You Must Remember This
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Because I always think it, I said.
Every time I see you is the first time.
He shrugged: That’s just how it works.
That is when I noticed his slight
resemblance to my father,
which also always happens.
Aren’t we ever going to stop?
I asked, suddenly aware
of the hurtling train.
He just looked at me.
That was when I knew.
32 Poems: “What Might”
10 x 3: “The Difficulty of Holding Time”
Beechers: “Imperfection”
Beloit Poetry Journal: “The Field Beyond the Wall”
Blackbird: “Aria,” “Manhood,” “The School”
The Chattahoochee Review: “Look, Overlook”
Denver Syntax: “Rather Than Read Another Word”
Forklift, Ohio: “Memory”
Green Mountains Review: “Binary,” “The Last Time I Saw God,” “from
A Natural History of Silence,” “Unspoken”
Guernica: “Oil and Ash”
Literary Imagination: “Elpenor”
The Literary Review: “Lions”
The Los Angeles Review: “The Book of ___________”
New Ohio Review: “The Professional”
Oxford Poetry: “Soirée”
The Paris-American: “A Woman Stands in a Field”
Phoebe: “The Dark Thing,” “How It Survived for a While”
Prairie Schooner: “In the Pasture Corner,” “The People Who Came
Rattle: “The Last Expedition”
Redivider: “The Orangutan”
Salamander: “After Machado”
Smartish Pace: “September Picnic”
Swarm: “The Horse”
Weber: “Now Here, Nowhere”
Whiskey Island: “Clockwatcher,” “Interrogation”
“Oil and Ash” and “September Picnic” previously appeared in the chapbook The Imaginary City (OW! Arts 2012).
MICHAEL BAZZETT’S poems have appeared in Ploughshares, Massachusetts Review, Pleiades, 32 Poems, Hayden’s Ferry Review, and Best New Poets. He is the author of the chapbook The Imaginary City (OW! Arts 2012), and the winner of the Bechtel Prize from Teachers & Writers Collaborative. A longtime member of the faculty at The Blake School, Bazzett lives in Minneapolis with his wife and two children.
are pleased to announce the third award of
Established in 2011, the annual Lindquist & Vennum Prize for Poetry awards $10,000 and publication by Milkweed Editions to a poet residing in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, or Wisconsin. Finalists are selected from among all entrants by the editors of Milkweed Editions. The winning collection is selected annually by an independent judge. The 2014 Lindquist & Vennum Prize for Poetry was judged by Kevin Prufer.
Milkweed Editions is one of the nation’s leading independent publishers, with a mission to identify, nurture and publish transformative literature, and build an engaged community around it. The Lindquist & Vennum Foundation was established by the Minneapolis-headquartered law firm of Lindquist & Vennum, PLLP, and is a donor-advised fund of The Minneapolis Foundation.
Design & typesetting by Mary Austin Speaker
Typeset in Bembo
Bembo is a revival typeface created in 1929 for Monotype based upon the humanist design cut by Francesco Griffo in the late fifteenth century. The design first appeared in print in 1496 with the publication of Petri Bembi de Aetna Angelum Chabrielem liber, a text by Italian humanist poet Pietro Bembo.