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On the Edge (Adirondack Pack Book 3)

Page 6

by K. C. Stewart

The meaner she is the more she likes you.

  Could it really have been that simple?

  There were parts that made sense. Glilee said he would not like her if he knew the truth about her. With so little of an opinion of herself, she would think that. She would believe that she was someone not worth knowing in person. It was bullshit, of course. If anything, he believed her online presence to be more of a true reflection on her character than her physical one.

  But she had told him her name was Penelope. Did she lie? Lee glanced over his way and he felt the brush of her eyes before they were quickly moving on. Actively ignoring but couldn’t help herself, could she? Vince often felt her eyes on him. When he caught her looking, she would snarl at him. His beer was often warmer than the looks she gave.

  He saw it now, saw the face, the act she put on for him. If she was nice to him, then he might figure it out. Better to make him dislike her in real life so she could have him in the fantasy.

  Owen ran a hand roughly over his head. “In her games, she can be who she wants to be. In a way, she can be more of who she truly is. She lets go of all those prejudices she has over herself and can just be Lee. I don’t know if any of that made sense.” It made perfect sense to Vince. He had just said the same thing last night.

  “I bet the strangers she plays with know her better than the rest of us.”

  Yeah, he did. But he wasn’t a stranger, not anymore.

  “Let me ask you a question, it might sound strange but I have a reason for it.” Owen frowned at him but nodded. The tone of his voice was very controlled but it had to be. There was too much going on in his head. Control was all there could be right now. “Is Lee her real name?”

  “No. It’s her middle name,” Owen smiled now. It was one full of memories of his old friend. “She hates her first name with a burning passion. Made it clear to all of us growing up that if they called her Penelope then they would have to deal with her wrath. She kneed a boy in the balls the first day of kindergarten for not heeding her warning. We all got the memo loud and clear that day.”

  “Penelope?” Vince asked in confirmation.

  He nodded. “Don’t let her hear you say that. I like you too much to put you through what young William experienced.”

  “Noted. I’ve got to run.” Actually, he had to go before he confronted her. His blood was alive with excitement. “Thanks for the company.” Vince pulled out his wallet but Owen stopped him.

  “I’ve got this.” He finished off his own drink. “Maybe I’ll see if she will get me a new beer. I doubt it but I can’t seem to stop trying when it comes to her. You’ll explain to me about that look on your face and the name later.”

  “Of course. Good luck.” He’d need it.

  Across the bar, Lee was fidgeting. She was spooked having been watching when Vince shot up and out of the booth. Prey was written all over her. Vince held back a smile. Her wolf would be feeling the chase about to begin. A nervous excitement would keep her on edge as he hunted. Vince needed to go home and get some things straight before he confronted her.

  Glilee, his fucking Glilee, was Lee.



  “Ugh,” she groaned. “Here I was all confused and then I hear your voice and my mind goes blank. It’s too sexy Owen. You will need to tone it down before my ovaries burst.”

  He laughed into the phone. “There is nothing to tone down, Rabbit. It’s either on or off but with you, there is no option. Only on. Only for you.”

  “Burst.” She made some pitiful explosion sound. “Are you happy now? I’m dead.”

  “Do you need resuscitation? I’d be happy to help.”

  “Sinful. You, Owen Purcell, are sinful.”

  He settled back in his office chair, the paperwork pushed aside. His voice and her exploded ovaries aside, she had called for a reason. “So what has confused you?”

  “Well, it’s my mom. Sadie and I were getting a pedicure…”

  “What color?” he interrupted. Always fascinated with the minor details of her.


  He hummed as he wondered aloud. “Kelly, hunter, lime?”

  “Jade with sparkles,” she said with a smile in her voice.

  “Alright, continue.”

  Mira muttered something about him being an interrupting brute but did continue. “Anyway, she was asking some weird questions again. Like what kind of wildlife was in the area. Of course, we mention wolves but just in passing and in amongst a list of other animals but she picks it up and runs with it. Owen, I think she knows something. I don’t know what but why else would she ask what kind of wolves and if they were alone or in a pack?”

