The Alpha's Ever After - (Werewolf Romance) (Ilie and Soleil Book 2)

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The Alpha's Ever After - (Werewolf Romance) (Ilie and Soleil Book 2) Page 4

by Marian Tee

  Mihail, who stood in a semi-circle with the rest of the Galere and George, answered, Not much, I’m afraid. She works with the Enforcers, and so most of the information about her is kept confidential.

  “I can’t believe she’s really your heartkeeper, Ilie,” George marveled under her breath. “She seems too wholesome for you.” Beside her, the demon duke grinned while Adrijan politely pretended to cough.

  “I honestly thought you’d end up with someone born outside Chalys, probably someone who doesn’t mind wearing leather and collars---”

  “Will you stop it with that,” Ilie said irritably. “The only reason we had you wearing a collar that time because we were under disguise, and you know it.”

  She said doubtfully, “But everyone thought it was normal---”

  Ilie glanced at Silviu. “May I kill her, Your Grace?”

  “I’m afraid not, Ilie. She means too much to me.” The demon duke pulled George closer to him. “Stop teasing him, Georgina.”

  She smiled innocently up at him. “But I was only telling the truth.”

  As the conversation drifted to a different topic, Ilie said abruptly, Soleil doesn’t know anything about George. The permanent marks over their hearts burned as Ilie used the blood bond between the Galere to communicate.

  Understood, Silviu replied. I will make sure George doesn’t slip.

  Mihail and Adrijan only nodded, but this was more than sufficient for Ilie. Words were often unnecessary for the four of them, having been to hell and back together for several centuries.

  When it was time for them to part, farewells were exchanged warmly but briskly, none of them wanting to linger too long. Unlike almost every nation, there wasn’t a place in Chalys that a helicopter or plane could safely land. The only way to access the kingdom was by sea, thus making the port also the least secure area in the kingdom.

  And with it still being the wee hours of the night, threats to the demon duke and his human heartkeeper could be carried out more easily.

  Alexandru and Zari climbed into a carriage prepared in advance by Sangre’s royal family while Soleil and Ilie returned to his carriage. Inside, he took one look at her face and smiled knowingly. “You are worried about what the duke and the rest of the Galere thought of you?”

  “It is but natural to be concerned, milord,” she said primly.

  His smile widened. “And if I say they hated you?”

  Soleil paled.

  He said solemnly, “It was a joke, milady.”


  The vexed look she threw at him made Ilie laugh. It was his favorite look of hers, knowing that he was the only one who could see this side of Society’s prim and proper darling. He yanked her towards him, making her cry in protest even as she fell into his lap.

  He kissed her hair, murmuring, “I just want you close. I actually found myself missing you the entire time you were apart from me.”

  Her toes curled, but even so she mumbled against his neck, “You’re t-too good with words.”

  “While you’re too good at ignoring everything I say,” he countered with a sigh.

  Drawing back, she played with the button of his coat as she asked uncertainly, “So what did they say?”

  He shook his head. “How can you even think there’s something to worry about? They all think I don’t deserve you, of course.”


  He rolled his eyes. “Are you like this with everyone or is it my word that you only automatically doubt?”

  She said promptly, “Only yours, milord.”

  “Minx.” He stole a kiss from her as punishment, but since it made her heart skip a beat, Soleil felt more like she had been rewarded than chastened.

  “They also asked why I haven’t made you my heartkeeper yet.”

  Her brows furrowed. “Would they know if we did complete the process?”

  He nodded. “They’d feel it through our bond.”

  Still playing with his button to avoid his gaze, she asked slowly, “And what did you say about that?”

  “Not the truth, of course.” The grimace in his tone made her smile, but it didn’t quite make her unease disappear. She knew, sooner or later, she would have to tell him the truth, but the more time passed, the harder it felt for Soleil to open up.

  If she told him about her curse, she knew he would insist that they complete the process right away. But she also knew if she saw in his gaze that he was doing it because he pitied her---

  She would never be able to do it.

