Discovering Pride (Pride Series)

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Discovering Pride (Pride Series) Page 1

by Jill Sanders

  Discovering Pride

  Lacey Jordan was a woman who knew what she wanted…and she wanted nothing to do with the new doctor in town. He had the perfect smile, perfectly tan muscles, and a way with people—her people. This was her town, her family, and her life. He’d come into town and shaken everything up including her heart.

  Aaron was running away from a hard breakup where more then just his heart had been broken. At this point all he wanted to do was take over his grandfather’s medical practice, work on his new house, and turn it into the first place he could call his home. He liked the town of Pride; in fact, he had spent the only good parts of his childhood here. What he hadn’t expected was to bump into a fairy goddess, bumping hard enough to get a concussion and have his heart mended at the same time.

  Then, the town gets a visit that will change their lives forever, if they can survive.


  To the three special men in my life, who have

  been there with an eager ear to listen to a tale.

  For the many dogs that have come and gone,

  always there with a wag in their tails,

  slobbery kisses, and undying love.

  Let’s play ball.



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  Copyright 2010 Jill Sanders

  Published at Smashwords


  A cool breeze drifted over the tall trees, floating down towards the still waters of a large pond, which caused the lily pads to stir. Dragonflies buzzed from flower to flower and frogs hopped along the grassy shore.

  Every now and then, a lone leaf would break free from a branch and float slowly down to the moss covered forest floor. Soon it will be winter and this little piece of heaven will be covered in snow. All the insects and animals will be tucked away for the cold days and nights. But, for today the pond waters were buzzing with life.

  Lacey Jordan was a free spirit woman who enjoyed the fresh air, blue skies, and nature sounds that surrounded her home in Pride, Oregon. Even though summer was ending, the fall temperatures had reached a record high; a true Indian summer was in full swing.

  Lacey was happily floating alone in the large pond that bordered her property. Well, she wasn’t quit alone; Bernard had been running in and out of the water, digging in the mud near the shore. Bernard was Lacey’s first love, and to date, her only. He was everything she wanted in a man; loyal, loving, brave, and a great listener. Not to mention he was blonde, brown eyed, and loved to snuggle. His only faults were; he hogged the bed, slobbered a lot, and was extremely hairy, but no one was perfect.

  Bernard was Lacey’s three and a half year old Labrador Retriever.

  As she floated her short black hair bobbed around her face, a face often described as pixy like. Her straight nose was, in her opinion, her best asset. However, most people claimed it was her crystal slate eyes that stood out the most. An artist, who had once painted her, had compared her to an exotic creature from beyond this world.

  A small crease formed between her eyebrows at the thought of being compared to an exotic or even mythical creature. It happened often enough; however, she was getting tired of it. To her, she was just Lacey, a down-to-earth woman in her mid-twenties whom, at this point, had yet to fall in love.

  Most people in her town knew she had an uncanny way of predicting what was going to happen and often even able to control the outcome. However, she felt she shouldn’t be faulted for just paying attention.

  But, today she didn’t want to think of the town or its inhabitants. She forced herself to relax again as she studied the bright clear sky. Today, she was going to enjoy her favorite place: the pond which was located in the woods laying between her and her brother Todd’s houses.

  Every once in a while Bernard would swim out to check on her or bark to make sure his presence was still known. She could spend hours out here, lost in thought, which would sometimes make her late for work. She was grateful she wasn’t expected any where today so she could continue floating and relaxing as she pleased.

  Lacey had been born and raised in Pride, and this was home. There had been a time when she’d craved to see the world, to expand her horizons, and become a woman of the world. However, after spending over a year traveling around Europe, she had craved to be home again. She missed taking walks along the beach or sitting in front of a fire with her father and brothers. But, she had made it home only to lose her father. She struggled through her loss; her family needed her close, and she needed them in return.

  She started treading water as she remembered the weeks after she had come home. It had been some of the hardest times for the Jordan family, learning to adjust to the changes after the accident that had claimed their father’s life and left her brother, Iian battered and without his hearing.

  However, the family had conquered a lot together: learning sign language and running the family businesses, they had learned to take care of each other.

  Looking up, she saw Bernard happily running around the shore chasing the ducks that kept trying to land.

  Aaron Stevens was restless, hot, sweaty, and he was horny. His need reminded him it had been over seven months since his break up with Jennifer. He’d spent the last few days hammering away on his house, spending all his pent up anger and hurt on demolition. Now, however, he was still hot, angry, sweaty, and horny.

  When he’d purchased the old house he knew it needed a lot of work. But, he thought the project would help him keep his mind off the fact that he’d almost made the biggest mistake of his life. He’d learned a valuable lesson in love, and it had only cost him his heart.

