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Wild Darkness bbm-4

Page 15

by Lauren Dane

  “I can help train soldiers.” Faine gave Helena a look and she nodded. His help would be important.

  “The Vampires will join this militia.”

  Well, that would be really good. Vampires kicked ass and they were practically indestructible. “All right then, let’s break down into groups and get some work done.”

  * * *

  SHE was very quiet on the ride back to the hotel. But he knew he’d have some answering to do when they got back. He bided his time through the checkpoints and didn’t speak until he turned into the parking garage and headed to their assigned spot.

  “You did a good job tonight. I know it wasn’t easy.”

  She kept her gaze roving. Constantly assessing. “It shouldn’t be easy to plot the possible assassination of someone.”

  Hm. Terse.

  But also correct.

  “Yes. It’s never anything that you should do lightly. You’re making the right choice though. He can’t be allowed to survive. Anyone who could look at the evidence of the Magister and think to bring it on purpose isn’t someone safe for the rest of the planet to be around.”

  She shrugged. “Killing him in a battle is one thing. This is another. I hate it. But I don’t see a way around it.”

  “If it was easy, it would happen more often. You make tough choices to protect the people who need you to make tough choices.” He pulled into the space and killed the engine.

  She turned to him, her eyes narrowed. Dangerous, his woman. “Is that what you did? By sneaking off to Lycia behind my back to have your daddy declare war?”

  “That’s beneath you.”

  “Is it? You don’t know me very well after all to think that’s below me. You should have told me.” She got out, slamming the door extra hard. He followed, pocketing the keys.

  But she didn’t head to the doors leading into the hotel. Instead she pulled her magick to herself. He saw the shift in her aura as she did. The surge in her scent held him fast as she began to work a spell.

  There was something so fierce about her when she worked magick. It was one thing to watch her in battle, but this was something else. Otherworldly.

  She walked her way around the car as he watched, impressed. She spoke under her voice but he heard the words anyway. Felt the brush of her power as she moved. The air in the space seemed to warm all around them.

  His beast wanted to eat her up.

  Until she drew a pocketknife out and sliced into her skin. The scent of her blood filled the air as she drew runes on the car.

  Enraged that she’d harm herself, he barely managed to hold his tongue until she stood again, her eyes clearing as she let her magick go and it misted into the air around her.

  “What the fuck did you just do?” He growled instead of yelling, figuring it would be better received.

  She raised her brow at his tone before she gave him her back and headed into the building.

  Guess he was wrong about that.

  He didn’t ask in the elevator but took the keycard from her, opening the door to his room and jerking his head for her to go inside.

  “You should know that’s never going to work on me. Unless it’s your goal to get punched in the balls.” She smiled sweetly.

  He growled.

  She moved to grab the keycard from his hand and he grabbed her instead, carrying her inside, his mouth crushing against hers until her taste drowned him, soothed even as it excited. He tossed her to the bed and she scrambled to her knees, eyes blazing, lips swollen. She fisted her hands and it sent a thrill through him.

  “You’re fucking magnificent.”

  It was her growl this time. “You’re playing with something that might end up drawing blood.”

  He circled her as she kept a wary eye on him. “That’s okay. Sometimes Lycian love play gets a little rough.”

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Faine.”

  He sent her a smile. “You know how hot it makes me when you’re violent.”

  That growl turned into a snarl and he hummed his satisfaction. But he backed off. For a moment, because they were totally going to get naked in just a few minutes.

  “Why did you draw blood? Tell me now.” He crossed his arms and glared at her.

  “Funny, I didn’t hear a please in that sentence.”

  “You try a man’s patience.”

  “I’ll kick his balls into his throat if he doesn’t stop this now and show some manners.”

  He grinned. “Damn, I am so in love with you.”

  She threw her hands up, scrambling from the bed. “You’re certifiable.”

  “I am. But it’s the truth. You wreck me. Savage. Fire in your eyes, fists ready to punch me in the face or worse. You’re a walking, talking aphrodisiac.”

  “Lycians are weird.”

  “Please tell me why you drew your blood.”

  “Blood magick is older and stronger than the normal spellwork I use. I wanted to protect your car. I used my blood to bind the intent better. If anyone touches it with the intent to harm, I’ll know. It’ll also fry their circuits.” She shrugged.

  “Vicious.” He stalked toward her and she held a hand out to ward him off.

  “I am. And you scampered off to Lycia with your brother without telling me.”

  “I don’t scamper.”

  Her look made him stop playing. “I told you I was going. Just not the why of it. I wanted to speak with my father with Simon at my side. Helena, this is a matter of honor in more ways than I can really make clear to you. Attacking while on Simon’s land, in his den? He can’t let that go unanswered. His Ne’est was placed in mortal danger. In the one place he’d made safe for her. To not declare war would be to invite shame. The bond between them is soul deep. He promised her on his own life to keep her safe.”

  She tossed herself in a nearby chair but her hands were no longer in fists so at least the immediate danger had passed. “And you went to support him. I understand now.”

  He got to his knees before her. “No, you don’t. My Ne’est was put in mortal danger twice in one day too. I went along with Simon, but we both had to satisfy a promise.”

