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Fly Page 7

by T. A. Foster

  “I wish I knew the rest. I seriously need your sex life.”

  Skye cleared her throat. “It’s not sex.”

  “Oh right. Your almost sex life. I’d take that too.”

  Skye’s forehead pressed into the desk. “This is stupid isn’t it?”

  Kari stared at her. “What? Having a good time with a guy who wants to keep seeing you?”

  “I’m playing with fire, and we both know it. I just can’t stop.”

  Kari leaned in. “And why do you think that is?”

  Skye shrugged. “I think part of me wants to see if he can make it to the one-month mark.”

  “But?” Kari urged.

  “But the other part of me thinks as soon as he does he’s going to be done with me. He’ll leave. He wouldn’t be the first.”

  Kari looked upset. “Do you hear what you’re saying? You are not giving yourself any credit. You are beautiful, smart, successful—any guy in this city would love to date you. If Ben’s as hot as you say he is, he wouldn’t hang around you for sex. He can get that somewhere else.”

  Skye straightened her shoulders. Everything her friend said made perfect sense. Ben didn’t have to ask her to the game or take her out for beers with his friends.

  “Yeah, you’re right. I don’t know why my guard is up all the time.” An involuntary smile crept across her face. “So I should keep seeing him despite the fact that he’s in the military? Despite the fact that I don’t know much about him? And despite the fact that our relationship is the most physical relationship I’ve ever had?”

  “Absolutely.” Kari’s hand slammed on the mahogany desk, making Skye giggle.

  “Ok, it’s settled.”

  “It’s settled.”

  One Week Later

  Skye stared at the screen on her desk. No matter how many times she went over the campaign slogans, they all sounded the same—boring and ordinary. How many different ways could you tell people they needed to wear sunscreen at the beach and pool? ‘Fun in the sun’ had been played out.

  She glanced at the clock. It was almost eight. The floor was quiet. Kari left hours ago with everyone else. The rumbling sound from her stomach reminded her that the last time she had eaten was at lunch.

  She scrolled through the usual take out places programmed into her phone. She realized she had tried every deli, Chinese restaurant, and pizza joint in a five-mile radius. Tonight, she settled on a turkey and cheese from Sandy’s Sandwich Shoppe.

  “Knock knock.” Greg rapped on the door.

  “What are you doing here? I thought everyone left.” Skye looked behind him, hoping someone else was still lurking in the office.

  Greg was one of those guys who looked like he probably played football in high school. He had an athletic build that over the years had been padded by more than one box of donuts. The receding hairline he tried to hide with longer hair on top, made him look older than he really was. Skye knew they had graduated from college the same year, so he wasn’t even over thirty. Unfortunately, she knew more about Greg than she wanted to.

  “You know, working on the tourism account. I’ve gotta stay ahead of it.” He smiled.

  “Right.” Her stomach lurched. She reached for her bag and folded her laptop into the front pocket.

  “You leaving already? I was going to see if you wanted to split a pizza.” Greg walked further into her office sanctuary.

  She stuffed a notebook behind the laptop and looked up. “Pizza? Ahh…thanks, but I’m picking up dinner on the way home.” She had never been more excited that she decided to eat at home.

  “Oh come on. We could talk about the account. You can fill me in on the people on the tourism board.” He leaned on the desk. “I think I’ve got a bottle of wine. Let’s try it out.” His grin was practically Cheshire Cat-wide.

  Skye held in a gag. “Um. I’m really finished for the night.” She tapped the switch on her desk lamp and stood.

  Greg sighed, “That’s too bad. I was hoping to get your analysis on the account. Maybe even let you take the lead on the zoo campaign.”

  Skye stopped fidgeting with the snaps on her bag. “The zoo campaign?”

  “Uh-huh. Isn’t that your baby?” Greg didn’t budge.

  “It was.” Skye thought about the gondola that sliced through the park, and the panda exhibit. Sunny days on the bench watching the tourists take group photos and line up for snocones.

