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Empire High Betrayal

Page 25

by Ivy Smoak

  “An investigation? But I don’t have any drugs in my locker…” Felix’s voice trailed off as the cop held up a bag of white powder.

  “You need to come with us right now,” he said.

  The sound of laughter made me look behind me. Freaking Cupcake. With his arm around Isabella and a huge grin on his face. I knew without a doubt that he was behind this. They both were. Isabella winked at me and my heart sank.

  Her words from several weeks ago came back to me. “I’m going to break you, Sissy. And I’m going to do it by breaking everyone around you.”

  Felix seemed to have come to the same conclusion on who had set him up, because he yelled, “What the hell, Cupcake?”

  Cupcake shrugged his shoulders. “I didn’t do anything. You can thank Brooklyn for this. I saw her on the phone earlier. She probably turned you in.”

  What? I took a step forward, but Matt grabbed my arm to hold me back.

  Felix didn’t even look over at me. “Fuck you, Cupcake. Brooklyn had nothing to do with this and you know it.”

  “I’m not so sure about that,” Isabella said. “This is all definitely happening because of her. Nothing like this ever happened before she moved to the city. It’s a shame she doesn’t just leave.”

  They were doing this because of me. God. She was trying to destroy everyone around me.

  “He must have put the drugs in my locker,” Felix said and pointed to Cupcake. “He set me up.”

  “Mr. Green, I’m not going to ask you again, you need to leave the school grounds immediately,” the principal said.

  “But I didn’t do anything.”

  The cop grabbed his arm.

  “It was Cupcake!” Felix yelled. “He’s selling drugs on school property. He’s putting them in his gross sugar cakes. He had to be the one that planted drugs in my locker. You should be arresting him.”

  Cupcake just laughed. “I haven’t done anything wrong.”

  “You haven’t done anything wrong? You fucking raped Kennedy, you disgusting piece of shit.” Felix lunged at him, but the cop caught his arm.

  No. No, no, no. Oh, shit!

  There was an audible gasp from the students around us. But Kennedy’s gasp was the only one I was focused on. Tears pooled in the corners of her eyes as the cop handcuffed Felix and dragged him away from Cupcake.

  “Everyone get to class!” The principal yelled. “Now!”

  “How could you?” Kennedy said as students rushed past us. “You promised you wouldn’t tell anyone. I told you I liked Felix. How could you do this to me?”

  “Kennedy, I’m so…”

  “Sorry? I don’t care if you’re sorry. You promised.”

  “I know, it just kind of came out at homecoming…”

  “He’s known since homecoming?! Are you freaking kidding me?”

  “I was just trying to help. I was so worried about you.”

  “Save it, Brooklyn. I always have your back. Always. And the one time I ask you to have mine, you don’t.”


  “I was barely holding on as it was. You know that. And I was finally excited about something. But this whole time Felix was just being nice to me because he felt bad for me?”

  No. “Of course not.”

  “You think he’d actually like the poor girl from the wrong side of the tracks?” She tried to wipe away the tears that were pouring down her cheeks. “My life isn’t a fucking fairytale like yours, Brooklyn. God, Felix probably still likes you. Because everyone always just likes you. No one will ever want me.”

  “Kennedy, that’s not true. Someone will want you.”

  “Someone? Just not Felix? You sabotaged me. You knew I liked him and you ruined everything. He’ll never look at me the same. And God, I really can’t freaking look at you right now.” She ran off toward the bathroom.

  I went to follow her, but Matt grabbed my hand. “I think you should give her a second to cool off.”

  Isabella laughed as she walked past us. “Two down,” she said. “That was easier than I thought. Only one to go.” She placed her index finger in the center of Matt’s chest.

  Matt grabbed her hand to push it away.

  “Funny,” said Isabella. “We’re already holding hands.”

  Matt dropped her hand like it had burned him.

  “No matter. I still have a month to ruin this relationship. See you on Thanksgiving, Sissy.” She blew me a kiss and walked away, her high heels clicking loudly on the floor.

