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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem: Books 6-10

Page 133

by Eve Newton

  “What did she ask you to do?” he asks. He knows her well enough by now. Her forked tongue is well mastered. She only gives you what you asked for. Much like some other people he knows and wishes he didn’t. He has learned by now to carefully craft his questions to get what he needs to know.

  Jess shakes her head and he can see her biting her tongue.

  “Enough of this,” Other Liv says, getting impatient and squashing the Fire orb in her hand. “I asked her to slip a little something to your sire in order to get rid of her for a while.”

  Devon whirls around and advances on her. Before he can say a word, she adds, “Too bad she didn’t follow through.”

  He knows she is telling the truth, but that leaves the question of if Jess did it and failed or didn’t do it at all. He turns back to Jess and he sees her looking anxiously at Other Liv.

  “You gave it to her, didn’t you?” he asks quietly.

  You could hear a pin drop in the ensuing silence and even Other Liv has shut up to wait for the answer.

  “She asked me to put it in her blood. She threatened me,” Jess suddenly squeals.

  Other Liv laughs scornfully. “Hardly, my dear. You couldn’t have been more cooperative.”

  “You poisoned her?” Devon asks.

  “No! No!” Jess says, her voice rising. “I didn’t. Remiel took her before she drank it.”

  “No!” Devon says, stepping forward and clapping his hand over her mouth. Her eyes go wide as she realizes what she’s done.

  “Uh-oh,” Other Liv says. “I am out of here.” She pops back out of existence as Lizzie storms through the door of his bedroom, murder on her face, which turns to horror as Remiel also pops in out of nowhere and looks around with narrowed eyes.

  “What are you doing here?” Lizzie asks him, crossing her arms defensively.

  “The girl keeps saying my name. I was curious as to why,” Remiel replies glibly.

  Liz’s eyes go to Jess and takes in her fear as well as Devon’s hand still covering her mouth. “You aside, I know Other Liv was here,” she says, glaring at Devon.

  “It’s not what you think,” he says quickly, letting go of Jess.

  “No, it’s not,” Remiel says, and while he can’t stand this beast, he is grateful for the support.

  “What’s it to you?” Liz asks.

  “She is a ghastly creature,” Remiel says. “Why Other me hasn’t killed her by now is a mystery.”

  They all peer at him and he crosses his arms. “I believe she was here looking for information on you. She is madly curious about who you really are,” he says.

  “I didn’t tell her anything,” Devon says. “And neither did Jess.”

  Lizzie frowns but brushes it aside. Everyone is quiet and Devon’s eyes flick from his sire to Remiel who is looking at Lizzie with a look of such adoration it hits his gut like a sledgehammer.

  “Stop looking at her that way,” he growls.

  Remiel looks back at him, his gaze adjusting accordingly. “She is, will be, the mother of my children. I will look at her however I want,” he says smoothly.

  Liz swallows and moments later, Constantine strides into the room and stops dead when he sees who is here. Devon steps back, fully expecting an attack, but to his surprise Constantine just stands there, unmoving. A wave of power flows around the room, which Devon assumes has come from Remiel.

  Remiel looks at Devon and says, “You don’t know the half of what your charge has been up to.”

  Jess whimpers again and pushes herself further into her corner.

  “Explain,” Devon snaps. He has no fear of this creature with his sire by his side, and he has really had enough of everyone’s crap.

  Remiel smiles an evil grin that sends a shiver down Devon’s spine. “Oh, she has been quite naughty. Although, her help was most definitely appreciated,” he says.

  “Help?” Lizzie barks at him. “What do you mean?”

  Remiel looks at her and his smile changes to a loving one. “She made sure the house was clear when Cade set your trap. You were alone because she sent everyone away.”

  A second passes and then Lizzie is flying at his charge, her hand outstretched. She slams Jess back into the armoire and is seconds away from ripping her head off. She is snarling like a rabid dog, but he just stands there. A part of him wants his sire to kill her, to do the deed for him so this will be over with and he can go back to being just him. But the other part of him, the sire side, wants the honors himself.

