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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem: Books 6-10

Page 21

by Eve Newton

  “No, I am not leaving you alone.”

  Grr, how am I supposed to try and get to the alternate universe if I am never left alone?

  “Please, baby,” I wheedle. “You can join me in a bit. I just need some time to think about things.”

  “What things?” he asks suspiciously.

  “The Thirteen,” I remind him. “I need to think about how to get rid of it...him.”

  “I will help you hash it out,” he insists.

  “No, Cole!” I snap at him and he flinches. “I’m sorry, baby. That’s not my process. I need my brain to try and figure it out first. Please.” I touch his arm gently and he sighs.

  “I will be in the bedroom. Even if you think you are dreaming, or are actually dreaming, or whatever, just shout for me.”

  “Thank you. Give me half an hour and then I will make it up to you. You can take any liberty you so wish,” I lower my voice seductively and his eyes light up, completely distracted.

  “Any liberty? I can think of a few,” he says. “But let me run your bath first. Make sure you get settled in first.”

  I nod and let him have at least that. I feel awful for doing this behind his back, but everyone made it clear that they were against it yesterday, so it will remain my secret until I can bring Fraser home to me where he belongs.

  Chapter 22

  Once Cole has run the bath, I usher him out. He is protesting but I remain firm. I close and silently lock the door. Not that it will make much difference. If he wants in, he will get in. I have no idea how to go about doing this. In the heat of the moment, the adrenaline pumping, I just thought where I wanted us to be. Okay, so I got it slightly wrong most of the time but now that I have an anchor, something real and only in the other world to think about, I am hoping it will go without a hitch. That’s what Xane said on the jet, something real to focus on. I sit on the edge of the bath and relax. Breathing slowly and deeply, I think of Fraser. My eyes pop open. Wait! My brain yells at me. I went back to the past in this world (I assume it was this world, it could well have been the other one), I can go back again to my Fraser. I can go back to 1745 and convince him that he needs to let me turn him and then take him away. Away from Culloden, away from Scotland. It will drastically change the course of history though. Who knows what will happen if I do that? Just bringing him here from the other world to fill the gap that should have him in it probably would be less risky. I want Fraser with me, but I don’t want to lose Cole. I don’t want that to happen. Oh, I am torn now. I don’t know what to do and time is ticking away. Make a decision, Liv, I tell myself.

  Other world Fraser. If he is different and not the man I love, I will revisit.

  I think of him, I think of her, so cold and hard and horrible, I think of him as a Vampire. I want to be with him. Just let me get to him.

  That feeling washes over me and I open my eyes. I am still in the bathroom. That’s disappointing. I stand up and sigh but then do a double take. The bath is empty, not full as it was when Cole filled it. I suppose it makes sense that I would have come to the same place, although whose hotel suite this is remains to be seen. I use my super hearing to listen. Nothing. I cautiously open the bathroom door and the bedroom is empty. So is the sitting room. Good. At least I don’t have to explain my presence to anyone, although how I am supposed to find Fraser from here is anyone’s guess. If I am even in the right timeline, that is. I could be in the past or the future for all I know. I peek out the window and see that it looks like 2013 but that doesn’t mean much, now does it.

  “You!” her voice rings out behind me, full of disdain. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  I spin and take in her vicious sneer as she stands there with her hands on her red leather-clad hips. Actually, they are quite nice pants, I note. Low slung red leather to show off her flat stomach, tight fitting but pleasantly so. The top, however, is a different story, what there is of it, anyway. Red heels complete the look with her long hair straight to her waist and a lighter blonde than mine, her overdone eye make-up pronouncing her very green eyes. They are a Shift if I ever saw any. She casts her eye over me in my bare feet and casual sweats and hoodie. Ah yes, perhaps I should have had the foresight to change into something a bit less comfortable. I hope my Powers still work here as I try to change into my usual attire of black mini and halter-top, Louboutins in place.

  “Huh, slightly better,” she says through narrowed eyes. “I ask you again, what are you doing here?”

  “Looking for someone,” I say boldly, mimicking her pose of hands on hips.

