Discovering Pride (Pride Series)

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Discovering Pride (Pride Series) Page 2

by Jill Sanders

  The walls of the room were still painted a deep pink from yet another request as a teenager. She supposed that her room really did reflect her childhood personality. Now, looking around, she realized she had somewhat outgrown everything in the room. Gone was the child who wanted pink walls, ballet barres, and canopy beds high up in her own castle.

  Stepping into her bathroom and the shower, her mind played over the scene at the pond. It had been the closest she’d ever gotten to a naked man. She had truly been sheltered growing up. Her brothers had always protected her by keeping the boys at bay. But now, she was almost twenty five, she could make up her own mind about the men she did or didn’t see in her life. After what she’d seen at the pond, she knew she wanted to see more of the blonde man who swam naked in someone else’s pond.

  An hour later, she was still distracted by her thoughts as she walked towards Megan and Todd’s place; Bernard was on her heels, no doubt hoping for some tummy rubs and left overs.

  Aaron been invited to Todd and Megan’s for dinner; and they were fast becoming some of his favorite people in the small town. He had walked over to their house using the short path from his place several times now. He had even journeyed to the beach past the cottages they rented out as part of their bed and breakfast business.

  He’d just reached the edge of clearing at the back of the big house, when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. He rubbed his eyes to make sure the image didn’t disappear this time. He stood in the middle of the path and watched the water pixie walk right towards the house. Her head was lowered as she spoke to the dog that walked beside her.

  She wore a white flowing sun dress the color of snow. Her shoulders were bare, and he saw with great pleasure that her back was almost fully exposed. He watched her float out of the forest and up the back steps into the house.

  When she disappeared inside, the yellow dog he’d met earlier on the path laid down on the back steps in front of the door. Aaron continued towards the house with a wide smile on his face.

  When Lacey walked in to the house, she found Megan and Todd in the kitchen kissing. They must not have heard her, so she coughed softly and they slowly pulled away from one another. Todd kept his arms lightly around his new bride.

  The kitchen was one of Lacey’s favorite rooms in this house. It was old fashioned but with newer appliances, thanks to Matt who had redecorated it shortly after moving in. He’d chosen nice light colors making the room feel like spring every day of the year. Lacey loved cooking, but she really enjoyed it more in someone else’s kitchen.

  “How are my favorite people today?” she asked making herself at home and then she noticed that Todd had cooked a large meal. Pots and pans simmered on the large stove. The place smelled of good food.

  Her family had become accustomed to treating this house as home when Matt, Megan’s brother, had lived here, and they continued to do so now that Megan and Todd called it home.

  “We are doing just great.” Todd walked over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  From outside Bernard let out a happy bark. Then there was a knock on the door.

  “Oh, I forgot.” Megan said with a smile. “We invited Dr. Stevens for dinner.”

  “Oh, good, it’ll be nice to see …” Lacey’s words stopped short when Todd opened the door. The man from the pond was walking in instead of the hundred year old doctor that Lacey had grown up knowing.

  “What are you doing here?” Lacey asked taking two full steps backwards, bumping into the stove.

  Aaron walked in and shook Todd’s outstretched hand, he sent Lacey a quick smile across the room. “Good evening.” he said to Todd. “Thank you for inviting me.”

  Slightly concerned, Todd turned towards Lacey and said. “Lacey, this is Dr. Stevens’ grandson, Aaron. Now that his grandfather has retired, he is our new doctor. Aaron, this is my sister Lacey.”

  Lacey remembered now, of course she had heard about it, it had been all over town.

  Aaron walked towards Lacey. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He held out his hand. With satisfaction he saw her hands dart behind her back right before she slowly reached out to take his own in a shaky handshake.

  He held her hand in his and felt the warmth from her soft skin. Lingering far more than he should have, he enjoyed seeing her eyes fire up and her cheeks heat.

  Lacey tugged her hand free and put it behind her back again trying to not look guilty. After all, she didn’t do anything that would make her feel ashamed. It was, after all, her private swimming hole. She grew up swimming in it every summer. It was Aaron who should be feeling guilty, after all, who was he to jump naked in her pond.

  Aaron took a good look at her; she was smaller than he’d first thought. Her head was below his shoulders, and with her tiny frame she looked very delicate.

  “I purchased the Bell’s house just down the way.” he smiled. “I’m rebuilding it, it’s hot and hard work. That pond of yours was sure nice and cool today. Just what the doctor ordered.” he gave her a large smile and winked at her, clearly telling her what he meant.

  “Oh, you found the pond did you? It really isn’t ours. I guess it borders all three properties.” Todd said.

  “Megan, you’re looking better.” Lacey changed the subject quickly. She was sure her face was turning beet red. Was it getting hotter in the room, or was it just her?

