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Broke and Famous

Page 33

by Elizabeth Gannon

  Sasha let out a whimper, closing her eyes and tilting her head back, lost in the sensation.

  Thraex put his hand on top of her head, pushing her to her knees in front of him, as her dress hung off her body in shreds.

  Sasha looked up at him as he loosened his belt, anxiously breathing hard, hoping to god he’d hurry.

  A moment later his hard body sprang free, and Sasha licked her lips in anticipation.

  Thraex’s hand moved to the back of her head, pulling her towards him. Sasha didn’t need to be told twice, but let him guide her. She parted her mouth, allowing his hard cock to pass over her lips, greeting it with her tongue and massaging the thick veins beneath the shaft. The head of him was wide and glowed faintly with the same blue-ish color as some of the other areas of his body. She made a low humming sound, relishing the taste of the man and the feel of his hardness in her mouth.

  Thraex growled in pleasure and lust, hand on the back of her head, still holding her in place.

  Sasha continued making a meal of him, experimenting with her tongue and lips, trying to discern what he liked best. Wanting it to be worth the years he’d waited.

  It didn’t take her long to discover the most effective technique.

  Thraex’s eyes had always given him away.

  She settled into a steady rhythm, letting him set the pace but looking into his eyes as she pleasured him. Bobbing her head, letting him see that she was enjoying this too.

  “Goooood Westgate…” He praised, his voice ragged and hard. “Just like that… Good girl…”

  His hands tangled in her hair, fingers gripping her scalp. His thrusts increased in intensity, ending in grunts. Sweat soon glistened on his forehead.

  Sasha was so hot she couldn’t stand it much longer.

  He climaxed a moment later, washing over her tongue. She let out a soft moan, his body still pulsing in her mouth.

  He tore himself free of her and she let out a soft cry of protest, not quite finished.

  He ignored her, grabbing her shoulders and turning her around. She fell forward in surprise, her cheek pressing flat against the vintage floor, while he yanked her hips up to meet him. He knelt down behind her, used his knee to spread her legs further open, and shoved himself inside her without another word.

  Sasha let out a scream of ecstasy and surprise now, going from ‘hot want’ to ‘impaled by him’ in a split-second, the intoxicating taste of him still filling her mouth.

  He moved his hand to the back of her head, keeping her down and pressed against the floor, allowing him more leverage as he roughly took her from behind.

  This wasn’t “making love.” He was staking his claim. Taking what he’d always wanted. Showing her what he’d wanted to do to her since he was a boy. Making sure she knew that her body belonged to him, just as surely as this building did.

  Sasha came.

  There was no way she could stop herself, it simply felt too good.

  Her fingers clawed for purchase on the flooring, her vintage heels sliding forward and backward with each of his thrusts, helpless mewing sounds escaping her lips while he took her without any hesitation.

  She closed her eyes, relishing it. Wanting it to never stop.

  His cock slid in and out of her, his hard body slamming against her rear with each thrust. The passion was almost violent; sweaty, rough, mindless fucking, which made her feel like she was losing her mind it felt so good.

  He pressed forward against her, pushing her hips up and her head down, sinking his body impossibly deeper into her. He was sheathed in her completely now, her body stretched around him so tightly it hurt. And she felt like begging him not to stop. Tearily promising him anything, just so long as he kept up that rhythm and made her keep feeling this.

  He rocked into her for what felt like hours, her moans and cries seeming to entertain him greatly and make him even harder.

  His hands reached forward to grab her breasts, and closed over them tight enough that it would probably leave marks.

  Sasha came again, a deeper climax this time, making her feel like if she wasn’t already on the floor, she would have fallen over.

  Thraex climaxed a moment later, his fingers tightening on her breasts even further. His body stiffened for a moment, every one of his rock hard muscles tensing until he felt like hot steel inside her.

  A moment later, the only sound in the room was their heavy breathing and the whirring sound of the clear oven.

  He moved to lie down beside her, pulling her against him.