  “I bet we could work something out.”

  She hated the way he said that. He was dangling the one carrot in front of her he knew he had. There was always the chance he would use all her ideas, take credit for them, and stab her in the back in one quick move. On the other hand, it was a chance to get back on the largest account the firm had. She could handle the zoo marketing and sunscreen ads at the same time.


  Greg’s eyebrows shot upward. “Ok. Let me go get that wine.”

  Skye raised her palm. “No wine. And I’m going to run to Sandy’s and pick up my dinner. But when I get back we can start.”

  Greg slid his hands in his pockets. “Your loss on the wine. It’s a Mystic Vineyards classic.” He bit down on his lower lip, and she noticed his eyes had settled on the top of her cleavage. It made her want to button the top buttons on her blouse.

  “Greg, I’m not staying late at work to drink with you. If you’re saying I can work on the zoo campaign with no strings attached, I’ll come back with dinner. If not, then you’re on your own.”

  He held up his hands. “Strings? You don’t think I’m using this account for anything other than professional reasons, do you?” His smile said otherwise.

  “I don’t know. You tell me.” She looked directly in his eyes.

  “Skye, come on. You know me.”

  She shrugged. “Ok, if you won’t agree to that, I’m leaving.” She slung the bag over her shoulder.

  “No. Wait, wait.” He stood between her and the door. “This is strictly professional. No wine.”

  Skye wasn’t completely convinced, but she decided it was already late. A few more hours at the office wouldn’t hurt anything. If Greg tried to weasel out of their deal, she’d figure out a way to handle him.

  The bag dropped to the floor. “Ok, I’ll be back in ten minutes.”

  “Want me to walk with you?” he offered.

  She glanced at him from the corner of her eye.

  “I take it back. You go get dinner. And I’ll see you in ten minutes.”

  Skye stepped around him and walked to the elevator. She realized as she hit the lobby, she didn’t even ask if he wanted her to order something for him. She giggled.

  The street outside the office was bustling. Sure it wasn’t New York, but there were parts of San Diego that never slept. Even on a Tuesday night. Skye waited at the corner for her turn to cross the street. Sandy’s was only two blocks from the office.

  She paid at the counter for her sandwich and chips. As she passed through the door, she felt her phone vibrate in her purse.



  She smiled at the sound of Ben’s voice. She hadn’t seen him in a few days and had to remind herself that taking it slow meant not spending every night together. She was learning early that pilots were gone a lot, including weekends. He had flown to Texas over the weekend.

  “Are you going to program me into your phone or just keep getting surprised every time I call?” he asked.

  “I don’t know yet.” She stopped to sit at one of the table’s in front of Sandy’s.

  He chuckled. “I guess that’s fair. You still don’t think I’m going to make it to your thirty-day mark.”

  Skye blushed. Did he have a way of spying on her conversations with Kari? “I didn’t say that.”

  “You didn’t have to.”

  “How did your day go?” She watched a couple stroll past her, holding hands.

  “Actually, I just landed. Eagle and I had a late flight. Was thinking about going out. Wan
t to go?”

  “Go out now? It’s late.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re working at the office and can’t tear yourself away to go to a concert.” She thought she heard a smile in his voice.

  “I’m working on an account. I just picked up dinner and was headed back to my office.”

  “Cancel that. I’ll pick you up in…forty-five minutes.”

  Skye looked at the phone in her hand. Who was this guy? He automatically assumed she would comply with all his requests. She had serious work to do. And then she remembered Greg in the office.

  “Ok. But I can’t stay out all night.” She chewed on her lip. She hadn’t seen him in days. Why would she say something so stupid?

  He laughed. “Let’s not worry about curfews before I even pick you up. See you soon.”

  Before she could banter back, he hung up. He was frustrating at times, but deep down she knew a little part of her liked how he took control. He was sexy confidence personified. In only a few short weeks Ben had become a part of her waking thoughts, popping up when she was in the middle of a meeting, or interfering with her charts and tables. Yesterday during a conference call she completely blanked ten minutes in when she was supposed to report on model contract candidates. Instead, she couldn’t shake the funny things Ben said to her at the Padre’s game. He had a way of making her laugh that brought out a side of her she was starting to love.

