Eye of the Dragon (Vision of a Dreaming God) (Fallen Drakon Empire Book 3)

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Eye of the Dragon (Vision of a Dreaming God) (Fallen Drakon Empire Book 3) Page 12

by Diana Drakulich

  Chapter 32

  “Do you see Roxanne?” Zoran waved an arm at the rolling tree lined shore. “These are the real amenities of life. Not your dead machines.” His golden eyes smoldered in the rising sun.

  “And what about the Rasta - are man-eating reptilians another `amenity’ of Rastabahn?”

  “The Rasta have their place. They test us. Keep us sharp. Teach us the realities of survival.”

  He touched the pistol at his hip. She thought she heard a certain nostalgia in his voice: “Someday we will have to wipe the Rasta out. Take back White City. But we will let a few Rasta survive in the far, dark hidden places. There must always be danger.”

  He rose and helped her up. “Time to get back. I want to see how Balian is doing.”

  Hand in hand they strolled back up the crumbling White Road toward Shebear Cave.

  As they came within sight, Jivan waved exuberantly. “Roxanne - A rescue mission is coming! They heard the beacon!”

  Roxanne experienced a momentary wave of excitement, then a hollow gray emptiness clenched her heart.

  Oh No - I don’t want to go. Yet. My REAL life - is just beginning - on Rastabahn. I have never been so happy. And already I have to leave?!

  She glanced at Zoran. His expression had turned stiff, eyes hooded. She sensed his imperceptible slide away from her. She grasped his arm, made him look at her.

  “Come with us Zoran. With your gold we can buy weapons. Then we’ll come back to Rastabahn together. With laser weapons the Drakon can force the Rasta out of White City and take it back.”

  He only shook his head, a look of fatalism in those perceptive golden eyes. “I wish I could go with you Roxanne, but I cannot leave my people. My father is growing older. He looks to me. My people look to me. If their young chief deserts them, who will guide them? Protect them?”

  “Zoran you won’t be deserting your people, you are leaving to bring them a better life.”

  “Better Life? What can be better than this?” He waved. “Riding around in your metal boxes through empty blackness? Possessing weapons that can wipe out entire species, even blow up whole planets? What good is that?”

  “Zoran think about it - Your people are living on borrowed time. You must know this. The only reason Rastabahn has not been invaded and plundered is because the InterPlanetary Council designated it an offlimits Jurassic Zone. How long do you think your people will last when the first ship of mercenaries lands here and sees you have gold?”

  He released a deep sigh, his gaze somewhere far away and deep within. Finally he leveled his gaze at her. “You think we are just stupid primitives?”

  “No. If you were I would not be in love with you. Yes, I love you Zoran. But you must see that your lack of technology puts your people at a great disadvantage. This galaxy is filled with predators who would have no problem enslaving your people to mine the gold here. And there’s no way you could stop them.”

  “There are ways. The Great Spirit did not give us these powerful brains for nothing.” He gave her a sweet carnal kiss that spoke of the deep sadness he felt. The sadness of eternal goodbye. Then Zoran turned and strode away past Shebear Cave up the White road toward Drakon village.

  As she walked on slow, dazed feet up to Jivan and Koba’s smiling faces, Roxanne fought an emotional tidal wave of loss. No - it can’t end this way!

  “Good news! An Interplanetary Council merchant ship on its way to Drakonis responded to our SOS. They are sending a shuttle down.” Koba glanced at his watch - “In one hour. So let’s get packed and get the hell outa here.”

  Roxanne only stood there, staring into Koba’s eyes.

  “Oh. You don’t want to leave Zoran.” Koba’s grin drooped. “I hate to leave him too. He’s great.” And so is Balian. And Mira. Especially Mira. And I don’t even have time to tell her goodbye. But maybe it’s better this way.

  “They’re all great.” Roxanne affirmed, thinking of the young people. How they had generously shared food and listened avidly to her stories about far away `civilization’.

  “We can’t just leave these good people like this. You know it’s only a matter of time before the Drakon are decimated. Caught between raptors and greedy mercs.” Roxanne fought back tears.

