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Avondale V

Page 6

by Toby Neighbors

  “Maybe the mists are magical,” Desyra said, without the slightest trace of fear.

  “That’s possible,” Olyva thought, although Tiberius had never noticed anything magical about the mists. “Does that frighten you?”

  “What? Magic?”

  “Yes, does magic frighten you?”

  “No, I think it’s exciting,” Desyra said.

  “Does anything frighten you?” Olyva asked.

  “I guess,” Desyra said. “Father was frightening after he came back from the capital. Mother frightens me sometimes.”

  “She can be difficult to understand.”

  “Cassandra and Frezya try to scare me, but they aren’t very good at it.”

  “They can be mean,” Olyva agreed.

  “Mostly they just ignore me. Plus, I could always go to Father. He would protect me.”

  “He was a wonderful man,” Olyva said.

  “I miss him.”

  “Me, too.”

  They walked on in silence for a while. Olyva was happy to have the spear she had taken partly for protection and partly as a staff to help with the descent. She knew the spear wouldn’t save her or Desyra from a pack of graypees, but she hoped that she would feel anything approaching them before they ended up in any real danger.

  The mountainside was rocky and steep in places, but there were no sheer cliffs to scale down, and her toes gripped the soil so that she had a firm footing. She was even able to help Desyra, who occasionally slipped on loose stones or dirt. When they finally passed through the mists, the world grew bright below them. The blighted lands were magnificent to behold from the side of Mount Avondale. Everything below them was green and lush. The amber-colored sunlight wasn’t as potent to Olyva as the direct sunshine above the mists, but she could immediately feel her skin drinking up the rich light.

  “Wow!” Desyra exclaimed. “It’s so beautiful.”

  “It is,” Olyva agreed. “But we need to keep moving. We want to reach the bottom before nightfall.”

  “It’s a long way,” Desyra said.

  “Yes, but we can make it. Like you said, it’s all downhill.”

  They made the trip down the mountainside easily enough. Desyra kept up a steady conversation. She asked question after question, her curiosity unquenchable. There was no indication that nightfall was on its way, but when they were close to the base of the mountain, they came upon a small spring that trickled from between two rocks. The mossy grass grew longer around the water, and the mountainside formed a small, bowl-like expression just past the spring.

  “We’ll camp here tonight,” Olyva said.

  “Finally?” Desyra said, flopping onto the ground.

  There was very little wood on the mountainside, and Olyva wasn’t too keen on building a fire in the first place. She had packed candles and she gathered enough dry grass to kindle a small fire, which she did, using the small flames to light three candles. The grass fire only lasted a few minutes, and then Olyva poured water over the ashes.

  “Why not build a real fire?” Desyra asked.

  “There isn’t much wood or dung to burn here,” Olyva explained.


  “Yes,” Olyva said, smiling at the way her sister wrinkled her nose in disgust. “On the plains there aren’t many trees. The Hoskali use dried tamaka dung to build fires.”

  “They burn poop?”

  “Yes, it’s very effective.”

  “It sounds gross.”

  “It won’t seem that way for long,” Olyva said.

  She had gotten a blanket spread out on the ground for Desyra and unpacked some food. Desyra had her own small pack with survival supplies, including a blanket, flint, rope, and dry rations, but she didn’t bother to unpack any of the items. Instead, she used the pack as a pillow and stretched out on the blanket Olyva had laid out for her.

  Olyva cut up an apple, several carrots, and sliced several slivers from a block of hard cheese. She also gave Desyra a small loaf of sweet bread. The younger girl ate happily while Olyva stood with her toes in the small trickle of water.

  “Aren’t you going to eat?” Desyra asked.

  “I don’t need to. The sun nourishes me.”

  “The sun?”

  “Yes, remember I told you about the Hosscum grove. The trees changed me.”

  “That’s why you’re taller,” Desyra said.