  “I didn’t mean to,” I said through my tears. “I thought Felix would talk to Cupcake and fix it. I thought…”

  “Why’d you tell Felix and not me?” Matt asked.

  “I didn’t mean to tell anyone. It just kind of slipped out at homecoming…”

  “At homecoming, yeah I heard you. Which means you kept it from me for weeks, Brooklyn.”

  “I wasn’t keeping it from you. Kennedy asked me not to tell anyone.”

  “But you told him.”

  God, he sounded so pissed. “I’m sorry.”

  Matt took a deep breath. “Maybe next time you need help with something you should ask your fiancé instead. Then maybe none of this would have happened.”

  “You weren’t my fiancé then. We weren’t even together. Matt…”

  “Because you wouldn’t come talk to me. You just broke up with me without even letting me explain my side. We only ever fight when you don’t talk to me. And when we got back together you looked me in the eye and promised me no more secrets. So what the hell is this?”

  “It wasn’t my secret to share.”

  “Well apparently it was, because you shared it with Felix.” He shook his head. “I’m not having this argument with you in the middle of school. We can talk about it later. Or not, since you don’t like letting me in.” He left me standing in the middle of the hall as he walked away.

  “Matt!” I yelled after him. But he was already pushing out the front doors of Empire High. God, what the hell had I done? I ran after him and down the front steps. “We also said we wouldn’t run away!” I called after him.

  He froze at the bottom of the steps and turned around. He looked so sad, and I hated that I’d done that to him.

  I ran down the rest of the stairs. “Please, I don’t want to fight with you,” I said.

  He didn’t say a word.

  “When Kennedy told me what Cupcake did to her…I didn’t know what to do. It felt like I had this secret that I couldn’t keep in. And I would have told you, but I already felt so guilty about letting it slip to Felix. Please, I can’t handle you hating me too.”

  Matt reached out and ran his thumbs beneath my eyes, wiping away my tears. “Kennedy doesn’t hate you.”

  “It sure seems like she does.”

  “She doesn’t. And I could never hate you either.”

  “It sure seems like you do.”

  He dropped his forehead against mine. “You drive me fucking crazy. But that’s because I love you. Not because I hate you. I could never hate you, baby.”

  I breathed in his cinnamon exhales. “I really am sorry.” I wrapped my hands around his torso. Now the prank tomorrow was looming over my head. I should have told Matt about it weeks ago. I shouldn’t have kept it a secret. Hell, he may have even helped me plan it. I had no idea. But I couldn’t tell him right now when he was already upset with me. It felt like he was slipping away from me, so I just held on to him tighter. Tomorrow everything would be better. Isabella would be put in her place. And hopefully the Hunters would make up with the Caldwells. Matt would understand. He had to.

  “Me too.”

  “Why are you sorry?” I asked.

  “For snapping. With all the wedding planning and playoffs coming up… I’m trying so freaking hard to stay calm for you. I don’t want to stress you out, but it’s just so hard sometimes.”

  I knew he was doing that. He was worried about my panic attacks. He’d been so understanding and patient with me ever since we got back t
ogether. But I didn’t want him to put that weight on his shoulders. I wanted him to feel free to react however he needed to. The last thing I wanted was for him to be stressed out instead of me.

  “Take a deep breath,” I said and rubbed his back.

  He laughed. “I’m not having a panic attack, baby.”

  “I know.” I looked up at him. “But it helps with stress too.”

  “There’s other things that are better for stress.”

  I laughed as his hands slid to my ass. Yeah, I guess that would work too. But a better idea had just crept into my head. I knew exactly what to do to make sure Matt wasn’t stressed out.

  Chapter 35


  “It’s a Thanksgiving present,” I said and pushed the wrapped package toward Matt.

  He smiled at me. “There’s no such thing as a Thanksgiving present, baby.”

  “Open it.” I tapped my hands on the top of the big box. I was so excited to see his reaction.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said, his eyes transfixed on my face instead of the huge wrapped gift in front of him.

