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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem: Books 6-10

Page 65

by Eve Newton

  “Well, it looked like it from where we were standing, that is why she made the deal. She is sure that her father won’t treat her in the same manner.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure,” Sebastian mutters and then closes his mouth on a whispered curse.

  “How do you know so much about her?” Cole asks, stepping forward. “And who the fuck are you anyway?”

  “I am getting quite tired of that question. You have all met me before. This is the downside to taking on different personas – when you adopt your own, no one recognizes you.” Remiel sighs wearily and sits.

  “Aefre called him Remiel. He is The Thirteen, apparently new and improved,” Constantine says wryly. “But he is not important. We need to find a way to get Aefre back. I am not leaving her there to be tortured or worse.”

  “No, not when you can do it yourself,” Xane mutters and it hits him like a ton of bricks. He stares at Xane and he stares back.

  “Yes, I know what you did. She told us,” Xane sneers.

  The pain in his heart intensifies as he remembers what he did to her. What he said to her. He hates himself for being this monster that loses all control. She is never going to forgive him. He could see that in the cell. All her anger and her pain that he caused, but he can’t think about that now. All that matters is getting her back here. He can start to make it up to her when she gets back. He ignores the Demon, turning from him and back to Sebastian, who also clearly knows what he did to her. But then, of course he would, he seems to be her confidant, the one she goes to with all her secrets and desires. He can still hear them in the tower, fucking and enjoying each other, all the while knowing what might happen. His anger flares up as the betrayal rears its head again and Sebastian steps back, sensing it. He looks at Constantine imploringly and he knows his charge is hurting because he is angry with him, but he can’t forgive him. Not yet. He has forgiven Aefre. He forgave her the second he saw her in the tower, but it was too late. The monster was already out, and he couldn’t hold it back. He tried. He really tried, but her defiance just made it worse. Just once he wished she had done as she was told. He closes his eyes briefly as he remembers now through the haze of his rage, he showed her his true power and he all but told her what he was having done to her and her fucking charge. No wonder she looked so hurt in the cell. He thinks there was maybe a glimmer of hope that she would forgive his actions in the tower but that, if she knows, she won’t ever forgive him.

  “She knows,” Sebastian says quietly, able to read his thoughts as clearly as he can read Sebastian’s. “She was going to kick my ass about it after we got you back.”

  “Yes, I can only imagine that she was. You will get off lightly compared to me.”

  Sebastian shakes his head, his sorrow evident. Oh. She’s told him it’s over between them. He is sorry for his pain, but he’s glad. At least now there will be no question of a baby between them.

  “So how the hell do we get her back?” Devon asks. “Why can she not just Astral out?”

  “It doesn’t work. Only Faerie powers work in the Fae Kingdoms,” Sebastian says. “I am sure it won’t take Drake long to figure out she’s there and let her go. Well, out of the cell, at any rate.”

  “This can’t be happening,” Cole says as he sits heavily on the sofa. “I need my wife back; we have to get her back. I can’t just leave her there.”

  “We will,” Constantine says, probably with more malice than he would have liked. He hates that man to his very core, but he has to put on an act of tolerance. Aefre wouldn’t be happy if she knew he dreamed of plotting his death.

  “How?” Cole asks.

  “I’m working on it,” he says and turns back to Remiel. “Are you absolutely certain of the physics? You weren’t just saying it to get what you wanted out of Aefre? I have a lot to offer you if you were lying and you can go and fetch her.” And over my dead body will she be giving you any days for you to play with her how you see fit, he adds silently.

  “No, I’m afraid two out requires two in,” Remiel answers.

  “Then we find another,” Cole says. “Remember when Liv was going to bring Other Fraser back and she asked us to find an unproductive loner Vamp with no charges and no sire?”

  “Yes, excellent,” Devon says. “We just find one, they are a dime a dozen in London, and make a switch.”

  “You cannot take a Vampire from this world and drop him into the Fae Kingdoms. He would be slaughtered,” Xane says.