  “I feel a lot better, I’m just glad the morning sickness is over. Now, I just get tired early in the evenings.” she smiled. “Todd, why don’t you and Aaron go set the table in the dining room? Lacey and I will finish up in here and bring dinner out.”

  “Sure, come on in to the den.”

  When the men left the room, Megan turned on Lacey. “Okay, what was that all about?”

  “Please, please, just shoot me.” Lacey sat down at the table and put her head down on the cool wood. “This afternoon, I was taking my normal swim at the pond, and well… bumped into him. I guess he had the same idea of how to cool off as I did.”

  Megan smiled down at the back of Lacey’s head. Todd and her had gone swimming in the pond a few nights ago themselves to “cool off”. She knew how they had swam and imagined Lacey and Aaron had been swimming the same way—naked.

  Megan sat down on a chair and a small laugh escape her lips. “Oh, that is rich. Tell me all the details.” She said leaning forward over her small, but growing belly.

  Lacey looked up and for a second time her face flushed. Then she leaned in and told her friend and sister every detail.

  Dinner was different from anything Aaron had ever experienced. These people actually talked to each other and laughed while enjoying their meal. He was sucked into feeling like he was part of their family. At one point, he was laughing so hard, he thought he might choke on the meatloaf.

  Growing up, his parents had been too wrapped up in their careers and wealth to raise him themselves. Most of his childhood had been spent in boarding schools. Teachers had been his only authority figures. His only true enjoyment, when he’d been young, was his two weeks that he spent visiting his grandfather’s house in Pride every other summer.

  During dinner Lacey had caught Aaron staring at her several times and by the end of the evening she was a ball of nerves. Her anxiety increased when he suggested he walk her home.

  The sun was just setting when they headed towards her house. She was quiet besides him and kept her eyes on the path ahead. A little nervous of what to say to him, she chose to walk in silence.

  Aaron walked beside her. He had gotten the impression from Todd and Megan, that she was usually in charge of, well, everything. It was nice to see her jump when he had brushed up against her when he reached for a dish.

  As they walked he could hear crickets chirping and frogs calling out to find a mate. At one point he even heard an owl hooting and then all was silent. He took in a deep breath of fresh air and enjoyed the smells of pine. This is what he had wanted, no, what he needed.

  When they reached the fork in the p
ath she turned to face him. “You don’t have to walk me all the way. I can make it home myself.”

  “What? Let you be grabbed on the way back to your house? No, I’ll make sure you get to your door safe and sound.” he said smiling down at her.

  “The only one that’s been grabbing me is you.” she said turning back on him and started to march away.

  He grabbed her shoulders and turned her back to face him. Looking down into her face, he could see the fear and the hurt he had caused.

  “I’ll apologize for that, there was no excuse for my actions.” he shook his head still holding her firm. He could remember feeling hurt not too long ago. Releasing her shoulders, he turned and started walking back down the path.

  “It was nice meeting you Lacey, have a good night,” he said over his shoulder as he continued to walk down the path towards his house.

  “Good night.” she said under her breath. She stared at his back then turned down her own path. She thought about the days’ events and the man she’d just met. She wondered what she’d just gotten herself into.


  Lacey loved Saturday nights. She had sweat rolling between her shoulder blades, a juice stain on her shirt, and she was sure there was a small blister on her right heel. But, she had a large smile on her face.

  Saturday’s were always busy at the Golden Oar, her family’s restaurant, and Lacey loved them. This was when families came in for a night out away from their kitchens, and couples came in for dates and dimly lit tables.

  She adored this small town and the fact she knew everyone by name; further, she liked almost every last person. She was serving the Bergman’s, a family of nine in the large dining hall, when she felt a shiver run up her spine. Setting a plate down, she turned her head slightly to the left and spotted the cause of her disturbance.

  He stood in the doorway, and the young receptionist, Katie, was trying to get his attention so she could seat him.

  He wore an old pair of jeans with a small hole in one knee, old tennis shoes, and a UCLA t-shirt that had seen better days. His hair was messed up like he had run his hands through it, and he had a smudge of dirt on his chin. He looked great. He gave her one of his big smiles. Katie proceeded to lead him to one of the tables in her section.

  After clearing her drink tray, she headed over to Aaron’s table. She’d hoped that after the other night, she wouldn’t see him for a while. She really wished she would stop thinking of him.

  “Hi, can I get you something to drink?” she asked while handing him a menu.

  “Hi.” He said as he smiled up at her.

  “Hi,” she said back. When he just continued to look at her, she piped in, “We’ve a lovely Red Merlot, or perhaps you prefer a White Chardonnay?” She could feel her frustration building as he continued to smile at her as she proceeded to run through the whole drink menu.

  “You look very appealing in that outfit.” he continued to smile at her without once looking down at his menu.