  “Oh?” she cocks her eyebrow. “Got bored with your boys and came to take a go at mine? I assure you, yours are more fun,” she says dryly.

  “Erm, maybe,” I say carefully.

  “Well, what’s mine is yours. Feel free, although I am sure you won’t find them to your satisfaction. Except maybe Cole.” She shrugs.

  Gods, this woman is just mean and horrible. I can’t stand her.

  “Do you not care about any of them?” I must ask.

  “Of course, I do. I love them all. They are just boring. I am way past this place. Being transported to your world has made me realize that there is more out there to challenge me. I didn’t think that there was any more.” She sounds almost sad. “You really should be a better Queen, you know.”

  “How do you know what I am like or what my world is like?” I ask, somewhat offended.

  “Oh, please, look at you,” she sneers. “You haven’t gripped your true potential. Not having Devon be the one definitely did not do you any favors.”

  “How do you know he wasn’t?” I know I sound childish now, but she has me on the defensive.

  “You aren’t married there,” she says as if that is the be-all and end-all. “And it is quite clear that you haven’t had your Powers very long. If you had, you would be more like me.”

  Oh, Christ, I hope not.

  “It is a shame that you had to wait so long. Had you become Queen in 1506 when you were still a proper Vampire you would be so much better at it.”

  I tilt my head at her. “Proper Vampire?”

  “You know, a predator. A hunter and killer.” She gestures with her hands to make her point. “You are just weak,” she adds.

  Humph! Now she is seriously starting to piss me off.

  “Where is Fraser?” I snap at her.

  I catch her off guard momentarily, before she assumes what seems to be her usual sneer, “Fraser? What do you want with him?”

  “He is here?” I ask, trying for casual, but probably not pulling it off.

  “Well, he isn’t here. Why are you here, in Toronto?” She is suspicious now.

  “I came from Toronto. Where is Fraser?” I ask again.

  “Why do you want to know?” she asks slyly.

  “I want to see him.”


  “I just fucking do, so tell me where he is!” I yell at her and she laughs, perfectly in control of her emotions as I go off on one.

  “Don’t like yours? Thought mine might be more suitable?”

  I go for the truth, maybe she still has some heart left under than teeny tiny red leather belt she is using as a top. “I don’t have him anymore,” I admit.

  “You don’t have him? You mean he is dead? How did that happen?”

  “Long story I would rather not recount if you don’t mind. Please. I just want to see him.”

  “Hm, well in the spirit of sisterhood I will let you see him. Can’t say that he will be what you are looking for, though.” She frowns and my stomach drops. “He isn’t altogether very nice.”

  Oh crap. That coming from her makes me want to be sick. CK was right, maybe I shouldn’t have done this. “How so?” I choke out.

  “He is mean and cruel. If I didn’t love him so, I would have put him down years ago.”

  Tears prick my eyes, but I blink them back, turning from her.

  “He was a mistake,” she says quietly. “He didn’t want me to turn him
and I shouldn’t have. I just wanted him to be with me forever.” I turn back to her, mouth agape at her soft tone.

  “Did you turn yours?” she asks with genuine interest.

  “No, he died a human. He didn’t want me to turn him either.”

  She nods sadly. “If I were you, I would leave well enough alone. You have your memories. Leave it be,” she says and orders the last three words.

  I stare at her. Seems she does have something resembling compassion.

  “How did you know he was still alive over here?”

  “The Thirteen told me.”

  “The Thirteen? What is he still doing around in 2013?” she asks incredulously.

  “It is making a nuisance of itself. Himself?”

  “How long exactly have you been Queen?” she asks me then.

  “Err, eight months,” I say.

  “Eight months? That is it? No wonder you are a weak-assed fool.”

  “Hey!” I snap at her. I am all for self-deprecation, but this bitch doesn’t get to judge me.

  She holds her hands up. “Okay, calm down. Just making an observation.”

  “Have you already got rid of him?” I ask.

  “Oh yes, I defeated him many centuries ago.” She dismisses it with a wave of her hand and a strange look on her face.

