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All Hellos

Page 3

by Michael Barnette

  It never satisfied me, Gabriel reminded him.

  Me either, Adrian admitted as he slipped partly between the seats so he could press a lust-lit kiss to his lover’s mouth.

  The SUV bumped over the dirt road, swerved slightly and came to a stop as the men kissed, Adrian still pressing his hand to Iris’s wet heat.

  Adrian was very aware of Iris watching them from the corner of his eye; the woman’s violet gaze smoldered as she stared openly at them kissing.

  Her hand in Gabriel’s crotch stroked a little harder and his lover moaned into his mouth, a shudder passing through him. Adrian saw a flicker of gold dance around the rim of his lover’s irises.

  “Cabin,” Gabriel panted as he broke their kiss, his eyes shimmering.

  Easy, Gabriel, he soothed.

  Bloody hell, this is anything but easy and you know it!

  I know, but you can’t let her see you as you really are. Not yet, anyway.

  Adrian felt Iris’s hand close in his hair and he turned, smiling into the urgent, demanding kiss she pressed to his mouth, parting his lips, moaning as her tongue darted in, tasting him.

  He was only mildly aware when the SUV stopped. Cool wind blew in from the open door a moment before the door on Iris’s side was opened and the lovely blonde was whisked away from him into the darkened cabin.

  “Not fair, Gabriel,” he called after the other man who was busily engaged in kissing the woman in his arms as he strode with a very determined steps toward the door of the cabin.

  He all but hurtled himself through the back door of the SUV. Hurrying to catch up with the other man and his delightful cargo, he reached the cabin door and pulled it open for Gabriel.

  The blond put the woman down, wrapping his arms around her and delivering a kiss to her gasping mouth as Adrian moved in, sliding his hands around her, lowering his head to kiss along her neck.

  Her moans brought a smile to his lips and he started teasing her with his teeth, lightly nipping her between gentle kisses.

  Wouldn’t this all work so much better if we weren’t dressed? he asked Gabriel.

  I believe you are correct, the other man replied, and pulled away from Iris just long enough to drag the woman’s dress off over her head.

  Adrian’s breath locked in his throat.

  Concealed by the dress, she’d been alluring, sexy.

  Out of it, she was a love goddess incarnate; ivory pale skin, long legs and sweeping curves that drew the eye and slammed his pulse through his cock. The black lace of her panties and bra only served to drive home the beauty of her form and she stood watching them, a small spark of nervous uncertainty in her violet eyes.

  He met Gabriel’s gaze, saw lust and need there to match his own as the blond’s aqua eyes took in the feast of sensuality standing before them.

  Laughing, the sound sexy, totally feminine and full of desire, Iris reached for him, grabbing Adrian by the waistband of his pants. “Come on, lover, I’m not the only one going to shed some clothing here.”

  Adrian couldn’t help the grin he gave her as they wrestled with the polo shirt he was in, the garment going flying to land somewhere before they both moved in on Gabriel.

  He gave no objection as the pair of them removed his shirt, Adrian pausing only long enough to kiss his lover while Iris undid his belt, the button at the top of his pants and then the zipper.

  “Bed,” Gabriel murmured against Adrian’s mouth.

  “Bossy, isn’t he?” he asked Iris, grinning at her before going back to what he’d been doing to Gabriel.

  “The man just knows what he wants,” she replied as the three of them backed toward the nearest bed. Since they were single beds, things were going to be a little crowded for the three of them, but Adrian didn’t think any of them were going to care for very long.

  Gabriel felt the side of the bed hit him just below the knees and he made no effort to resist as the man and woman pushed him down onto it. His skin felt on fire where Iris was kissing him, her lips and tongue playing his body with the skill of a musical prodigy. Adrian was kissing him, nipping at his lips while deftly pulling his shoes off, his pants following along with his underwear, the cool air and freedom like a benediction to his overheated cock.

  “And here I thought that was a salami in his pants,” Iris joked, her warm breath coming as a stark contrast on the rigid shaft.