  He had begun to question Ann’s knowledge after their dinner together days before. “Now that you know us, can you think back to any point where your mom might have acted like we do?”

  She was quiet for a moment, gathering her thoughts. “Are you suggesting my mom is a wolf?” She apparently had not given that any consideration. “She’s not. I know she isn’t. She can’t be.”

  “I think we should all meet up. Sadie, Tyson and Ann included.”

  “Yeah,” still stunned she mumbled her reply. “Ok. When?”

  “Lunch tomorrow. Bring her by my house.”

  Mira’s voice had gone breathy as she considered the impossible. “Do you really think she could be?”

  At this point, he had no idea. “Possibly but we will find out for sure tomorrow. I know it’s late but do you want company? I don’t like the way you sound right now.” He’d drive to her if she needed him, or didn’t for that matter. He missed her on the nights she wasn’t at home. It would be easier if she was just living with him instead of at that little room she had across from Zach.

  “Actually, I think I’ll come to you if that’s ok? I think I need some distraction. My mind is whirling right now.”

  Owen smiled. He wasn’t complaining. “I’ll expect you in fifteen. If you aren’t here, I’ll come looking.”

  There was a smile in her voice, albeit a small one. “So protective,” she teased. “I’ll see you soon, Owen. Love you.”

  Her admissions of love were random but heartfelt. He cherished each and every one of them. “I love you too, Rabbit.”


  Glilee Lunamaul is online.

  Valek Firemourn: FINALLY.

  Glilee Lunamaul: And hello to you too.

  Glilee Lunamaul: Something on your mind?

  Valek Firemourn: You know what’s on my mind.

  Glilee Lunamaul: Sex?

  Glilee Lunamaul: That’s typically what’s on a man’s mind.

  Valek Firemourn: HAH. You are not wrong but also thank you. I know it wasn’t easy giving up your name. But fear not, I don’t know anyone named Penelope, so your secret identity is still safe.

  Glilee Lunamaul: Most people don’t. It was my grandma’s name.

  Valek Firemourn: What do you go by? Penelope or Penny maybe?

  Glilee Lunamaul: My mom calls me Penny.

  Glilee Lunamaul: And I loathe it when she does.

  Valek Firemourn: Noted.

  Valek Firemourn: What should I call you?

  Glilee Lunamaul: Glilee.

  Valek Firemourn: What about when we meet?

  Glilee Lunamaul: Jumping the boat aren’t you?

  Valek Firemourn: Maybe a little.

  Valek Firemourn: The way I see it, I’ve worn you down to give up your name. Next, I might be able to get a picture and then I’ll work on meeting you in person.

  Valek Firemourn: Baby steps.

  Glilee Lunamaul: May I remind you that it took you two years to get my first name. Is this a five year plan?

  Valek Firemourn: Oh ye of little faith.

  Valek Firemourn: I have my ways.

  Glilee Lunamaul: Going to ask everyone in town if they know a Penelope?

  Valek Firemourn: How’d you know?

  Glilee Lunamaul: Hah.

  Glilee Lunamaul: You’re a funny
man, V.

  Valek Firemourn: It seems I am.

  Valek Firemourn: Just yesterday someone told me the very same thing.

  Glilee Lunamaul: Great minds.

  Valek Firemourn: Indeed.

  Glilee Lunamaul: That sounds ominous.

  Valek Firemourn: You scared?

  Glilee Lunamaul: Should I be?

  Valek Firemourn: Of me?

  Valek Firemourn: Never.

  Glilee Lunamaul: Good to know.

  Valek Firemourn: Clan is here if you want to join in the mission. We are headed to the marshes.

  Glilee Lunamaul: Hitting up the Queen?

  Valek Firemourn: Yeah, been putting it off for a while.

  Glilee Lunamaul: That mission is a bitch. You’ll need my exquisite skills.

  Valek Firemourn: Is that so?

  Glilee Lunamaul: Yeah, try not to be jealous.