  Even if it was foolish and stupid, she just couldn’t do it.

  For Soleil, it was all or nothing.

  He either loved her…or he did not.

  Ilie sensed the sudden change in his heartkeeper’s mood, saw the way her shoulders drooped ever so slightly, and asked right away, “What is it?” Her thoughts, he realized with a start, were also completely shielded from him at that moment, and Ilie’s frown deepened. “You’re hiding something from me.”

  Her smile was forced when she looked up at him. “A lady must never be without secrets to maintain her mystery and allure, milord. Have you never heard of that?”

  He wanted to demand an answer from her, but the carriage had already slowed down and Ilie knew Soleil would not forgive him if he insisted on a discussion now. That she cared for her work was more than evident, and right now Soleil’s first priority was her new student.

  Climbing out of their respective carriages, the two couples met in front of the sprawling gates of Academie Nu Exista.

  Zari peered doubtfully around her. “Where is the school?” Behind her was an open field, and in front of her were just…weeds. Rows upon rows of weeds, and none of them tall enough to hide anything as large as a school for people like her.

  I do not like your tone when you describe yourself, pet, Alexandru murmured silkily in her mind.

  Zari’s face didn’t change as she answered, I meant wannabe superheroes like me.

  “I assure you that the school exists and it’s right in front of us,” Soleil said gently. “It’s only that your eyes haven’t been made to see it…yet.”

  “But you all do?”

  Ilie and Alexandru nodded.

  “I s-see.” If the school couldn’t be seen, and she was inside of it, then---

  Having seconds thoughts?


  The hunter stiffened imperceptibly. It was completely unlike his pet to admit to any weakness. Turning to the other woman, he asked abruptly, “Is there any chance that I would be permitted to enter the school?”

  “I’m sorry.” It pained Soleil to deny the request, seeing the hope die in her new student’s eyes, but those rules weren’t hers to change. “Only the Duke of Brimstone and his Galere are allowed immediate entrance on the school’s premises. Unless Lord Alexandru has been able to request for permission beforehand, he will not be granted entry.”

  “Oh.” Zari managed a smile. “I understand.” She did her best to clear her mind even as a part of her was crying out that it was too soon.

  A large hand touched the small of her back, and Zari’s eyes drifted closed. It was silly, surreal, and terrifying, the way such a simple contact could allay her fears and calm her down.

  “May you excuse us for a moment, milady?” she heard Alexandru say.

  * * *

  The vampire hunter and his pet walked towards the open field and away from gazes that had already been averted to give them a sense of privacy. Alexandru halted upon walking past an oak tree, its sturdy ancient trunk large enough to hide the two of them.

  He turned to Zari, whose eyes were haunted. His chest constricted at the sight but his voice was light and teasing when he asked her, What’s with the face, pet? Were you not the one who said you wanted to learn to be strong enough to save the world?

  Save myself, Zari corrected him grumpily. I said I wanted to be strong enough so that no one would have to… A painful sliver of memory slashed into her mind and she mentally stumbled. Yo
u know why I have to do this. They both did, only now that it was happening, she couldn’t stop her heart from breaking.

  Her master picked a lock of her hair. I wonder how this would look if we dyed it black.

  Zari blinked. What for?

  To make you look like Wonder Woman. Is that not what---

  A helpless smile broke over her face. Jerk.

  He smiled back at her. While you’re an idiot. Alexandru flicked her forehead. I love you, pet. It will not change.

  But I’m terrified.

  As I am.


  He cupped her face. Two years with you is but a second. Time is never long enough when I am with you, but if you are not beside me--- He took a deep breath. I am terrified they’ll make you realize you’ve been blind all along.

  She didn’t answer right away, causing her master to tense.

  Then she was shaking her head, causing his hands to drop. She reached up---

  A flick on his forehead, the pet chastising the master.

  Who’s the idiot now?