  “Yes, the Hosscum can change people into trees, or into a type of tree, I guess.”

  “There aren’t any nearby, are there?”

  “No,” Olyva said with a smile. “They started to change me into a tree, but Rafe stopped them. So I have some special abilities, like being able to feel vibrations in the ground.”

  “What else can you do?”

  “I can hear better,” Olyva said. “And I can smell things. Everything has a very distinct scent. I could tell if something was nearby even in complete darkness, just by how it smells.”

  “That’s amazing.”

  Olyva nodded. “The changes the Hosscum worked on me weren’t bad. It’s an honor to be chosen to be part of the grove.”

  “Where are the trees?”

  “The Hosscum aren’t like regular trees. Their roots run along the top of the ground, and the groves can move, although they move slowly.”

  “So the trees might come looking for you?” Desyra asked, with just a hint of worry in her voice.

  “No,” Olyva said sadly. “Rafe and Tiberius burned down the Hosscum grove that changed me.”

  “They burned the trees? You mean they killed them?”

  “They didn’t realize what they were doing,” Olyva said.

  Night fell suddenly, and the world around them went from bright, amber light to almost total darkness. Only the candlelight gave them any illumination. When the sun set, Olyva felt a wave of fatigue. She had planned to stay awake until her sister was asleep, but once the sun set, she wasn’t sure if she could.

  “Wow,” Desyra said. “It’s really dark.”

  “The mist blocks the stars and moon. There are very few people on the plains, so there isn’t much light. We should get some sleep.”

  “Are you staying close to me?” Desyra said.

  “Right beside you,” Olyva said, settling down on the ground beside her sister. “All night.”

  “Can we let the candles keep burning?”

  “Maybe just one,” Olyva said.


  Desyra yawned. She lay down on her side, watching the candle flame as it burned steadily. There was almost no wind, and the night was warm. Soon Desyra was asleep, and Olyva blew out two of the candles. Then she lay down on the ground, feeling the earth beneath her skin. Her toes burrowed into the soft soil, and Olyva fell instantly asleep.

  Chapter 10


  “The ships are ready?” Draggah asked.

  “Everything except for provisions,” the general said quietly.

  “How long will it take to get everyone onboard the ships?”

  “A few hours, my king.”

  Draggah screamed in fury, pummeling the officer in his rage. The demon had grown more irritable by the day as they waited to hear from the scout ships that had been sent back. Rumors were flying around the city, and the mood inside the castle was total fear. Four servants had been slain for no reason other than being in Draggah’s presence when a fit of rage took him. Usually, the demon simply tormented Leonosis. The mental torment was nearly unending, but the demon also refused to eat, causing Leo’s physical body to suffer, as well.

  “That is too long!” Draggah screamed.

  “My king, if we board the ships now, we’ll only have to re-provision before leaving. It won’t save us any time.”

  “Have the soldiers on the ships by noon,” Draggah said. “I want each ship fully provisioned and ready to sail.”

  “Where are we going?” the general asked.

  Draggah grabbed the man’s throat so tightly the officer couldn’t breathe. He
struggled to remove Leonosis’ hand from his throat. The general was a big man, his chest thick with muscle and his arms bulging, but he couldn’t remove the demon’s supernatural grip. His eyes bulged, and his tongue protruded from his lips in a grotesque fashion. Leonosis was only slightly concerned that Draggah was killing the general of the king’s army. When the demon had first taken over his body, Leonosis might have tried to intervene, but he knew there was nothing he could do to save the officer and his efforts would only incite the beast’s wrath.

  “My king!” The door burst open, and a red-faced soldier scrambled into the room. “A ship is returning!”

  Draggah tossed the general as if he were a child, then stalked to the large windows of the castle tower. He could see the war ship in the distance as it sailed toward the castle. Leonosis felt relief flood through him. It was a combination of the demon’s relief and the cessation of Leonosis’ own torment. For a moment, the demon had forgotten Leo, and the constant torture stopped.