  Reaching, he found the woman’s head poised right above his crotch. “Oh, God,” he gasped, realizing what she was about to do, unable to move enough even to watch because Adrian was holding him down, chest to chest, his mouth sending shivers of pleasure racing along his throat and jaw-line right to his groin.

  “Well, this is going to be a nice mouthful,” Iris murmured, her lips brushing across the head of his cock. He groaned as they teased him. He wanted more. But he would not beg.

  Not yet, anyway.

  Hot and wet, Iris’ mouth engulfed him, taking him down whole, and he closed his fingers in her hair, careful not to hurt or pull too hard. While he and Adrian liked to occasionally play rough, he wasn’t about to hurt Iris. Not unless she made it plain that was what she liked, too.

  He felt her amused laugh vibrate through his cock and that tore a groan from him that was muffled by Adrian’s mouth, the dark-haired man’s tongue flicking in, tasting him.

  Enjoying yourself? Adrian asked, one hand toying with a nipple, the other helping to steady him on the edge of the bed.

  Yes, the reply was sharp, full of colors, bleeding sensation into the other man’s mind. Just make sure not to let her feel your passions. She’s not ready for that yet.

  Trying my best, Gabriel replied. Thinking was becoming difficult for him and he could feel his balls tightening, the onslaught of two experienced lovers more than he could take for a protracted amount of time. If she keeps this up, I’m going to cum.

  So cum. You’ll be ready again quick enough. You always are.

  You’re such a bitch.

  Adrian’s mental laughter filled his mind, Only for you, Gabe.

  Gabriel would have shot back a counter to the other man’s teasing banter, but he wasn’t capable of thinking clearly enough for it. The sensation of Iris’ mouth around him, wet and hot, her hand cupping his balls, caressing them, were driving him mercilessly toward climax. The way Adrian was teasing him wasn’t helping either.

  Unable to hold out against the skilled onslaught, Gabriel reached up and gripped Adrian’s arm, fingers digging into the man’s biceps as he fought not to clench Iris’ hair too tightly.

  A supernova of light filled his vision as he came, his hands clawing at his lover, grasping and hanging on tightly with one arm as the woman’s mouth milked every drop from him, his other hand gone still in her hair for fear he’d accidentally hurt her.

  It wanted free, but he didn’t dare let it go. Not yet. She wasn’t ready to know what they were, what she was.

  Not yet.

  But she soon would be.

  He clamped his control down tighter, his body slowly recovering from what Adrian and the woman with the very skilled mouth had done to him.

  And to think, it can be like this again. It was an idea he felt was nothing short of a miracle. He looked at Iris and saw her smile, her expression full of mischief as if she contemplated her next plan of attack

  He was certainly planning his.

  Iris swallowed, the taste in her mouth pleasing, salty without the usual bitterness some men had. She regarded the man she’d just blown, giving him a smile. He lay spent, a fine sheen of sweat covering his body, he and Adrian still kissing gently with more tenderness than she’d ever considered might exist between men. He had a beautiful body, one worthy of a full-page spread in Playgirl. Muscular, but not as powerfully built as Adrian; something about the pale man reminded her of a cat.

  Even his eyes—those oddly-colored aqua eyes—reminded her of a cat somehow. A Siamese maybe, the eye-color was similar. Or perhaps it was his intent regard, as if he were calculating whether sh
e was playmate or prey. She was quite happy to realize he’d chosen her as the former rather than the latter, because she had the distinct impression whatever he decided was prey didn’t last very long. Exactly why she had such a peculiar thought she couldn’t have said. These were just men, nothing special beyond the fact they were together and very obviously there at the singles weekend to find a woman to help them enact their own fantasies.

  Not that she was complaining, mind you. Not at all.

  The blond’s hand stroked through Adrian’s dark hair, and he smiled, gaze full of love. “Wicked boy,” he said, his voice a deep post-coital growl that made her shiver.

  She found a ready smile when Gabriel pulled her close, and she wrapped her arms around him, staring up into blue-green eyes that sparkled with delight.