  She tried to dismiss the feelings that swirled every time she thought about him, but it was harder with each phone call or night they spent together. Slowly, Skye knew she was starting to picture him as the man she wanted, and it scared the hell out of her.

  She dialed the office number and held the phone to her ear. “Hey Greg, yeah I’m not coming back to the office. Let’s work on the project tomorrow.” She hung up and dropped the phone in her bag. She may have just lost her chance to reunite with the zoo campaign and her favorite panda cubs. Cute cubs came in second to a hot Marine pilot. She headed to the parking garage and pointed the car to her apartment. There was no turning back now.

  Bolt hopped out of the shower and reached for the closest towel. He hoped he hadn’t sounded too pushy when he called Skye. He hadn’t planned on calling her tonight, but she kept popping up in his head when he was flying. He decided the only way to cure that was to see her again. He hadn’t planned on missing her over the weekend, but he did. The Dallas trip sprung up at the last minute, or else he would have tried to see her Saturday night.

  She was different than the other women he spent his nights with. Her life was organized and together. She was smart and accomplished. Skye made it clear that she was independent and self-sufficient, and he liked that about her, but what he couldn’t get enough of was when she let down her guard. He knew he was attracted to her like no other girl on the planet. It was as if she possessed some kind of magnetic pull that he couldn’t resist even when he told himself he was headed toward dangerous territory. It was a magnet so strong that he was willing to risk breaking all boundaries just to spend time with her.

  He looped his dog tags over his head and patted them against his chest.

  “Where you headed, Princess?” Hollywood called from the other end of the locker room.

  “Date.” Bolt pulled a pair of jeans up over his legs and fastened them.

  “Same girl?”

  “Yep, Skye.” He reached for a T-shirt.

  “Are you trying to set some kind of record?” Hollywood threw a towel in the hamper. He and Ranger had flown with Bolt and Eagle on the late schedule.

  “Why do you say that?” He knew what was coming next.

  “Because as long as I’ve known you, you’ve never seen the same woman more than once. Not saying that’s a bad thing, just noticed.”

  Bolt shook his head. “Then stop giving me a shit about it. I like her.”

  “Like her?” Hollywood pretended to close his jaw with his palm.

  “Shut the fuck up, man. I can date somebody.” Bolt noticed he had clenched his jaw. He tried to relax.

  “Right. And Ranger’s going to let me make the next flight plan.”

  Bolt tried to laugh. He knew Hollywood, or any of the guys, would give him a hard time about Skye. He deserved it. They had seen him dart out of more hotel rooms than anyone at the squadron. But now that the jabs were actually happening the words weren’t rolling off his back like he wanted. .

  “All I’m saying is that you’re not really a relationship guy. You’re a fuck and run guy.”

  “See ya.” Bolt grabbed his bag. He didn’t want to hear anymore.

  “Wait, man. I didn’t mean to piss you off. I just don’t know why you can’t admit that you’re going to screw her over like all the other girls you fuck. She seems nice. I liked her. Cool girl.”

  Bolt turned toward his friend, his voice low. “Yeah, she is nice.” He didn’t want to get in a fight with Hollywood. He was only joking around, but it had gotten under his skin and started to irritate him like a bad T-shirt tag.

  “Have fun on your date, Princess.” Hollywood called after him, but Bolt walked straight ahead. There was a lot of truth in what his friend said, and he wasn’t ready to face any of it.

  “Hey.” Skye opened the door. She was wearing tight jeans and a black tank top. Her hair was down around her face.

  “Hey.” He smiled. God, she looked incredible. He had forgotten how sexy she was.

  “So, what concert are we going to?” She stepped back to let him in the apartment. “I haven’t heard of anyone playing tonight. But, I’ve been working a lot so I don’t really know—”

  He brushed against her and closed the door behind him. “Change of plans.”