  She traced her fingertip across his broad chest, wondering what the hell had just happened and why it felt so right.

  He leaned in to gently kiss her forehead. “Thank you.” He breathed, his voice soft. “Thank you, Miss Sasha.”

  She smiled, feeling like things were finally going well for her.

  She closed her eyes and fell asleep against his chest.

  Chapter 16

  “Mylette Westgate. Died 1965. Killed by ‘The Dread Invaders from the Void Planet.’ Or that’s what folks said, anyway. Personally I’d guess it was her peckerhead husband, sure enough. He was never any good, I heard tell.”

  – Thraex, Damn Fool Ways Westgates Ended Up Graveyard Dead: Vol. 1

  The next night, all of the Westgates were attending the Reichelt Park Festival. Usually, the events were all winter themed, but given the backwards weather at the moment, they’d been retooled to have more of a summer theme.

  Sasha wasn’t complaining.

  She leaned back on the bench, watching people from the neighborhood enjoy the rides and games.

  Thraex tore off a piece of funnel cake and ate it. “You look mighty fine tonight, Miss Sasha.” He winked at her. “Good enough to eat.”

  “I feel ‘mighty fine’ tonight.” She agreed. “I think a night off is what we all needed.”

  He snorted at that idea. “Your brother takes any more nights off and he’s gonna run outta days, Darlin’.”

  She turned to watch her brother waiting in line for beer. “Well… he’s trying, at least.”

  Thraex made a humoring sound. “If you say so.”

  They were joined at their table by Colby, who was wearing long pants decorated with colorful amorphous blobs, and a bikini top with American flags on it. Her brown hair was done in a 1960s flip style, and she’d painted little colorful Westgate symbols on her skin in various places. “Zoe loves parties.” She reminded them, holding up the little animal to show the creature’s joy.

  Zoe the giraffe did not look thrilled with the noise or the crowds or the tiny version of Colby’s outfit that she was currently sporting. She looked as annoyed and disgruntled as a miniature giraffe in vintage clothes was capable of looking.

  “Colby, honey, can you please tell your uncle that he should take it easy on the alcohol tonight?” Sasha asked.

  The young woman nodded, hurrying off to rein the man in before he passed out drunk in front of everyone. Again.

  She absently started to look around the park, eyes passing from the oppressive trees, to the old Westgate Levitating Train track overhead, to the historic buildings which surrounded the area. She frowned slightly, feeling like she was missing something…

  “What’s wrong?” Thraex asked, reaching over to touch her chin and redirect her gaze. “You only make that face when you’re about to come up with an idea that causes us trouble.”

  She laughed good-naturedly. “I do not!” She playfully batted at his hand. “I just…” She looked at the old Doucet building again, which was already being worked on by Triumph Industries. “Doesn’t this seem odd to you?” She finally asked.

  “Lots of stuff in this town seems odd to me.” He said dryly, eating more of his treat. “But that’s life with the Westgates.”

  “No,” she pointed at the buildings, “I mean, they’re all around the park. And they were all in that room at Anderson Observatory.”



  “Because your daddy t
old them about it?”

  “No.” She shook her head again. “There were five families in that room. Two of them had people killed this week.”

  “You think we’re next?” He sounded concerned now, eyes immediately scanning the crowd for her family and for any possible threats.

  She looked up at the festive lights strung overhead. “I don’t know…” She said softly, eyes absently tracing the wire which connected them. “I just feel like there’s something more going on…”


  Clayton Dare looked up from his merchandise when the bell on the store’s door rang, and he knew immediately he was in trouble.

  His family had been adventurers for generations. They were the ones robbing the tombs and wrestling the gators and dealing with the ancient curses.

  Granted, he’d never really gone in for the fieldwork side of things, but he still knew how to spot dangers.

  And the tall scarlet red woman standing in his doorway was trouble.