  “We could go back to Terra and buy weapons for them.” Koba offered.

  “The only thing that will truly save the Drakon is an alliance with a powerful ally, like Drakonis.” Jivan put in.

  “Even an alliance wouldn’t be able save them from pirates if word gets out there’s gold here. It’s almost impossible to patrol whole planetary systems from targeted raids by armed mercs.” Koba said.

  “To form an alliance we would have to reveal the Drakon presence on Rastabahn. Give away their secret. That could be a huge mistake. It might only bring the mercenaries here sooner.” Roxanne said.

  “Maybe we should just leave well enough alone. For now. The Drakon have survived this long without our help. By trying to do good we could end up instigating a disaster.” Jivan spoke as he and Koba rushed around, stuffing clothing and equipment into packs.

  Roxanne just stood there watching them. Feeling devastated. Everything in her heart screaming at her - Don’t go! Stay here!

  But I have to go. Don’t I?

  Just as they were exiting the cave, Mira came rushing down the trail.

  “Is it true - You are leaving?” Mira looked into Koba’s eyes and saw the truth there.

  She sank to her knees. Her stricken eyes reflected the intensity of loss and betrayal she felt.

  “You weren’t even going to tell me goodbye.”

  “I’m sorry Mira. There wasn’t time. We only have an hour to pack and get down to the beach before the shuttle comes. This might be our only chance.”

  A single slow tear leaked from Mira’s imploring golden eyes. A tear that said it all - I thought I meant more than that to you.

  “Don’t cry Mira, I’ll come back.” Someday. I hope.

  Koba waved Jivan and Roxanne on. “You go ahead. I’ll catch up.”

  What started as a flirtation had evolved into something more. Koba was stunned at how much he hated to leave Mira. To leave Rastabahn. This had never happened before.

  The realization came that deep down in his soul, he hungered for the love of family, of close friends. He yearned for the adventures this strange mystical planet could bring. More than adventure he had experienced a kind of spiritual enlightenment here. No wonder Roxanne hates to go.

  Kneeling beside her, Koba lifted Mira’s face. Brushed her tears away with his thumbs.

  Her pleading golden amber eyes gazed into his. Don’t go.

  And for one instant in her eyes, he saw sun-kissed aqua waves rolling in the sun, flickering with golden light, rolling endlessly, eternally to the shore. Slow. Languorous. Yet with tremendous inexorable power.

  For a few precious days on Rastabahn, Time was endless. The passage of Time was marked by the low roar of rolling waves, by waterfalls, animal calls and the ever-rising sun. But now Time has gone away... No more time to simply enjoy… Being.

  Cupping her cheeks in warm gentle hands he kissed her. That mouth. Those succulent lips. Made for kissing. Scintillating energy flashed between them. So good. So real and true. But this moment was all there would ever be.

  “I am so sorry Mira. I have to go now.”

  She grasped his hand. “I will walk down to the beach with you. Say goodbye.”

  “No Mira, this is goodbye.” He shook his head. “It’s not safe to let strangers see you. They don’t know humanoids exist on Rastabahn. They think only dangerous reptiles exist here. If they see a beautiful woman they will tell others. Bad People will come. Raid your village. Take you and sell you into slavery. Whatever happens you must not let them see you. Do you hear me Mira?”

  “Yes Lord Koba.” She bowed her head, long black hair rippling down her cheeks, neck and breast.

  “Don’t trust strangers. No matter what they say. They always want something.”
Like me. I wanted to use you.

  He kissed her again, more passionately. Then forced himself to break away. “Goodbye Mira. I will never forget you. Never. You and your people, Zoran, Balian, you were all so good to us. But now I have to go. Back to my world.”

  “Wait. I want to give you something.” Her hands went to the thick gold chain around her neck. From it dangled a blood red ruby pendant.

  Koba knew the necklace must have come from White City. “This is my most precious possession. I give it to you Koba. But under one condition.”


  “I want it back.”

  He had to smile. “Oh I see.” His hands went to the blue-green emerald necklace Zoran had given him in White City. “In that case here is my pledge to you.”

