Eye of the Dragon (Vision of a Dreaming God) (Fallen Drakon Empire Book 3)

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Eye of the Dragon (Vision of a Dreaming God) (Fallen Drakon Empire Book 3) Page 13

by Diana Drakulich

  Next, the high-ranking celebrants oh so delicately drank a spoonful of blood from the tub in which the dead `synthetic’ woman floated. The model looked all too real to Lena. The blood is definitely real.

  The more Lena observed the delighted faces and laughter of the participants the more she saw behind the mask. These people are Satanists.

  As everyone sat down to dinner, Young virile men clad in loincloths brought out stretchers carrying what appeared to be dead people. On closer observation Lena saw they were artistically rendered models molded and painted with food coloring.

  The `Life Force Cookers’ began hacking up the `bodies’ with gusto, revealing ground meats, vegetables and desserts. They dug out the `hearts’ and other organs, awarding them with pomp and circumstance to the celebrants, who chomped on simulated human organs with gusto as if they were human hearts dripping blood.

  Sick. Lena’s vision clouded. She felt nauseous.

  She and the other waiters were confined to serving drinks. Lena was more than content with that. Only her mission to save children kept her focused and determined to see the event through. Meanwhile the guests laughed delightedly and pretended to slaver over human flesh.

  Too top it off, living human heads were poking up through holes in the tables. Young men crouched under the tables, their heads inserted through the holes. The living heads swiveled around as if decapitated but still aware. Their eerie eyes, like evil spirits stared at the diners. The human heads replacing the usual bowls of flowers at a formal dinner.

  This is a `spirit cooking’? What kinds of `spirits’ do they worship? These people are sick. Lena was repulsed.

  After the food was cleared away, the dancing began. Drugs and alcohol were flowing freely. The firepots around the statue of Molek smoked nonstop, saturating the air with head-spinning drugs.

  From the scent, Lena guessed the braziers burned a potent combination of powerful opiates mixed with marijuana. She hoped the drugs did not include scopolamine. Favored by South American gangs, only a bare whiff of scopolamine would put a person into a completely submissive, suggestible state.

  Scopolamine made a victim suggestible that if a criminal wanted to rob that person’s house, the drugged victim would willingly help remove his own belongings. Later the victim wouldn’t remember a thing.

  Already some of the dancers seemed to be working themselves into a mindless zombie trance state. It was a highly dangerous environment. Like a pack of hyenas this crowd would relish an excuse to turn on and destroy an interloper.

  At all cost Lena knew she must not draw attention to herself but simply blend into the blur. Be a spaced-out droid.

  And so it was that standing against the wall waiting for her next call to serve drinks, Lena noticed a disturbance in the force.

  Lena went into a state of hyper awareness the instant He prowled through the door.

  His entrance attracted the kind of uneasy awareness a pack of hyenas at the sight of a prowling black-maned lion. These were some wealthy, influential hyenas, but they were still a pack. With a pack mentality. And this pack instantly recognized an ancient deadly predator.

  It wasn’t so much His height, though he stood half a head taller than most everyone in the room. Or his powerful, rippling musculature. Or the lithe way he paced into the room. It was the effortless dominance he projected. It was his magnetic allure that seemed to inspire a kind of shock and awe.

  The entire room seemed to hold its breath. Waiting…

  I have never seen anyone so charismatic. Lena thought. He is more than human. The ichor of the Gods must flow through His veins. Demon or Angel - He is an Entity.

  The `Entity’ wore a black cape lined in red silk slung over his bare shoulders. The cape swirled about his calves as he strode into the room. The black silk rippled along broad shoulders as he leaned over to speak to someone.

  Low slung, silky black pants with vertical red seams up the sides encased long legs and lean hips. His tall soft black boots rose to the knee. A belt of intricate gold links wound around lithe hips. Wide, hammered gold wristlets wrapped muscular forearms.

  Most striking - the Entity’s skin shone a strange glowing golden color, almost metallic in appearance. As if he cast his own light from within. His black hair, high cheekbones, slashing black brows and blade of an aquiline nose added to his allure.

  Oh yeah I could jump His bones. Lena’s needy thought slipped out before she could stop it. She quickly, submissively lowered her eyes.

  Some of the pack animals here were highly aware. To survive this night she must appear as a mindless sightless drone doing her job, serving drinks to the crowd.

  Only a few feet from her now, the Entity removed his cloak and laid it over a chair. She had a mouthwatering view of muscular shoulders and the twin muscles that ran along each side of his spine. The supine grace of his movements were potent indicators that his back and hips were supple, elastic.

  The Entity stepped onto the floor and began to dance alone, amidst a crowd of lust-driven, hungry men.

  Lena watched his lithe hips rhythmically rocking, driving. Clasping his hands behind his head, he rolled his tall frame in long smooth undulations, punctuated with seductive hip thrusts.

  Oh…wow - She caught her breath.

  Muscles rippling, his golden skin shimmered with magnetic charisma. His bulge, outlined under those low-riding, silky black pants called to her shy eyes.

  And then IT erupted - intense, dynamic energy swirled around the room, jacking the dancers up. Carrying them away into the Zone. The rhythm zone.

  The Entity’s dancing was taking the entire room to another level. As if he was the conduit to an unlimited sensual energy core. And they could dance all night.

  Lena couldn’t help noting his tight ass and defined muscular thighs as he danced. The smooth effortless FIRE of him. He is just - Classic.

  Caught up in the primal seduction the Entity projected, a forbidden image invaded her mind - of his supple hips grinding against hers. His oh so warm naked body undulating over her writhing form as she moaned, sucking his thick juicy tongue. His rolling hips driving that big hard cock deep.

  Everything about this ripped male Being spoke of seduction. And danger. Yeah, He is dangerous alright. With all the allure of a sex demon.

  Focus! She mentally slapped herself. Children’s lives depend on me. I can’t let them down.

  But pussy refused to listen to common sense. It tingled, clenching with need. Her pulsing libido desperately wanted to get out there and dance with Him as she had never danced in her life.

  What IS He? Is he from another planet? Another dimension?

  `Arkon’... She heard a whisper in the air. `He is Arkon’…. Was it actual voices or an unspoken collective thought? `Arkon’ ricocheted around the room `Beware the Arkon…’

  What is an `Arkon’? One thing Lena did know - every square inch of the Entity’s glowing, golden hide was...lickable. And she wanted Him. Craved Him as she had never wanted a man in her life.

  A grinning male dancer thrust himself in front of the `Arkon’, dancing to match every hip roll and thrust. It was an open invitation. No doubt there were any number of men here who craved a piece of Him tonight.

  Lena guessed the Arkon was selective as to his partners. As well he could be. Who wouldn’t want to tap into that viral energy force? To feel so alive?

  Her lonely, neglected, high-minded spinster’s libido swelled with needy arousal.

  His lithe body never missing a beat, the Arkon’s glittering gaze swept the room.

  He is looking for someone. She was sure of it. He is using that gorgeous golden body as bait. A sexy lure to draw someone in.

  The Arkon’s alpha male charisma cast an irresistible thrall over the room. As if a barbarian warrior had just stepped out of a ruthless bygone age. And everyone was going with IT. Consciously or not.

  One thing Lena was sure of - This `Arkon’ does not live by our laws. He comes from another dimension. Will his par
tner of tonight survive him unscathed?

  Somehow she doubted it. Despite the danger, her long frustrated sex tingled. Clenched.

  With all her heart Lena wanted to walk out there and dance with him. For once in her life, to really let go and to just DANCE.

  To utterly lose herself in Him. In the moment. To be in the Zone – with Him.




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