had an air of tranquility about him, as was inherent of his kind. He had a boyish appeal about hi
m, with his smiling good looks, so much so that Soleil had to remind herself this was also the man who could command the oceans and seas to his will. He was not one to be underestimated, and he would not have been made a part of the Galere if he were.

  The two marquises had bowed at the sight of her, murmuring their greetings, but neither of them moved from their position, their stances alert and protective towards the couple between them---

  The Duke of Brimstone, Soleil thought uneasily. That long golden hair, the Viking-like bearing, and those strange eyes that seemed to alternate between shunning and reflecting all the colors of the rainbow – even if it had been her first time to see the duke, she would have still recognized him, with the kind of power emanating from him.

  This was the man prophesied to bring about the world’s destruction if he did not find his heartkeeper in time---

  Soleil’s gaze moved to the petite, pretty brunette standing beside the duke.

  So the rumors were real, Soleil thought.

  Yes, Ilie answered in her mind, and his gaze became impassive. The rumors were indeed real. Georgina McCartney, a human, was the demon duke’s heartkeeper…and Ilie’s.


  “Although I am certain the information provided in our welcome kit is more than sufficient, I hope you don’t mind if we go over our kingdom’s history just a bit. Knowledge of the kingdom’s rules is essential for anyone either residing in or visiting Chalys.”

  “I would love to hear more about the kingdom,” Zari admitted. “Everything still feels surreal, especially the way we’re supposed to dress.” She glanced down at her dress, which was more like a gown, with its yards of muslin and lace.

  “I understand how overwhelming everything is,” Soleil said gently. “So please don’t hesitate to let me know of any concerns you may have.” Her dimples flashed. “But I can also promise you, once you’ve gotten used to the way we live, you may not want to leave our kingdom again.”

  Alexandru quietly followed behind the two, content to study the older girl as she spoke of Chalys’ history to his pet. He called to his brother through their blood bond. What do you know of this woman besides being the heartkeeper of Lunare’s marquis? For better or for worse, Lady Soleil Orpheline would be the one personally in charge of Zari’s studies in the two years she would spend in ANEX – and away from him.


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