  “Well, many centuries ago he was weaker than he is now. I know he has been feeding off every paranormal being to cross over,” I say trying to make her see that it’s not just me being weak but him being stronger, as well.

  “Hm, yes you may have a point,” she admits ungracefully.

  “How did you get rid of it...him?”

  She hesitates and I wonder if she will tell me anything. “It was a trial, but my power was greater in the end,” she says eventually.

  “A trial? That’s it? No words of wisdom or advice to pass down to your weaker self?” I snarl.

  “I defeated him as he had nothing on me. He tried but failed. I know his game. What power does he hold over you?”

  I blink at her. No power over her? Well, clearly not Fraser, but what about Lance? Is that what this is? Is he making a fool of me because I care enough to love or even be afraid of someone?

  “What about Lance?” I ask instead of tell.

  “Lance?” she scoffs. “What did he do to you?”

  “What did he do to you?” I ask instead.

  “Oh, many things,” she says with a glint in her eye. “We were a thing once, back in the day. Vicious creature. So much like me.”

  My heart pounds. “You were involved with him?”

  “Oh, yes. For many years, until I grew bored and killed him. You weren’t? I am still finding it difficult to keep up with our differences.”

  “He took me and tortured me for a dozen years,” I choke out. “You loved him?”

  “Hm, I suppose. He tortured you? What did you do to get a bug up his ass?”

  “Nothing, except exist.”

  “Oh, he was jealous. Yes, I see. Your sire must be far fonder of you in your timeline than mine is here.”

  “He loves me.”

  “Lucky you. Mine hates me,” she says as she plops down on the sofa.

  “I can see why,” I mutter.

  “Oh?” she snaps. “Being a bit judgy, are we?”

  “Truth hurts, does it?” I snap back.

  She regards me with renewed interest. “How does he love you?”

  “He just does. We are in love. He will do anything for me. Give me anything I ask.” All of this is unnecessary info, but I feel the need to rub it in her smug face.

  “Since when?”

  “Since always. Albeit only the last few months have we come to realize just what we mean to each other again and how far we will go to be together.”

  “Told you he will marry you, did he?” she goads, and I have the great satisfaction of telling her.

  “Yes. In fact,” I hold up my right hand and wiggle my fingers, “he gave me this in exchange for my promise to marry him.”

  Her eyes nearly pop out of her head and I smile smugly at her. Seems I have something she wants this time. I am itching to tell her about Ponte, but I keep my mouth shut, with great difficulty.

  “But you are already married. To Cole, I understand? I don’t understand this?” She seems genuinely perplexed.

  “It isn’t for you to understand. This is my life.”

  “And yet you come here looking for my Fraser? You do have some nerve,” she says as she stands up again.

  “Look, I don’t want to argue with you,” I say, trying to placate her. “But anything you can tell me on how to defeat this Thirteen lark would be most appreciated.”

  “How appreciated?” she asks, very bright green eyes narrowed to two tiny slits.

  “What do you want?” I ask cautiously.

  “I think you know.”

  “You are not coming to my world and taking what is mine,” I say vehemently.

  She shakes her head sadly. “I want my sire’s love. I don’t understand why you have it and I don’t.”

  “How can I help you with that? You aren’t having my sire.”

  “I don’t want yours,” she grinds out. “I want mine. I saw the way mine looked at you. Why do you get two who love you?”

  “Your sire doesn’t love me. He doesn’t know me. He clearly knows you though,” I say, hands returning to my hips now as I gain a slight upper hand.

  “What do you know?”

  “He said the Power has gone to your head. That he fears for this world now that you are Empress. Doesn’t that say something to you about the way you are acting?”

  “He said that?” she asks, taken aback.

  “Yes. In the whole two minutes, I knew him, that is what he chose to tell me.”

  She steels herself. “Help me and I will help you.”

  “Help you with what?” I ask.

  “My sire,” she says as if I am stupid. “Help me make him love me and I will tell you how to get rid of The Thirteen.”

