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Draco (Coded for Love Book 2)

Page 4

by Saskia Walker

  “I think I’ll let you settle in on your own tonight. I’ll stay with a girlfriend. Once we’re both working at Compton Finance together and we’re fully locked into the project, I’ll be here, making sure you don’t do a runner on me.”

  “I won’t do a runner.” He wanted her to stay. As far as he was concerned, she was the real prize. The rest of it was just a bit of fun. “There’s plenty of room,” he gestured around. “No need to go to your girlfriend’s.”

  “Indeed there is, two bedrooms.” She smiled, but she looked as if she were thinking of trying them both. “I’ll leave you alone for tonight. Let’s call it a cooling off period.”

  Draco chuckled. When he first met her she seemed a bit bonkers. Headstrong, dangerously keen and eager. She was all those things but she was also determined, grounded, and thought things through thoroughly. It was quite a mix.

  He pointed at the screen. “Mr. Steven Smith is much better looking now, I have to say.”

  “And definitely heterosexual.” When she saw his face she laughed. “Steve is gay.”

  “Oh, right.”

  She stood up. “I’ll get the champagne.”

  He looked back at the ID card on screen. It was too weird seeing his face with a strange name. “Do you think someone will check my background?”

  She paused “Maybe, maybe not. I’m not taking any chances. Have you ever opened a champagne bottle before?”

  “No. Have you?”

  “Maybe, maybe not. I’m not taking any chances.” She winked. “You open it.”


  Lara ordered pizza. By the time it arrived they were onto their second glass of champagne.

  “If we’re going to get through this project together,” Draco said, after they’d eaten and were lounging on the sofa together. “You’re going to have to learn to trust me.”

  They were flirting heavily and she was aware the fizz was going to her head. “Of course I don’t trust you. I don’t know you. I can’t become complacent. I have to keep watch…” She looked him over deliberately, trying not to giggle as she did so. “You could just take off if you get a better offer.”

  He smiled knowingly but didn’t deny it.

  “You’re a criminal. I’m taking a huge risk.” Oh but didn’t the risk feel good.

  “I’m not a criminal. I don’t have a record. I’m merely functioning outside the law.”

  She laughed, she couldn’t help it. “Which is the same thing.”

  He shrugged one shoulder. “Semantics maybe, but rules are made to be bent, at the every least.”

  “Semantics? You’re trying to impress me now?”

  “You think because I’m obsessed with code I don’t read books?”

  “Perhaps I was guilty of stereotyping you, before I met you. Understandable, surely?”

  “What, you thought I’m eternally glued to a Playstation?”

  “Guilty as charged.”

  “Not so much my thing. It’s figures I’m fascinated by.” His voice dropped into an even more suggestive tone. “What you can do to unravel code…and bend it to your will.”

  There it was again. She fanned herself. “This champagne is making me hot.”

  He put down his glass. “Look at it this way. If I’m a crim then so are you, because you’re acting outside the rules set up in your own environment by employing me under a false identity.”

  He had a point, but she wasn’t about to agree with him. “It’s slightly different. That’s a moral dilemma.”

  “There are always situations in life where the rules don’t apply.”

  Situations where the rules don’t apply, wasn’t that the truth. She’d already broken a self-imposed rule staying here later than planned. It was getting harder and harder to ignore the way he was, the way he looked, and the way it affected her. She wanted him, badly. Just looking at him aroused her. She couldn’t stop watching him and when she did her body ached to be closer, to touch him, to feel those strong arms around her, holding her.

  “You didn’t follow the rules when you hired me. Your goal is outside the boundaries established by your fathers company”

  “It’s a means to an end. What’s happening inside the company is outside the rules. I’m fighting fire with fire.”

  “Hire a rat to catch a rat?”

  There was challenge in his tone now, and it sent shivers down her spine. Why?

  “Let’s face it,” he continued, “if people didn’t challenge the law, laws would never be changed and in this country some of them are centuries out of date.”

  It struck as hilarious, his logic. “You’re suggesting laws should be changed to accommodate hackers?”

  “Not at all. Some things are beyond the pale. In fact I haven’t done any hacking since last year.”

  “You said that when we met, but you’re kidding, surely?”

  “No, but the skills just don’t vanish. If that’s what you’re worried about.”

  She tried to fathom whether he was telling the truth not. It’d only been a day, but she wasn’t sure she would be able to tell. How could she trust him, really? The incentive of more money at the end of the project was pretty sure to keep him focused, and as for everything else, she figured she’d have to take it with a pinch of salt.

  “When my stepbrother was banged up in jail for hacking, we promised him and ourselves we’d stay out of trouble and make opportunities for him when he came out.”

  Harry had mentioned there were three of them, but even as she thought about what he said the first thing that popped into her head was how dreadful it’d have been if she’d gone after the wrong one. “What sort of opportunities?”

  “If this project works out, part of the money is for him to begin his life again. He made a stupid mistake, we all did.” He pushed his fingers through his hair. “We were enjoying ourselves, seeing how far we could get.”

  “A high price to pay, being sent to jail, for larking about, don’t you think?”