  He swallowed, wishing he had his father’s old service revolver under the counter. His mother had insisted that it remain there, but he’d long ago packed it away. There wasn’t a criminal in the city who would dare think about hurting anyone inside History’s Giftshop. It was as protected a place as you were going to find. These days though, the borders of the community were blurring, with more Cape problems and mainstreamers appearing within Reichelt Park. And they were bringing their troubles with them.

  He cleared his throat. “I don’t know what you’re looking for, miss,” he shook his head and tried to keep his voice calm, “but you won’t find it here.”

  She glanced at him, her lips curving into a smirk. “Sincerest hello, human.” She prowled forward. “I am searching for something…”

  He shook his head again. “I assure you, I don’t have it.”

  “You don’t have it, or you’re unwilling to give it to me?” She asked, head tilting to the side.

  “Both, I’d wager.” He pointed towards the door. “Leave now and there won’t be trouble.”

  She seemed to find that very amusing. “You are an adorable little human, human.” She practically cooed. “I have claimed this planet and all it possesses.” She explained casually. “It can no longer be trusted to operate without supervision. Which means that while we await orders from its new government, I will take possession of the Scornsides focusing crystal you have in your possession. For safekeeping.”

  “I don’t have it.” He answered immediately, taking a step away from the woman. “I sold it yesterday.”

  She moved quicker than anyone on this planet, grabbing him by the front of his suit and yanking him over the counter like a ragdoll. “To who!?!”


  Thraex fished into his pocket for a napkin, but wasn’t able to find one. He checked the one in his jacket, and pulled out the crystal he’d purchased from Clayton. “Hold this.” He handed it to Sasha and went back to looking for a napkin.

  “What’s this?” She asked, squinting down at it. “Is that ruby quartz?”

  “Damned if I know, I bought it from Clayton Dare. Supposed to be the key to the whole damn thing.”

  “It’s pretty.” She decided, turning it in the light.

  He finally succeeded in finding his napkin. “He was goin’ on and on about it.” He rolled his eyes. “Never put much stock in that ‘magic’ nonsense though.”

  “Me either.” She agreed, absently putting it in her pocket. “But I’m sure magic people think the same about science.”

  Thraex wiped his mouth with the napkin, and put his fried treat down. “I don’t much like this.” He informed her solemnly.

  “It’s a fried Oreo. If you don’t like it, you’re wrong.” Sasha insisted, taking it from him and finishing it off. “I’ll buy you a lemonade instead.”

  “My people get drunk off of lemonade.” He put his arm around her. “We can’t process the citrus.”

  “Huh? Really?” She turned to look at him, still chewing. “Since when?”

  “Birth, I suspect.” He scratched his cheek as if in thought. “Don’t know anyone that’s tried to get a baby drunk though, so it’s just a theory at the moment.”

  She snorted in laughter. “Never noticed.”

  “I think we spent a lot of time gettin’ under each other’s skin, and there’s a lot of stuff we need to catch up on, Darlin’.” He agreed.

  “Such as?”

  He didn’t reply, he just stared off into the distance. “We’ve both got secrets.”

  “I don’t.” She shrugged. “Not really.”

  There was a deafening explosion from the midway, which caused her to jump.

  Thraex’s eyes immediately swung in that direction, making sure none of her family were near whatever made that sound.

  As it turned out, it was just the idiot dressed as a big game hunter, using an elephant gun to shoot the carnival balloons for prizes instead of using the little darts the game supplied.

  “Damn Capes.” Thraex all but snarled. “Excuse me a minute, Darlin’, I need to go track down your niece and make sure she isn’t involved in that.”

  “Why would Colby be involved in a shooting game?” She wondered aloud.

  “With your family? If something is explodin’ I figure they’re not far away.” He disappeared into the crowd.

  “So, you’ve given up all notions of morality and now you’re just parading around town with him, I see.” Alannah Aldridge stepped from behind one of the rides, glaring at her.

  Sasha rolled her eyes. “Don’t you have anything better to do than skulk around this park and gossip?”

  “Well, it’s not every woman who tries to sleep with her 12 year old step-brother, who is also one of her students.” The woman retorted.

  “He sure wasn’t 12 at the time.”