  He carefully settled the necklace around her graceful neck so the pendant lay between her enticing breasts. “This necklace represents the greatest day of my life. I will come back for it. And for you. No matter how long it takes Mira. I will come back.”

  “I will always treasure this necklace Koba. I will never take it off.”

  “Nor I Mira.”

  Their lips melted together in a last heartfelt kiss. Then Koba turned and strode rapidly down the trail as Mira stood watching him go. Heartsick.

  Chapter 33

  Koba reached the beach just as the shuttle came whirring down, landing in a wild flurry of sand.

  An officer emerged and greeted them - “I am Lieutenant Bruce of the Drakon ship, Eternal Moment. We received an SOS message the crew of the cargo ship Golden Door was stranded here.”

  Jivan stepped forward, introduced himself and the rest of the crew. “Thanks so much for picking us up Captain Bruce. This place is crawling with poisonous reptiles. I don’t know how much longer we would have lasted.”

  “That’s right.” Koba chimed in, after quickly stuffing the thick gold necklace under his shirt. He noticed Roxanne had already done so with hers.

  The officer’s eyes traveled over them appraisingly. “You all look to be in good shape, for having suffered so much.” He said pointedly.

  “We had plenty of emergency rations.” Koba replied.

  “Yeah? Well let’s get go. You can tell us all about it on our way to Drakonis.” The officer replied.

  They began walking across the soft sand toward the waiting shuttle. The sun had fully risen now and was beaming down on the golden shore of Rastabahn.

  Her feet dragging through the soft sand, Roxanne was at war with herself. She cast a last long look at the rolling sea, so clear and aqua blue. At the beach, glaring white-gold in the sun. Her eyes took in the brilliant green beckoning jungle. The unpolluted blue sky beset with towering white cumulus clouds.

  This is my final vision of Rastabahn. So vivid. Pulsing with Life.

  She had heard that if you really loved a place you could take a picture with your mind and then you could always visualize that place. That last moment. Be there again.

  I will remember. She vowed. I will never forget...Him. I will never forget... Rastabahn.

  As she was about to step into the waiting shuttle, suddenly the stunning reality of her decision struck her like a meteor smashing down from outer space - If I go, I will be alone again. So very alone. And so will HE.

  Surrounded by people, yet still so devastatingly alone.

  She felt torn in two. Understanding broke through with glaring intensity - Zoran is my love. Rastabahn is my home. The home she had been searching for all her life.

  ‘Goodbye Roxanne.’ That beloved accented Voice invaded her mind.

  Her eyes flicked up to an overhanging cliff some 200 yards away. A tall solitary figure stood there. Watching.

  The figure lifted his arm in slow salute. Then turned and walked away. Gone. Forever.

  Oh God. There will never be another Zoran. No matter how long I look. No matter how far I roam. The realization dawned on Roxanne with terrifying clarity. He was an irreplaceable presence in her life.

  The entire essence of what she was about to lose descended on her consciousness. A black, choking hollow squeezed her heart. Hot tears sprang to her eyes.

  I can’t do this! I can’t leave him!

  She grabbed Koba’s shoulder. Hissed in his ear - “I’m staying here. Tell them not to come after me.”

  “What should I tell them?” Koba asked as he surreptitiously unbuckled the belt of his laser pistol and handed it to her.

  Fraught with overwhelming emotion she could not help laughing through her tears - “Tell them I’m crazy in love with a giant golden reptile.”

  Ecstatic energy sang through her veins. Her feet flew as she bounded across the soft sand toward that hidden break in the tree line where the White Road began.

  “Hey - Wait! Where are you going! Roxanne - Come back!”

  Voices pursued her - fainter and fainter as she dove into the green protective jungle and her feet found the White Road again. Whatever comes, Zoran and I will face it together.

  And she was not afraid anymore.

  Nihil Sine Deo

  Dear Reader, I hope you enjoyed EYE OF THE DRAGON - Fallen Drakon Empire Series, Book 3.