  “At last,” Draggah said, mainly to himself. “General, get my troops ready. And prepare my ship, as well.”

  The general nodded, bowed, and hurried from the room, rubbing his neck as he went. The messenger followed. Leonosis sobbed quietly in the corner of his own mind, which was no longer his alone. He did his best not to attract the attention of the demon. The last thing Leonosis wanted was to become the target of the wicked creature’s cruel games.

  Draggah shouted for his personal servants to ready his weapons and armor. Queen Ariel came in and looked out the large window. Leonosis hated seeing her. The once-proud princess was now almost as fearful as everyone else in the castle. She ate little, and her skin had grown so pale that it looked sickly. Her hair was lank and dull. Large dark bags had formed under her eyes, which were bloodshot and glassy.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “News from the scouts,” Draggah said. “Soon we will leave this frigid aerie and find the Balestone.”

  “I’m going, too,” she said, her voice whining almost like a child.

  “Of course, my dear,” Draggah said. “I wouldn’t think of leaving without my precious bride.”

  “Don’t patronize me.”

  “Then don’t act like a child. You are vital to my plans, you know this. Stop acting as if you fear my betrayal.”

  Servants brought in clothes and armor. When they disrobed Leonosis, he could see his frail body in the mirror. Draggah was fully in control of Leonosis, and he rarely looked down at himself. But in the mirror, Leonosis could see how painfully thin he had become. His stomach was distended, and the bones in his shoulders, hips, and knees stuck out in a grotesque fashion.

  They pulled a soft wool tunic over his head and helped him step into pants. Then came a set of fine chainmail, followed by a thick vest of stiff leather. A wide belt was wrapped around his thin waist and cinched tight. Tall boots that had long strips of metal to protect his lower legs were forced onto his feet, and he donned thick gauntlets. Finally, a helmet forged of dark metal with a gold inlay that formed a king’s crown was gently placed on his head.

  By the time King Leonosis was dressed in his finest armor, the warship from Avondale had arrived. Leonosis waited in the throne room while the soldiers were escorted down to give their report. They bowed as soon as they saw their king. Leonosis wondered what the other soldiers in the castle had told them.

  “Report!” Draggah demanded.

  “We come from Avondale, my liege,” said one of the soldiers. The others stood behind the speaker with their heads down. “The wizard is there.”

  “Tell me everything,” Draggah demanded.

  “We were patrolling, just as you ordered us. We saw something happening with the other war ship and so we went to investigate but were attacked by the city soldiers.”

  “Men from the earl’s war band?” Draggah asked.

  “Yes, my liege. We were overwhelmed,” he lied. “Your brother arrived and, for a short time, took control of the city, but then the wizard defeated him.”

  “So Tiberius has taken control of Avondale,” Draggah said.

  “No, my lord. He was injured, and his father is protecting him.”

  “You’re sure of this?” Draggah demanded.

  “We don’t know how he was hurt, but we saw his friend, the sword master’s son, hanging from the palace walls. There was a battle of some kind. Most of your men were slain.”

  “And they just let you escape?”

  “No, my lord. The earl sent us. Your father. He’s not ill, not anymore. He sent us to tell you that you aren’t welcome in Avondale.”

  “What did he say exactly?”

  “That he is disappointed in you and Brutas. That he may not be able to stop you from being King of Valana, but you are not welcome in his city. And that he wants you to send your mother home.”

  Leonosis felt a pang of fear. He hadn’t seen his mother since shortly after his coronation. Leo had no idea what had become of her, but he knew it couldn’t be good.

  Draggah laughed, but his humor was short lived.

  “What of Tiberius?”

  “We heard he refused to let your brother leave the city,” the soldier said meekly. “He said the city would protect him.”

  “How certain of this are you?”

  “We only heard stories of what happened, my lord,” the soldier said. “But the other sky ships were all in Avondale when we left.”

