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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem: Books 6-10

Page 81

by Eve Newton

  I tear my eyes away from the ceiling where I had been staring to look into his eyes. They are just like Sebastian’s and it makes me weep even harder.

  “Don’t be sad, sweet girl,” he whispers, as he kisses my tears away. “You are doing your duty. You are helping to create a miracle child. You will be revered and honored and loved.”

  I swallow loudly but stay silent as he speeds up. He is breathing heavily, and I know he is getting close. A few more thrusts and he closes his eyes and with a soft cry against my lips, he comes. It lasts for several moments and all I want is to be as far away from here as is possible. He rides me through the last of his orgasm and drops his forehead to mine. He breathes out and then in and pulls away. He adjusts his clothes and lets my wrists go free with another flick of his hand.

  He clears his throat and says quietly, “I’ll leave you to clean up before I send Thrace to you. A word of advice though, girl. Don’t let his boyish looks fool you. He is brutal and sadistic, and you would do well to go along with it and don’t fight him.” He purses his lips and adds softly, “Just say you will be mine and we can avoid this.”

  “No!” I yell at him, finding my voice, and with that he leaves me staring open-mouthed at him. What the fuck is he saying that he is sending Thrace to me? I curl up in a ball on the bed and cry. Why does this always happen to me? As far as rapes go, it wasn’t bad. The gods know I have endured worse. He tried to be gentle, but why? I don’t understand what he meant about the amendment.

  I can feel the wetness of him between my thighs and it gets me on my feet and into the bathroom. I stare at the shower and hesitate. I don’t want to go in there now, especially if Thrace is on his way up here to have a go with me as well. I need to get cleaned up, dressed, and I need to go and find Drake and hope that he will protect me. I grab a washcloth off the basin and run it under the warm tap and soap up. I run it between my legs, and I hear the door go again. Shit. Thrace already? I am so fucked.

  “Livvie?” Sebastian voice calls to me, and the flood of relief makes me go light-headed.

  “Seb,” I call out weakly and he is at my side instantly, sensing my anxiety.

  “What is it?” he asks and then just stares at me, naked and with the handprint burns on my arms and legs. I try to cover up, but he pulls my hands away. “What the fuck?” he asks before his eyes go cold as marble. “Thrace,” he growls and turns to leave.

  “No,” I grab his hand. “No, Seb, it wasn’t Thrace, it was…”

  He waits for my answer, but I can’t say it.

  “Who then? Anders?” he asks.

  I shake my head. “No, it was…Ael-Aelfric,” I stammer and then cringe from the wave of power that radiates off him.

  “My father did this to you?” he asks calmly, in deep contrast to the tense set of his shoulders and jaw.

  I nod. “I’m sorry, Sebastian. I don’t know why. He said something about an amendment. I don’t understand.”

  His face falls and he runs his hand over his face. “Don’t be sorry, Princess,” he says to me, crushing me to him in a protective embrace. “This is not your fault. I should have told you. You could have been better prepared.”

  “Told me what?” I ask, my voice muffled in his shirtfront.

  “My father’s Seer has added an amendment to the prophecy. It is not necessarily me that is your Chosen one anymore, it is any in line for King, or King,” he says with a sigh.

  “What?” I ask in disbelief. “How is that even possible?”

  “I don’t know, little one. I asked the same question myself. Apparently, it is to do with my ‘status,’” he says bitterly.

  I rest my head on his chest again, now it is all starting to make sense what Aelfric said. I have to get out of here. I am not hanging around here like some kind of ride they get to jump on and bang until I get pregnant. No fucking way.

  “I will have his head for this,” Sebastian says, stroking my back.

  I feel a crack go across my back and it makes my knees buckle. It was like being whipped by someone with enormous strength and it brings tears to my eyes.

  “Princess?” Sebastian asks, as he catches me before I fall to my knees. “What is it?”

  “My back,” I choke out before I grip his hand tightly as the wave of pain subsides.