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  Read on for ENTITY book description and excerpt -

  ENTITY – Book 4 Fallen Drakon Empire

  To be Published July 2017


  Arkon assassin Captain Darren Bren is given a mission by the `Deep State’ to assassinate a children’s rights activist - Lena Garfield. Lena has been working to track down and publicize pedophile child sex slave networks.

  Lena will be `suicided’. The Arkon controlled media will carry a story that she hung herself in her garage over a failed love affair and insurmountable debts.

  Lena has been marked with the Black Hand for sneaking onto Lolita Island, a secret pedophile site in the Caribbean. Frequented by the ultra rich, Lolita Island was used as a site by the Arkon `Deep State’ to film and blackmail leading politicians and business CEOs for their perversions.

  Operating as a maid, Lena secretly videoed the perverse activities on Lolita Island. The video went viral and the career of an influential US senator was ruined. So was the senator’s usefulness to the Arkon Deep State.

  Therefore it is imperative that Lena be liquidated. Captain Darren Bren will be well rewarded for carrying out his mission. A promotion plus a large bonus. But if he fails, Darren will be severely punished and another Arkon will be assigned the job.

  For 10,000 years, since they destroyed the worldwide civilization of Atlantis, aliens known as Arkons (Rulers) have secretly ruled Earth through their agents – From Below. No one is allowed to threaten Arkon dominance of Earth.

  Dressed as a tranny waiter, Lena successfully infiltrates an infamous Bohemian retreat in northern California. For a 100 years it has been whispered that the heavily guarded, male only retreat worships a demonic entity and secretly practices human sacrifice.

  On the retreat grounds stands a giant 40 foot statue of an owl, symbol of Molek, God of Sacrifice. A night time ritual `Cremation of Care’ featuring a `mock’ human sacrifice complete with screams of pain, is traditionally performed before the owl. But do actual human sacrifices take place at the retreat - as long rumored? Lena’s mission is to find out the truth and expose it on the worldwide web.

  The Arkon assassin, Captain Darren Bren is also coming to the retreat. He plans to use his masculine charisma to seduce Lena, then snuff out her life.


  Taking a deep breath Lena gazed around at the lodges surrounded by California redwoods.

  I made it! I’m in!

  In over 100 years she was one of very few to e
ver infiltrate the heavily guarded Free Spirit Retreat. With her tall, slim, small-breasted physique, Lena passed herself off as a male tranny waiter.

  The top button of her navy blue polo was actually a camera. Simply by pressing an indent at back, the video images would be forwarded to her office. From there the images would be uploaded to the worldwide web, revealing the degenerate rituals conducted at the `Free Spirit’ Retreat.

  If only she could get into the closely guarded secret rituals. Only the most elite guests were allowed into those.

  Rumor was that a child would be sacrificed at the crack of dawn after the `Cremation of Caution’ ceremony the night before. The Cremation of Care traditionally held a mock sacrifice and burnt offering in front of a 40 foot owl, symbol of Molek.

  But how can I just stand by and record a child murdered? NEVER.

  To do that would be to go against everything Lena stood for. She would have no sacred ground to stand on if she just numbly stood by and watched in order to get her story out. Yet she would be alone against the crowd with no police present. And it was highly doubtful she could stop the sacrifice. The `devotees’ would overwhelm and kill her too.

  Lena and several other waiters were scheduled to serve at the dinner after the Cremation of Care ritual. It was slated to be a select gathering of the highest-ranking participants at Free Spirit Retreat. Senators, governors, presidents, billionaire CEOs, cabinet members, A list actors, etc. The movers and shakers of the US and the world.

  The theme of the dinner was `Life Force Cooking’.

  Upon entering the banquet room Lena was horrified to see what appeared to be a dead woman, with a bloated stomach floating in a bathtub of blood.

  “Is that a real body?” She asked one of the other waiters in hushed tones.

  “No, just plastic. The blood is pig’s blood.” He brushed her question off like so much quaff.

  Surrounded by four smoking braziers, a large statue of an owl, symbol of Molek, sat in the northeast corner of the room. Each celebrant dipped a paintbrush into a bucket containing pig’s blood, human semen and menstrual fluid, then swiped the statue with it.


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