  “And?” Cole says, rounding on him. “All I care about is my wife.”

  Stop calling her your wife! Constantine wants to shout at him but bites his tongue. Literally and painfully.

  “I care about her too,” Xane says heatedly and Constantine narrows his eyes at him. This Remiel had mentioned something about them a couple of weeks ago. What did he call them again? Oh, yes: “Quite the power couple.” Is there more going on there than just a slight Demonic bond? He wouldn’t put it past Aefre. He said right at the beginning Xane was exactly her type and he has seen the way he looks at her. She is careful not to look at him, though. Almost to the point where she is avoiding it, worried about what he might see in her eyes. Her eyes, the color of the grass in Ireland, with lips the perfect shade of red, and what she can do with them…

  The shouting is getting louder and it brings him back to the situation at hand. He slams his hand on the desk and everyone shuts up. “Unless anyone has another plan, I say we do it. The wrath of Drake will reign down on us, but I for one don’t give a damn. We get her back. End of story.” The sooner she gets back, the sooner he can explain to her why he did what he did and start making it up to her. He fears he is going to lose several years, if not more, with her after this. But she must know, and he has to make her see why he needs her. He gains a small amount of comfort in the fact that she still wore the ring he gave her. Even if she had tried to take it off, the curse wouldn’t have worked if she didn’t still love him. She was still wearing it, so she still loves him. That is all he needs to know. After what happened in Las Vegas, when Cole took it from her, he wasn’t taking any more chances that she would deem that acceptable behavior. If she loves him, she has to have the ring on, and woe betide anyone who gets in the way. Simple as that.

  “I won’t do it,” Remiel says, standing up again and smoothing down his impeccable suit. Constantine wonders who his tailor is out in the Spirit Realms. Fuck sake’s, focus: your thoughts are more scattered than Aefre’s. He smiles fondly to himself at his precious girl who is so clever but gives “flake” a whole new meaning.

  “And why will you refuse?” he asks, with his arms crossed.

  “While you all have been standing here arguing, I went to her. She asked that you leave her there and to not do anything stupid,” Remiel says.

  “What do you mean you went to her?” Constantine asks, knowing that he never left the room, as he didn’t take his eyes off him. He doesn’t trust him. Whatever harebrained notion Aefre has that she can trust this beast makes him question her judgment somewhat.

  “I don’t have to physically leave the room to go to her. I went into her head,” Remiel says.

  “You violated her?” Cole yells at him and Constantine raises his eyebrow. When he finds out what Sebastian did at his behest, he is going to be even more mad.

  “That is such an ugly word,” Remiel spits out. “I checked on her to see if she was okay. She is fine, by the way.”

  “How do we know that you aren’t lying to us?” Constantine asks.

  “She said you would ask that and to tell you, specifically, that when she gets out of this joint, you and your golden boy are headed for the smackdown of the century after what you pulled, and that you will then owe her an apology with many gifts and anguish. I trust you know what on Earth she is talking about?” Remiel asks, perplexed.

  Constantine smiles, a big wide smile that turns into a laugh, a genuine laugh, an affirmation that what he said sounds exactly like his sweet Aefre. “Yes, I know exactly what she is
talking about. So, you have been to her. Is she still locked up?”

  “Yes. But she is fine. I told them of your plan, and she doesn’t want you to execute it. She said to sit tight, and she will get herself out of there.”

  “Screw that,” Devon says. “We do this before that Drake guy finds her instead of you.” He points at Constantine, his gaze furious.

  “I think we need to leave her,” Sebastian says quietly. “She has to see this through with him.”

  “What the fuck do you know?” Cole says, rounding on Sebastian. “This has absolutely nothing to do with you. I am her husband and she is my sire and I say we do this. Mine is the only vote that counts.”

  “Ahem,” Devon clears her throat. “She is my sire as well, you know. I say my vote also counts.”

  “Are you for or against going to get her?” Cole snaps at him.