  “Agreed. We didn’t think it’d happen though. It taught us all a lesson.”

  “Do you miss hacking?”

  “I don’t have to miss it now do I? You’re paying me to hack.”

  She stared into his eyes while he spoke, the Welsh inflection in his voice so melodic it compelled her attention, touching her bone deep.

  “I could listen to your voice all night. I love your accent.” She’d said the thought aloud, and then realized what she’d done, but it was too late.

  “That’s good.” He smiled. It always made him look mischievous, that smile, as if he was planning something.

  In good humor he looked wild and wicked and much more unpredictable than when he was serious. When he was at the keyboard or being serious he looked more intense, but this edge to him was beyond flirtation, as if the very movement of his handsome mouth into a smile made suggestions to her entire body.

  She tingled expectantly from top to toe, and her face flushed, embarrassment coming over her as she realized just how much she’d flattered his ego. It was getting harder and harder to continue the conversation, but she tried. “I’ve liberated your lawless side, huh?”

  “You’ve liberated my willingness to take risks, for sure.” His eyebrows lifted.

  He’d moved close, his arm along the back of the sofa, “It’s all well and good being lawless but even gangsters to have trust, within the gang.”

  “I’ve agreed to terms and signed the contract, so have you. I wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t meant to see it through, believe me. I’m good to my word.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, I’m risking a lot here. Everything, probably.”

  He reached out and took her hand, squeezing it inside his firm grasp.

  Startled, she looked down at their two hands entwined. Tingling sensations invaded her entire body from the point of contact.

  Without seeming to move, he suddenly appeared closer.

  “I’ll see it through, and we’ll find out what’s going on
at your father’s company, believe me. I can do it.”

  Her brain would hardly function, aroused as she was. “That sure, huh?”

  “I’m as sure about that as I am about this.”

  Lara suddenly realized what was happening. They were going to kiss. In that split second before it actually happened, her breath trapped in her lungs, her pulse racing. Something in his eyes flickered, like a warning or an invitation, but before she had a chance to turn away or say something, he made his move.

  He leaned even closer.

  His mouth covered hers, gently at first, then more insistently.

  Her entire body tensed then melted, her lips parting under his.

  Opening her lips to receive his kiss, she gave herself over to the experience. Her eyes closed, her body melting in submission.

  Moments later, she was leaning back over the cushions on the sofa, and he was over her. She felt his hand stroke down her side and instinctively her hand went to his chest, pressed into the narrow gap between them. The feeling of the hard muscle beneath his shirt made her moan into his mouth, the kiss enduring as they explored each other. The rub of his stubble on her skin, the manly scent of his after shave, all of it invaded her, making it both delicious and dangerous. Desire swelled inside her, a powerful determined force, removing the need for thought before actions.

  Her hands moved and for the first time she felt the mass of his muscled torso through his clothing. Built and solid, the feel of him was a hundred times more intoxicating than the sights that had turned her inside out in the tailors. The totality of his strength and maleness enveloped her. Strong and passionate, his kiss claimed her. Her lips parted and melted beneath his touch. Heated sensations flowed throughout her entire body. Hungering for more she coiled her arms around his neck. A pleasured moan escaped her. Draco moved to place a kiss against the soft skin of her throat. She blinked, startled by what was happening.

  The solid pressure of his growing erection at the juncture of her thighs made reality hit home. It was so tempting to continue, to explore and discover, but her mind had reengaged. What the hell am I doing, she thought frantically. He had her flat on her back, and the weight of his hips pressed against hers.

  She glanced across the room at the glass table where the laptop computer screens had long since gone dark. That’s why they were here, so he could investigate.

  But he didn’t let her breakaway so easily. His eyes were bright, but concern shone in them. Wrapping one strong hand around the back of her head, he looked deep into her eyes. “You okay?”

  The tenderness she saw there was not only reassuring, it was seductive in a whole other way. How easy it would be to keep going, to let him in.

  “Yes. I just suppose…I shouldn’t have...” Her voice trailed off when she realized she didn’t know quite what to say.

  Draco eased away, freeing her. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”

  Lara tried to pull herself together. She was still sprawled on the sofa head, back over the cushions, one hand grasping the back of the sofa the other trailing down towards the floor, in a state of abandon, while he quickly moved to sit up again. He was even doing the decent thing and looking away. Realizing she must look like a startled rabbit, she sat up.

  He reached to the coffee table for his phone, but put it back down with scarcely a glance and looked back at her.

  She wasn’t safe to stay here on the sofa with him, obviously. It was her fault. She’d practically invited him to whisper sweet Welsh nothings in her ear, after all. Feeling like a total idiot, she shoved her feet into her shoes and pushed back the loosening strands of her hair. She felt annoyed at herself for succumbing, for what it might mean. Don’t mess up, don’t mess up, the mantra rang in her mind in panicked tone.

  It was important she remain business like and looked the part. Tucking her shirt into her waistband, she reassured herself her office armor was in place. How had this happened? She busied herself looking just about everywhere in the room rather than directly at him, in case he was laughing at her.