  “Liv!” he shouts at her, using that name to make her hear him. “Let her go.”

  “She betrayed me,” she shouts back at him.

  “And she is mine to deal with,” he says softly.

  That gets through to her and she lets Jess go, who slumps to the floor in a crying heap.

  Devon turns away from her, offering her no support and letting her know exactly how much trouble she is in. Remiel is watching this show with almost amusement, which gets wiped off his face when Constantine suddenly launches himself at the original Vampire, claws and fangs extended. Remiel lands flat on his back, clearly caught off guard and Constantine punches him in the face, smashing both his fist and Remiel’s nose into a bloody mess. Lizzie stands there, mouth agape, as does Devon. Constantine’s eyes have gone a flaming red and Devon is wondering what on Earth is going on. Lizzie jumps into action quickly after her initial shock and reaches for them, but Constantine, or it could have been Remiel, Teleports the two of them out, leaving her to yell in frustration. She closes her eyes and must get a sense of them as she Astrals out without a word.

  “Jesus,” Devon mutters to himself and then remembers Jess. He turns to her and she struggles to her feet.

  “I can explain,” she says.

  He waits. He doubts very much she can talk her way out of this one, but he will let her try. Only because he needs to gather his thoughts. This evening has turned into something so much bigger than just his feelings. He wasn’t prepared for this. “I’m waiting,” he snaps at her.

  She opens her mouth to start when a huge explosion comes from outside that rattles the house to its foundations. “What the Hell?” Devon asks as he rushes to the balcony and peers over the side. His mouth drops open as he watches the sight below him. Constantine and Remiel are battering each other with blows that would kill an ordinary Vampire. How did Constantine get so strong? Or was he always? he wonders as Remiel sails through the air, landing on his feet and countering with a fist of iron to Constantine’s gut. Lizzie is standing there, shrieking at both of them to pack it in and he can see the sparks of magick on her fingertips. She is reluctant to fire in case she hits her sire. It is almost impossible for her to pin Remiel down, as they are both moving too quickly. Devon leaps over the balcony rails, landing softly on the terrace, and he runs to Lizzie’s side. He watches as she forms a ball of Dragon Fire in her palm. Or it could be Hell fire. He is unclear on the difference. All he knows is that he can feel the deadly pull of it from here and it has him mesmerized as the orb of fire, covered in a black cage, rotates slowly over her hand.

  “Just fire it,” Constantine yells at her before Remiel smashes him in the mouth.

  She hesitates as Remiel pulls Constantine up and uses him as a protective shield as he faces Lizzie. She shoves Devon back into the bushes, knowing that if he gets hit in the crossfire, he is a goner for good.

  Remiel smiles that evil smile again and leans down to whisper something to Constantine that freezes him, and he stops struggling.

  What the fuck?

  Remiel lets him go and straightens his still immaculate clothes. “You can put that away now, my dear,” he says to her. “We are quite done here.”

  Lizzie looks between her still sire and Remiel, then runs forward. She grabs Constantine by the arm, but he is immobile. She spins back to Remiel. “What did you do to him?” she screams.

  “Why, nothing,” Remiel answers and grabs her hands as she advances on him. “Calm yourself, Aefre. Your time is getting clo
se and you need to come back with me now so that we can conceive.”

  “No,” Liv shakes her head. “I won’t come back with you.”

  “I know you are still thinking of the child,” Remiel says. “But it will be different this time. She will live and be healthy.”

  Devon watches as all the fight goes out of her. She suddenly looks completely beaten and he steps out of the bushes to embrace her.

  Remiel sighs and says, “It’s done, Aefre. It’s time to get over it and move on.”

  “Get over it?” she mumbles, and then her hands clench into fists again. She pushes him back and beats on his chest as the tears stream down her face.

  Devon is shocked by the anger and grief that is coming from her. He didn’t know that this child meant so much to her. How could he not know? Once upon a time he knew everything about her. He knew what the next words out of her mouth would be before she spoke them.