  His eyes narrowed.

  Her lips formed a wobbly smile. I promise you, milord. I will teach them. I will make them see not all demons are alike.


  He kissed her forehead. I believe in you, ma threa.

  He kissed her lips. Make me proud.

  She closed her eyes, knowing that he was already saying goodbye. Yes, Master.

  When Zari opened her eyes, her Master was gone, like he had never been there at all.


  Zari’s first school had been La Scala Legaturia, which in English translated to the School of Bonds. It had been a training ground for human pets, an ancient structure possessing a remarkable Gothic beauty. ANEX, on the other hand, was a surprising opposite, boasting of all the modern amenities of a five-star resort---

  As well as the most advanced defenses, she couldn’t help thinking, one would expect from Fort Knox.

  With dawn just about to approach, the school grounds were completely quiet, with only a few people milling around, going about their business. There was a man trimming the bushes, a woman sweeping the pathway leading to one of the dormitories, and there was even someone dangling an incense burner in the air, murmuring incoherently under his breath.

  Following her student’s gaze, Soleil explained, “It’s to strengthen the warding spells.”

  “But we’re already in Chalys,” Zari ventured. “Isn’t this supposed to be the safest place for otherworlders?”

  “From humans, yes,” Soleil agreed, “but from otherworldly attacks? We never rule out the possibility that the demons of Sulphur would one day break the truce and invade this place.”

  “What for?”

  Soleil didn’t answer, but the silence was enough.

  For people like her, Zari realized.

  When the tour around the campus ended, Soleil faced the quiet girl beside her. “Do you have any questions?”

  “No, milady.”

  “Please don’t worry about your safety, Lady Zari.”

  Realizing that Soleil had misunderstood her disquiet, Zari said hastily, “I’m not worried about that. I know my Master---”

  Soleil cleared her throat. “About that…”

  Zari stilled.

  “I truly apologize for always being the bearer of bad news, but…while you are a student of ANEX, you do remember that all pre-existing non-filial relationships are temporarily suspended?”

  She said warily, “Yes.”

  “It also means you are discouraged from referring to Lord Alexandru as your Master.”

  Oh. Zari’s fists clenched even as she tried to quell the resentment surging inside of her. Did she really want this? she asked herself numbly. Not only had she agreed to two years of not seeing the man she loved, but now she had to also agree to not think of him as her Master?

  Swallowing, she told Soleil haltingly, “I understand. I hadn’t been aware of that, but…I’ll get used to it.” It wasn’t like she had a choice.

  A twinge of pain pinched Soleil’s heart at the pain underlining the girl’s voice. “I’m sorry.” She hated that she was forced to keep saying the words. Curse it, but this was not the way a student’s life should start. She took her job seriously, and she considered it her personal failure that she had not foreseen the possibility her student would be in this much pain over her parting from her Master.

  “The relationship between pets and their Masters is something unknown to me,” Soleil admitted carefully, “but it may not be as bad as you think. In fact, I wouldn’t rule out the possibility that you would see Lord Alexandru from time to time, during school trips and field assignments---”

  “I’m afraid Lord Alexandru wouldn’t permit that.” Zari’s smile didn’t reach her eyes as she continued, “He may not seem like it, but he takes his duties very seriously, and he expects the same from---” She caught herself in time, having almost referred to herself as her pet. But that was no longer allowed either.

  Zari’s fingers dug into her palms.

  “Lady Zari, if you wish it, I can arrange for one last meeting.” This time, Soleil knew she was consciously violating one of the school’s rules. But the look of devastation on her student’s face was unbearable.

  Slowly, Zari shook her head. “Thank you for the offer, milady, but this is how it should be.

  “I see.” But she didn’t really quite see at all. It behooved Soleil to admit it, but maybe she really was the secret romantic that Fleur often teased her of being.

  For Soleil, if two people were truly in love, was it not important that they did everything to make sure they were always together?