  “For,” Devon replies.

  “Fine, then your vote counts.”

  Well, as much as Constantine loathes him, he must admit that Cole has a backbone. Aefre’s strength must be rubbing off on him. He winces as he thinks of all of the other things of Aefre’s that rubs on him.

  “I am her sire. My vote counts,” Constantine says with authority. In fact, he happens to believe his is the only vote that counts.

  “For or against?” Cole barks at him.

  “Against. If it is her wish that we leave her to make her own way back, then that is what we will do.”

  “Then your vote doesn’t count. And even if it did it would be two against one,” Cole declares.

  “The Wolf should also get a vote,” Remiel says, playing devil’s advocate with an innocent look, that if Constantine could get to, he would beat off his face. “He is, after all, her Alpha.”

  “Lincoln isn’t here,” Devon says. “He is off with Erica doing research on that…thing.” He waves his hand about.

  “Lincoln is here,” he says from the doorway. “What is going on?”

  Constantine turns to him with absolute loathing. The boys, he can just about put up with, even though it pains him, but the Wolf…he clenches his fists in an effort not to rip him to shreds. It is because of him that he lost six months with her. He growls low in his throat as he remembers seeing them together in Las Vegas. Her words to him, her hands all over him, her desire as his cock pleased her in ways that made her so wet, he could see it glistening on him. Sebastian is at his side as the waves of hate roll off him, but he turns away, still not ready to forgive. His pain shoots through Constantine and he starts to turn back but stops himself. Sebastian needs to be punished. He has already punished Aefre, far beyond anything she deserved, and he will have to live with that for the rest of eternity.

  “Someone fill him in,” he says gruffly, the tension in his throat so tight it hurts. “But he doesn’t get a vote.”

  With Lincoln filled in, he doesn’t look all that surprised, and that angers him further. He was clearly in the know about something. “So do I get a vote or not?” Lincoln asks.

  “Not,” Constantine says.

  “Vote,” Cole and Devon say at the same time.

  “Against,” Lincoln says. “She knows what she is doing. I trust her and she is more than capable of looking after herself,” he adds.

  Constantine must grudgingly accept his support.

  “Two against two,” Devon says. “What now?”

  “It is three against two: against,” Constantine says. “Aefre’s vote counts and she said not to go for her.”

  “Agreed,” Lincoln says. “Sorry, Cole. I know you want her back, but you know if we pull her out and leave a hapless creature in her place, she will find a way to get back there anyway.”

  Cole growls at him but doesn’t make a move. He knows he would be on the losing end of that fight. Not that Constantine would mind a fight to the death - he is a Roman, after all. It has been a while since he saw one of those and he couldn’t think of two better people to have at it. He sighs, but Aefre would kill him if he allowed that to happen. The things he does for that woman.

  “So we are agreed then,” he states. He has his own reasons now for keeping her there a bit longer. If she is there, then she isn’t here, hating him for what he did. He hopes that the time away will make her see reason. Either that or it will be the opposite and she will come back, and tear strips off him. As predictable as her behavior usually is, he is finding it more and more difficult to keep up with her swaying temperament since she became Queen. He feels like he is losing sight of who she is, and it scares him. Not that he would ever admit that to her or anybody else. It hurts just to admit it to himself. She is and always has been the only one to elicit such emotions from him.

  “Agreed,” Devon says reluctantly as his charge joins him. He holds her tenderly and kisses her. It pleases him that Devon finally has a focus away from Aefre. Their relationship has been far too close and stifling for his liking. He had hoped that convincing Devon to sire the girl would accomplish this goal. But, alas, Sebastian had to get involved in that as well. He closes his eyes as he remembers that Aefre know also knows about that. She is going to kill him. He knows that Sebastian still feels bad about suggesting to the girl that she try to take her own life in an effort for Devon to save her. Constantine would have done it himself as it is a messy business, but his power only works with those he has sired. It is distasteful for him having to rely on Sebastian for such courses of action, especially when the consequences are so drastic. It was hit-and-miss there for a moment; he didn’t think Devon would do it. But all’s well that ends well as the saying goes. Now if only he could get rid of Cole. This whole marriage affair is just a disaster. But he only has himself to blame, he waited too long and now he has to wait even longer as a result.