  “Thank you, it was wonderful,” he murmured, his lips finding hers as he skimmed his hands over her back, along her waist and over her ass. His touch was gentle but firm, sending a blaze of heat through her that made her inner walls clench with the need to be filled.

  Then his gaze turned on her. “And you, dear Iris, are owed the most intense fuck of your life,” he stated. From his tone of voice, she knew he wasn’t joking about that, either. If she’d had any doubts about that, his caresses would have been more than enough to dispel them.

  Adrian reached for her, pulling her down on the bed with them, the springs creaking as it took their weight.

  The pair of men exchanged glances, then Adrian passed her to Gabriel. “Floor,” the dark-haired man said, leaving them to grab one of the mattresses off a nearby cot. A second one soon followed, giving them more than enough room and a totally stable surface not in danger of falling out from under them.

  Grinning wickedly, Adrian threw a few pillows down, and then put her feather boa on the floor within easy reach. “Let’s play ‘make Iris scream’.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Gabriel said from beside her.

  She cried out in surprise as Gabriel scooped her up, lifting her in his arms and getting to his feet in a display of strength and agility that amazed her. Before she could fully process how difficult something like that had to be she was already on the floor, being placed tenderly on one of the mattresses, a pair of hands eagerly reaching for her.

  Iris found herself in Adrian’s lap, his arms wrapping around her as he accepted her from Gabriel. The blond began stroking Iris’ body, his hands alternately teasing and firm, awakening a fire in her crotch that felt as if it should melt the nylon of her panties. She was so wet her thighs were damp now, and when a hand—she didn’t know if it was Gabriel or Adrian who touched her—pressed her wet mound, she almost screamed.

  “I think she’s ready for more,” Gabriel commented.

  Adrian chuckled, “Do you think so?” he asked, voice full of playful amusement.

  “Why don’t you check?”

  A finger moved under her panties and hit the slickness of her slit, touching her clit and she cried out, arching her back, thrusting down at the finger.

  “I think that’s our answer,” she heard Adrian murmur.

  Opening her eyes, she saw Gabriel kneeling beside her, his hands rubbing across her breasts, moving to free her bra. Her breasts sprang free of the constraining lace and he sucked in a breath. “So beautiful.”

  “She’s that, isn’t she?” Adrian agreed.

  “You two are going to talk until I go mad and attack you out of lust, aren’t you?” she asked, reaching for a handful of Gabriel’s silver hair and dragging him down for a kiss.

  “I think we’d been considering that,” Adrian told her as his finger was joined by a second one, both of them delving into her wetness.

  She groaned and heard both men laughing, their voices even more seductive, deep and smooth with lust.

  Her panties were removed, and Gabriel took her from Adrian, cradling her in his arms. She could feel his renewed erection pressing her hip and she reached up to pull his head down for another of his honey-sweet kisses. He tasted good and felt good as he held her, his body firm and masculine.

  He reached across her and picked up the boa, trailing it slowly across her chest, moving it down to tickle across her belly, then bringing it back up to glide in a cool shivery caress over her breasts.

  “You’re evil,” she said to him.

  “If you think I’m evil, wait until Adrian gets started,” he warned as he leaned down to dampen one nipple with his tongue, blowing across it before trailing the streamer of feathers in the wake of his mouth.

  Iris drew in a shuddering breath, her cunt clenching, wanting to be filled with more than fingers.

  Gabriel leaned in, kissing her parted lips, their tongues engaging in a sinuous merging of passion, the feathers flowing across her upper body and belly adding more fire to the hot-spice sensation filling her lower body.

  They weren’t even fucking yet and she was having the most intensely sexual experience of her life. Breathless and gasping, she returned Gabriel’s languid kisses with increased urgency, soft cries urging him on.