  The building frustration helped her forget to hide her astonishment and her mouth dropped open.

  When he had walked into the crowded restaurant, he expected something different from the very comfortable environment full of happy patrons. The place felt like home, it was hard to explain, but it felt…right.

  He had just finished a quick scan of the large restaurant with its nautical theme when he spotted Lacey serving food to a large family in the back corner. The first thing he noticed was the outfit. He appreciated the short black skirt that showed off her legs; she looked very appealing.

  He enjoyed watching the way she moved through the room and tables like she was on a mission. Then he was treated with her rehearsed citation of the restaurant’s drink menu. He felt that listening to that sexy voice was never going to be a hardship. However, he thought it was his duty to throw her off balance, and gauging by her expression, he was sure he had succeeded.

  “I’ll have a beer please.” he said when she closed her mouth. He could see her eyes starting to fire up with frustration.

  She turned on her heels and marched off without a word. He smiled and enjoyed watching her walk away.

  Less than a minute later, a tall man came out the kitchen doors, scanned the room, and marched towards his table with determination.

  The man was easily a half foot taller than him, but their builds were similar.

  “Can I help you?” said the man as he came to a stop in front of Aaron’s table. Aaron thought he heard a hint of an accent but couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

  “Yes, I believe I’m ready to order.” he said looking down at his menu. When he received no response, he looked back up at the man. He had a confused expression on his face and then it dawned on Aaron. The man had the same silver eyes as Lacey, the same black hair, and even the same dip in the chin. This must be Lacey’s brother, Iian, who was deaf. Setting the menu down, Aaron signed his greeting.

  “Hello, you must be Iian, I’m Dr. Aaron Stevens. Todd has told me so much about you and this restaurant. I thought I’d come and check it out for myself.”

  “Dr. Stevens? You’re Dr. Stevens’ grandson?” Iian signed back looking surprised and relieved. When Lacey had come back to the kitchen complaining about the “jerk” at table eleven, he had marched out to take care of the man.


  Iian smiled back at him. “May I join you for a few minutes?” When Aaron nodded, Iian sat in one of the empty chairs.

  “It’s good to finally meet the man who took such good care of Megan. I heard you’re taking over your grandfather’s practice.”

  The conversation was light and friendly; Aaron figured he would like Iian just as much as he liked Todd. Both brothers were friendly and very protective of their loved ones.

  Iian and Aaron were laughing when Lacey came back over with Aaron’s beer.

  She had been surprised to see the doctor using sign to talk to Iian and could not help but notice his hands moving fluently with the language. She felt her heart rate increase as she stared at them; they were large and tan and she tried not to imagine what they would feel like all over her body. Both men looked up at her and smiled, she quickly pulled her eyes back to Aaron’s face.

  “Well Doctor, have you decided what you want?” she pulled out her pad and pencil.

  When she was met with silence she peered over at him. He was giving her a funny look with another one of his goofy smiles.

  For the second time that night she felt her cheeks heat and quickly looked over at Iian who was smiling back at her.

  “I’m still working on it.” he said with a smile.

  Iian had never seen Lacey this way before; her face was flushed and he was sure she was blushing. Iian had the feeling that he had been completely forgotten.

  “What time do you get off work?” Aaron asked. Just then, Iian stood up, laughed loudly and walked back to the kitchen shaking his head.

  “Let’s just get this out in the open.” she pointed her pen in his direction. “I don’t like pushy men; I don’t know where you come from but around here…” she trailed off when she noticed he wasn’t paying attention to her anymore. His eyes were on her face but she could see that they had filled with sadness. She took a deep breath and sat down across from him placing her hand on his.

  “Where did you just go?” she whispered.

  He looked across the table at her. Her eyes showed concern instead of the resentment he had seen a second earlier. He shook his head to clear it. Of course he had been thinking of Jennifer. He’d tried to completely wipe her from his mind, but she kept sneaking back in.

  Looking across the table at Lacey, who was the complete opposite of Jennifer, made him wonder why he was so fascinated by her. She was unlike any woman he had ever been interested in before.

  He liked tall, blonde, athletic types. So, why did he have an urge, one that came from down deep inside, to get to know Lacey? Was he willing to chance a relationship again? Could he afford the cost again
if things went wrong?

  Lacey saw his eyes focusing slowly on her and then glanced down to their joined hands. She pulled her hand away.

  “She did a number on you?” she whispered.

  “Who?” he said shrugging and trying to act casual.

  Lacey shook her head. “Listen Doctor…” she began.

  “Can you just call me Aaron? When you call me Doctor it almost sounds like an insult.” He smiled over at her and pulled her hand back into his. Lacey tugged on her hand after she saw his eyes were focus and full of mischief.


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