  “How dare you!” she screams. “How dare you come here and tell me to get over it. This is all your fault. All yours!”

  Remiel’s face goes soft as he lets her hit him and yell at him. He wraps his arms around her as she collapses against him, sobbing her heart out. She tightens her arms around him, and Devon looks to Constantine to do something. He is still standing stock-still and looking at them with sorrow.

  Well, screw this. Devon grabs the waistband of her sweats and drags her out of Remiel’s arms. The instant she is free of Remiel, she turns and falls into his arms and he holds her tenderly, stroking her hair.

  “Grieve, Aefre,” Remiel says to her. “But I will be back for you soon.”

  He vanishes and Lizzie snuffles into his chest before she realizes what she is doing and steps back, wiping at her eyes. Constantine suddenly comes alive again and he takes Lizzie, crushing her to him like he will never let her go. She Astrals them off, leaving Devon on the lawn lost and alone and more confused than ever about what is going on with all of them.

  He looks up at the house and knows he has to go and resolve this Jess issue. He is furious with her for betraying Liz, for betraying him, but even worse he blames himself. He didn’t see it. He brought her into this house, into their lives, and he didn’t see the hatred she must have for his sire. He knew she was jealous, but this is something so far beyond that. He trudges up the stairs and pushes open the door to this bedroom. She is still in there, sitting on the bed and he really wishes she would stop crying. He finds it irritating and weak of her. She must have known she would get caught at some point. Secrets like that don’t get kept, certainly not around here. He had half hoped she had packed her bags and left, but no such luck. She is still here and making him do this. That annoys him further.

  “Well?” he asks as she looks up and wipes her eyes. “Start talking.” He crosses his arms and she snivels.

  “I helped him because he promised me something in return,” she says defiantly as she stands up.

  “Oh? And what would that be exactly? What could he possibly have to give you?” Devon sneers at her.

  “You,” she says to his surprise.

  “Me?” he asks with a frown, not following.

  “He promised me a bond with you. He said he could create one so that you had your sire bond with me,” she cries, and Devon raises his eyebrow at her. He thought she was smarter than that.

  “Well, here I am, bond-less. What went wrong?” he says.

  “I did as he asked. I cleared the house for him, and he took her. He didn’t come back to give me what he promised,” she says, looking down.

  “So, it was all for nothing,” Devon says.

  She looks back up. “No, I did it for you, for us.”

  “Don’t!” he yells at her. “Do not say that you did this for me. I never wanted this, Jess. I never wanted you in this way. You didn’t listen and you forced me into this. I have tried my best with you. I have tried and this is how you repay me? By betraying me?” he yells and turns from her in disgust. He doesn’t know where his head has been the past few months. Up his ass by the looks of it.

  “No,” she weeps. “I didn’t betray you, Devon. I love you. I just wanted what everyone else has.” She sticks her chin up as he looks back at her.

  “You betrayed my sire, that means you betrayed me,” he says.

  “What is the big deal? She lived, didn’t she? She is fine. I did what I did for us,” Jess says and stands her ground. He loses all respect for her. She just doesn’t get it.

  “And yet you tried again to poison her. Don’t you understand what losing her does to me?” he asks her.

  “Yes, I fucking get it, Devon. I get it more than anyone,” she snaps. “I have to live in her shadow. I have to be second best. Just once, I wanted to be first with you. I wanted a bond with you that no one could break. So yes, I wanted her out of the picture. Other Liv said she would be fine. I didn’t want her to die, I just wanted to be first.” She sighs and adds bitterly, “But even then, you found someone else to put before me.”


  Devon purses his lips. This whole situation has been a nightmare. It is time to end it. He is done caring what happens to her and Lizzie will protect him from Constantine and his wrath when he finds out he left Jess to go Rogue. “Pack your bags and get out,” he says to her.

  She is at his side in an instant, her eyes once again filling with tears. “No, Devon. Please. I will do better. I will make it up to you and to Liv. I promise. Please don’t throw me out,” she begs him, but his mind is made up and his heart has turned to stone.

