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The Dream And The Tomb: A History Of The Crusades

Page 50

by Robert Payne

  318 “ ‘VPig!’ shouted the emperor . . .”Grousset, 230

  319 “ ‘My chief purpose . . .’ “ Grousset, 231

  328 “ ‘In the Holy Land . . .’ ” Grousset, III, 393

  335 “ ‘What would you rather be . . .’ ” Joinville, 141

  336 “ ‘You should clothe yourselves . . .’ ”Joinville, 144

  337 “Soon the wind filled our sails . . .” Joinville, 167

  341 EXCERPTS FROM A LETTER FROM GUY . . .Translations, I, 4

  349 “ ‘What will you give me . . .’ ” Joinville, 223

  351 “May God reward you . . .” Labarge, 131

  353 ‘ “If I depart . . .’ ” Joinville, 240

  354 “ ‘Well then,’ said the ambassador . . .” Joinville, 248

  355 “ ‘This has been closest to me . . .’ ” Joinville, 249

  355 “ ‘What are you doing . . .’ ” Joinville, 246

  356 “ ‘I have a great liking . . .’ ” Joinville, 251

  356 “Know that one of the rules . . .” Joinville, 250

  360 “ ‘the name of the French king . . .’ ” Regalado, 41

  360 “ ‘Take this in Mahomet’s name . . .’ ” Regalado, 45



  391 “When Molay saw that . . .” Haiton, 61

  Select Bibliography

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  Ambroise. The Crusade of Richard Lion-Heart. Translated by Merton Jerome Hubert. New York: Columbia University Press, 1941.

  Ameer Ali. A Short History of the Saracens. London: Macmillan & Co., 1899.

  Andressohn, John C. The Ancestry and Life of Godfrey of Bouillon. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1947.

  Arberry, A. J. Sufism. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1956.

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  Atiya, Aziz S. The Crusade: Historiography and Bibliography. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1962.

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  Barber, Malcolm. The Trial of the Templars. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1978.

  Barker, Ernest. The Crusades. London: Oxford University Press, 1923.

  Belloc, Hilaire. The Crusade: The World’s Debate. London: Cassell & Co., 1937.

  Benvenisti, Meron. The Crusaders in the Holy Land. New York: Macmillan, 1970.

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