  Chapter Seven

  Tyson grimaced out a smile when they walked in. Owen had called and explained what this meeting was all about. Tyson hadn’t wanted to believe Ann had any previous knowledge of them. It took Sadie’s concern to get on board with the fact she was hiding something.

  “Ann, can I get you something to drink?” Owen asked after everyone got settled.

  “Ice tea would be great if you have it.”

  Owen went to the kitchen to get everyone’s drink preference. He wasn’t sure how exactly he was going to swing this. His father had never taught him the steps to take when he thought his girlfriend’s mother was believed to know about their kind.

  Subtle or direct?

  Anytime discussion over their secret was considered, the right approach had to be taken into account. Go about it the wrong way and it could be catastrophic. He wasn’t going to be the alpha that outed their kind to the world. There were too many close calls as it was. Each year it was becoming harder and harder to hide.

  Knowing her daughters and how they reacted helped. Owen settled on direct. Like a Band-Aid he was just going to rip it off, the faster the better. If it were Mira, he knew she would want it no nonsense. Sadie needed to be informed, even of the hard truths. Both of them valued honesty, it was a good bet that their mother was the one to teach them that.

  “Need any help?” Mira asked from beside him.

  “Could you take these out?” He pushed two drinks towards her.

  She quirked her mouth as she looked at the glasses. “Hmm, possibly. I’ll need incentive, though.”

  “Incentive?” Owen poured the last ice tea and put the pitcher on the counter. She had a playful gleam in her eye with an edge of wickedness. It was sexy as hell. “And Rabbit, what kind of incentive are you in need of?”

  Mira slid in another step closer, her hand gripping his belt. With all those soft curves against him, there was no way he wasn’t going to touch. Owen pushed her hair back off her shoulders and then let his hands drift down her body. The same body he had the pleasure of having in every position he desired last night, including sleeping in his arms till morning. Mira was a living, breathing, dream come to life.

  Skimming down her sides, his hands settled low on her hips.

  “A kiss for every glass I carry.”

  He raised his eyebrows in mock surprise. “That’s a steep price.”

  She grinned. “It’s worth it if you’re willing to dish it out. I’m told I am a very good kisser.”

  Owen’s eyes went hard and soft all at once. Oh, she was an extraordinary kisser but who were these people telling her so?

  “Ohh, you’ve got your jealous eyes on,” she purred.

  His hands tightened on her hips. “Who told you that?”

  Mira wet her lips with her tongue. “Just this alpha wolf I know. He especially likes when my kisses go-”

  “I’d cough discreetly but then there would be a chance you wouldn’t hear me and I’d have to find out where these kisses go and I really, truly do not want to know.”

  “What do you need Tyson?” Owen asked, his eyes still on Mira who found his pain entertaining.

  “Nothing. Just thought I’d see what was taking so long. Now that I see, I wish I could un-see.”

  Mira laughed and then did something cruel and unfeeling, she removed her hands from his jeans and separated their bodies. Owen turned to Tyson and growled.

  “You are a dead man.”

  His friend laughed with his hands held in the air in an act of self-preservation. “Hey, it was either me or Ann. I figured I was the safer of the two.”

  Owen picked up the glasses and shoved them at Tyson. “Take these. Leave.”

  He did as he was told but not without a knowing smirk.

  “Rabbit,” Owen growled. “Come here.”

  Mira raised an eyebrow and sidled closer. “Yes? Is there something you need?”

  Wide-eyed and teasing, she knew the plays to make him pudding at her feet.

  “I believe I owe you something for your help.” Owen slid his hands back onto her waist and tugged her into his body. When she was back to where she belonged, he gave her the kisses he owed.

  Owen didn’t hold back because they had company, he never did. Mira might act strange with him in front of Ann, but that just made secret moments like these even sweeter. Mira always surrendered fully to him. No matter how small the kiss was or how light the touch was meant to be, she gave all of herself. How could he not cherish this woman?

  He rested his hands under her jaw, along the column of her neck. With a slight tilt, he took the kiss deeper, harder.

  Her smile was reward enough.