  “How do I do that?” I ask incredulously. “I can’t just make him love you.”

  “Yes, you can. You can pretend to be me, for a while. Sweep him off his feet. Once he has fallen for you, I will take over.”

  “I think he will notice the difference. He isn’t stupid.”

  “It will be too late then. He will be in love and that’s all there is to it.”

  “I can’t. I can’t leave my world and come to yours to help you manipulate your sire. I have issues to deal with and a handful of men to please.”

  “Yeah, I hear you. Don’t you sometimes think we made a rod for our own back there?”

  I step back, hand on my stomach. “You think that?”

  “Don’t you?” she retorts.

  “No. I love them.”

  “Well, it does seem you have less to deal with than me. Maybe when you take them all, you will see what I mean.”

  “Take them all? Never. I will never be what you are,” I say.

  “Oh, sweetie. Don’t be naïve. You have already set your course. If you haven’t already accepted your connection to Xane, you will. Cade will bond with you. Sebastian is… well I will leave you to figure that one out and Finn is your chosen Dragon mate.”

  “Chosen by whom?” I ask absently, as I am thinking about what she said about Sebastian. Leave me to figure what out?

  “Our mother, of course.”

  “No, your life is not what my life will become,” I say forcefully.

  “How do you know?”

  “I just do. Speaking of our mother, do you know who our father is?” I ask in a quick change of subject that I know works to throw people off guard as CK uses it all the time.

  It works all right as she blanches. “You don’t know?”

  “Nope. I am guessing you do.”

  “No,” she says, pulling herself up straight, “I have no idea. It is of no interest to me.”

  Riiiiiight. Sure. Whatever.

  Now I am more cur
ious than ever but by the looks of it I am not going to like the answer.

  “You should leave now,” she says. “Think about what I said about us helping each other and what I said about Fraser. If you still want to find him, he is back in Scotland.” She Astrals out without another word and I just stand there wondering: What the fuck?

  What do I do? Do I go to find him or leave it be, as she said? Mean and cruel? I just don’t see it. But there again, look at other me. What a bitch. Not really knowing what to do but knowing I must get back to my life, I go to the bathroom and wish myself back into my world. It works as I see the full bath and hear Cole knocking on the door. “Liv? Are you okay in there?” he calls.

  I quickly strip off, sending my other outfit straight back to the closet where I pulled on it from, and sink myself into the bath, not bothering with the lock because as I said earlier he will get in if he wants to and I have to actually be wet when he sees me. I duck under the water as he bursts in, punching the door almost clean off its hinges and he drags me out from underneath the surface. “What the fuck?” he yells at me.

  “What?” I say innocently.

  “You locked the door and you weren’t answering me, I panicked. And then I saw you here under the water.”

  “Cole, I can’t drown, sweetie. I find it peaceful under there,” I placate him and feel dreadful for having deceived him.

  “Peaceful?” he continues to yell at me. “I was worried sick.”

  “Sorry, baby,” I murmur. “Why don’t you join me in here now?” I pull his head closer to mine, tilting my head up to distract him and it works like a charm.

  “Hm, do I get to take my liberties with you now?” he asks with a smile.

  “Anything you want,” I say.



  “Come with me then.” He pulls me out of the water, and I stand. He picks me up and carries me, dripping wet, to the bedroom and places me gently on the bed.

  “Devon said he cuffed you?” he asks casually.

  I nod cautiously.

  “Will you let me tie you up?” he asks shyly.

  I nod. “I said anything.”

  “And you promise to stay in place?”

  “Yes.” I shiver as he pulls out four ties from his closet. He starts with my ankles and ties them each to opposite ends of the bedframe. He crawls up me and wraps the tie around first my left wrist and then my right, leaving me spread-eagled on the bed. He looks at me adoringly and sighs. “Do you know how beautiful you look?” he asks softly, exactly as Devon had. “So vulnerable.” He brushes his hands lightly down me. Over my aching nipples, down my stomach, flitting over my pussy and all the way down my legs. He climbs off the bed and undresses slowly, taking his time as I watch him hungrily.


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