  When he hit his thumb for the tenth time in the last half hour, he threw the hammer across the room. But, because there were no walls in the place, it flew across the room and hit the floor with a dull thud, giving him no satisfaction.

  The first thing he’d done was rip up the bright orange carpet, which now made the entire house echo. He had plans for hard-wood or tile in the place, but he had yet to decide on which. All he knew was that carpet had to go.

  He stalked from the room fuming and frustrated. And now his thumb was throbbing like a bitch. When he reached the back door he kept on going.

  Soon he found himself on a path in a part of the woods he hadn’t explored yet. There was a fork in the path, one that lead to his closest neighbors, Megan and Todd Jordan. They had been his first patients after taking over his grandfather’s medical practice.

  He paused by the head of the path and remembered walking into the hospital room after Megan had been rescued from her crazy ex-husband.

  Megan had seemed so small and pale, she’d been bruised by the whole ordeal, but her and Todd’s unborn child had survived. Her ex-husband, Derek, was now on trial for the murder of a federal guard. Todd had hovered over her, protecting her, which gained instant respect in Aaron’s book.

  Aaron had done an ultrasound at the hospital, printing as many pictures as Todd had wanted. He felt compassion towards the new family. He could tell they had a rough start, but knew they would turn out okay. The baby and mother had been fine, and he had seen them again just yesterday for another checkup.

  He was almost to a clearing before he heard the dog barking. He’d been so deep in his thoughts that he hadn’t realized how far and which direction he had gone. Was he still on his property?

  Just then, a wet yellow lab came running down the path towards him. Aaron held out his hand for it to smell as it ran up sniffing then licking it. The entire time its’ tail was wagging at fu
ll speed. Then it quickly turned and ran off in the opposite direction.

  Smiling after the animal, Aaron continued down the path. He came to a large clearing with a good size pond in the middle of tall grass. The water looked calm and cool so he decided to cool off before heading back to the house and hammers.

  Tossing off his clothing quickly, he dove from a large flat rock that hung over the waters edge. Cutting deep through the cool crisps water, he was half way across the small pond when his body hit something solid—solid but definitely soft. He reached up and getting a hand full of soft skin, pushed up from the muddy bottom.

  Lacey heard Bernard run off down the path, barking. Thinking he was probably chasing a bird, she dove under the water one last time. She wanted to stop by Megan’s later to see how she and the baby were doing; maybe she would even make them dinner.

  When she was in the middle of the pond she bumped into something solid. Then she was grabbed and pulled upwards by large warm hands.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” she sputtered after surfacing, shaking her head to clear it.

  When Aaron surfaced he was assaulted by the sexiest voice he’d had the pleasure of hearing. His hands were holding the struggling creature; she was soft, small, and naked. Her hair was short, silky black, and it was slicked back from her face—a beautiful face at that. Her eyes were silver and seemed to penetrate into him. She had a cute little nose that sloped up at the end. There was a very small dimple in her chin and her lips were full and puckered ever so slightly. She had a look on her face that told him this was her pond and he was the intruder here.

  “What do we have here?” Aaron said holding the squirming woman; she looked like a drenched pixie as he smiled down at her.

  “You can just take your filthy hands off me.” Lacey pushed against his chest, he didn’t budge. Shaking the water from her eyes, she got her first look at him.

  He looked like a Greek god. His hair was a mess of dripping golden blonde locks; it appeared it was a little longer than her own. His skin was golden. His eyes were deep rich brown, and his chin was strong and firm. His body was up tight against her own; it was warm, firm, and as she noted, naked. She pushed harder against his chest, again he didn’t budge.

  “Hm, I don’t think they’re dirty any longer.” he said with a slow smile. He kicked his legs a few times making sure their heads stayed above the water. He felt her legs against his; they were soft and smooth, making him want to tangle in them. He could see her chest rising and falling with each breath she took. The water lapped lower on the most perfect pair of breast, he’d had the pleasure of seeing in his almost thirty years. Then, she tried to push him away again. This time he pulled her closer, so he could feel her cool skin against his burning skin.

  “Let’s just see what happens when I…” He lowered his head intending on tasting.

  Lacey felt his muscular hairy legs against hers. She could see a light coat of blonde hair on his tan chest. A chest, she noted, which was full of tone rippling muscles. She tried again to push free, no luck, his arms were like vices, holding her tight against him.

  This time when she pushed, he returned by pulling her closer. She felt his chest hit hers and held her breath. His arms snaked around her, his hands were on her back, holding her in place. When his head started descending towards her mouth, she panicked.

  “Let me go before I scream.” she whispered in a shaky tone.