  Her eyes grew wide. “What?”

  He took her hands, turning them to kiss the heart of her palms. “You are my key. We haven’t performed the ceremony, but in every way but that, I am bound to you. To keep you safe. To delight you and support you. To please you and love you.”

  Her mouth gaped and then snapped shut. He had to control his urge to laugh.

  “This is happening very fast. Too fast.”

  Really? She was going to try that one? “You’re a witch. You just used your blood to make a spell. You call magick through a metaphysical well to use. Where your clan lives the very earth at your feet receives you. Is it so hard to believe in something like this sort of bond? That some things simply are?”

  She was quiet a long time as she pondered until she suddenly blurted, “One of the witches who was giving PURITY information knew the location of the haven in Indio. I didn’t know he was a leak. My weakness brought the deaths of twenty-two people. I am not a good risk, Faine.”

  He reached out, cupping the back of her neck. “When I was a little over a hundred, we went to war for the first time. My right-hand man was my cousin. He sold information about our plans to a rival Pack. By the end of our second battle over three hundred of my men died because we were ambushed.”

  Her mouth softened and she moved forward to press a kiss to his forehead. “I’m so sorry. Oh my goddess.”

  Again, she knew what he needed. Stopped her own worry to comfort him. She couldn’t deny what they were to each other any longer. But first he had to finish making his point.

  “No one dreamed he would do such a thing. He was my cousin. I’d grown up with him. His father is my uncle. But he wanted more, and unbeknownst to my uncle and my family, my cousin had been giving information to our enemy in exchange for the promise to be able to run Leviathan once we were defeated.”

sp; Her lip curled and he loved her more for it. Such a thing would be utterly unthinkable for her. But it wasn’t for others and he said so.

  “You know your path. You are righteous and would give up your very life to protect those you’re sworn to. But not everyone else is. You can only do so much, remain vigilant but also understand that sometimes people do things that are heinous and senseless. I can’t let you take responsibility for this situation in Indio. You made a choice. One I would have made, as it happens. Someone you trusted betrayed you. But the Magister? Even if those witches had been in your living room they might have disappeared. We know that. All you can do is to move on.”

  “I can’t afford you,” she whispered.

  “It’s too late for all that. I should also tell you that Tila is my mother, I’m half demon. They imprint on mates as well. You’re it for me. I know this with all my being. Tell me you don’t know the truth of what’s between us. Go on. I dare you. There are things we sometimes can’t explain but we know they’re true anyway. You are mine. I am yours. You can’t deny it. You’re too honest for that.”

  Helena knew she should lie. Should push him back and insist he give her time and some space. He might even do it. But what she really wanted, so much it scared her, was to believe in what he said. To let herself believe that connection she did feel between them.

  There was no one in the world who was anything like Faine. No one she trusted the same way. But.

  “What about Lydia? You were married. Lark said that her life span was altered, would be far longer now that she took the bond with Simon. What happened with her?”

  “I loved her. Very much. But she was not my Ne’est. This thing between us—the thing Seymeon and Lark have—it’s forever. There are many kinds of love. Surely you know this. What I felt for her was deep. And she’s someone I’m glad to have had in my life. I miss her even to this day. But you? I need you like I need to breathe. You’re who I think about when I open my eyes in the morning. I not only can imagine you in my life a hundred years from now, I want to. I knew there was another level of love. I see it with my parents. I see it with Simon and Lark. I feel it now. I understand it now. Are you afraid you don’t love me that deeply? Or are you afraid you aren’t worthy of such a gift? Be honest now.”

  Why did he have to be so freaking in tune with her? He was so raw, so emotionally truthful with her that it made it impossible to evade his questions. “I’m freaked the fuck out that I’ll let you down.”

  He kissed her and she wrapped herself around him, holding on tight, reveling in the feel of his body against hers.

  He lifted her, taking her to the bed and putting her down carefully. “It’s okay to be worried about that. I worry about that too. If we weren’t worried, if we took it for granted, our bond would be meaningless, right?”

  “I’m bad at this.”

  He shook his head. “I already told you that boy you were engaged to isn’t the same. Tell me truly, Helena. Did you ever feel for him the way you feel for me now?”

  “Not a fair comparison. You’re a man. You’re big and braw. So sexy it gives me butterflies and makes me think about sex at the most inopportune times like while I’m driving or in a meeting. You distract me and make me laugh. You fight so well I want to start a fan club and make you teach me everything you know so I can be better. Though, you also make me want to give you a chop to the throat to shut you up.”

  He laughed. “So much flattery.”

  “I did punch him. My ex, I mean. Right in his mouth when he called Lark a stupid whore. Imagine that! But while I was sad that our engagement was over, it was more that I was angry at myself for failing. And embarrassed that everyone knew it. He never gave me butterflies. I never thought, Faine will know how to deal with this. Well, obviously with his name instead of yours. I never counted on him. I’m older. Hell, it feels like the Magister aged us all at least ten years. But you’re four hundred years old and you’ve been married and you have so much more experience at everything than I do and I don’t know if I can be as good at this as you are.”