  “Please,” she whispers as she drops to her knees at his feet. “Please, don’t leave me. I can’t bear to be without you. I will suffer. You know that.” The fear in her voice gives him pause. But he cannot forgive her treacheries.

  “You should have thought about that before you sided with the enemy,” he says coldly, and he turns to the door. “Don’t be here when I get back.”

  He hears her sobs as he heads downstairs, but he pays it no mind. He goes to the library to pour himself the biggest bourbon known to man, and to celebrate his freedom.

  Chapter 17

  The Underworld, March 2014 – Lincoln

  Lincoln stares hard at the house next door, just wishing for a glimpse of her to see if she is all right. He wants to go to her, but she gave up on him. On them. He should stay away, give her some time to realize what a mistake she has made.

  “Lincoln? Are you listening to me?” Chrissy asks him and it brings him back to the matter at hand. He looks at her and she sighs. “We should do the Pairing soon. The Pack is getting nervous, and you aren’t looking any better.”

  “I’m fine,” Lincoln says. “And we aren’t doing anything. Liv will come back. She will. We belong together.”

  “No, you don’t. She is a selfish bitch who left you. I am what you need, not her,” Chrissy says and stamps her foot.

  “Call her that again and I will beat you,” Lincoln snarls at her.

  She looks abashed but stands her ground. “She is no good for you. I can be everything you need. Everything,” she says.

  “No,” he says again, shaking his head. “I will get her back and we will be together again.” He stalks off, leaving Chrissy fuming in his bedroom, but he isn’t concerned about her. His heart is broken and there is only one way to fix it. He blames himself entirely. He shouldn’t have said what he did to her. He pushed her away when he didn’t mean to. He just wanted to explain to her what was going on with him. He thought she would understand and come to him. Be with him for a few days and make it better. He had no idea she would break it off with him and break his heart in the process. He doesn’t understand why she has done it. She said she wasn’t one of them, but he doesn’t understand it. She never explained it properly to him, he needs to know. He sprints out of the house and across the lawns, up the terrace steps, and bursts into her library. He startles her and her sire and they sit up from the sofa. Liv has been crying and Constantine, while fully healed, looks like he went ten rounds with
the only other being who could do that much damage to him…

  Oh, crap.

  He gulps. “Liv? Is everything okay?”

  “What are you doing here?” she asks, standing up.

  “Just tell me you are okay,” he pleads.

  “I’m fine,” she says, and he knows she is lying. “You should go.”

  “No,” he says, coming closer. “I need to know what’s going on. Why did you give up on us?” He doesn’t care that Constantine has risen from the sofa and is glowering at him. He looks intimidating in his torn clothes with dried blood all over his face, hands, and shirt, but Lincoln is not letting this get away from him now.

  “You gave up,” she accuses. “You told me that you had mourned for me. And Chrissy said I was dead to you.”

  He growls at that. He will kill her for poking her nose in where it doesn’t belong. “That’s not true. You shouldn’t have made such a hasty decision without talking to me first, Liv.”

  “Neither should you,” she says.

  “I didn’t!” he yells suddenly. “I just wanted you to know how I was feeling. We could have fixed it. We still can.”

  “Time for you to leave,” Constantine says to him, standing protectively in front of Liv. “She doesn’t want you anymore.”

  “CK,” she admonishes him quietly, but he doesn’t look apologetic.

  “It’s nothing to do with you,” Lincoln says. “Liv, please, baby. Can we just talk about this?”

  “I can’t, Lincoln. It’s over. So much has happened in the last few days, weeks, months, whatever. Everything is so much more complicated now. I am no good for you. You need to be with someone who can look after you properly,” she says.

  “You do,” he says mournfully.

  “I don’t. I’m not one of you,” she says, and it hurts him to hear her say that.

  “You are,” he insists. He knows he is losing her, and he can’t, he won’t.

  “No, Linc. I am a Vampire-Demon-Faerie-Dragon that can Shift. That’s it,” she says.


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