  He didn’t give her a chance to ask questions. His mouth crashed into hers and he nudged her against the wall, taking her face in his hands. It was rough and hard, but he could tell the kiss wasn’t one-sided. He felt her arms wind around his neck, and tug him closer toward her. The more her tongue lashed against his, the more he wanted from her. She was like lightning in a bottle.

  He reached around the small of her back and hoisted her legs around his waist. He pressed against her, wanting her to feel what she was doing to him. She let out a groan and he moved his mouth along her neck. She tasted like vanilla icing, and all he could think about was licking every square inch of her body.

  He already knew his way around her apartment. He peeled her from the wall and headed into the hallway and toward the bedroom. With each step he took she squeezed her thighs tighter against his hips. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out she missed him and wanted him as badly as he wanted her.

  Her breasts arched toward him as he laid her on the bed. He reached for her tank top and yanked it over her head. Damn, she had on black lace. His favorite. He went for the button on the jeans hoping like hell there was something matching underneath. He smiled as she eased her hips off the bed and helped him maneuver her out of the jeans. It felt like he was trying to harness something wild every time he ran his hands over her skin. He didn’t want to tame her—he didn’t want her to change what she did one bit. He loved how she reacted to him. He loved that she let go and gave in to his touch.

  “Ben,” she whispered his name as he stepped out of his jeans and kicked them next to the bed.

  “Hmm…” he wasn’t watching her expression. He was too busy toying with the black lace between her legs. God, she was hot. He wanted her from the first night he saw her sipping wine in the bar. He couldn’t believe a beautiful, sexy woman like her was sitting alone. He kept waiting for a boyfriend to show up and punch him for taking over his territory, but she was alone. She was available. And for the last week he had tried his damndest to get her in bed.

  Her hands clutched at his shoulders and she let out a whimper as he stripped the lace from between her legs, making sure to let his fingers graze across her heated skin.

  “We need to slow down.” Her voice was raspy.

  Slowing down was the last thing on his agenda.
He cupped a breast with his hand and squeezed it in his hand. The only thing that felt better than this, was to explore it with his mouth. He eased the fabric over the top until only half of her was covered. He descended, pulling her into his mouth, feeling the softness of her skin. His tongue moved over her until she was completely hard, and he began to suck, urging her to writhe under him. Damn, he loved it when she rocked her hips toward him. The harder he sucked the quicker her rhythm picked up. He nudged her knee to the side and settled in between her legs, feeling the heat from her core through the last bit of clothing he wore. He rocked forward, pushing hard against her.

  “Ben,” she groaned. Her head thrashed to the side. He felt her nails dig harder into his back. That’s it, he thought, no going back. He reached for his waistband, keeping one hand firmly on her breast; while the other one freed him from the boxer briefs he wore.

  As soon as he felt her between his legs he thought he wouldn’t be able to control himself, but he wanted to see her expression when he was finally inside her. It was going to be fucking amazing. He raised his head to catch her gaze as he positioned himself between her legs.

  “Wait. What are you doing?” Her head jerked forward, and she looked down where his was hand was moving.

  He smiled. “Baby, it’s going to feel so good.” He kissed her mouth, inhaling one long breath as he steadied himself over her. He didn’t know how much longer he could hold the pause button. He wanted to be inside her five minutes ago.

  “What? No. No.” She wiggled back on the bed. “I thought we agreed. One month. You said you were ok with that.”

  He didn’t like the look on her face. She was angry.

  “Yeah, I did, but we’re headed in that direction anyway. Let me show you.” He crawled toward her and grazed her neck with his lips.

  “So you thought we should just bypass the thirty day thing because you don’t want to wait? Didn’t you hear anything I said?”

  He sighed. “Exactly. We’re going to fuck, so why not do it now?”

  “Excuse me?” Skye retreated to the end of the bed with a look of absolute murder on her face.


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