  “I swear, if you don’t open it, I will,” I said.

  He laughed and looked back down at the box. “How did you even get this huge box up here?”

  “Oh my God, Matt just open it!”

  He smiled and tore the wrapping paper on the side. He pushed back the rest of the paper.

  It was just a generic box. And when he went to lift the flap I held my breath. Please like it. Please don’t be upset. This could go one of two ways, and I just really hoped he loved it.

  He didn’t say anything as he stared down at the contents of the box.

  Oh no. He hates it.

  He reached down and lifted up a paintbrush. “You got me painting supplies?” His eyes locked with mine.

  “You said you used to love to paint with your aunt. And that you didn’t have as much time recently. But now that you don’t have to chase me around anymore, you have a little more free time.” He really does hate it. Maybe it was too soon. When he’d told me about his aunt’s death, the story of them painting together had stuck with me. I liked things that reminded me of my mom. But that didn’t mean Matt wanted to be constantly reminded of his aunt.

  God, what had I done? “I’m sorry.” I grabbed the brush out of his hand and tossed it back into the box with the canvases and paints. “I thought it might help with your stress, but it was stupid. I’m just making it worse.” I closed the lid.

  “What? No, baby, I love it.” He opened the top of the box back up and pulled out the unassembled easel.

  “You do?”

  He started putting the easel together. “I have a much better idea than going to Thanksgiving at your dad’s house,” he said.

  I just stared at him. I thought he was upset. But now he just looked super excited. “And what’s your idea?”

  “I’m going to finish putting this together. And you’re going to get naked and lie on the bed so I can paint you.”

  I laughed. “As wonderful as that sounds…we have to get going. I promised my dad we’d be there and I’m already nervous enough without being late. But maybe we can do that tonight? You really like it?”

  He put the easel down on the ground. “I love it.” He pulled me into his arms. “I love you.” He placed a gentle kiss against my lips. “You’re going to be my muse.”

  I laughed. “So just tons of nude portraits of me, huh?”

  “You can wear clothes in some of them if you want. Definitely not necessary though.”

  “You’re ridiculous.” I placed my head against his chest. “And I love you so much it hurts.” Truly. It felt like everything hurt today. My heart most of all. I was sure that Kennedy was never going to speak to me again.

  “She’ll call you back, baby.”

  I didn’t even know how he knew I was thinking about Kennedy. It was like he could read my mind. “What if she doesn’t?”

  “She will.”

  Kennedy hadn’t answered my dozens of texts and calls. I hated that it was a holiday and Kennedy and I weren’t speaking. I was so sorry. I never should have told anyone her secret. Especially when she’d specifically asked me not to. And now the whole freaking school knew. But I knew she was most upset about Felix knowing. God, Felix. I didn’t know if Felix was sitting in a jail cell. But he hadn’t answered my calls or texts either, and I was assuming the worst. Matt’s lawyers were supposed to help, but it was a holiday. It didn’t seem like they’d have any news until at least tomorrow.

  “Do you think I should tell my dad about Felix?” I asked. “It kind of seems like he has the cops in his pocket. He might be able to help.”

  “That’s not a bad idea. But I’m sure my parents’ lawyers will update us soon.”

  “Yeah. I hope so.”

  “Come on, the sooner we get Thanksgiving number one over with the sooner you can be naked.”

  Even though Matt seemed eager to get back, it took me forever to drag him out the door. And my stomach was twisted in knots.

  “I still don’t understand why I was invited,” Mason said as we stood in the hall outside the Pruitts’ front door.

  I wanted to tell him that I had no idea why either. But apparently my dad was rather persistent when it came to the fact that he thought Mason was a better suitor. I actually hadn’t known Mason had been invited until this morning.

  “Mom and Dad were invited too,” Matt said. “But they’re busy getting ready for tomorrow.”

  Mason laughed. “That’s a great excuse. I should have just told Mr. Pruitt I was washing my hair.”