  “But he was your step-brother. And your student.”

  “So I’m told.” Sasha ate another deep-fried Oreo. “F.Y.I., I also got some friends killed and I had a really bad marriage, if you’re looking for more ammunition to destroy my sense of self-worth. But at this point, it’d be like tossing a match onto the wreckage of the Hindenburg and expecting it to somehow do more damage.”

  “You’re a sick, deranged woman, who’s an embarrassment to her good family name.” Alannah spat out. “And you shouldn’t have any kind of place in polite society.”

  “Probably not. But in my defense… you have no idea how hot the sex with him was.” Sasha fanned her face with her hand and let out a low impressed whistle, as if getting a flash of heat from just the memory. Which she was. “My Lord… ”

  “You think that you can…”

  Kurtz sat down at the table next to her. “Who’s that?”

  “Alannah Aldridge.” Sasha casually said from around her snack. “She hates us.”

  “Oh yeah!” Kurtz snapped his fingers in recognition. “I know you! Your dad’s the clone fucker, right?”

  “That’s not…” The woman began.

  “Yeah, yeah.” Kurtz cut her off. “Fuck you and your feelings, bitch.” He grabbed one of the Oreos from off of Sasha’s plate. “We’ve got work to do here, so take the train.” Kurtz watched as the woman stalked away. “Never been drunk enough in my life to try to hit that.” He thought to himself. “Or my own clone.” He paused for a beat. “That guy was such a prick.”

  Thraex arrived back at the table a moment later, Colby and Zoe in tow. “Told ya.” He insisted. “She was ‘bout to get into some kinda trouble, I could tell.”

  Kurtz raised his glass of lemonade in toast. “To the hideously disappointing reality of my life.”

  Thraex sat down beside her and immediately put his arm around her, which felt… nice. She wasn’t used to that kind of thing, but it felt very, very right.

  Kurtz saw the action and stopped swallowing his drink. He blinked several times, then apparently decided to ignore it.

  She met his eyes, making sure he wasn’t going to freak out about the idea of her a
nd Thraex being… whatever.

  He silently shrugged.

  She smiled, feeling like the last weight had been lifted off of her shoulders.

  “Thraex!” Someone called from behind them. “Consortium of Chaos, here to make an arrest!” They spun around to see Oz approaching them, looking serious. “Throw up your hands and deactivate your weapons!”

  “Aw, shit…” Thraex sighed, sounding more disappointed than surprised. “It was gettin’ to be a real nice evenin’ too.”

  Sasha was on her feet in a heartbeat, getting between them. “On what charge?”

  A man dressed like Vanilla Ice, with an oversized ridiculously colored jacket and puffy pants stepped out of the crowd on the opposite side from Oz, cutting off their retreat. He was carrying a bow and arrow, and wearing holographic shield sunglasses that went out of style in 1993, which were decorated with the Consortium’s logo. His T-shirt featured the poster from “The End Without an Edge: Book One- The Time of Reaping.”

  Sasha had never liked that terrible puppet movie.

  “Murder.” The man answered firmly.

  Kurtz finished his drink. “Sorry, I’m just a little distracted by how fucking 90s you are, guy.”

  “I like his hair.” Colby added. “Zoe calls it ‘Eighties Scumbag Hair.’”

  “And just who am I supposed to have killed this time, Oz?” Thraex asked, getting to his feet and taking on a defensive stance.

  “Etienne Rouillard.” The man answered, moving away from the crowd of people behind him like they scared him more than Thraex did.

  “I can assure you, Thraex was nowhere near Etienne Rouillard today.” Sasha insisted.

  “There are witnesses.” Oz’s eyes remained locked with Thraex’s.

  “They’re mistaken.” She shook her head.

  “A lot of people are grey and glow blue, it could have been anyone.” The 90s man sarcastically commented.

  “How about the video cameras?” The masked individual in the Kilroy mask asked, appearing beside Oz and tossing photos onto the ground at Sasha’s feet. “Were they mistaken too?”


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