  “Not agreed,” Cole says. “I want my wife back. It is bad enough that I haven’t seen her since Tuesday morning and now she is somewhere where I can’t get to her and she can’t get back.”

  “Look, none of us like this,” Constantine says, somewhat impatiently. “This is what she wants. Did it ever occur to you that maybe she wants to meet her father and get to know him? Do you realize how rare an occurrence that is at her age? She is probably the only Vampire in history to be presented with this opportunity. Leave her to do this her way. End of discussion.” He turns away and pours himself a Scotch. A triple one. This has been the day from Hell, and he is getting frustrated being around all of these people who know his beloved the way he does. He is more convinced than ever that Xane has also been there, as he has been quiet during this debate. Too quiet, as if he is hiding his true feelings. That kiss the other day was too familiar, like they had already done it before. He swears to the almighty Jupiter that if the Demon’s dick has been anywhere near her, he will kill him and fuck the consequences. He opens the French doors to step out onto the veranda. He senses Cole’s anger, but he dismisses it. He does not care about his feelings. He doesn’t care about any of their feelings, except for his dear Vincentius.

  The arguing continues, but he is no longer interested in hearing any of them. He moves further away and stares out at the grounds. Such a beautiful spot. He can see a lot of thought went into the purchase of this property. It is very her. She loves the big open spaces. She always has. She used to walk around the gardens at Ponte for hours every day and he used to watch her. She would be unaware that he followed her from window to window as she circled the grounds and he could see her just as she was when she was alone. Her. No pretense, no flirtatiousness, no sultry seductress, no sire adoration. None of the trappings their life had forced her into. She had been too young. He hadn’t wanted to turn her so young. He had a rule for a reason, and she is the living embodiment that proves it. He didn’t lie when she asked him if he saw her as just a child. He didn’t. She was all woman, but just too naïve and sweet to be turned so suddenly. He had wanted to get her used to the life, to know what she was getting into if she wanted it. To have a choice, the choice that he never had. He had wanted to wait, but sadly, t
hat was taken out of his hands when he found out about the baby and then when her husband all but killed her. There was no way he was walking this Earth without her after knowing her. That first time they made love in the barn was a revelation. An epiphany, even. The only thing that would have made it even sweeter was if she had been a virgin. Even though she was completely inexperienced and had only ever known violence and rape, she had still been with a man.

  If he could have taken her innocence, pushed through the gateway to her womanhood for the first time, it would have been everything he wanted. She would have been completely his. As it was, he had to teach her, and he took such delight in it. He had never bothered with anyone else before. He had either bedded experienced women or took a girl's innocence just for the rush and didn’t bother after that. But her, he wanted to teach. He wanted her to know what he could do for her, to show her that all she had endured wasn’t how it was supposed to be. And, selfishly of course, he could instruct her in everything she had to do to please him.

  She was his own little creation that could please him like no other, not only because she had no frame of reference against which to compare his tutelage, and took it all to heart, but also because being inside her, her mouth on his, her tongue hesitantly sweeping against his, her nipples brushing his chest, could jump-start the dying light inside him. He lived for her. He wanted to tell her so many times, but he just couldn’t. He didn’t know how.

  “I’m sorry,” Sebastian whispers, interrupting his wayward thoughts. “You know that I would never betray you. If I thought there was any possible way she would get pregnant, I would never have made love to her.”

  Constantine sighs. “You can’t lie to me, Vincentius, I know your thoughts. I know that something of that nature would never stop you from getting what she can give you.”

  “It would because I know that you are hoping for that outcome for yourself,” he says quietly.

  “Yes, I am. You knew that and you still went ahead with the arrangement,” he accuses.


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