  “Hey, I’m sorry.” Again he reached out and took her hand. “I know it wasn’t what you had in mind when you hunted me down. I don’t think I’m wrong though, you wanted that as much as I did?

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  He moved his hands taking hers in his, and squeezed them.

  “I wouldn’t do anything you didn’t want me to, you know that?”

  She nodded.

  “You think I’m just some loser off the streets—”

  “No, I don’t! I never thought that.”

  He put a finger to her lips to silence her. “You’re right, you were right. I wasn’t using my skills for good purpose, sure. I was hanging around waiting for my stepbrother to get out of jail and I’d have got into more trouble if you hadn’t offered me a job.”

  The moment was poignant and she didn’t want to mess it up. “If we don’t play this right, we could both be in big trouble.”

  “Let me finish. I’m, attracted to you but you should know I’d never purposefully offend a woman or do anything she didn’t want.”

  The sense of risk hanging between them was more than the work. It was about desire, and he’d said it aloud. She was glad. “I know, and I really like you Draco. I’ve enjoyed our day together.” She took a deep breath, longing to slide into his arms again, but fear for the next day nagging her to remain in control. “I ought to go anyway.”

  He smiled gently. “You could stay. I’ll take the sofa.”

  With a laugh, she shook her head. “No need. There are two bedrooms in this place.”

  “Well then, perfect. We can head into the office together in the morning.”

  “No! I mean, yes. I’ll pick you up in the morning.” She rose to her feet. “Reminds me, I need to call my dad tonight, warn him I’m bringing my buddy in as planned.”

  “Buddy? I thought I was potential boyfriend material.” He gave her a quizzical glance. “As far as he’s concerned. Right…?” He winked at her.

  She threw him a smile, relieved the awkward moment had passed. The attraction between them wasn’t going to go away, but they’d come to an understanding. She headed off, hunting for her phone. Once she found it she quickly called for a taxi before she changed her mind.

  Draco watched her and she saw regret in his expression.

  Flattered, hope and desire fluttered inside her like restless butterflies. “I’ll pick you up at seven thirty sharp. If you wait outside I’ll get the taxi to pull by for you, okay?”

  She thought he might follow her to the door, kiss her, and turn her into a puddle of lust all over again. But he saluted and stayed where he was. Thankfully.

  When she got into the taxi the sense of elation she carried made her high. Excited and nervous about the business venture, yes, but more than that, about what had happened between them.

  It was crazy to be distracted by a casual flirtation. She’d put so much work into this. If her father figured there was something unusual, they’d be out on their ear in a flash.

  When she’d mentioned a friend who would like a placement her father agreed, but in practical terms he was humouring her. He’d done little more than nod, making reference to boyfriend-material as if he was more amused by that. Would he even remember? Probably. She’d been proved wrong in that point before. Very little got past Compton Senior. When she assumed he hadn’t listened or heard she was always chastised

  Would her dad suss out what she was up to? God, it wasn’t worth thinking about what his reaction might be. Reason tapped on her shoulder. He’d have to find out eventually. Yes, but he’d admire her initiative, and reward her by giving her equal status to her brothers. Her father was maverick to the core. He enjoyed a good joke and a crackpot scheme that paid dividends. If he didn’t, she’d lost nothing. Her place in his life was an obligation to her mum, no more. Whatever, she’d find out in a few days.

  Touching her lips tentatively, she recalled the kiss.

zy girl, she told herself. Focus. It was crucial to be in control, and she wasn’t. Even after she’d left Draco’s side she was high and dizzy. It was massive, what she was attempting to do, and the man she was doing it with was lawless and too sexy for his own good.

  “Don’t let me end up regretting this,” she murmured to herself, but even while she said a silent prayer a smile crept over her face, because that’s what he’d done to her. He’d made her feel good, and whatever else happened, she didn’t regret that kiss.


  After she’d gone, Draco grabbed another slice of pizza then wandered back to the glass table. The laptops were still open and logged onto Compton Finance in Lara’s name. This was too good.

  All he had to do was seduce the princess, find the trophy so she could win her quest, take the money prize, and unleash a few demons on the way out. Congratulating himself on his good fortune he sat down at the computer and got ready to take a good mosey around.


  Compton Finance was located right in the center of the area called City of London, the square mile of land dominated by British finance—the banking district. The offices took up three floors in an awe-inspiring glass skyscraper. It was the sort of place Draco never thought he’d enter in physical form, but used to get a kick out of trying to hack.

  Virtual invasion they’d called it. Sean came up with that one. Truth of the matter was Draco didn’t need to walk in there to wreak havoc, but it was quite a kick being able to do so.

  “Stay close,” Lara murmured as they entered the reception area.

  She was really nervous, he could tell.

  “Sure thing, Sweetheart.” He peered at the other suited workers heading into the building suspiciously. As far as he was concerned this was not only foreign land, it was enemy territory. What would Sean think of this? he wondered as he strolled past the security guards.

  “You’re not going to bail out on me are you?” Lara asked under her breath while they waited in the corridor of elevator doors.


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