  He pulls my hair over my shoulder, only now noticing that I look like Liv again, and stares at my back. Confusion followed by horror and then fury. “He bound your Powers?” he yells. “I will fucking kill him for this!” he roars, spinning and sending his fist flying into the mirror to splinter everywhere. Geez, this Faerie temper is something else. Volatile is not the word.

  I step back and fold my arms across my stomach, and it flips a switch in him, and he calms instantly. “Sorry,” he mumbles. He grabs my arms and says, “I will go to Drake immediately. He will see to it that he doesn’t get away this.”

  “No,” I start to say, but then Drake interrupts us by making a sudden appearance. Actually, it probably wasn’t that sudden seeing as all the yelling and crashing that was going on, but whatever.

  “That who doesn’t get away with what?” Drake asks suspiciously and then his violet eyes go so dark they turn almost black as he takes us in standing in the bathroom. Me naked and covered in burns and Sebastian looking like he is about to rip someone’s head off.

  “Kalen,” Drake growls. “I told you, you would be a dead man if you stayed here and took advantage of her.”

  “No, Father,” I say quickly. “He didn’t stay, he only just came back.” I am entirely aware at this point, as his eyes shift to mine and he looks mortified, that I am still standing here in the nude. I hastily grab for the nearest towel, which is across the room, and wrap it around myself.

  “What is the meaning of all of this?” he says once I am covered up. “One of you start talking and, you,” he points to me, “are supposed to look like me.”

  I tug on my blonde hair and sigh. “I can’t Shift back,” I mutter, and he frowns at me and turns to Sebastian.

  Sebastian looks at me and I look down. He is going to tell, and I just hope that Drake wasn’t aware of this plan or my heart will break into a thousand pieces.

  “Your daughter has been the victim of assault,” Sebastian says, hands on hips. “If you know anything about this, so help me, I will end you.”

  I look up sharply at that, as does Drake. Fortunately, he hadn’t noticed what Sebastian has said as all he took in was the first part.

  “Assault?” he snarls. “What do you mean? Aeval, what is he talking about?”

  I stay silent, letting Sebastian talk for me. “Are you aware of the amendment?” he asks.

  Drake’s eyes narrow into two slits and says, “What amendment?”

  Sebastian sighs and fills him in. Drake is getting angrier by the second and when Sebastian says, “My father bound her Powers and sexually assaulted her,” I think he is going to hit the roof.

  His menace is palpable and seems to take up the entire room. It is stifling in this bathroom and I am feeling suffocated. Although, at least I am fully confident that Drake did not know of this plan and that he definitely does not approve. He is grilling Sebastian about what exactly happened, even though Sebastian only knows what I have told him. I hope he doesn’t turn the interrogation onto me as I am in no mood to answer questions about this. My ears perk as I hear Sebastian say something pertinent.

  “The spell is a five bind. One has already gone. She will Shift to her Dragon as soon as the last bind breaks. She will be flaming mad and by flaming, I mean that in the literal sense. She needs to get home.”

  Five binds? I am guessing that is the five bands that had held Her tightly. I am feeling a bit itchy now like I need to Shift.

  Drake is pacing like a caged animal. His enormous size is taking up most of the bathroom and then he stalks off back into the bedroom to resume his pacing. I breathe out slightly and Sebastian says to me, “Are you doing okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Itchy.
I need to go.” I breathe in sharply as another band snaps across my back and Sebastian marches over to Drake and says, “Please, you need to let her go now.”

  “I will,” he says calmly. “I will take you myself, it is the quickest way. Are you sure she will Shift as soon as the spell breaks?”

  Sebastian nods. “Pretty sure. The Dragon is going to be pissed when She gets released. The spell is designed to bind quickly but unravel slowly to reduce the damage.”

  Drake nods and says, “Yes, we have something similar on this side. Get her dressed, but first I must ask, have you and she…” He looks vastly uncomfortable as he shuffles his feet and finishes, “…been together?”