  Although, the hands that pushed at his chest was not a welcomed sensation.

  “That was nice,” she said dreamily.

  “It was. Why did we stop?”

  She smirked. “Because they are about to come in here, again.”

  That was true enough. “Alright, but I still owe you a kiss.”

  Mira picked up the last two glasses and then handed one to him. “Consider us even but it’s Tyson you now owe three to.”

  “Very funny.”

  There were knowing looks when they rejoined the others. Mira tried to act like nothing happened but he squelched that by pulling her down beside him on the couch. She wiggled a few inches over but she was so little that it didn’t take much for him to wrangle her back against his body. With a kiss to her temple, he refocused on why they were there and not the squirming Rabbit beside him.

  He wasn’t sure who was going to start but when he looked at Tyson and Sadie, he knew they were waiting for him to begin.

  “So Ann, I have a question for you.”

  “I may or may not have an answer.”

  With his arm around Mira, he took a sip of his water and placed it on the coffee table. “I’ve been a little confused lately with some of your comments. They’ve made my hackles rise on more than one occasion.”

  The small smirk at the word “hackles” told him she knew what was coming, he saw it in her eyes.

  “How do you know about shifters?”

  There was no surprise on her face, just knowledge and acceptance. Ann looked at her daughters and he felt the moment Mira saw what he had seen. Her muscles bunched together and she became very still. Owen kept his arm across her shoulders, a heavy reminder that he was there with her. “Girls, I had hoped I would never have to have this conversation with you.”

  “Fudge,” Sadie cursed from beside Tyson.

  “Don’t start cursing me yet. It was your father who was the shifter, what I take it you are, Owen. Alpha too, if I’m not mistaken.”

  “Tyson,” Sadie added. “He’s one too. A wolf I mean. And-” She bit her lip and glanced over to Owen. He shook his head. They needed to hear what she was going to say before Sadie told Ann what she was now.

  Ann looked warmly at Tyson. “I had wondered but you are so good at hiding yourself.”

  “Tell us about Thomas, Ann,” Owen asked.

  She took a sip of her iced tea then set it on the table. “I grew up in a town like
this one. We always knew there was more going on behind the scenes but we never asked questions. I went to school with Thomas. He and I were high school sweethearts. At the time, his parents didn’t think anything of our relationship. They didn’t like me but they didn’t think we were going to run off in the night and get married either.”

  She had a happy little grin on her face as she remembered. “He had told me what he was after prom. When I didn’t run screaming, he asked me to marry him at graduation. His family wasn’t too happy, livid actually, at what we had done. We were taken in front of the pack Alpha and although we were illegal in the pack’s eyes, our marriage was legitimate to the rest of the world. One of them suggested killing me as a solution but Thomas jumped in.” There was love in her smile was she remembered. “He told them I was pregnant, which I was, with you Sadie. There was nothing they could do but ignore us. And they did for a few years.”

  “What changed?” Owen asked.

  “I honestly don’t know,” she said shaking her head as if it were a question she asked herself every day. “Opportunity maybe? Thomas was killed on a pack run. I have never gotten a straight answer from his parents or Alpha as to how it happened. An accident they told me.” She grabbed her glass off the table and took a long sip.

  “I had a few friends in the town who helped me move that same night. We didn’t want to risk them coming after us. It was too young yet to tell if you were going to be dominant or submissive or wolves at all. Thomas wasn’t very dominant so the chance of you both changing was low. That made it even more dangerous for us. If there was a chance you would change then they might have wanted to adopt you into the pack. You would survive but there was no way they would leave me to live.”

  Owen couldn’t say he was surprised. Many packs were not run as his was. Some Alpha’s let their wolves rule more than the human.

  “So we fled. My parents had moved to Buffalo years prior. I went to them.”

  Mira was bone still beside him but she could tell her mind was whirling with questions. “But why wouldn’t you tell us?” A quick glance to Sadie told him that she had asked the question they both wanted to know most.

  “When you didn’t show any signs of changing, I felt I didn’t need to. I was trying to protect you, both of you.”


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