  As they ascended the stairs, Soleil tried to lighten the mood, saying, “If it is of any help, you may talk about him with me whenever you want. You may freely gush of the gentleman’s looks---”

  Zari couldn’t help snorting. “That’s guy no gentleman.”

  “Perhaps,” Soleil allowed with a grin, “but in Chalys, we always refer to men as gentlemen – no matter how boorish they may act.”

  “Oh. My bad.”

  She shook her head. “Sorry.”

  Zari was bemused. “Why are you apologizing?”

  Soleil’s dimples flashed. “I’m not. I meant, you should say ‘sorry’ when apologizing. You should refrain using ‘my bad’ as well, or at least until you are used to switching between our way of speaking to your way of speaking, depending on who you’re speaking with.”

  “I. Am. So. Confused.”

  They looked at each other, and their laughter spilled out at the same time.

  “I’m gonna flunk my first term here, aren’t I?”

  “Yes, you are going to flunk your first term here if you do not improve in time, but there are always supplementary classes to take during breaks---”

  Zari interrupted with a groan, “You’re almost as bad as my professors in LSL.”

  “I will take that as a compliment, milady.”

  Zari giggled. “Thank you, milady.”

  “You may call me Soleil, you know.”

  “I’d like that.” Zari nodded in relief. “And please call me Zari.” She bit her lip then blurted out, “Thank you for being so nice. There’s just something about you that makes me feel more…at ease.”

  “That is my job, you know,” Soleil teased. “To make you feel right at home.”

  Zari was looking at her in admiration. “You know, almost the whole time I was in LSL, I didn’t feel I was a proper fit. But you really are good at making people feel comfy – I mean, comfortable.” Unable to help it, asked curiously, “Do you never worry at all?” She could hear an imaginary Alexandru sighing in exasperation in her head. He had always told her off for being too curious for her own good, and even though she knew this was true, she just couldn’t help it.

  “I suppose,” Soleil said slowly, “I worry like any other, but I also do my best not to worry about things I can’t control.” Like the curse that had been
hanging over her head her entire life. “I’ve learned early on that the key to a happier life is to keep trying what you can do and what you think you can’t do. Because even if you fail, you would still be better off compared to where you would have been if you had not tried at all.”

  Zari was grinning when she finished. “Do you know, I have a feeling we’ll be like Po and Master Shifu.”

  Soleil paused, thinking the names were familiar, but she couldn’t quite recall who those were. “Are you speaking of Sir Edgar Allan Poe and…” Oh, but who was the other one? Perhaps a contemporary of Confucius?

  Zari tried to keep her laughter from bubbling out. “Umm, never mind.” But then she thought about how her life would also be similarly restricted, without any access to technology, and she wasn’t that amused anymore.

  When they reached Zari’s assigned quarters, Soleil took out a skeleton key and unlocked the door. “This is your room, and one of the staff will come shortly bearing your luggage, and of course the keys to your room, too.” At Zari’s nod, Soleil drew the girl’s hand, saying, “Anything you need, just let me---”

  The girl’s fingers tightened.

  “Zari?” Soleil started to shake the girl’s hold off but it only tightened even more, and when she looked at the girl’s eyes, she went absolutely still.

  Zari was no longer…Zari.

  She was a soul seer now, and she was seeing.


  The following evening, everyone was in a flurry of movement, with the Orpheline sisters in a hurry to hide unspeakable items from view. “Papa, go out and delay the marquis,” Fleur pleaded while she grabbed her pistol and quickly kicked it under the cushions. Oh, but why did the marquis have to pay an unplanned call now, just when it was Cleaning Day? All of their weapons were out, and with most of the staff given the day off, it was up to the three of them to straighten the living room.

  For heaven’s sake, Soleil signed exasperatedly to her sisters. It was the only way to communicate without the marquis overhearing them. It’s like we’re living a scene straight from a Jane Austen novel, and it’s terribly silly---


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