  Sebastian flushes a bright red and I slink back into the bathroom, not wanting to be asked that question by my father.

  “Yes,” Sebastian answers quietly.

  “If she Shifts it will, uh, destroy a pregnancy?” Drake croaks.

  “Yes,” Sebastian croaks back and I listen on with interest from the safety of my bathroom.

  “I see. I suppose under the circumstances that is for the best. Mark my words, Kalen, I will not let Aelfric get away with this. He does not come into my house and rape my daughter. I will see him dead. You know what that means for you?” Drake asks ominously.

  I peek out the bathroom and see Sebastian nod grimly. Does that mean he will be King?

  “You will be back here to have your Holy Union with Aeval at the full moon and then you must consummate the union.” He looks pained as he says that.

  Sebastian nods again and I recoil. That is definitely not happening.

  He brings me a dress in the bathroom and hastily gets me dressed. I am shaking from head to toe and he places some calming hands on me. “We’ll be home soon.”

  I smile weakly at him and go over to where Drake is pacing again. He looks at me forlornly.

  I smile and say, “I’m okay.”

  He closes his eyes and pulls me to him. “This should never have happened. I don’t know how to be a father to a daughter. I should have known to protect you properly. Please forgive me, my Princess.” His arms crush me, and I struggle to breathe, but I have never felt more loved in all my life. Not in the non-romantic sense anyway. I have never had a parent who showed me affection and who cared for my well-being.

  “There is nothing to forgive, Father. I love you,” I whisper, and he chokes back what I think is a sob, but it can’t be.

  “You love too easily,” he says gruffly, but I can tell he is pleased with my words even though he won’t say it back. But the man has a point, I fall hard, and I fall fast, and I wouldn’t change it for anything. I step back and a sweat breaks out on me and my breathing gets ragged. Sebastian is at my side instantly, taking my hand. “We need to go now,” he says.

  Drake nods and grabs us both in his tight grip and transports us in a puff of smoke into the woods at my home. He points to a small round patch of grass, a darker green than the surrounding grass. “A Faerie ring,” he says. “You will be able to pass through, both of you. Ensure you are back by the full moon.” He leans down to hug me. “Take care, Princess. I-I’m glad that I found you.”

  “Me too,” I say back, knowing that it is the most I will get out of him. “I have to admit, it has been a harrowing experience, but I am glad that I met you.”

  “I will be better prepared for your visit, next time,” he says and catches me as my knees give way as another band breaks.

  I nod and he disappears, leaving Sebastian and me alone. He grabs my hand and ushers me out of the woods. “What can I do?” he asks, as we reach the gardens and I drop like a stone to my knees.

  “Nothing,” I say. I am on all fours, panting and sweating, and I realize that I also now have an audience. Someone must have seen or sensed us from the house, and everyone came running. I grimace, as does Sebastian. We share a look and he knows he is so busted. “Don’t say anything until I get back,” I whisper. “Just say you found me in the woods.”

  He looks stricken, but nods. It is futile though. We will have to come clean, as I know my boys and they are neither stupid, nor the type to give up on a suspicion.

  “Liv?” Cole says as he reaches my side and kneels next to me, brushing my damp hair back, and running his hands down my Faerie-marked arms with a frown. “What’s happening?”

  “Shift,” I get out before the fourth one snaps. They are going quicker now, and I can feel V.A. simmering under the surface, ready to burst out and cause some damage. “Get out of here, all of you.”

  Sebastian grabs Cole and pulls him away protesting. “Her Dragon is coming out and isn’t happy about being in the Fae Kingdoms,” he murmurs. “We would be wise to evacuate.”

  “Wait, Liv, are you going to be okay?” Cole calls to me as he struggles against Sebastian.