  Draggah’s mind flipped through the possibilities. He knew Earl Ageus was up to something, but he wasn’t certain what it was. Leonosis knew his father was a cold, calculating man. The fact that Tiberius had healed their father was a surprise. The earl had never shown any love to Tiberius, but perhaps healing the old man was a tactical decision. Earl Ageus was almost certain to oppose Brutas. Draggah regretted not slaying the earl’s second son and taking control of his body, the way the demon had done with the other earls. At least then Draggah would have had firsthand knowledge of what had happened in Avondale.

  The mental slip was like a flash of lightning. It was suddenly there and suddenly gone again, but Leonosis knew that it was real. Draggah had not taken control of Brutas because he was too weak. Splitting his concentration between the earls took a heavy toll on the demon, and losing Earl Marcus when Tiberius and Rafe had slain him had caused Draggah a great amount of pain. In the end, the decision not to enslave Brutas had come out of necessity.

  No sooner had the realization of Draggah’s weakness crossed Leo’s mind than a wave of soul-crushing pain followed. Leo’s thoughts were almost always clear to the demon. He had to work hard to hide his thoughts, and the realization of his tormentor’s pain had happened so quickly that Leo hadn’t had time to conceal anything.

  When the pain finally eased enough that Leonosis could think clearly again, he was on the king’s sky ship. Below him the last of the war ships were being provisioned. Draggah stood at the bow of the ship, looking down over his army.

  Don’t be foolish, the demon spoke directly into Leonosis’ mind. This army is just the beginning of my power. Soon your world will buckle under the weight of my wrath. Your kind will run in terror, but none will escape me. Valana will know only pain.

  The demon’s pleasure brought Leonosis no relief. It felt as if his body were on fire, even though his mind was somehow clear. He could see the war ships, each loaded with men and fire bombs. He could see in his mind’s eye the demon’s vision of Avondale burning. He could almost hear the screams of the people as they died.

  The death of your people is inevitable. I shall enslave them all and feed off their torment for eternity.

  No! Leonosis shouted, but the demon only laughed.

  Leo was helpless to stop the destruction of all he loved and everything he knew. The world was under attack, and Leonosis was forced to watch from the eyes of the enemy.

  Chapter 11


  After resting for two whole days, Tiberius was finally beginning to feel better. The wound i
n his back still ached, but the muscles around the wound were no longer spasming, and he could move around the ship easily enough.

  The journey south had been uneventful after their encounter with the dragon. The plains had slowly shifted into rolling hills below them. The climate was growing hotter and more dry. The lush green moss that served as grass on the plains had been taken over by a taller, weedy-looking plant, and there were short trees.

  “You think any of those trees are alive?” Lexi asked him as they leaned against the ship’s railing.

  “Like the Hosscum?” he asked. “No, I don’t think so. I can’t see their roots.”

  “That’s good to know. I can handle animals, but sentient trees creep me out.”

  Tiberius laughed and was surprised to find that it didn’t hurt. Lexi was smiling at him, and a warm wind was propelling the ship at a fast pace. It felt like the start of a great day. Robere brought them breakfast. Most of the rations on the ship were growing stale, but Tiberius was thankful for the fruit, bread, and cheese. He knew that they would be left with salted meat before long, the kind that was like chewing boot leather and tasted worse.

  “What is that?” Lexi asked.

  Dancer, always on Lexi’s shoulder, trilled in surprise. Tiberius looked out into the distance, and the straw-colored landscape was taken over by a dark, muddy brown.

  “I don’t know,” Tiberius said.

  “Dancer, give us a better look,” Lexi told the wind glider.

  The little animal hopped from Lexi’s shoulder to the rail of the war ship. Then it scampered out across the narrow mast that protruded from the side of the vessel like a fin on a fish. When it reached the end of the mast, it dove forward, flipping through the air before gliding up on an invisible current of air.


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