  That was a weird joke, but it made me laugh regardless. “It’s not going to be that bad,” I said and knocked on the door. I hope.

  “But we’re missing the game,” Mason said.

  “The Giants aren’t even playing, Mason.” It hadn’t taken me long to figure out that the Caldwells were huge Giants fans. They watched the games together as a family every Sunday.

  “Yeah, but the Cowboys are playing. And we need to make fun of them.”

  “Cowgirls,” Matt coughed into his hand.

  I laughed. “I’m sure they’ll have the game on somewhere,” I said. But I wasn’t really sure. I’d never seen a TV in the Pruitts’ place. I assumed no television was one of the many rules I still hadn’t read.

  “Princess,” my dad said as he opened the door. He pulled me into a hug. “Welcome home.” He kept his arm around my shoulders as he shook Matt’s hand. “And Mason, I’m so glad you could join us today.” He shook his hand too.

  “Mhm,” Mason said. “Do you have the game on?”

  My dad laughed. “Of course. I need to introduce Brooklyn to a few people. But Isabella can show you to the living room.”

  I honestly couldn’t even remember where the living room was. But the last thing I wanted was for Isabella to show them anything. “I can show them real quick,” I said.

  Isabella appeared from somewhere at the sound of her name. Like a witch. “Not necessary, Sissy. I’m more than happy to show them.”

  I’m sure you are.

  “Happy Thanksgiving,” she said as she slipped her arm through Matt’s and practically dragged him away from me.

  “Come with me, princess,” my dad said. “I want you to meet the family.”

  I looked over my shoulder to see Matt pushing Isabella’s hand off his arm.

  Not today, Wizzy.


  I couldn’t remember anyone’s names. I thought this was supposed to be an intimate family dinner. But there had to be at least 40 people here. And I was beginning to wonder if every uncle I met was actually a relative or not.

  “Dad,” I said as he pulled me away from a girl that I knew for a fact was related to Isabella. Because they looked almost the same and she was rude to me. “Remember my friend Felix Green?” I asked. “Who lives in this building?”

  “Of course.”

  “Someone planted drugs in his locker at sc
hool. He got arrested and the principal is threatening expulsion. Could you maybe…help him get off?”

  He smiled down at me. “You want me to take care of it?”

  “Yes.” I knew it came out as more of a question than a direct answer. But the way he’d said take care of it gave me pause.

  “It’s not so bad to have connections,” my dad said.

  That was true. I just wasn’t sure his connections were on the up and up.

  “Anything else I need to know about what happened with Felix before I make a call?”

  “No, he’s innocent.” Several weeks ago, he wouldn’t have been. But Felix was trying to be better. His past mistakes shouldn’t ruin his future. There was one piece of information that my dad needed to know though. “I guess you should probably know that Cupcake and Isabella framed him.”

  My dad looked down at me. “Cupcake?”

  “Joe Dickson. He’s a kid from school. I think Isabella is sort of dating him. I’m almost positive that they put the drugs in Felix’s locker. Isabella said something to me a little while ago about breaking everyone around me. I think she’s trying to make everyone hate me so that I leave town.”

  “When were you planning on telling me this?”


  My dad sighed. “Princess, it’s of vital importance that you tell me everything Isabella says to you. Do you understand?”

  I nodded.

  “I mean it. Every single thing.”

  “I will.” I honestly wasn’t worried about Isabella right now. Well, minus the fact that she’d probably been hitting on Matt for the past 30 minutes. “So you’ll help Felix?”

  He smiled. “I’ll take care of it.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  “If you’ll excuse me for a moment. I need to have a conversation with Isabella about this…Cupcake. It’s the first I’ve ever heard of him.”

  Crap. I wasn’t trying to get Isabella in trouble today. I knew my dad required weird relationship contracts and stuff. Isabella was going to be furious with me. But would it really make anything worse? The psycho already wanted me dead.

  Chapter 36


  I turned down a hall that I thought lead to the living room. But it was the one that went to the library. How did I not know where the freaking living room was? I turned around and ran straight into James.


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