  I don’t answer as I am incapable, but also because everyone looks up at the sky as a massive tear rips it open and a portal appears about a hundred feet across. Even I gape at it, as it is well above the shadow cover, and I know what’s going to happen next. As soon as I set eyes on my mother, in Dragon form, the final band breaks and I Shift in an instant with a thunderous roar and a stream of fire. It hurt like Hell as I changed shape so quickly, but as soon as I flap my wings, the pain is gone and I’m off, flying towards my mother and her two Blue companions, leaving everyone else behind staring into space. The portal closes behind me and I fall in next to my mother. “Go with To’Kah,” She says to me telepathically and veers off in the opposite direction, with the bigger Blue behind her.

  I look at To’Kah. “Follow me,” he says and nothing else until I see a massive landing pad. We are in the Underworld, that I know, but in a section, it seems, made for Dragons. There are cliffs and caves and canyons and every so often, one of these big flat, open spaces to land on. To’Kah lands and Shifts to his human form and I do the same. I stare at him as he is something else to look at. Standing in just a pair of black jeans, he is around six-foot-five, with long black hair to his waist. He has stacked abs to die for, markings over most of his chest and arms, his skin is swarthy, he looks Asian, and his dark eyes are gazing at me in my jeans and long-sleeved top, as brazenly as I am gazing at him.

  “Pretty,” he says with a smile. “Not at all like your mother, though. Curious.”

  “Indeed,” I remark. “Not so bad yourself there, Finn.”

  He chuckles and steps closer. “I have been trying to contact you. No one would tell me where you were.”

  “I know, I found out a few days ago, but then everything went to Hell and back. Why were you looking for me?” I ask.

  “Your mother wished it,” he says, as if it is obvious. “Want to tell me what happened back there?”

  Uh, no. I blink at him and remain silent.

  “I know your Powers were bound and by whom, as does your mother. She will deal with you in a moment. I would like to listen if you want to talk.”

  “What do you mean, She will deal with me? It wasn’t my fault what happened. I will not be punished for something that was out of my control,” I say vehemently, stepping closer to him in my anger.

  He puts his hands up and says, “Calm down, that isn’t what I meant. You will see shortly. We are going to be quite close soon. I want you to be able to trust me.”

  “In what sense?” I ask carefully, as I have no intention of getting “close” with anyone, let alone him.

  “I am to be your Guardian,” he says.

  “My what now?” I ask, my confusion stepping on my caution.

  “Your Guardian,” he says again, but it still offers up no explanation as to what a Guardian is. “I will be your balance,” he adds, as he sees I have no idea what he is talking about.

  “My balance for what?” I ask.

  “Your Powers,” Finn says. “Come, we should go to Tiamat, She will be ready for you now.”

  I really don’t like the sound of this but let him take my hand and Astral us into a gigantic cave that is lit only by the massive fire
pit in the center. The shadows flicker ominously, and I feel a slight sense of dread.

  Tiamat steps out of the shadows, dressed in Her usual attire, Her long hair curled up on top of Her head. “ValamAtrux,” She says, with a regal nod.

  “Mother,” I say quietly, waiting for the “dealing” to begin.

  She holds out Her hand and I take it as Finn disappears into the dark. I gulp but She smiles at me. “I am sorry, my daughter, about what you endured. I had feared you going there without the proper preparation, but I thought your father,” She spits the word out, “would have taken better care of you.”

  “It wasn’t his fault,” I say, going to Drake’s defense.

  Her perfect eyebrows shoot up. “You defend him? What right does he have for such devotion from you?”

  “He is my father,” I say.

  “Hah!” She says. “He has no right to call himself that.”

  “Yes, he does,” I say boldly, and then flinch as She glares at me, but I continue. “It is not his fault that he didn’t know about me. You kept it from him.”

  I am mad at Her for keeping this a secret and I want Her to know.

  “For your own good,” She snaps. “You are my daughter. My heir. Your place is on this side. Not theirs.”

  “Well, it’s a bit late for that,” I say wearily.

  “You have sworn allegiance?” She asks in disbelief.

  Err. “Not officially,” I begin, and She makes a noise of disgust, “but I am prepared to do my duty to him.”


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