  With the spill of Gabriel’s hair blocking her view, tickling her chest almost as maddeningly as the boa had, she had no idea what Adrian was doing. She could feel his fingers inside her, but the low murmur of laughter the pair of men exchanged told her unequivocally that they were up to something sneakier than Adrian’s hand teasing her cunt. She had no clue what they were planning until the fingers stopped probing, leaving her bereft of even that aid to her need. She whimpered, and felt her legs pushed wide open. An instant later something touched the lips between her thighs, a teasing pressure, warm breath tickling through the curls of her pubic mound and was delighted to discover it was Adrian’s tongue, eagerly lapping at the edges of her slit. Without warning it delved deeper, striking her clit and sending an inferno of need rocketing through her, almost taking her over the edge after so much teasing.

  Fumbling around, she found a handful of Adrian’s hair and pulled gently, urging the dark-haired man to do more than tease. Gabriel was alternately stroking her body with his free hand and teasing her with the feather boa, his other arm supporting her all the while he was kissing her, helping to inflame her already blazing desire.

  Her cries of pleasure were getting louder, more urgent as the agile tongue teased and darted, driving her mad with desire. Higher and higher, mind on a fast rising spiral of pleasure like nothing she’d ever felt before, Iris was becoming lost. Or was she finding something, a part of her she’d never encountered until these men had unleashed it?

  In her mind she could see a vague shape, a mist-shrouded form. It was familiar, unutterably alien. It was her, and yet it wasn’t.

  Her mind exploded in a cosmic collapse of shattering light and a freight train roar of noise that left her dazed, barely conscious of the strange violet eyes regarding her in silent approval.

  It wasn’t over. She knew that. Could feel the tongue still moving, driving her toward another hard, shatter-reality climax.

  Don’t be afraid. You’ll understand this soon, a voice whispered through her mind. The oddest thing about the voice was she could definitely tell it was inside her head, that it was and wasn’t her own voice, or even her own brain thinking the words, yet it was somehow still her speaking them. Normally that sort of disjointed sensation would send her scrambling for something to help her make sure she wasn’t losing her mind. In a vague, offhand way she wondered if she’d just suffered some peculiar psychotic break, but there was an unusual timbre in the mental tones, a peculiar sense that something strange and wonderful was happening.

  When you got right down to it, the sensations pouring through her from her lower body tended to support that idea. Adrian’s tongue hadn’t stopped its exploration of her clit or her spasming cunt, and the way he was going at it, with the intensity of a man starving for the flavor of a woman, she knew it wasn’t going to take long before she rushed over the brink for a second time. Her body was afire, her blood full of sparks, mind filling with shattered
sunlight that rose upward in a scream as something strained for freedom.

  She tastes like nectar, Adrian told his lover as he continued to sweep his tongue into Iris, stroking her clit, driving his tongue as far inside as he could reach, straining to get deeper, wanting more of the taste, feeling the furnace heat. He groaned. I want to fuck her.

  You will. And while you’re doing that, I’m going to take my pleasure with you.

  You’re wicked, Gabriel.

  And you’re still surprised by that after so many years with me?

  Not surprised, appreciative, Adrian told him. Under the onslaught of his mouth, Iris screamed a second time, her whole body arching in Gabriel’s embrace, her hand in Adrian’s hair tightening painfully, adding to his own inferno desire. His cock was so hard it ached, balls feeling like they would burst into flame if he didn’t get to sate his desire with her.

  He licked at her clit, drove his tongue inside her in a few lazy strokes while she came back to them from wherever her orgasm had taken her. Glancing up, he could see a pallid glow surrounding her. Silver as Gabriel’s hair.

  She’s awakening now.

  Of course she is. Power to power, Gabriel reminded.

  Seeing it makes me want her all the more.

  Gabriel lay her down on the mattresses, raining gentle kisses across her face, throat and breasts. He’d never seen the other man this way with a woman before and it was exciting him. It was also making him feel a pang of resentment. Gabriel had been his alone for centuries.

  The blond man reached out and drew him in for a kiss, licking, tasting Iris on his face, kissing him deeply as Gabriel reached for the zipper of Adrian’s pants. He quickly found himself completely undressed and down on his back, Gabriel’s mouth clamped around his cock.

  He groaned, his cry muffled as Iris kissed him, her hands gliding along the planes of his body as Gabriel licked his way along his erection, then took his whole length down his throat again.


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