  He laid next to her, pulling her closer and she went. “I’m as new as you are at this sort of love. We’ll have to make it through and trust each other. Will you then? Admit you’re my Ne’est and go through the binding with me?”

  “One step at a time. How about yes, I admit that what this is between us is deep and strong and whatever you want to call it. The binding part can come in a bit. I need to get used to it. I’m a control-freak planner. I need to know exactly what it is and what it means. I haven’t even met your parents yet. My dad thinks you’re too old for me.”

  He laughed. “I am. But too bad. He’ll have to accept me. I’m nicer than Simon and he gave them his blessing on their binding.”

  “Fathers are not always rational when it comes to daughters.”

  “I suppose I’ll find out one day. But for now, we should practice.”

  He stole her breath as he grabbed the front of her blouse and pulled it apart. Buttons went flying and she couldn’t find any energy to be mad that he’d destroyed a favorite shirt.

  He bent his head and pressed a kiss against the curve of her breast, over her heart. He was hot, radiating waves of warmth against her bare skin.

  She managed to drag in a breath. “Is that why you’re always so hot then?”

  “Mmm?” He traced the edge of her bra with his tongue and she nearly forgot her question.

  “Your demon half. Is that why you’re so hot?”

  “Ah. Yes. In part. Lycians already run a great deal warmer than humans do. When I’m . . . excited, I get even hotter.”

  She managed to lever her legs and get on top of him, straddling his body with hers. “I noticed you were warm. You know, when we were together yesterday.” Had it only been a day? So much had changed. “Lark mentioned Simon’s skin was warm, I just figured it was . . . well. Anyway.”

  “Are you going to share details of our sex life with your sister?” Nimble fingers parted her with her bra.

  “Maybe. We’re very competitive. Only the good stuff, of course.”

  He flipped her to her back and stripped her pants, weapons, socks and underwear from her body in record time. She lay there totally naked, nearly panting as he looked down at her with so much naked hunger in his gaze it sent a shiver through her.

  “It’s not all good stuff? I must be falling down on the job.” He said it in a low growl of sound that crawled along her skin like a rough caress.

  “So far the only bad thing is that I’m naked and you aren’t.”

  In a flurry of movement he got rid of his clothes and dived back to the bed, making her laugh.

  “How’s my scorecard now?” He licked over her left nipple.

  “All tens.”

  He laughed, kissing his way over to her right nipple. “Yes, all tens indeed.”

  She pushed his shoulders. “I want you on your back.”

  He gave her a raised brow. “Is that so?”

  “I’ll make it worth your while.”

  He rolled, bringing her with him.

  “I have no doubt you’ll make it worth my while. You’re infuriating in your ability to get yourself into trouble in every way imaginable, but you’re perfect in my bed. However you’re in it.”

  “Man, you’re good with the compliments.” She bent and whipped her hair against his chest, loving the way he groaned as she dragged it across his skin. She kissed a trail over all his marks. Over his ink and his scars. Over all that muscle. He tasted so right.

  She scooted back, kissing her way down his belly, pausing to really take in just how ridiculous it was. “Are you doing like eight thousand crunches a day in secret? I’ve exercised with you and my stomach doesn’t look like this.” She licked over each of those six bands of muscle.

  “Your stomach isn’t supposed to.”

  He hissed when she grabbed his cock at the root and pumped her fist a few times.

  “I have some suggestions abou
t what you could do with that. If you like.”

  She bent, licking over the head and around the crown. “Like this?”

  “That’ll do, gods yes.”

  Helena took her time, learning him. Getting to know the feel of him and what he liked. His thigh was hard against her palms as she kept her balance. He had great legs. Powerful thighs leading to a fabulous ass.

  “Okay, enough,” he said with a snarl and she landed on her back.

  “Hey! I wasn’t done.”

  She swallowed her next sentence as he kissed his way over belly, licking over each of her hip bones and the sensitive hollow there. And then he spread her thighs wide, kissing from the knee up to the seam where her leg met the rest of her body.

  She slid her fingers through his hair, tugging upward. Wanting more.

  He took a lick and then one more. Another. The heat of his mouth against her clit so good it was nearly too much. But he didn’t stop. He stretched her with clever fingers and that mouth of his, driving her so hard she nearly sobbed. She arched, wanting more, but he drove her to the edge and backed off. Time and again, the cad!

  “Please,” she whispered.

  He hummed his pleasure then, moving back to her clit, staying there with little licks and sucks until she flew apart so hard she was still coming as he began to slide into her body.

  She would have remained boneless until he rolled. “You wanted to be on top. Show me what you’ve got.”

  Waking up as he filled her, she slid the rest of the way down, taking him fully, her nails digging into his sides. He hissed, but it wasn’t a bad sound. That hiss was laden with pleasure and she ate it up.

  Her magick rose, filling the space between them, and his responded. She’d never felt anything like it. Even the first time they were together it hadn’t been like this. It seemed to pour from her, twining with his until it made something altogether different. Better.

  His eyes widened. “Alamah,” he murmured. “Beautiful. You’re perfect.”

  She swiveled a little once she’d seated herself totally and then pulled up, starting that slow descent again.


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