  He heard the panic in her voice. Pulling his head away, he looked into her eyes and he could see the panic there.

  Shaking his head to clear it, he pulled away from her just as she reached up and pushed his head under the water. He stayed under for just a moment, allowing his mind to cool.

  In that moment, he saw her duck under the water. She quickly ran her eyes over him, turned her back and swam towards the shore at a speed that impressed him.

  He drifted under the water for another few seconds, trying to clear his head. When he pushed himself up he shook the water from his eyes and looked towards the shore. He didn’t see anyone. Where had she disappeared to? He glanced around. She was nowhere to be found. How could she have disappeared so quickly? There were some bushes and a rock to the left, but nothing big enough to conceal a woman. Turning in circles he scanned the entire area, taking in any movement. Nothing!

  Was he going crazy? What was he doing? Had she even really existed? Had he imagined her?


  He could still feel the warmth from her breath on his face; and when he closed his eyes he could smell her.

  Dunking his head under the water again he looked around the pond. From what he could see, he was the only inhabitant. Pushing up again, he scanned one more time and then finally called out.



  He must have been hornier then he’d thought; to imagine a sexy water pixie.

  Shaking his head he decided he could use a few laps to cool his libido.


  Lacey lay down in the grass breathing quietly. She could hear him swimming around. When he had called out, she had known her hiding spot was safe. Not wanting to draw any attention to herself, she stayed where she was until she heard him swim ashore. Then curiosity had gotten the better of her, and she rolled over to her stomach and pushed aside tall grass to take a peek.

  His back side was even better than his front. When she had ducked down to escape him, she had taken in his whole body, tan, muscular, and hard. She had almost swallowed a mouth full of water. Now as he reached over and picked up his discarded jeans she took in his tight butt. Wow. She let out a soft breath slowly.

  Who was he? Where did he come from? Was he a guest at Megan’s Bed and Breakfast? What was he doing in her pond? And, she thought, how did he get such a tight butt?

  When he had disappeared down one of the paths, she rolled over and quickly grabbed her clothing which had been hanging over a low branch behind a large bush.

  Once dressed, she jogged down the path heading towards her own house. Hitting the house at a run, she skidded to a halt when she reached the front porch and saw Bernard curled up on the door mat.

  “What kind of protector are you?” She bent down and scratched his head. When he rolled over, she said. “Oh no, no belly rubbing until you earn it.”

  Bernard followed her into the house and she decided she would head over to Megan and Todd’s early for dinner. She was now in the mood to cook although cooking for one was no fun.

  She had been the only woman in a house full of men, so she learned early how to run a household. She practically raised her brother, Iian, who had never known life with a mother because theirs had died delivering him.

  Todd was the oldest by several years and had at a young age married his High School sweetheart. But, tragedy had struck when she died and Todd had moved back into the large house that stood on the cliff.

  That is when Todd had started helping their father with their company, Jordan Shipping. When their father had perished a few years later, Todd had taken control of the business all together while Lacey and Iian watched over the family’s other business, a restaurant, which had been in their family for generations. It was more to their pace.

  While Iian ran the kitchen, Lacey enjoyed running the restaurant; she had a good head for business.

  She had always wanted a sister and since Todd and Megan’s wedding a few weeks ago, she not only gained a sister, but a niece or nephew was now on the way.

  As she headed upstairs to her room for a shower, she met Iian on the stair landing. They had the same jet black hair even though Lacey’s was shorter than his at the moment. They also had the same silver blue eyes and small but prominent dimple on their chins.

  Where Lacey stood only five foot four inches, Iian and Todd were both well over six feet tall. Her father had always said she took after her mother. She could scarcely remember her mother other than sometimes remembering a soft voice or warm arms rocking her to sleep.

  Using sig
n language she asked Iian if he was heading to work.

  He kissed her cheek and answered. “Yes, running late. See you sis.” She watched him disappear down the stairs and out the front door.

  She was worried about her brother; he’d been spending way too many hours at the restaurant. She was sure he still went in even on his nights off. Even though they owned the place, they both made a point to work only five nights a week. However, Iian had been going into town every night for the last several months. Did he have a girl? She didn’t think he’d been seeing anyone seriously, not since before the accident that claimed his hearing.

  She shook her head as she headed up to take a shower. When she entered her room to undress, she looked around. The tower room had always been her bedroom. It was huge with large bay windows that overlooked the yard and the ocean. Looking around she realized how big it truly was. One wall was covered with mirrors and her barre, remnants from when she had the urge as a young child to become a ballerina. Her father and oldest brother had quickly put them up at her request. She still used them once in a while to help her with her yoga.


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